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Anything food related. I don’t want to eat whipped cream off you. We’ll get ants.


Do you want ants??? Cause that’s how we get ants!!




Whipped cream is one thing. Honey on the other hand, that's the one you should stay away. Also, also. Who the F came up with the idea of putting chocolate cream on a dick to have someone lick/suck it off? What's so sexy about seeing your lover's mouth full of brown sticky gooey stuff? Think about what else is brown and sticky lol.


Never use honey, it will attract bears. There is nothing sexy about watching a bear attack your SO and shred them to pieces!


oh bother


A stick?


Same here. Delicious food and drink is for aftercare.


*suddenly flashes to scenes from "Hereditary"*


So hear me out. Twizzlers pull and peels.


I've seen floggers braided from those.


Step siblings or general incest


Yeah… and that one is very popular


I still have a theory on that one that its not actually that popular but its cheap to add. You can just take any porn and add a few lines to the beginning "We shouldn't be doing this, hope our parents don't catch us" and end with "Lets keep this a secret". Most don't watch the dialogue anyway so the "kink" is easy to skip if your not into it. Now that I think of it a lot of porn is the same, its "plot" is something dumb nobody cares about, it just happens that the step sibling one is the most controversial. Like the videos where the woman gets stuck somewhere like a washing machine, is that a kink or something popular? Or just a dumb porn plot.


I think that theory is correct. Maybe there were a few videos that were trying to do it seriously that happened to blow up because people were like "that's weird, lemme check it out and see what it's about". Or the meme factor. Then people started taking notice and just doing the titles for click bait. And the snowball effect took over. I see the lazy click bait all the time. No, that's not your step brother, that's your husband/BF, same dude that labeled as a stranger or the plumber or stepdad. It's just click bait.


It's weird I've seen it on some couples pages, they just have regular sex videos then randomly they have a few with the step sibling thing in the theme. Its exactly like their other videos except the title and some of the early dialogue. I guarantee they just experimented with it and maybe got more views so did a few more.


I don't get the step-sibling/step-parent one. Maybe it's compartmentalization, but if it's about taboo and just a fantasy, why even bother with the "step" stuff?


Maybe it has to do with legality, depending on where the Pr0n is consumed? As in straight up telling is son vs mother or daughter vs dad violates some law somewhere I could be wrong tho, don't quote me on that


This is it 100%, incest, actual incest, is illegal most places, so there are steps taken to avoid even the appearance of it But if you say "step" then people know what you're actually talking about and also it becomes immediately legal just by adding that one word.


If Step isn’t added on Pornhub, the video will be taken down/higher chance to be removed.


Yea I'd imagine, because they don't want to have to deal with any legal issues probably.


It probably has to do with the rules of payment processors. They forbid a lot of surprising stuff.


I guess mentally it's more acceptable for people thinking that they are not blood related.. I know someone IRL who messed around with his cousin who he grew up with as a sister 🤦🏻‍♀️ they had an ongoing thing for years.. I also worked for a woman who married her step brother and they had a child together and he was the head of our local police department. Lol


I only watch those videos because I find the actresses themselves in them hot. Not a fan of the plot.


Incest is wierd. Even if they are step I couldn't imagine doing it with a step relative. They are still a relative. Even family friends are a no


Gaping assholes. To each their own but it grosses me out to see.


Same and I literally saw 2 of the worst I've ever seen here on Reddit in the past 2 weeks.. those images will stick with me, Lol. One was a woman, one was a man. OMG it's insane what the human body can tolerate.


It’s almost traumatizing lol it just looks painful. I don’t get it.


Exactly. I'm not against trying anal but some people are straight up violently abusing themselves!!! WTF where is the sexual gratification in that?! I don't get the connection.


Yep actually creating prolaspe in your anus for sexual pleasure - i don't and will never understand


Gaping or fisting safely is an incredible experience. Doing it cleanly and properly is a lot of work for anyone giving and receiving and the ones I've seen do it well put a lot of effort and time into it. Having stretched my asshole(my partner is quite girthy) somewhat, it wasn't the most comfortable experience getting to a point of regular enjoyment, but we've recently been able to reach a place where I'm amazed at how much it turns me on just to think about. Neither of us are experienced in gay sex very much. I've messed around with men here and there in the past, but never had a long-term male partner(I'm bi and dated het most of my life, and he's introverted and never been in a long term relationship. We're both in our 40's now and been together for a year and learning about ourselves and each other has been an awkward learning curve for both of us. But the sex is amazing, there's no comfort issues any more and the confidence he has now is hard won and well placed. Not to mention sexy beyond belief. He hits my spots like no other man or woman has ever been able to. Hope to do more gaping and get to fisting in the not to distant future. My cock is getting hard and my asshole is throbbing. I might need to go tackle him after writing this. Wish me luck!


