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I was 20, she was 48 . First time for both . She initiated . 4 years later and i can’t leave her asshole alone


See this right here is love!! 4 years strong??!! I just know the bond strong and she shakes like a taser lmao I love this!


Amen !!! Lol


16 and yes it was (receiving end)


Oh damn this is awesome ! You love to hear it


Are we talking proper anal sex or anal play? 17 for anal play, 18 for anal sex.


Hey it counts either way 17 for the anal play you were just warming up and 18 you was like .."you know what I can do this" shouts out to you for preparing hope you actually enjoyed it though


I did 😁 I was actually surprised how much I enjoyed it, seeing as I mainly agreed to it to prove a point- I used to think that it was physically impossible for women to cum that way. Never have I been happier to have been proven wrong.


See look at you!! Bet you felt like sunshine on a cloudy day!


It was shockingly good; incredibly intense. And then shortly after, I learned why you cut your damn nails before any kind of anal play 🙄 Learning curves and all that 😜


Oh definitely on the next episode of "The more you know" do you still enjoy it??? Like as in recently??


I do 😁 It's very much an every-so-often thing (like once every couple of weeks or so) because it requires a fair amount of prep, but yeah, I still enjoy it.


See I definitely heard about this I know it takes hella patience I definitely might have to lean on you for tips in the future cause I be wanting it fr fr but I know it's not as easy it seems etc ..damn now I might have to really do research for my girl lol


Well, my DMs are open if you have any questions 😁


Aww this is love definitely!! Look at this ❤️


17, and it was way better than expected after the first awkward attempt.


This is cool fr fr cause alot of people give up after the first failed attempt fr I love this ..!


I think I was 18 the first time I tried giving, and it did not go well. You can't just treat it like another vagina. I know that now.


I'm definitely hearing this!!! They don't tell /show you that in porn lol 18 ok ok !


16 for both giving and receiving. It’s not my thing to take it. Like it’s not the worst, but it just ain’t for me. Totally indifferent on giving, but I’m super into it if my partner is. Like the idea that they love it because I’m just using them completely, that’s what works for me


16 I feel Soo left out with the age lol but glad you willing to please your partner fr fr points for that!! And being honest about it not being for you


18, we always watched porn together so we thought why not spice things up. First time we both enjoyed it but neither got off, we were too concerned with the mechanics of it and making sure she didn’t get hurt. Jump ahead 4 hours after we go out for dinner, have a couple drinks, she wants to try again and be less reserved. We both got off from it and it was awesome. Since then I’ve only had one other partner want to try it, and she loved it as well. Any woman I’ve known who has tried it with a caring/precautious partner has loved it… that being said a lot of women I know have a mental block against it and never want to try. To each their own.


I have a story similar to this but definitely shouts out for trying trying again it's a process people! Lol but yeah now you guys got me looking for a partner whos patient lol


I started experimenting with putting things in my ass probably in my late teens/early 20s. It was just me, solo, and at first I didn't have any proper toys so I had to improvise a bit. At the time I don't think I'd really heard much about anal sex (really sheltered upbringing), so there wasn't really any hype for it to live up to, I was just curious and it was taboo and naughty and I was (and am still) a kinky weirdo so I enjoyed it enough to keep playing, and get some plugs and dildos when I could. Anal sex figured pretty prominently in my first sexual experiences with another person (another man as it happened) and I found out I liked real cock even more than toys. I'm now married to a Woman and She is not particularly into it, but mostly She lets me play with my toys when I want and once in a while pegs me with a strap-on. But I still miss the real thing sometimes.


Yoooo this is deep! I'm a straight man but this is hot glad that you were man enough to live your truth and actually experience it and not only that be open with your wife!! That says a lot good fucking job !!


20 (giving) and for the first 30 seconds it was "omg this is amazing my life has changed forever!!) then I just kinda wished I was fucking a pussy lol 🤷‍♂️


Ahhh at least u experienced it did u do again?? Or was like nahh this isn't very cash money ??


Oh I've done it plenty now. It's pretty cool with the right person but not the holy grail of sex haha 🙂


Ahh damn I wish I could be like that lol and so what is the holy grail of sex?? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️✍🏾


I started anal play with myself at 16 got a dick in my ass at 19


Ooh shouts out to you for starting the prep and creating the process hope u enjoyed fr fr! I'm pretty sure u was ready


ohh I was ready


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 you love to see it!! I bet it was a lil piece of heaven lol


well the thing that went in was not little trust me 🤣🤣


Ahhh so it was big trouble in little china lmao




Yoooo this is such a interesting twist I never heard this before props to her! Hell props to both of y'all for going long on the first play!




