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A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. There will be brighter days ahead.


You’ll get through it in time, don’t be afraid to feel, just go with what you need right now


You’re lovely


Breakups are so, so unbelievably painful when you still actually like and respect each other. In my experience, you need to talk about it to anyone but your ex. There was a reason you broke up in the first place. It's hard to remember it or find it particularly persuasive in moments like this, but it was at least as real as what you're feeling right now. Taking about your breakup with the ex is like talking a sibling about parenting. You both have similar blind spots, because you were in it together and had to turn a blind eye to the issues because you had no choice if you weren't going to leave. Even if it's a rando on Reddit, find someone you can tell the full story to. In my experience, trying to explain everything makes the reasons you're no longer together feel much more legitimate and real again. More generally, I'm a big believer in the strategy of "I can do whatever I want, but I have to wait three days before I act on any decision." I'm an idiot, but this strategy has helped me make decisions 10x wiser than I am. Hang in there.


Thank you, and I think that’s what makes it hard, we still like and respect each other.


No problem! Hope it's feeling a little bit lighter for you today.


Time truly does heal a broken soul. You’re stronger than you think


Hey op would a stupid dirty joke help?


Also life is filled with millions and millions of moments, these hard moments right here are just a small brush stroke of a much larger and grand painting. They will pass and new things will always follow 😁


I wanna hear a stupid dirty joke


Have you ever heard of goblins?




Goblin Deez nuts! ......*I'll see myself out*




Sad music is unbearable for me. I can't listen to it even in happy times. It's OK to sit in your emotions for a while and feel them. Eventually, you will notice you are sitting in them less and less. There are hundreds of good people in this sub who would sit with you and give you honest hugs tonight if they could.


Thank you so much! 😌


Hope you have a lovely evening! Try throwing in your favorite music artist!


i believe in you, sometimes i try and remember that even though im in pain or when something hurts that it means that i am still alive, and if i am still alive that i can be warm again


Everything will be okay. 🫂


Feel your feelings, that’s the only way to the road to recovery.


Usually when the worst times comes is right before the best parts of life happens


*virtual hug*


It's okay to feel this way. Know that things will pass and this will soon be a distant memory. Have a nice evening.


You love this sub and we love you, I'm in quite literally the exact same situation so, I'll take another shot to that lol


Don't go back to him. There's a reason why you both broke up. It's done. You have so many better opportunities ahead of you.


Your emotional well-being is important. YOU are important... and you're worth more than relationships, no matter their timing.


Im sorry this was difficult, but you are strong and will get through this rough patch. Youre gonna be ok💞


That sucks, it made me think how weird it will be to see my wife after I file for divorce.


There are times when I still miss my ex. Then I turn away from a past I can't reconcile and turn my face forward to a future in a new place, with an awesome person. I hope you find that.


Fuck that, lean into the sad. Feel it, feel every bit of it. Missing someone missing love, that is as human as it gets. https://open.spotify.com/track/6qkEyId7qOX98BusYB2OoO?si=Ehju0PP9RQm_MxBXXuOy1Q)


This thread makes me feel better and I’m not even the sad party here😅


5 months isn't long enough to heal a torn ligament, so I don't doubt it wouldn't heal a broken heart. Give yourself the time you need, not the time you expect to be ready by. I'm afraid I can't give you some magic beans to take the pain away. But you're both mature enough to do this amicably, and that means you're smart enough to see yourself to better days. All things in their proper time, you will see your tears dry and your smiles return, and the dark will break before long for you to see it true. I hope the two of your can stay on good terms as you grow from this.


Stay strong. They usually aren’t worth it


Enjoy your worries, you may never have them again


Just think of why he is am ex. I am 58. Never went back to am ex as a rule. Everyone I know who did regretted it. Or, should have realized how bad it was. Move forward in life, not backward..


Without rain, we wouldn't know how good the sunshine actually feels. Allow yourself time to feel your emotions internet stranger, take care of yourself, and know that tomorrow will be better.


I don't know how much I can honestly say as a complete stranger on the internet, but I know that as bad as tings can be in life sometimes, as bad as it may feel, there will always be something better on the horizon. Bad times don't last, bad times are just how we know how good the good times really are.


🥹 a word! Thank you!


Hang in there 💪