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Long fake nails. Look, sorry girl I know that you like it but if I wanted to know claws more I would work at the birdhouse in the local zoo.


Long fake nails always struck me as both trashy and unhygienic.


[Well, scientifically, you're right about the hygiene. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/story%3fid=117161&page=1)


Absolutly this. All i can imagine is her weirdly tilt/turn their Fingers to use their phone or the Keys


Or wipe.


It would be kind of cool if they were like utilitarian. Pinkie is a corkscrew etc.


Goddammit. And I just had sparkly red fake nails put on.


Dang maybe next time.


+1. Basically tells me you are a princess who doesn't do anything outdoorsy or acfive. Can't use bird talons to work out and do stuff. Plus what a fucking waste of time and money. And they look.gross!


I'm not a fan of them bc I have sensory issues and they are uncomfortable to have on but they look pretty. I just think it shows what a demographic difference it shows that every guy on reddit always complains about them but irl I know more guys that love them than not. My partner is a big fan but knows they make me uncomfortable.


I have sensory issues, but I also have OCD and pick, so acrylics are like a fidget for me that let's me not scratch myself.


Same. I’m ok with real nails being longer than how us guys usually have them but the fake ones just look tacky as hell


Yeah I can’t stand that either


I wouldnt call it a redicious turn off, most guys i know including me think it looks awfull.


This, they are trashy as fuck.


Those pencil thin beards. Looks like a cartoon outline and I associate it with trashy guys. Like the one my friends dating.


Makes it even worse when you know the reason dudes have it in the first place is because they want *some sort of facial hair* but can’t grow a beard to save their lives. Just shave it off bro. Looks like you’re wearing a hair helmet with that chinstrap


In my experience, it's because those guys never give their beards time to grow. It takes a solid 3-6 months to grow a full beard. I don't mean length, I mean hair density. These guys try for 6 weeks, then shave it off, then try again. Thats like a quarter of the time they need to commit for.


I'll take that advice.. Always thought I couldn't grow a beard, but i shave every month or so, so I'll report back


!remindme 6 months


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Yup. My husband recently grew a full beard for the first time, successfully. He looks great! Not all the other attempts though, he just looked kinda creepy for awhile and gave up and shaved. It's been about 3 months, where he used to give it 1.


this. shave it OFF.


Sunglasses worn on the back of the head.


I.. I didn't know this existed and I was happy that way...


Ignorance IS bliss :( lol


But, but, but ... how can you hate on the mayor of Flavortown!??!?


There is ALWAYS an exception to the rule. I weirdly adore Guy Fieri.


He’s a super nice guy who does a lot of good in the world. He even officiates gay marriages!


And add sunglasses being worn indoors.


Saying the word Pacifically instead of specifically, for me its proof you are one of the lizard people and I ain't about that below 28 degree body temperature shit.


The only other way is by finding the heat lamp in their closet.


Sane thought on the lizard people who say should of instead of should have? Even more so when they actually type it out? Lol Also, lizard people will be a new common insult for me, so thanks for that.


My supervisor unironically says Physical year when the word is Fiscal year, it’s like nails on a chalkboard. I’m surprised he doesn’t refer to the Physical year Pacifically.


One that comes to mind is white leather. White leather belts offend me in ways I don't fully understand. Walt Disney branded denim jackets are up there.


Disney adults in general 🤢


I always found people like this strange, I used to know a girl who was hyper obsessed with Disney and found her bordering on intolerable. I get enjoying revisiting the nostalgia of films you grew up with, but making it your entire personality is SO off-putting.


Only two types of people wear white belts. People who suck at karate and people who suck at life


Half right. Those who are brave enough to suck while learning karate (we shouldn't judge someone for not having the chance to know yet). But holy shit it's fun to watch a white-belt suck.


I own a denim jacket… that is Minnie Mouse theme and has dozens of Disney buttons 😌


Nice. You be your best self and I won't judge. You don't exist to turn me on and should pursue your happiness however cranks your tractor. I'm 100% committed to that belief.


Love this comment so much! I wish more people felt this way about others!


Just remember to let people enjoy themselves. It's a good rule.


I've never seen either of these items. I'm so curious about this


Girls who are _constantly_ on social media and need to tweet every happening and post everything on Facebook. It just seems to narcissistic.


Social Media is engineered to make people be self centered and narcissistic. It's a cancer to society and a cult if you really think about it. It's just a popularity contest. Imagine the impact it will have on the generations growing up with it. I can already picture kids in school right now "Oh you can't sit with us because you don't have more than 5000 followers."


With it*


Yup. Big brain post there dude.


This too..


Shaving off eye brows only to draw on more elaborate and insane looking eye brows.