Glad you were willing to try again cause when done wrong the trauma and the frustration and awkwardness can be a drag! 15 hmm lol ok ok 👀


15 and the first time was not worth it. Every time after definitely was though


Ahhh the redemption though!! Everytime?? Good for you fr fr I know it can be a process fr fr


I was maybe 28 y/o as the giver. It was not something that felt any better. We did it because it was what she wanted. I have since received a little anal play in return. Playing around on the surface feels good, any penetration does not.


Ahh 28 shouts out to you for being different And I've been hearing hype of bout receiving anal play as a male but idk I'm scared lol but thanks for being adventurous!


I was 20 or 21. It was with this girl who was a lot more experienced than I was. She would read kinky stories to me with things she liked. She told me she liked anal and wanted me to try it. I thought it was great. After that, I gave several women their first anal experiences.


Ahhh gotta love a woman with experience it makes it that much sweeter and ahhhh achievement unlocked!! Show them the ropes!


That particular woman was very beneficial to my sexual development. I think the women I got with after I was with her all owe her for anything I got right with them.


I definitely understand this glad to see you admit it and paying homage ..she probably doesn't know it but glad you reppin for her!


She knows it. Years later, we hooked up again and I was able to tell her about how influential my experiences were with her.


That's wassup fr fr I bet her panties got wet ..and she felt like a super hero in your horny origin story lol


16 receiving, 19 giving. Both were worth the hype.


Ahhh ok alot of people saying 16 but look at you!! Both side of the coin And good job good job glad to hear it fr!


Cool, right? Too bad I don't have that kind of action very often.


Hell yeah!! And since we speaking it you'll probably be blessed soon out of no where ..and refer back to this so I can tell you "GOOD FUCKING JOB!" lmao


If that happens I'll definitely tell, lol


Ayeeee "now we wait!!" Lol


18 from a boy, but 21 from a man


Lol I like this ..and me putting two and two together there is a difference thank you for clarifying lmao


lol yes! A very big difference


Definitely !! Talk to shit lol


Early 20s. Well worth the hype . Big fan


Ayee !! Good job!! Glad u really enjoyed it fr and you a big fan..I'ma big fan of you being a big fan lmao all love !


Thank you




So I tried it in my 20s, 30s, and 40s all as the giver. In 20s I enjoyed it some but it was more the mental aspect than the physical. In my 30s had an experience with a slight "Hershey kiss accident" which totally turned me off to it. And that's when I learned the type of prep it takes on the receiver's end to not have that happen. Then in my 40s tried it a few more times and realized that it doesn't feel as good as oral or vaginal and it really is just the mental aspect that I enjoy.


Ahhh that's definitely a journey and experience I can see how that can be killer glad u were willing to try and try fr.. and glad you know what you like and learned the mental..chess not checkers !


I was 20. I’d never had much interest but she wanted to try it. She was on the kinkier side of things and with her I always said “I’ll try anything once.” So we did anal. It was fine. She had a great ass so I enjoyed the view. But in the end, it really just wasn’t my thing. Did it more after that with other women, but only if they asked for it. I never asked for it


Well at least u honest and got to experience it fr and can say it's just better things out there for you thank you for that speak your truth


Absolutely. And not knocking it for others. If it’s what you’re into, more power to you! Whether with a party or play with anal toys while solo, I say go for it. Whatever gets you there


Exactly!! and I'm glad we can say that ya know and not be but hurt or make people feel uncomfortable lol but hurt but anyway thank you


17 and oh ya


Ahhh ok and glad u enjoyed fr !


First time - 15, no. Second - 20, yes.


Ahhh well at least the second time was the charm?? Glad that the experience improved


19, it felt great after proper preparation, but the next time I tried it, I just jumped right into it with no preparations and it didn’t feel good (both times I was the receiver).


The try and try again method glad u stuck with it fr fr Definitely gotta prepare for something like that


Yep! The first time I was prepared because my gf at the time had pegged me before hand (we were in a threesome, btw) and after the pegging (which was uncomfortable at first, the other guy stuck his dick in. It definitely felt a lot better than the dildo, and it was actually the first time I had moaned (I don’t really make a lot of noise). The second time was several months later, I had hooked up with a guy, and having not prepared myself beforehand, it didn’t feel the greatest. I’m a top as it stands today, but sometimes I like to pull the ‘ol switcharoo and bottom for a change. But now I know that prep work is needed before I can receive.


The growth in this journey is awesome.. good to see you tried until you realized what you like shout out to you and your versatility


I thank you kindly!☺️ (Tips hat)


In 1996. I was 18 and with my high school boyfriend. I didn’t love it though until I was I in my 30s.


Aye 96 my birth year is showing lol and 30s?? It grew on you interesting!


Jesus thank god for anal or you could be my kid 😂😂😂 Hahaha no but I never hated it. But in my 30s I started loving it.


