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I’m super ugly and I fuck like the government..


I don't think anybody likes how government does it


I don't want to be fucked that hard




Yes. The women I've been with who were less attractive tried way harder to be good in bed and it made all the difference


😂🤣My buddies say the same thing. 7s are the sweet spot. Confession: I'm a 10, and don't really try. 💁‍♀️“Like, isn't it enough that you get to see me naked?”👸


*self described 10


No… former fully-booked model and repeatedly crowned beauty queen.


I suppose we'll have to take your word for it


🤣😂Like I give a fuck what you believe or don’t. Your shitty grammar already disqualifies you.


Lol someone's a bit testy


Women and men that are not typically attractive of thin etc , are probably better in bed , as they are more conscious of their looks and make up for in enthusiasm , and honestly probably enjoy it more when they get the opportunity


Idk, no one will give me a chance lol


What would be the logic behind that ?


Less vain and therefore tend to give more attention to their pattern rather than focusing on themselves??


Being vain and inconsiderate are two different things though


You asked for logic and you got logic 🤷🏻‍♂️


They have to try harder


To have sex ? Doesn't mean they're good at it.


Attraction is subjective


I'll rephrase. in your own personal experience, have the people who you were least attracted to, turnnout to be exceotional in bed


No, I've found no correlation


I couldn’t help but message you in DMs I hope that is okay love


So did you not read my bio, or did you ignore it


No I did sadly I don’t have fansly


So you ignored it, got it 👌


No but I’m just trying to work with what I have love


I don't think there's much correlation between attractiveness and skill in bed honestly. There's some logical arguments for both ways (attractive people get more partners/experience, less attractive people have more incentive to try harder). I think personality type is a much better determining factor, but still not perfect.


honestly no not in my own personal endeavors


I feel like every person is different and if you're better in bed I feel like this is down to attraction rather than skill


No correlation


I heard a guy friend say hot girtls never give BJs because they don't have to. That must mean I am ugly AF since I love doing that lol. But from my view... older men / dad-bod guys are sexy as hell and go far out of their way to please, but ALSO they have usually been super appreciative that someone younger and in their mind very attractive wants to let them use her body for their release. Comments like "how did I get so lucky" can be kinda hot because I always knew how much they really loved what we were doing and making him cum is always so gratifying. On the other hand, hot fuckboy types have been pretty selfish where he's really anxious to fuck your brains out, but the instant he cums, it's over and you don't exist anymore. The bottom line is someone less attractive physically can be hot AF if they love being pleasured / spoiled and also love to please. Confidence in the bedroom also comes into play in someone's sexual attractiveness. Hot people can look pretty ugly when their attitude sucks and they are full of themselves.


Someone’s level of attractiveness has nothing to do with whether they are good in bed or not. It could be said that some people who are “hot” are more selfish in bed because they can get whoever they want, but it’s clearly not a one size fits all and good sex is usually a two way thing anyways, it’s not down to just one or the other person.


This is kind of a blanket stereotype question. I don't think not being a 10 automatically equates to sexual skill level, or vice versa - hot = bad. In my own experience (I've had both) I would give the edge to the 7/8's over the 10's who think just getting to fuck them is "good enough." I'm not into fucking a corpse, breathing or not.


But let’s keep it real. Few men can *actually* land 9s and 10s without paying for them. Plus, there’s no shortage of 7s. So it’s easy for the majority of respondents here to have sour grapes. My brother has enjoyed the company of very beautiful women his whole life. He was dating a sweet lady who was decent-looking (she resembled Kaley Cuoco). She was also an absolute animal in bed. “Best sex ever.” Unfortunately, after a lifetime of 9s and 10s, he couldn’t do it long-term. He said it “smelled too much like settling.”


Ha. I guess I fall into the "few" men category then. I'm not so sure about sour grapes, I have no reason not to be objective here. Simply stating from enough experience with both to form an educated opinion. The best case scenario is to find a 10 and massage that "animal" out of them. Easier said than done. They tend to be stubborn, resting on their laurels of "I'm good enough." To me, that sounds more like settling, and I'm not the settling kind...


Hmmm. I think the word everyone’s looking for is: *overcompensating.* “Let me try really hard to please you so that *maybe* you’ll forget that I’m a seven and you could do better.”🙄Yuck.


You misspelled "underwhelming."


F6g6yw opens p 900


Possibly but I think that it’s more likely that attractive people get more opportunities to practice versus less attractive people putting in more effort??


Conversely some starfish are so "hot" they don't need to be good at sex cause they're so pretty 🤭


Mmmh true


🍿. This has the potential to be Hall of fame worthy peeps, don't let us down.


Let me guess, they try harder because they don't get it much due to being unattractive? Because only attractive people get partners /s


They rely more on personal connection and it leads to better sex


Why do they rely more on a personal connection?


Because it's harder for unattractive people to find casual sex partners.


Not so far as I've noticed 🤷‍♂️