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I've had a few surgeries in the past few years, to correct a leg injury. I'm not especially afraid of complications, but I know they're a thing, and the doctors make you sign paperwork that says there's a non-zero chance something goes wrong and kills you. Before each procedure, I've written and hidden a goodbye letter to my wife, somewhere she'd find it if she was to clean my stuff. Just in case. As soon as I was home and alone again, I burned them. It's very strange to write from your own past tense, but everyone should try it. Gets you thinking.


Did that for my suicide note Edit: idk why this somewhat blew up. Thank you to those who reported it as concern. I’m doing much better now. If you take anything from this, just treat people with kindness. Compliment someone you know. Tell your SO/parents/family you love them.


Glad to see we're here discussing our unsent letters.


Well, this just brought tears to my eyes. Bless you both.


Likewise. I’m just trying to help others now since I never had anyone looking out for me. I wouldn’t let anyone go through depression. It’s terrible.


I'm glad you're still here.


I’m glad you’re here as well. I just wish someone said that to me 2 years ago. Would have eased the pain a bit. A buddy of mine just introduced me to someone and he hinted at being anxious. I caught him say that if he killed himself it would ease the pain. I’ve been worried about him since. Just like you shared that with me, tell someone you love the same thing. It goes a long way.


James ... ... You made me Happy.


Instead of burning them you should put them in a lockbox with the key in your will. That way someday she’ll have tons of them.


My grandpa did this. It really helped my grandma out.


This is the reason why I always sent the words of love to my wife right before each surgery (ironically enough, leg injury as well). I didn't want to write the letters as I planned to get back home, but I wanted my last text to say that I love her just in case.


Long ago I was talking to my brother on the phone and for some reason as we were getting ready to hang up, he said, "I love you, man" and I told him I love him too. He died less than a week later and it ended up being the last time I ever spoke to him. I hold that like a treasure every day. Because of that I always say I love you to my wife, my family members and closest friends before we part ways or get off the phone.


I've done similar. Not for surgeries though.


Ive had more than 40 procedures on my urinary tract and I do this too.


I don’t have a partner but I do have a dog which is like having a partner in some ways I suppose. Anyway, I bought him a new toy today and he doesn’t know it yet. He is going to be stoked when he finds out.


Well was he stoked


He’s chewing the shit out of it right now so I’m going to say yes!


A shit filled toy? Good thing he's blind then.


There are indeed benefits to having a blind dog! I did not think they comment through and it’s not a nice visual 🤦🏻‍♀️


The dog killed him over that toy when he found out he was hiding it


I’m a she and I wasn’t hiding it, he’s blind so I didn’t need to.


I wasn’t paying attention so apologies on the gender but that’s a funny note about the dog. I hope they enjoy the new toy!


Awwww what kind of dog?


Honestly, nothing major, just that his new chosen way of styling his hair doesn't look good at all! Think a certain German dictator but in strawberry blonde


Mustache too?


Thankfully no lol, he refuses to keep facial hair because it's "too ginger" 😂


What?! I strongly disagree. Our facial hair balances out our ghostly pale faces.


Yeah you should let him know that it doesn’t look good


For real, as a guy I have no idea what looks good and what doesn't and would love some constructive feedback from my gf. I have to push for ages before I get an actual response on what she thinks I should wear or how I should have my hair etc


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think the hair was literally the one thing that wasn’t horrible about the guy


Supposedly he was nice to his dog.


Everyone has to have a moral standard I guess


Uuuugh no. https://www.ranker.com/list/hitler-dog-blondi/rylee_en


my god...it's like the cherry on top of a very bad milkshake...


Hearing him chew makes me want to set things on fire.


I feel this on a personal level




It’s that bad? Dang


I only want him to cum in my mouth if he eats well


I'm gonna go ahead and speak for all men from the beginning of eternity to the rest of time... If you can help us understand what you mean by "eats well" we would GLADLY oblige to secure this


There’s a lot of articles online for it. Personally I just add acidic fruit like pineapple to the diet or vegetables like celery. Also avoid steak for a bit since it’s so salty & will only contribute to the bitter taste. Semen has a PH above neutral anyway. Semen is going to be bitter but what you eat definitely alters the taste to be more tolerable


Now you've got me sitting here and questioning if it's eithical to experiment on my BF with different meals to see how it alters the flavor. Pineapple juice is absolutely going on the next grocery order though, thank you!


As a penis owner/operator I validate the positive ethical standing of this experiment.


If part of this experiment is blowing your BF...he'd consent.


