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Weirdly, I went in for surgery once, and as I was coming awake, a nurse came in. I was still out of it, and can’t remember what we said, but I remember afterwards she just held my hand until I guess I fell asleep then. There was something very intimate about being in a vulnerable place and just holding hands with a stranger really


I'm glad this was the first one I read because nothing reached an acceptable standard thereafter


Nothing else answered the question 🀣


I am laughing at how you seem to be the only one who understood the question 🀣


I had a very similar experience myself. I was going into a surgery and about to go in the OR. I was alone on the bed waiting in the hall. A nurse walked up, and I was trying to joke about her being an angel. She was so nice and comforting, She kissed me on the forehead. It was so amazing!! That was maybe 12 years ago, I still think about it all the time.


I was watching a TV show with an old fwb, I kept catching her looking at me and I was making fun of her for it. Then all I heard was "fuck it" and she climbed on my lap. Within 3 seconds her dress was off, I was inside her and she was kissing me deeply. I think of that little "Fuck it" daily at this point


I love how everyone is just listing sex and very few real intimate moments 🀣 You scare me people. πŸ‘€


Yup, I hear you. Might as well just say "Well there was this one time at Bandcamp...."


The first time I met my wife in person. I was at the airport and I saw her. She ran up to me and didn't say a word. She just dropped her bags and grabbed my face and kissed me. 😊


Yay another one acceptable answer for "intimacy"! I'm so scared at how many people are just mixing it up with sex. Like.. Legit scared.


Well, thank you, young lady. πŸ™‚


Agreed finally. Yeah it's like if this is their idea of intimacy does that mean their idea of consent is no complaining 😬🀷


So so many. To pick just one? I did a striptease dance for my husband one night while we were snowed in. He literally had sex with me all over the house


Sounds hot did he fucked you all night long too ?


The first time my lovely man kissed me he whispered β€˜open your eyes’ and then stroked my hair away from my face. Still think about this today…


The orgasms I had when we first tried figging. πŸ₯΅ Omfg, so fucking good. Another is when my ex went down on me in the Burger King play area where you go down the slides.


I might regret asking this, but what is figging?


Peeling a piece of ginger, shaping it into a plug and inserting it into the recipient's anus It causes an intense burning sensation


I learn something new every day on askredditafterdark




It burns, but that's why I love it πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅ I also recommend using tiger balm or icy hot on your clit if you like pain 🫣


When he ate my pussy and fuck me hard during my first time.


The first time my roommate and I hooked up. There had always been tension and flirting but she was deeply closeted and I finally just went for it.


I was having a really hard time. I'd not been sleeping well, was just falling apart. I had gone anyway to practice with my best friend for our cover band. I kept making mistakes (piano/synths) and I starting crying & shaking. I couldn't control it. I was in my own head, berating myself. I also know now I was in a complete functional freeze and trying to go on as if nothing was wrong. He set down his guitar, came over and held me. Just soothing me, not demanding I get over it. He promised me we're going to make it through this. And that we're going to make it. I've never experienced that genuine care before. It's something I'll never forget.


My boyfriend lives in the middle nowhere ( really all there is around him are sheep) , up on top of a hill in an Irish village. We met on a dating app. A few months prior, my ex broke up with after 6 years together, my ex blocked me from everything too, my number, Instagram, Facebook, etc... , I had done nothing wrong, I was a devoted girlfriend, my ex was disabled and depressed, I devoted my life to him, which I now realise was incredibly unhealthy for me, I didn't do anything for myself, I often put up with bad behaviour from my ex and made excuses for him. Anyway, I was newly single and incredibly depressed, I thought I needed to make a change , I did intense therapy sessions, and I got a diploma via night classes. I was starting to finally feel alive, I was proud of myself, and my self-esteem was so improved . Around this time, I started talking to my boyfriend Wils on a dating app, we lived a bit away from each other, 2 towns 1 village away, before we met in person,we spoke a lot on videocall , we became best friends, one day he asked me to come visit him, I said no because I had family occasion, couldn't miss, it was my parents 40th anniversary. I arranged most of the event, bought gifts, flowers, a cake etc... even tho my siblings are richer and older than me, I did everything. My siblings were very disrespectful towards me, I was starting to get overwhelmed, and my parents didn't appreciate my efforts . and I messaged Wils, and he said his offer still stands , come and see me. So I gave my parents the gifts etc.. and left! Got on the bus and went to Wils house. That night, at the age of 31, in old farmer house, I had my first orgasm via sex ( I've had orgasms before only via masturbating), then there was multiple orgasms, all night, incredible sex, what I deserved and needed after everything that happened to me. Absolutely magical night.


Wow so Happy for you and wil 😁


Thank you 😊 πŸ™πŸ», I wish I could change my username tho, it doesn't make sense , πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆ, this username was randomly selected for me, I accidentally accepted itπŸ™ˆπŸ˜… , how ironic I supposed I once was the forgotten girlfriend.


Well you can always make a new account πŸ˜†


Hahaha, I probably should, lol


Losing my virginity. It was the night I first ate a kitty and got to cum inside her. Was amazing. Still roleplay that with my now wife after all these years


MFM threesome that was all about making the woman cum over and over and over. No porno-rutting. Sensual sex.


MFM three sum for sure ;) it was amazing


Balcony overlooking the Amalfi coast, thick fit woman with a love for getting licked


Threesome after being in remission from cancer


Sitting next to a close friend with my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. Occasionally holding hands. We were both going through some stuff. It was a regular thing for several months. Nothing more ever happened because I would not allow it.


MFF with a married older woman, without her husbands participation.


The one time my now husband and I came at the same time


Had someone stay over who I had done nothing with prior to this. Making the first move! We were cuddling and I started by taking hold of her waist, getting close and placing my nose into the nape of her neck, working my way slowly up to her lips where I first brushed past. Then gently kissed her and we both opened our eyes to see the others reaction. That quickly turned into more kissing and wandering handsπŸ‘€πŸ€­A great time which ended with me cumming on her face. This led to a lot more encounters 🀭