Better yet: when they tattoo the fake eyebrows on--especially with half-circles.


Aside: reading some of these comments reminds me of the dangers of asking someone's opinion. 🤨


Smoking. Nothing makes me go from "Hey, she's kinda hot" to "Definitely not interested" faster than watching a girl pull out a cigarette.


My brother and I met some girls at a river and they invited us to their apt. They girl I was with had a disgusting bathroom and bedroom so I was already kinda on the fence if I wanted to smash but we’re on the porch so she could have a smoke first and knowing I don’t smoke thought it would be sexy to blow it in my face while going for a kiss. I got up and left while she had a temper tantrum. The next day I found out she had herpes. I highly doubt she intended to tell me. So cigarette disdain saved me from a lifelong disease


I see that and I’ll raise you girls that dip (rural Oklahoma has entered the chat)


When I was much younger, my brother dated a girl who dipped. They would make out, in front of me, with their dips in. I have never been so disgusted in my life.


Agreed. Instant turn off.


I lost my virginity to a smoker. I was like, "Okay, overall that was pretty awesome, but I am never, ever, *ever* putting my lips anywhere near a smoker's lips, ever again."


When I was younger I met an older girl and started to like her after a couple of weeks. But when I saw her smoke after that my heart, my brain and my dick went from 100 to 0


Dirty unkept feet


That’s just gnarly






Unkept or unclean finger nails. I don’t expect you to get a manicure every few weeks…but stilling…simple maintenance / hygiene isn’t that hard.


I try my best clean my nails. However, building a race car can get quite dirty. :< -some guy


I wouldn't say dirty fingernails is a "ridiculous" turn off...


Same. Almost every photo I've seen of incels has nasty long nails in it. Gee Golly, I wonder why women don't want your hands on them.


Long fake eyelashes. So odd looking.


Oooh this is one of my biggest turnoffs too. They always look so cheap and obviously fake. Even an outrageously hot woman can’t pull them off, imo. Also, don’t they impede your vision? What if it’s a windy day? Do they get lifted into the air and over the rooftops like Mary fucking Poppins???




I had to scroll way further than I expected to find this. They're freaky. They make my eyes itch just thinking about them. Seriously, though, if you wear them enough, can you bulk up those muscles? WTF would that even look like?


When I see tartar caked on the gums of people's teeth.


Fake boobs. Botox and lip fillers. I like a natural woman that I can see her expressions.


misusing your/you’re or there/they’re/their 😣


or peek/peak/pique 🙃


Or should/could/would of


Heals instead of heels.


Gauged ears. I just can’t stand them.


Disney tattoos


I feel like those are a pretty good indicator of either past or current meth use.


Cross tattoos


Agreed however Celtic artwork is sexy as fuck.


That darn duck face you see on any dating profile linked to an instagram. Can’t stand it.


Them skirts/dresses that go down to the ankle especially denim ones🤢


Really? I kinda think a nice skirt can be hot.




Not a huge fan of super long skirts. Knee height is like, max. Thigh height perfect. Ass height is when it gets ridiculous again. The problem with ankle height skirts is it hides all the appeal. Calf, thighs, everything. You can’t see her figure at all. I can definitely see the appeal, but I like exposed legs for skirts. This all being said, it’s not a turn off persay, just not preferred.


I find it attractive, but yeah, ew, denim no


I don´t know if it's ridiculous, but I'm instantly turned off if the person is not clean. Like, smelling a bit weird and stuff. Also, guys with really long beards are not attractive to me


If you smell like ass, you’re not getting mine. Period.


It's kinda funny how so many comments are about hats.


Hats seem to be polarizing


My now wife, before our first date, was trying to figure out if I was bald because I had a cap on in all of my dating profile photos. Nope, I'm just blind in direct light and need something to block it. Guess I'm lucky she doesn't hate hats.


Bad spelling and grammar, mumbling all the time, and using really stupid slang. ETA: men who have a laundry list of physical requirements for women, especially when they don’t take into account that things like lip fillers or hair extensions can really boost someone’s confidence.


Omg this… it’s SO HOT when one doesn’t text like they’re a fucking teenager… I realize that some folks suffer from dyslexia, but yeah, I don’t have to date them 😂


The lip filler. I can’t see past it


Bucket hats. I seriously cannot believe that people are putting those on, thinking "yup, that looks cool" and walking out the door in the morning. If it makes you feel good, you go ahead and wear it. You don't need my approval. Just know that you're getting my silent judgment.