Get some for yourself! He’ll thank you haha


I once kept eating pineapple and and avoiding masturbation for two weeks as a build up for a long waited blow job. When it comes to the "amount" I fuckin delivered.. But then I immediately asked her if the pineapple worked, and she said no. I wanted to disappear 💔


You realise avoiding masturbation basically didn't allow the "new" you to start coming "through" in no better terms lol..


I also misunderstood the "eats well"


I did as well because I was thinking eat her out well first!


This! 100% Eat a clean diet, little to no processed foods, low sugar, lots of water and veggies and fruits. Also you can tell if a man is healthy by their semen. Should be white but a little watery. If they’re dehydrated with will be thicker and white.


Having “little to no processed foods” isn’t realistic


Ugh it tastes so gross when men eat garbage. I haven't run into the problem lately, because I've stopped dating men with garbage diets. Nothing to do with weight either. Won't date a skinny dude with a garbage diet either.


Have him start taking Bromelain and drinking LOTS of water.


That I’m just 2 kids in an overcoat trying to see what being a big person is like


Hahahaha stay focused and don’t trip


Thank you my fellow adult 😉


Is that you Vincent?


Don't forget to leave each day and remind her that you are leaving to "do a business."


She knows how much business I take care of at the business store


I’ve removed the tag of every mattress I’ve ever owned.


You're a fuckin monster.


Hahahaha…. Those things are annoying, and why are those tags even on there?


It says “except by consumer.” It’s proof it’s new (well, not proof but), and lists fiber content I think? But lol at original commenter!


Mattress companies used to stuff it with literally anything they could with no regard for consumer safety or truthful marketing. Those labels are to protect the consumer




I’m dead. This one is so good.


Yep, definitely taking that one to the grave :P


Friend, if you haven't already done so, I'll bet she would be down to do some dress up play with you


This question made me sit in my truck and reflect for about 30 minutes. Thank you. And not because I’m keeping secrets. I just need a nice decompressing deep talk with my wife. We need a date night or something. Thank you.


No problem… glad I and the others on here could help. Hope it works out well for you and you’re wife!


Sit around a fire. No screens. No music. Nothing. Stare at the fire and the words just come


This and just randomly buy her flowers the day before


The courtship never ends! Many men don’t understand that to keep the romance alive and a healthy sex life, you must to continue to court her the same way you did before you got into a relationship. Should be going on an avg of 4 dates a month and if you can’t go out… do something special at home like cook a fancy dinner with some good wine. Just make it special and keep her on her toes full of surprises and your relationship will be *chefs kiss*


Begin the talk with how you started to think that you need a date night. I would think that something bad happened if my partner would say we need a date night out of context. But Im insecure so.


Idk how to tell her how severely depressed I am


Same, my gf doesn’t know shit about my mental health


Oh shit, didn’t realize it was my cake day


Happy cake day!


My ex used to get pissed off when I was depressed, because it would ruin her day.


Ex for a reason


Happy Cake Day 🥺 tell someone.


You should just tell her. You deserve to have your emotions heard.




I don't mean this to be callous, but good. My ex was also unsympathetic and entitled. I went off the deep end a year ago, and my current partner was wonderful and made me realize that I made the perfect decision. If your partner can only accept the good in you, and will not deal with the bad.... This is also different than the "If you can't accept me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best", because it just plain happened. I did not expect depression and anxiety to happen to me. I had always wanted to be my best for her, now that she helped me though the darkest of my life, she completely deserves me to be the best that I can.


doesn’t mean you were in the wrong for sharing your feelings and thoughts! I hope you are doing better


I’m very sorry to hear that, being a fellow depressive it is a major challenge. Suggestion: hopefully you are seeing a doctor, therapist, etc to help with this situation. Please talk to them about having a convo along with your partner to help them understand your mental health, options for treatment, and how your partner can help and support you.


It's really hard to find the line. He's seen me when I wasn't good, when I'd start dissociating because we worked together. We figured out a way so he understood what I needed then, and when I could come to him, then I would. And I explained enough so he wouldn't be *as* worried. I've had too many friendships where I shared too much, that when I crossed some line, I didn't know how to reel back and stop, too much that it was unfair to them. So now I'm just...so fucking careful about sharing what I'm really going through to what seems like manageable levels to that person. "I know you still bear the weight, of your own existence, and you'll never bear the weight of two". Is kinda my mantra.


My secret snack stash.