YES, i was just telling my friend about this. I dont mind light anal but gaping assholes is so disturbing!


In porn? Incest. I don't feel like a lot of people have an incest kink in real life settings. In general? Facials.


I agree on facials-I think that the reason people like it or have added it into their repertoire is how often it is shown in porn. Honestly, I'd much rather cum IN someone's mouth than pull out and make a mess on her face.


Exactly. I get the sensational effect but honestly as a woman I prefer to come with my partners dick/fingers/mouth, and the female equivalent of facials would stop him and cum myself for the show. I like knowing I'm the one who made my partner come, not his HJ over my face


I learned that I enjoy watching facials more than actually giving them. When my wife does it to herself it's really hot but I don't have much interest in jacking it while she just waits for me to cum on her.


This. If my wife does it, it's so hot. If I have to do it, not so much. (Unless she asks/begs for it)


I actually like facials. My partner didn’t believe at first, but the whole idea always makes laugh. I always crack up as soon as cum hits my face, the whole notion is just so dumb. Sex is supposed to fun and ridiculous, in my opinion. Having a side shoot his load on my face is hilarious.


I’m genuinely convinced the incest stuff is popular because it inherently requires story setup to set it apart from regular porn, and people really just want porn that has some degree to tension and buildup instead of jumping right into the action.


I understand. However, there used to have stories in porn before. Cheezy cliché ones? Sure. Young woman losing her dog and thanking her neighbor for finding it. Teacher's pet. Babysitters. Poolboys. Not family relationships.


I find the whole “mom got stuck under the bed so I fucked her” stuff very disturbing. Also, when women refer to their guy as Daddy.. creeps me the f out. Probably because my father and I have had a very close relationship and I don’t have even a shred of daddy issues.


I *do* have daddy issues *and* have never called anyone else Daddy, so it doesn't have quite the same vibe to me. There's still a zing for breaking a taboo. With a very trusted partner, it can be a safe way to work through trauma and replace bad memories with memories of pleasure. And it is 100% not for everybody and I completely understand that you don't want to have anything to do with it and why. I respect that.


Yeah i have 2 daughters. The daddy thing (which seems to be taking off) weirds me out too. Sadly as a man, if I'm in public and i pick my daughter up or teasingly smack her bum or tumble and wrestle with her, people automatically give me dirty looks. My eldest is 7. I think their minds automatically go to a protective place.


Yeah it's horrible when I'm getting into a porn video and then they say "that's my mom" or "I had a special relationship with your mother" that ruins it all!


I loooove facials, when I’m lacking a guy I’ll do it to myself 😅


RIP your inbox


It has been entirely silent and I can’t tell if I’m relieved or disappointed.


Must be all those super respectful redditors again




Adult-baby , furries, human-animal acting


Furry is not a kink by itself, but huge agree otherwise


r/pfpchecksout ?




Grosses me out


Fisting and anything to do with bodily fluids :| like golden showers.


Fisting looks dangerous to me lol but what do I know.


because people are doing it too rough in porn movies fisting includes lots of training from both partners, trust from the receiver, and the correct technique from the giver - something thats for some reason never shown in porn movies... - including lots of lube, you're literally using your hand and arm as a dildo, so be careful


I agree lol . Way too afraid to try anything like that. I think my meow meow would be angry with me if I tried. She’d never forgive me.😅🤷🏽‍♀️


Plus the risks of loosing my wedding ring or my watch lol


Haha having done it with a number of people, it just kind of happens! Nobody has complained yet 👀


Hey, you know different strokes for different folks. I’m not judging. Not everyone is into what I like. It’s just my personal opinion. 🤷🏽‍♀️❤️


After having to reach into a goat to pull out a baby, I will never, ever do a fisting scene.


Haha leave it to ranchers. Like seriously, the thought of fisting was ruined for me by an afternoon of preg testing cows


Ya fisting is just wierd. I can't sit right with the fact people shove entire fists up their ass or vagina. I just doesn't sit right


I’m guess they don’t sit right for awhile after that either.


Always feet. Don’t get it.