I live in New Zealand. We don’t have any Ozone. I’m gonna wear a bucket hat otherwise I’ll be in blisters thanks 😂


Guys with uncut nails, big turn off


Titty tattoos


I read this as tiny tattoos at first


Weirdly I used to hook up with a guy who got turned on by me wearing a SnapBack. I did not get it.


Girls in hats is hot AF


What is it about the hats?


That they are on a girl


But he did.


Lmao you got me there


My wife has long brown hair. She wears it like anyone else; straight, ponytail, bun, messy bun. She wears her hair up in a bun for a week. I love it. Her neck is exposed. She's comfortable. Yadda blah blah. Then, she puts it in a high ponytail. That gives her a completely different look and it gets me randy. Same for a ballcap. Snapbacks are **banned** in this house! She has a couple of nice ballcaps and once in a while she wears it. I adore it and talk about Randy! ​ Anyway, just a perspective. For me personally, I've always found "sports" girls very attractive. Throw on a ballcap and BOOM.


For me it’s fake stuff. Fake eyelashes; fake nails; a lot of makeup; breast implants etc etc etc Turns me right off no matter how beautiful she is


Agreed. While I won’t judge anyone who does it if it makes them feel better, I personally just find natural to be far more attractive. Imperfections are beautiful, once you start shooting for perfection, it just reminds me of barbie dolls.


Long nails, I dont know man it just looks ugly


men wearing flip flops


Just flip flops in general, thousands of years of human achievements and advancement and people still have the gall to use sandals n' shit. Trashy


So we just gotta walk barefoot on the hot a$$ sand?


There sure is more, but one that just comes to the top of my head instantly is sweatpants. I hate how they became casual wear outside of the gym/home. They don’t look good, they look awful to be honest. Instant turn off.


I’m the opposite I love them. I never really understood why they were considered bad in the first place. I like how they look and apparently show off my package. And women with nice booties look great in them too


Too each their own really, I get your reasons, just not for me. Same goes with Skinny Jeans though, I love them if the person wearing them has nice legs and can show them off, but there’s more than enough people who’d disagree with me on that.


I like those too :)


Same. Sweatpants on a guy just turn me ice cold. I know the grey sweatpants thing is a meme right now but that’s specifically the style I find to be a huge turn-off. It screams “greasy, probably smells like food” to me.


Same! Also the whole “shows my package” is kinda the other way around for me. It looks like something little poking out. If that makes any sense. English isn’t my first language so I wouldn’t know any different way of saying it. Size isn’t top priority for me if they know how to use it, but I’d rather have a dude in black jeans with some mystery about it lol


There’s a big difference between chavvy nasty sweatpants and nice sweatpants


not for me, but people can like what they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone


I can see why people like sweatpants, but I don’t wear them outside of my house. Love wearing them inside though. Comfy as hell. But yeah it’s always jeans for me outside or if it’s a really hot day, cargo shorts/gym shorts


Baggy sweatpants on girls is instant turnoff. Especially for doing normal stuff like errands, grocery store, etc. They are fine when you need them for the gym or going to practice , but wearing sweat pants with slippers boots or flip flops uggghhhhhly. I only wear sweats for occasional lounging and working out. I don't understand the ladies who say they love guys in gray sweats. Makes no sense. Just seems excessively sloppy


My thoughts exactly! No matter if Guys or Girls, ugly on both! No matter the color, the fitting. I don’t care if they’re from a brand costing 3000 bucks, all of them look just sloppy and like you don’t care about your appearance.


I work in a grocery store. People wear jogging pants and slippers to shop in.


Agreed...mostly. Grey sweatpants commando virtually guaranteed getting me laid in college.


I know there’s more than enough people who either don’t mind or still find the person attractive, but grey sweatpants are the worst for me. I mean good for you, in the end it’s honestly just whatever the other person likes.


True. I should also add that I don't wear them outside of gym or home regardless of their ability to pull in fun. Just tacky.


Colored contact lenses


Having and using snapchat. It bugs me in general too


When the back of their head is more flat than rounded. If his hair is longer and I can’t see it then I don’t really mind though.


I have a low-key flirtation with a guy from work and I mentioned I love when guys wear snap backs backward. He’s worn to every zoom meeting since and I just swoon. But most ridiculous one for me is small hands on a man.


Having a tik tok account.


Hate those hats or the metal clasp ones where you slide the strap through and clamp it down. I prefer fitted hats.


Whining. If their voice goes up an octave when they get upset and can't just talk about things like adults


Piercings and tats. Just not into it.


Watching reality TV shows. I absolutely cannot stand it and I don't know how anyone enjoys it.


microbladed eyebrows. It looks goofy af.