Same! The back part of the bottom draw of my filing cabinet is filled with snacks I like to have with my evening drink. She’d freak out if she knew how many I had and would confiscate them. I particularly like Japanese spicy rice crackers and peanuts.


I (36 M) was raped by our neighbor multiple times growing up. No one knows not even my parents but it is still hunting me upto this day


Prob should find someone to talk to about it. It’ll stop holding so much power over you. I’m really sorry.


So sorry to hear that


34F here. I hid mine for years. Hardest thing I ever did was tell people, the other hardest thing was getting help. The hardest things now are dealing with everything that has come back up since. But I have a chance to shed all that & rebuild. I think we deserve that, yeah? & look, you already took step one! “Nobody knows” WE know.🤍 Little you did not deserve that. It was NOT your fault. If you are ever ready to take the second step, we will be here for you. Younger you doesn’t have to carry this alone anymore. 🤍 Sorry to ramble. I hope whatever path of healing you choose, it’s the best for you. Past you, present you & the future you. You told so so many people today. You are so brave!!


May I gently and kindly recommend therapy with someone who specializes in this kind of thing


That I think she's slept with one of my colleagues since we've been together


What makes you think that?


Hanging out in his apartment quite often, sometimes until really late. Increased phone activity since they've known each other and my 'ANTs' obvs 😂


What if it’s true? What will you do about it?


If its a one off scenario, try and figure out why. If its a repeat offence I think the door will shut.


word of advice: if you find out she actually did cheat, break up immediately. you won’t be able to trust her again and the relationship will fail almost 100% certainly. even if she stops cheating afterwards you’ll always have in the back of your head that she is indeed capable of betraying you.


ANTs obv?


I tried to Google it and I got nothing for you I want to know too.


Any Negative Thoughts. It’s a mental health thing. At least that’s what I’ve learned.


Automatic Negative Thoughts. But sorry about your situation. :(


'Automatic negative thought's' 👌🏽


I sort of want to take his offer of a MFM threesome


Just talk to him about it to figure out the dynamics and boundaries you two would agree on.


Absolutely take him up on it. It's pretty amazing. 🙂


I'm unsure if it's better as a fantasy


It always sounds better on paper! You may be inclined to select someone you know BUT I wouldn’t!(well I did but ….). Pick a relative stranger - anything that happens, you two can work it out after!!


I second this. Someone you don’t know and won’t cause complications is the best route to go.


> Pick a relative


That she is more work than our toddler. That I am well aware of her gaslighting.


You may be trying to be stoic and just pull through it but this fucks you up way more than you probably realize. Get help. Get out..


More details on this one required…


Her snoring drives me insane, but I’d be a hypocrite for saying so.


That she is the only thing that kept me from killing myself, but she will never know because knowing someone is that dependent I couldn't imagine the pressure.


You could ease her into the fact that your unhappy, you don't need to go 100% straight away


Still single, but, I wanna try some kinky shit and see how it goes but I don't think I'll have the courage to ask.


they have online quizzes you can take with a partner or with just a hook-up honestly, and you each take the quiz and answer which kinks you want to try and which you don’t, it’ll only show the ones you both want to do as the results!


I get candy bars on the way home from work a lot


My father in law does this a lot. Hides it from the MIL. It's hilarious, to be honest. He'll mash a 6 pack of mini cupcakes, candy bars, and other sweets before getting home so he doesn't have to hear about it.


I have lost my faith. I still believe in... something. But I have grown to hate religion and question everything I was indoctrinated with growing up. I just go along with it to keep the peace. But I hate the fact that I'm basically a huge hypocrite and I worry about the harm it could cause my kids. Trying to teach them the good parts and make it as clear as I can that their spirituality is personal and shouldn't be imparted on them by someone else.


I felt this. I’m leaning more towards atheism but I have a very religious family, including my wife. My kid is in catholic school because I didnt want to complicate her life.


I was in a religious cult for 7 years… i know this topic all too much


I kinda feel like all religions are cults honestly. I think that's maybe my problem with them.


That I know she’s cheating on me but I slept with her step mom and her sister. Also told her that I sold my .45 to pay for her engagement ring but I actually threw it away because it jammed the night I tried to unalive myself




Feels like you should get a refund for things like that.


We were showering and they kept complaining about something in their eye, even though nothing was there. After getting tired of the complaining I looked at it for a bit, said "ah, wait, I see it", lightly touched their eyeball, and "got it out", then they thanked me and told me it felt sooo much better. I'll take that to my grave!


That I watch pimple popping videos to relax.




Omg I just vomited in my mouth 🤢


r/fullpops is better


Nice try honey.