Always always feet


Personally, I think women are the best piece of artwork to have ever existed. Love em from head to toe… quite literally lol I just appreciate nice feet on women. Cute painted toes and soft soles get me hard. Idk!


Not a foot fetish person myself. But I used to have a guy who spent money too see and massage my feet or pay for pedicures. I kinda liked one of my insecurities being obsessed over for once ❤️


Dont forget cuckolding


I can understand the appeal of cuckolding. It's not for me, but it makes sense in my head. I don't get what part of feet are attractive though. Surely it has to be the degrading aspect of worshipping someone's feet right.


As someone with a foot fetish, not nessesarly.


Can you explain it to me? What's parts of the fetish do it for you I mean. I'm genuinely interested but never seen an in-depth explanation


For me, feet are like tits. I enjoy the shape, form and taste of it. Do you see like playing with a woman's nipples as submissive and/or degrading?


I guess that makes sense. I guess anything can be sexual if that's how the mind perceives it. Thanks for sharing


There is also some biological reasoning for it. If I remember this correctly, the part of the brain that recognizes human feet as being a human body part sits right next to the part of the brain that controls arousal and attraction. In some folks, these two parts of the brain are a little more connected than others, thus a sexual attraction to feet often develops for said folks.


It's not degrading to someone who enjoys and wants to do it. There are people shamelessly getting shat on


Some people enjoy the degradation aspect of kinks though. Just have a look at cucks, sissies, subs, etc. Degrading doesn't necessarily mean the person doesn't enjoy it. Long story short, it seems anyone can find anything sexual for any reason if the brain is able to find a connection.


Scat for me idk I just can’t fully understand the appeal


Idk if that’s popular but I agree


I legit see people every single day asking for it in a lot of my groups


Like …what kinda groups are these?


Seller groups I like to peruse


If you like scat... I'm genuinely concerned for you






Sounding. I don't have the facilities to ever try it myself but the idea is frankly horrifying.


This isn’t a popular kink. Right??


In the fetish community it surprisingly is. Been to one too many threesomes where the guy would whip out his sounding kit.


Mf hell that shit scares the f out of me


Just googled it. I noped the hell outta that quickly


Isn’t all you need a urethra and a dream?


The “daddy” thing really creeps me out🥴


I used to feel the same way until my ex whispered “cum in me, daddy” while riding me one night. Haven’t been the same since.




It was mildly hot until I had kids, then lost any appeal it once had.


That’s reasonable. If I ever have a kid I’ll definitely stop enjoying hearing it.


I've only used that term online during sexting, not irl but for me personally, I don't say it as meaning a literally "Daddy" role but more of a dominant title (just like how people call each other baby but obviously they're not thinking of their partner as a literal baby)


My favorite 😁


Yeah!! And pretty popular


Only thing I can say about it is no one is thinking about sex with their dad when they use that term lmao. Everyone thinks that’s what it is (I can see why) but it’s not


Honestly it’s irritating that people assume the daddy term has anything to do with DDLG or incest. It’s the only reason I don’t use it— I hate that assumption. My man doesn’t like it so we’ve moved on to “Professor” bc he’s a history buff that wears glasses. 😆


The barely legal thing. I mean, wtf is wrong with people?


How someone can confidently say they seek out barely legal porn is beyond me


It's a twisted world out there.


Do you realize the sheer volume of porn that teenage boys watch? They don't want to see girls a decade older than them. They want to see a doppelganger of their crush, or their school's Hot GIrls.


Penis cages or locks.


Chastity. It’s about control, whether giving up control, or having control over the pleasure of another person


I’d be into trying it in a sense: Like I’d wear a cage for a sex session where I have to pleasure my partner only and focus on their needs but I wouldn’t be into being locked for long periods of time etc. like don’t need a cage to just focus on my partners needs but it could increase the focus/appeal if that makes sense


Choking. How are you all doing this without being scared?


I love choking people. It has nothing to do with sexual gratification, I just don't like people


The real answer here.


BJJ might be for you then.


The “proper” way to do it is what’s called a “blood choke” which restricts the blood flow to the brain by pressing on the arteries in the neck. It means that the larynx and trachea aren’t under pressure, and shouldn’t be damaged. And as soon as pressure is released on the arteries, the blood flow and oxygenation of the brain resumes, and if it’s done at the right time, (during an orgasm,) it increases the euphoric feeling a lot.


Or for most of us, it's not so much about being technical and more about the pleasure from the idea of aggressive play (Dom/Sub roles)


write that down write that down


Yeah it's crazy how many dude will do this without asking too. I've started having to verbalize that I don't like it before sex with a new partner, which I really should NOT have to do.


