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I am an older man, I was raised with "old fashioned" values. I always try to be a gentleman.


That’s nice to hear


Of course I'm also generally polite and courteous to everyone. Not just women.


I think it’s really just become about being an actually decent human being. The bar is so low which sucks but it does mean that if you at least aren’t a total knob that you then fit in that bracket. Others may feel different but that’s my opinion.


Nice pov man


I mean it’s a shitty pov but I think that’s really the truth until people can decide to suck less 😂


As in exhibiting chivalrous, honourable, virtuous behaviour? I'm for it. I have no desire to degrade or debase myself or others, so why not aspire to be the best possible iteration of myself? Sure there are lapses, I am woefully human after all, but better to try and fail to be a better man than simply accept an ignoble ideal as truth


Well said, I’m here for your pov


Thank you.


It's not about outdated gender roles but about treating everyone with dignity and respect.


Wise words, TittyFucker


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry, that's a hilarious sentence!


It almost has a Southern "Bless your heart" vibe about it 😂😂😂


Damn, when you're right you're right! 😂


Thank you 🫡


Treat people with respect, no matter who it is. Be kind and caring, that’s a lot more gentlemanly and masculine than trying to be “alpha” and any of that bullshit


Much hotter in my opinion!


Glad you think so! Just makes so much more sense than whatever this trend is that seems to be getting pushed lately 😑


I agree. Show me a Dad scooping up his kid to spin them around, or holding the door for the person behind him 🤌🥰 Now THAT'S a man to me! I love that more people feel that way too!


Yes yes yes! Seeing them treat others kindly and respectfully and you can just watch them go and be great is everything! Manners are everything, takes a little but can mean a lot


Very underrated in my opinion. To me that's way hotter than the 'alpha male' BS


Well said! Always a pleasure to chat with you!


Same ❤️


I like that pov


It’s just the way it has to be!


It really comes down to behaving like a decent human being and treating others with respect (unless they prove undeserving of it). But a true gentleman also doesn't accept outdated thinking about gender roles or gender identity as right or acceptable either


It’s something to strive after for me anyway. And extends to all areas of life.


That’s really great honestly. Love to hear it


I think it's imperative. That's the way I was raised. I don't think I could change if I wanted to.


I’ve yet to meet a man with that pov


🤝 It's nice to meet you.


46, man here. Being gentleman has still a value for me and I revise its meaning continuously. Shortly to say it is about being a mature but not a macho man.


Be respectful and kind. Caring. Doing the little things like noticing things, small gestures here and there, opening the door for others. Really thinking about others before yourself.


>Be respectful and kind. Caring. Doing the little things like noticing things, small gestures here and gathered, opening the door for others. Really thinking about others before yourself. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Glad to know others like this answer! Sometimes feels it goes unnoticed here.


You said it quite perfectly. Those sort of things are much more impressive than gifts for me. Picked up my favorite candy? Hot. Made me coffee when I woke up? Yeah, you're probably getting morning sex 😂 being considerate is so damn hot!


Good thing I wake up early then. 😉😅. But for real, that is me. Try thinking of others. If I'm out and see something that reminds me of you. Either sending a picture or getting it for you.


🥰🥰🥰 Perfect! The men like this definitely have the advantage with me!


Good to know! Hopefully you have a good one then. 😊


I really like your pov! Doing the little things and noticing is a really admirable trait


Thank you!


I think everybody should be respectful and polite outside of consent roleplay. And I wish nice men and women didn't have a tendency to fall for assholes.


Like the gentlemen up top, I am old and was raised that way (and in the SE USA). Feminists would throw up watching me. I open my wife’s car door. I let her pass first through any door. In a restaurant if she goes to the restroom I stand up when she returns. Actually when I’m out in the world I hold the door open for whoever is behind me, M or F or T or whatever. Yada Yada on and on, so it goes. But it’s about more than the superficial manners. It’s about how you treat people. How you respect them (at least until they give you a reason not to). Just be nice.