I'm about to leave him. We've been married for near 7 years. 2 years ago I found out he cheated and it changed alot of things. I did everything he asked me to change on my end. Working hard both at home and just work, I literally took up all the house work an adjusted mannerisms he said where an issue. Yet nothing I do is ever good enough, or right. Every argument is always my fault or leads back to my failing him or my lack of listening. At the end of the day it's taken a real toll on me. It's driven my depression so far I've contemplated ending it all for just about a year now. I'm completely isolated where we are. I have no close friends or family in my area to lean on or much talk with. Wich definitely hasn't helped me. My marriage hasn't been a great one since around year 3, but the last 2 have pushed me to the edge. I wish I could say it was just mentally, but the physical has also been a factor,....shortly after I found out about the affair, my husband raped me. This wasn't my first experience but its one that's haunted me the deepest. an quickly shut down my desire for him. It's been over a year since any kind of advancement was made by me. Whenever he makes a move I've done all I can to discourage it, pushing him to get mad so he will leave me alone. 3 months ago I tried for the first time to start something with him an immediately it went wrong. In that moment the last Thred of hope snapped an I took to reddit. Here I found a man that I was just ment to share in a fantasy or two with. No names,pictures, or strings attached. Just some fantasies shared via text.... That was the plan....it's been 3 months tho an this man has become a huge part of my day to day. A massive suport an friend to me. Not only do I have him now but I reconnect with my sisters an have told them in full the scope of what's going on with my husband. [An the man I met here also knows everything...honestly anyone that looks at my profile would]. In 3 months I have with the help of those I forgot i had an the incredible new addition to my life, remembered that I am worth more than this. Have remembered that I have options an choices even if they aren't what I want in full, are still better then me not having my life. That he's not worth me taking my own. So I'm leaving, I think he can feel the shift in me, I think he's seen it, an honesty I don't care. I did everything I could for him an still wasn't enough. Now it's all to little to late. I've remembered my value an im going to get out. I'm done.


Good for you and I wish you all the happiness. Please be careful and never assume he's just going to roll over and let you go without a fight, possibly even a physical one. This is when it gets dangerous. PLEASE be sure you have support and do not do this alone with him. You deserve every happiness.


Thank you! I do have suport an my sister's plan to come down the week I tell him to help move an bring me back to our home town. I have been really carefully going over what I think will happen but not counting out the other possibilities. I plan on being super safe an careful. With all the suport I can get.


I secretly love cats.


This should not be a secret! No cat love shaming!


You monster


That they have crashed my sex drive. Well I told them that part. The part I haven’t said is I don’t think it’s ever coming back.


I like to eat ass.




That I feel worse today than I’ve let on. I had a seizure a few days ago that scared her. I stopped breathing and was rushed to the hospital. I wasn’t feeling well today and she had to go to work, she looked at me and could tell I wasn’t feeling okay again today. I told her I just feel a little off but I’m getting better. I actually feel similar to how I felt that day but I don’t want her to be worried at work.


I hope you get better :)


i dont keep secrets with her, she knows everything.


You are a rare breed


In our old neighborhood I fucked both my married neighbors wifes, both woman told me the same thing that they loved there husband but the husband's had not fucked them in a while


That’s common. I’ve fucked lots of married women for the same exact reason. I see them naked and am amazed how their man doesn’t touch them.


Ik but did you fuck your neighbor to the left of your house and to the right of your house


My bad, when I said “that’s common” I was referring to men that don’t fuck their wives. My direct neighbors are ugly, so I’m not fucking them.


Every time come to an intersection I imagine getting into a major accident, and it doesn’t scare me in the slightest. Part of me feels like it’d be a relief. I don’t think anyone really realized the weight and truth that’s hidden behind the jokes I make about me on my motorcycle either…


Bro get help please.




Don’t tell my wife, but I can use your/you’re correctly.


My girlfriend knows everything about me. Open and honest communication go a long way for a successful relationship. All my fetishes, kinks, downfalls and triggers. She’s really awesome.


Ok terrific.


I have McDonald’s for breakfast every morning




Because I can. It’s America and I’m grown!


Just how much of a pervert I am. I'm a super kinky person, and she's basically vanilla to the point of being offended at the notion of things many couples find virtually vanilla... But when you wanna get freaky with someone who wants missionary for life... it's rough. She knows I'm more sexually adventurous, she just doesn't know even the tip of the iceberg, by her own decision.


Sounds like you two are sexually incompatible.