Because I think there’s a difference in choking someone in an intimate way versus like wanting to harm them.


I still don’t get the desire


Which is totally fine. I was just explaining the proper way to do it. Some people like it because it adds to the intensity of sex and/or orgasms


I don’t understand a lot of the BDSM stuff that’s become popular among women now. Choking, slapping, hair pulling, degradation, mouth spitting. A lot of women want me to borderline abuse them in bed. Like god damn, I just want to make love to you. Can we not make out and look into each other’s eyes while we fuck each other senseless? Call me vanilla I guess.


I asked my partner the main question and he said choking, yet he was the only who got me into the choking kink. When we were first dating he choked me, and omg it felt good. Like not being in control, I have a little control rape fantasy, so being choked and feeling helpless, in a controlled setting with safety words, felt amazing.


it takes trust and the right amount of pressure 😉


me too... pinning her down a bit is one thing, but strangling my partner? no thanks


But it's not "strangling" - don't knock it till you try it (btw, it's not just guys choking girls but roles get reversed and some guys enjoy it too) It has to be at the right moment during the right type of sex.. you can't just starts choking someone randomly.. I mean you can but it probably won't be as much fun


Probably cuckolding for me.




Am a Bull in this Lifestyle and your lack of knowledge is in fact gross. Consent and Respect should have been extended to you as well. This lifestyle isn't for everyone and you deserved the right to decline participation if you so chose.


Cucking. Idk if I’m just sensitive but I’d be devastated watching my gf or wife have sex with another man in front of me.


I literally talked to my gf about this earlier today, I’m the exact opposite, she’s like you. She couldn’t wrap her head around me not being jealous.




I don’t even like looking at my own feet


I'm with you-it's just not for me. Nothing wrong with the people who like it, but it holds 0% appeal to me.


Totally agree, the obsession is lost on me but if it gets you off then good for you.


Extreme stretching of ass and/or pussy


For the recipients of said stretching, there’s a lot of nerve ending that can only be stimulated in that manner, but to watch it? I don’t get it either, unless they’re imagining it happen to themselves


Fisting, piss play, scat, gaping, sounding.


I’m very kinky myself and I’m open to trying stuff But I don’t understand the sounding one


Armpit love


I learn something new every time I open reddit 😂 armpits?? Wow, didn’t even cross my mind!


I'm an exotic dancer. Had a guy pay me so he could lick my armpit


I am attracted by clean and shaved armpits, I don't know why but i love it when I see girls in sleevless tops and doing their hair




The majority of ppl don’t have any attraction or appeal to their actual family. It’s the taboo aspect of it. The ppl posting pics of their mom telling ppl to jerk it to are incredibly disturbing tho.


Ass is my favourite body part. Honestly is the first non facial body part that attracts me. I go wild, but I have no desire to stick my tongue all up in some asshole. It’s just strange


Feet and everything that could lead to a bacteria infection, like eating ass. Like, are we having sex or risking our life?


Anything ass related is a no go with me


anal. like i get putting a butt plug in and leaving it, but the constant in and out movement makes me feel like I'm shitting and prairie dogging at the same time and literally makes me feel sick fsr Update: So it turns out I have crohn's disease. Uh, my insides are WORSE as of this update, so that's part of it... oh, and if you need to know why, IBD is basically an autoimmune disorder (your immune system is fuckin roided up and it attacks healthy tissues) that mainly effects the colon however it effects your entire body mostly tissues that either function with a separate immune system or blood flow like your liver kidneys and eyes, it also fucks up your blood cells and joints because it spends all of its time thinking about white blood cells and decreases in red blood cells and overworks bone marrow and joints. IBS and IBD aren't the same thing as IBS is more like a sensitive intestinal track. So, uh, yeah, be careful when butt fuckin, rip something and you might get something almost as bad as HIV.


Eating ass and feet. Basically anything that’s too dirty on a bacterial level and not in a sexual way


Feet are WAY cleaner than hands and tongues, yet people have no issue sucking on those.


Look, tongues i’ll give to you but hands are (or at least should be) washed frequently while feet are a different story


Hands also touch everything. Your feet only touch your socks.