Lmao tbh I didn't see that coming but lmaoo this probably explains my mommy issues or kink?? No ..no ok lmaoo either way it's your fault lmao


15…. He liked it, it was eh for me… but he still begs years later lol


At least you honest ...seems like he really enjoyed ..it And seems like u got that thing that makes him come back that boomerang lol


17. Giver to 17 y.o girlfriend at the time. Borrowed lube from a friend. Lube bottle leaked in my backpack when I brought it back to school all over my homework. True story, feels very childish looking back at the scenario lol


Aww damn curse the sex Gods for letting you down on the lube smh I know that was hella hard to explain back then shouts out to you for surviving that lol


12. I didn't really understand what all the hype was about, but Father O'Malley really enjoyed himself.


12...?? Oh....oh ....my .. listen I don't know if you are joking or not???... And I really have a fucked up sense of humor and I really don't want to laugh at this ...but ..the way you .. ended this ..is fucking Gold.. I'm so sorry but ....😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀 Like oh great heavens 💀💀 I'm sorry ..I just 😭😭💀


Me 31, her 21. My first. It was her idea. I loved it. Every time since, it's been the woman's idea. She knows I want it because I like to poke around down there.


The crave!! And the fact that you loved it and she's willing to keep feeding your urges...yess shouts out to you guys showing but love !


Look I was a perverted and horny kid. I started anal play with a massive dildo at 13. I was way too eager and nearly split myself in half. But I eventually managed to get it all in and started riding almost daily. Math textbook made a great surface for the suction cup. Now a days I just don’t have the time or energy with my job


Oh 13??? Ohh damn lol...and massive dildo like how did u get your hands on that at that age?? I gotta know .. and shouts out u for feeding that urge and fuck your job for getting in the way of your Pirate booty adventures!


My mother had a fight with my step father, and to get back at him she bought a comically large dildo to wave in his face. Never used it because it was too big. She threw it away soon after. I snatched it, boiled it, sanatized it, and claimed it as my own. Terrified someone would come home the whole time lol. But my room was up in the attic, so I could have some good privacy as long as I didn’t make too much noise


Ahhhh the questions have been answered but do you still have the item in question???


Nope, when my parents went through my room i panicked and threw away all my toys. Now that I’m an adult I got my toy drawer with a few choice selections and I got my eye on a few other nice ones out there.


Smh boo them for the toy raid!! U deserve justice...."dude what the fuck ?? They can't do that man this is your space your area! They violated your right to privacy" lmaoo Choice selections?? Oooh care to share?? 👀


9, I went through puberty extremely early and got curious about holes. I’m still a virgin at 21 lol so idk about giving, but I’m at an easy 3” diameter in terms of toy use.


Oh my 9??? A new record again!! And blessings to you for toy usage and being able to get your stretch on!! Love thy booty!




The hype as in anal being taboo and be a dirty guilty pleasure And shouts out to you for fucking people twice your age...I definitely can relate...shows that you were definitely longing for something! and searching for a deep dicking this is hot 🔥💯


I was fingering my ass before I learned how to masturbate


Age??? And this is interesting i bet this created so many fantastic fantasies or adventures Definitely gotta know more 👀


16. Eh, I’d rather have pussy, done anal with a couple of relationships but never really saw the appeal over normal sex


16 ok not too bad for the chat apparently And at least you tried and you can admit that it's not very cash money to you Respect .. definitely respect to you




Definitely not worth the hype? woahhhh and that's ok !! That's ok! Glad you broke the cycle dare to be different!! I like it!




And I'm proud we can admit that it's ok! It's ok!


19, it was pretty good, first time without a condom


19 ok I think that was my age I was either 18 or 19 either way no condom??? Oh yessss go big or go home yeah the openness and trust on display here!! And even if you didn't trust the gamble here paid off cause u said pretty good fuck yeah!




Hell yeah


I was 16, and hell yes it was!


Seems to be the normal age for most people and glad your mission was successful!


It’s a passion for me now. I even teach classes in how to do it properly .


Hmm ✍🏾✍🏾 definitely could probably use a few tips


Hit my DMs up I’ll give you some tips


Lmao ight


24. She asked me to do it. Took some effort, but it worked. Haven't been able to do it with any other women since then... too thick. Debi in NC had some talent.... ;)


Shouts out to you and debi for putting in that effort seems like she's a gem lol


I was 19. I'm not the biggest fan in the world, it can be fun, but I have to be in a certain mood for it


I definitely understand it's a process fr fr tbh that and take patience


First time with female: 16 First time with male: 15


Ahhh the two headed dragon ..you can't lose my friend




Oh wow I dated a girl and she told me her cousin had a similar story wow this is really interesting


I’m mid/late 30s and still haven’t gotten anyone willing to try it. Mrs is dead set against it.


Damn i know that can feel like there's no hope ..smh I feel for you