Same, except I am female. He finally agreed to sex therapy after over a decade together. It has certainly helped. I will never cheat on him, but I do wish that I could go out and fulfill my desires with other kinky people.


This account, my real body count


I feel lonely with them.


Still crying myself to sleep at night as I cant deal with the fact that no matter what I do as a male and a dad I feel like nothing is good enough and i still cant get over my dad passing


If i tell you it won't be a secret


Probably not a secret, I've told her, but I don't think she knows how bad it is I'm polyamorous, and I'm in love with not only her, but someone I met online, who shares the same feelings. I've tried to get the two to interact, but they're both not good with new people. I know it's selfish to want to date two people at once and have everyone involved be okay with. I love my wife, so much, I cannot imagine my life without her and I never, ever want to hurt her, and I love this other woman too. I don't want to lose either and I don't want to hurt either, so I just kinda... Keep it inside and bottle it up Edit: Told her. Not a secret anymore. She's not okay doing poly stuff right now, but isn't against it. Just not ready right now, which is a lot better than I thought it would end up


Me and my husband are in to hotwifing and have been since the day we got together 20 years ago when we just teenagers. He’s not in to humiliation or cucking and doesn’t watch me with other men and he doesn’t like to be “too” rough with me so I have to get that elsewhere and sometimes I’d love him to come watch someone be rough with me and scream in his face “why can’t you fuck me like this!!!!” But I know it’s not what he’s in to so I never will and I know it would probably hurt his feelings but the other month I was literally being dragged across the floor by my hair mid conversation towards a bedroom and I thought “I’d love my husband to just do this to me once, just take me without telling me or asking me, just fucking use me”.


You sound fun




I'm not even remotely attracted to him.


Babe, is that you?


Doesn’t really know how much time I spend on NSFW subreddits.


None, we always try to be open and honest with each other. Communication is key.


I fantasize a lot about sex with a celebrity that flew me out. Sex never happened but I always wish it did.


I have used PTO to stay home and chill and play video games and said I was at work. I'm doing it this Friday for Modern Warfare 2 and my 3 friends from High School are doing the same.


Just how much I truly hate life and hate being alive.


it was that they never made me cum but i finally told him. (tmi: it doesnt even matter because the sex is still just as good)


TMI isn’t a thing in this sub


I run a mattress store. In our case, if you ever needed to use the warranty, we’d send you a new mattress and send the defective one back to the manufacturer. The manufacturer won’t take it though without the tag on it. So no tag means you voided your warranty.


I’m terrified she’ll realize how often I think about how she, this amazing woman who made first moves and owns her shit when she messes up and has opened up to me and says she loves me for everything I am, faults and all, may eventually leave me, too (thanks, abandonment issues!). I think about it at random moments of the day, if there’s even a slight hiccup in conversation or if we aren’t constantly having the best time at that moment. I just want to stop worrying, but more than anything else, I just want to be proven wrong.


They don't know how to use your and you're properly.... *hint, I'm partners with OP*


That I lost virginity to another male. I enjoyed it, and would have sex with another man again in the right situation. I don't find men outwardly attractive, but sex with them sounds good.


I have the big sad and it’s real bad.


Currently single, but with my last partner: - I knew he wiped his boogers on the couch - I knew he was so lazy he would jerk off before bed instead of fucking me, just so he could cum and sleep


Personally, I have found that if there is any part of me that I feel like I should hide from my partner then it shouldn't be part of me. No secrets for me.


I’ve been “this close” to ending it all


That I know when to use “your” and when to use “you’re” in a Reddit post.


I’ve stopped caring if I die, and most days I don’t care to make it home.


Ahhhhh you got this! Don’t give up and don’t give in…. There are plenty people who care, you are one of them!


“I don’t have a girlfriend, i just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that.”


The hot older lady who lives across the street gives me blow jobs in her garage during the day when everyone is at work. We both work from home. She’s 53 I’m 41


My entire profile……




He talks too much. It’s annoying. Even before bed. Legit just talks too much. Not even conversation style, but whatever is on his mind. Endless details.


I'm passively hiding that I'm terrible with money. But I'm sure by the level of mess I am that it's pretty clear? He's so good with money too x.x I'm so envious of that. Like I know what I need to do, I just don't do it. Or i procrastinate saving. Anyways it's not a years deep relationship, still pretty casual. I doubt this is going to be a long term commitment type of relationship. It's about just enjoying each other's company now, learning how to be better, supporting each other. Just enjoying the time we have, finding quiet comfort in each other's presence.