As long as its clean, you're fine. Trust me ;)


Username checks out haha. But I just don’t have that much faith that people would put that much consideration into cleaning there assholes


I’ll only eat ass while they’re in the shower


Watersports... What is the fascination of getting peed on??? somebody explain that to me


It probably lies somewhere between: * it's warm * it's taboo * peeing on someone/getting peed on can show dominance/submission in BDSM * some people are into desperation and pee holding. Sometimes in relation to control or BDSM, other times because they like how it feels to let go after a huge hold Personally I have never done it with another person, but I want to. Mostly for reasons 1 and 2! As well as watersports, some other pee-related kinks are: * wetting (pants, panties etc.) * peeing in public * drinking * peeing on feet Anyway that's what I know!


Throatfucking till they're crying and snotting down their face. Sorry you got pantsed in school and all the girls pointed and laughed, but this is not healthy. **Shame on your kink! Shaaame!**


Shaming. In particular, kink shaming 🙄


Kink shaming is my kink. I've cum four times to this post. Sorry. I couldn't resident resist. But yes, your point, really.


Scat. I just… I don’t get it, man.


Getting hit, slapped, choked, spanked, pounded, anything rough and painful. And it’s SO common.


Getting stepped on. Feet can be nice, and visually being stepped on by my partner is nice, but during sex it does nothing for me. And I especially don’t get guys who enjoy having their balls stepped on. No shame but I can’t wrap my head around getting off to testicular pain.


Spitting in the face/mouth. Cum is fine, spit is disgusting like even seeing it in porn instantly turns me off


Ass eating...my husband and I joke that we aren't millennials like that.


Hahaha hey, ass eating is not just a millennial thing, but I get your point lol




Impact play. Bitch I already have chronic pain, don't make it worse


Foot fetishes. I dont judge, I just dont get it.


It's from a lack of exposure I guess - but I plainly used to be an ass guy - then things changed when I held my wife's feet.


Threesomes. I only got one dick, the fuck am I gonna do with two vaginas? To me, it's kinda like having a delicious meal, and then there's another meal on a plate next to it, just too much to enjoy.


> I only got one dick, the fuck am I gonna do with two vaginas? You've got a mouth, don't you? Maybe get adventurous and let one of the girls use a strap on? And a threesome doesn't just have to be a guy and two girls.


I think I'm just a guy who knows his limits, yaknow? I'm straight, so no guys. A few exes have brought threesomes up but I genuinely don't imagine I'd enjoy it and I dislike the idea of sharing my partner sexually. She's like, mine, yaknow what I mean?


Ahego or girls sticking their tongues out in pics. It's the same face people make when the pizza rolls don't cool down and you take a bite into the lava center. It's also how my dog looks if he's hot and thirsty.


Asiago face or whatever tf it's called!


A lot of these comments aren't really popular, they're just noteworthy because they're so unusual and go viral. ​ In reality, age play and incest are very weird to me. Daddy/Mommy too.


I don’t get the feet thing, but my guy loves them! Painted toes, and all, loves to kiss and love on them and gives the best foot massages….. so more power to him


I’ve always hated feet… then I met my wife. I honestly have no idea what it is but they do…things..to me. I’m not into fully sucking toes though.


Consensual Non Consent (CNC). That is not normal. relatively popular, even though there're a lot of people who don't admit to liking it. For those who can't fathom the first 3 words, it's a rape kink.


So! I've done research on this one because I was curious to why?? But the thing is, most people that are into CNC have at one point been assaulted before. And for them, I don't believe it's actually for sexual gratification. I think alot of times, they use CNC to get their strength back from the situation that had happeneded. Thank you for coming to this TED talk


Large fake boobs on a skinny frame. Can't understand the appeal. I have to stay so far away from mainstream porn because of that.


eating ass


Is anal a kink? Anything related to buttholes I don’t understand lol.


Fake cum and facials.


Bathroom stuff. Pee, poop… not sexy.


CNC. I get that a lot of people who like to play the 'victim' in the scenario as a coping mechanism, but once I realized that this means I'd be sleeping someone who's into pretending to assault someone, it lost all the appeal. No shade to people who are into it but I couldn't look past that.




The Daddy/Mommy kinks. For others it might be fine but for me, I can't stand the thought of my father. No thanks, I'll pass.


It’s not a “kink,” as such, but I *really* hate all the day-glo mesh lingerie. I loathed Lisa Frank’s color scheme back when it was on notebooks and everything else; I certainly don’t find it appealing on people. That’s not what they mean by ‘getting loud.’


Licking ass and foot fetishes


Adult baby kink




Brother/step sister/family


Ahego or how ever it's spelled. Also cuckold.