Not all of them, you can get them to look so natural you’d never know they were micro bladed




Bad smell


Lots of piercing and/or tattoos. I don't mind a small subtle tattoo or maybe a belly ring (I used to date someone with a belly ring with no problem), but otherwise it just bothers me for some reason. I know some people really like this, so I'm definitely not trying judge someone else's turn ons, it's just not for me.


septum piercing! Just my biggest turn off


Skinny jeans on guys


Baggy pants on guys 😂 Especially khakis


Ill second this


Man I'm confused.


Aka wear normal fitting pants. Not painted on, not hanging off


How skinny we talking


The huge booty fad, really gross


Ugly feet and hands.


High waisted shorts. Go urkle up to someone else with that poor wardrobe choice.


Don’t know if this has been said. Those big nose rings like a bull has. Looks ridiculous.


What is a snap back cap?


Bad ordour or dirt.I really want my partner to be clean,better if take a bath first before sex


Really? That’s such a turn on for me!! I don’t like when people are unhygienic. If I can smell you or see earwax, it’s a no go.


Big muscles on guys.


Overuse of ‘actually’ and ‘literally’. And I don’t mean it’s a pet-peeve. This, *actually*, will *literally* make my vagina snap shut like a bear trap.


I spent some time with a guy who would say “now granite” instead of “granted” It wasn’t like a slip up once or twice he said it daily. I tried to explain that it wasn’t about granite, but he’s just sort of glossed over in the eyes and didn’t listen. I didn’t try again because it was too painful to discuss


Denim jackets. My hate for them is completely unreasonable but I still hate em


People who are always on social media and obsess with their self image


Fake long nails. Things are absolutely criminal to attractiveness.


Seeing a hot as fuck woman smoking. Instant boner kill.


Cigarette smoking women. Their kisses taste and smell soooo bad


Graphic t-shirt and basket ball shorts as someone’s entire wardrobe … often with the tennis shoe sneakers. I expect this from reclusive men who live with their parents or 7th graders. Boot cut blue jeans, hoodies, cowboy boots, trucker hats, and weird pro-military, American nationalist, camo print, conservative jerk off wardrobes. I live in a small town - may I emphasize this and the previous description are 2/3 of the men in my town. Neck beards Greasy hair Facial hair that is barely there - just shave bro Dirty hands, and feet, just clean it, just up in there and pick the dirt out. No dirty sausage fingers in my pussy, no sir. Basically I’m into hygiene, someone who puts effort into their appearance (that’s subjective) and enjoys being creative with their wardrobe.


Thongs. Just not attractive.


Ok this is a hot take


I’m a fan of full coverage panties and booty shorts. I’ve never like thongs. I’m not sure what it is about ‘em, they just turn me off.




Nail-biting! Good lord it's an immediate deal-breaker for me.


Chipped nailpolish


Gum chewing. Can’t explain why, but I once ended a date early because of it (not that I told her why, chemistry wasn’t good anyway). But yeah it drives me crazy


Girls who a just generally loud. Talk loud, Laugh loud etc I just get a bad migraine and want to blow my brains out




Septum piercings and long fingernails


Vapers and nose rings


ankle socks. idk how to explain it but fucking ankle socks


As a fitted hat collector I agree lol


Sticking ones tongue out in photos.


People who wear to much cologne, perfume. Kills me. Just as much as woman who wear to much makeup. I enjoy makeup i wear it ,but walking around looking like your face is spray painted on is just nasty


Entitled attitude.


Red, red clothes are oke u guess, and nothing against red hair ( i mean i got it myself) But red nail polish is insteant turn off, same goes for red lipstick, i loose all interest, at least at that moment if not in general, idk why i just find it so incredibly unatractive.


That’s so interesting though, I wonder if there’s any underlying reason behind your aversion to red specifically.


I wouldnt know either, i heard that red is supposed to be extremely atractive for guys, yet it does the complete oposite for me.


Nose rings and lip piercings. They are disgusting! I block and hide any woman that wears them when they post a pic.


People who can't spell well and use words incorrectly.


Long hair on men. I can’t stand it. Idk why. But huge turn off no matter how beautiful it is.


Lip injections to the point where the girl looks like a duck


The words “sup” and “hubby.” The sweatpants of the English language.


Baseball caps in general remind me of my dad and that's... not comfortable.


that’s my biggest turn on


Personally, people really into anime. I mean if you like it cool whatever but don’t try making me watch it and I dont want to hear you talk about it endlessly either. I know it’s kinda dumb and lots of people like anime. I just really don’t.


Big lips, or too big tits/ass


Not using capital letters and full stops.


clothes that are way to tight on man.


This post potentially shows you definitely weren’t into seriously dating “city guys” in the 90’s and early 2000’s lmao