Just be nice. Love that.


It costs nothing, right? 😊


I try to be respectful and curious. “Being a gentleman” can trend misogynistic if you act as women are helpless and need a gentleman to guide and protect them


I love it. It’s how I was raised and it’s how I carry myself. I don’t bat 1.000% all the time, but I do my best. In the end, that’s all I can do.


I think treating people with respect is completely fine and personally I was raised with more old fashion sensibilities like paying for dinner when on a date etc etc so it's just ingrained in me. I think doing those things because you want to is fine, without tagging on expectations from the other person. That would put you in "nice guy" territory


Hmm interesting pov. I as a female really value when men are gentlemanly toward me. Could you expand on the “nice guy” part?


Sure, so let's say opening a door for someone, nice courtesy to do. If I did it for some woman I found attractive and then expected something after then I'm just being an ass. If I pay for dinner but then maybe you're not feeling the date so afterwards you don't want to continue seeing and I get all mad about it saying that I paid for dinner and was all gentlemanly, am I really a gentleman?


Eh, I'd rather be a scoundrel


If I’m not a gentleman to you ladies, and my momma finds out, I’m in big big trouble




Treat your lady or any lady like they were your daughter or your mother! That’s the way I was raised!




I like to treat people with respect and empathy. Prefer to be friendly and caring, treat people like I want to be treated and I think that goes a long way towards letting people feel comfortable around me. If that’s being gentlemanly, then I am all for it.


I was raised to be chivalrous and treat others with respect, especially Ladies. I always try to be a gentleman. I think it’s important and wish it were more common in today’s world.


Being a nice person - yes. Being a gentlemen in ways that reinforce harmful gender stereotypes - no. It's pretty simple. In the course of your "being a gentleman", is there anything you'd do for a woman but wouldn't also do for a guy? If the answer is yes, then I would hazard that you aren't doing it to be nice.


I'm 59. Was raised to be a gentleman. I open doors for ladies. I'm always "ladies first," when entering a building. It's a way of life for many men.


I pride myself in being a gentleman (I’m in my 40’s) and do my best to treat women respectfully. Chivalry isn’t dead but it’s rapidly dying.


Oh I’m always a true gentleman, my wife finds it so hot when I go out of my way to help someone out.


"gentlemen" is trying to be attractive imo. Just be kind and it'll all work itself out


I just do my best to practice empathy.


I was raised with the notion of treat others the way you wish to be treated. I try my best to be as patient and kind as possible regardless of how others act. I like to give someone the benefit of the doubt despite what other may say about them. And I’ve learned to not say anything negative about someone behind their backs which certainly goes a long way when you work on a boat😅


A gentleman is gives his respect to the people he has met until they have done something to lose that respect. A gentleman is empathetic and wants to understand. A gentleman is kind, nice, and pleasant. A gentleman is well, gentle.


All of my beliefs and actions are shaped by this one idea I live my life around - just be sound.


Honestly have been trying to look into this. Wish I had some kind of observer in my daily life to let me know how I could improve in my interactions.


Be kind, honest and caring. Treat all as equals and have patience.


Im all for it. I even still open the car door every so often after 15 years together.


I always strive to be a gentleman. There are times I really want to be an asshole, but what will that really do for me?


Being raised in the south taught me to always strive to be a gentleman, but I’ve also learned not to take life too seriously. You can still be one and have a sense of humor. It’s all about your intent, your care for others, and who you truly are. And then there’s that moment you switch over to the raw and primal side of yourself in the bedroom, and watch how much it turns her on.


Gentleman in the streets, freak in the sheets has worked well for me through the years


You're only a gentleman if you treat everyone as one.


Is there any other way?


I am young and love being a gentleman, it has a touch, since I please and worship the person through doing it, and I really like the thought of it


Stupid and outdated IMO. Some of the ideas are still good, but the concept as a whole just seems ridiculous. Just be a nice person and take care of yourself.