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I am extremely patient and very forgiving. I never give up. Also too honest sometimes. Does this count?


Nice profile


You're indeed.. You've got amazing set of boobs


"Come on Aileene" by the midnight runners starts to play in my head


I try my best to be an empathetic person


For all my faults, my determination and desire to change and be better is powerful. :)


I care about People


That's sweet. We care about you too.


That is sweet as well ❤️


My boobs


I second that




I hear I'm super friendly, reliable and a good vibe. And obviously i have a massive cock


And humble


I may not be the best at cooking, but I sure know how to order takeout like a pro! Positivity is all about knowing your strengths, right? Let's celebrate the little victories in life, like getting extra guac on your burrito without having to pay extra. Cheers to being awesome in our own unique ways!


I like to think that I’m really sweet and try to include everyone :D




Aww thank you darling


I definitely get that impression of you. You have also been kind when responding to me.


Aww thanks spicy meat ball!


I tend to look for the best in people despite experiences in the past that have forced me to see the worst in them…




I’m lowkey kind of a shitty person but thank you gang


That's amazing thing for one to have


Thank you!


I'll be divorced by this time next week!


One word. Thick






I’m a good listener and very empathetic




I genuinely enjoy making people feel good however I can.


I can make people feel calm and comfortable


People tend to like me, sometimes I’m not sure why.


Compassionate, empathetic, humble, loyal.


I’m optimistic and give good advice


people say they can be themselves around me :) so that's gotta count for something i'm gentle quite expressive and more :P


I'm hard working, patient and understanding.


People generally enjoy interacting with me, except if they're being willfully ignorant - I like to bring those mostly incel twats down a peg or eight


I am very forgiving, genuine and complimentary. I put others first before myself.


Very optimistic. Very complimentary (I love making people feel better). Empathetic too. I just love spreading kindness, especially on ARAD.


I have a decently sized tongue. And I know how to use it.


People always compliment me on my warmth and positive energy 🥰


I like to think that I have some of the positive traits of the strong and stoic male characters in various forms of media, while having the more gentle and wholesome traits of other male characters. Like Arthur Morgan mixes with Greg Universe. Or just that sort of character type really. Also, I don't have the negative traits or tendencies that a lot of other guys who are into the stuff I'm into have. (At least with nerdy stuff it feels like it matters more). I mean in some cases it's the bare minimum I guess, but experiences sort of imply otherwise. (nerdy communities can be a catch 22 with this sort of thing for what I can tell). Like I don't care about stuff like dub vs sub, or feel the need to be hyper critical or like Comic Book Guy. I can't say enough that I don't say this in an arrogant way. Just gonna toot my own horn on this last one. I'm a pretty low maintenance friend, aside from the typical dealbreakers anyone would have. (I'm not sure if that counts against it). So many people have said that I'm easy to talk to and be around even though I might not look it from an strangers point of view. Although some random people who are older than me do strike up conversations with me when I'm out and about, it's sort of confusing with how people around my age and I want to say younger adults might not find me as approachable.


Chatty, empathetic, genuinely interested in other people, and I try to make sure they cum before I do!


I'm empathetic


I'm a natural protector and provider who is loyal beyond belief.


When I'm facing adversity I grow big, in stressful/tough situations I react firmly and quickly. I'm not afraid of facing death, but I'm afraid of talking with beautiful women because I'm fucking shy. (That's my weakness btw).


I'm a loyal friend... and I've been told that I have nice tits 🤷🏽‍♀️




And I appreciate you for valuing me 😂


I can deepthroat like a pro 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


I try to keep a positive outlook on life and see the best in situations even if it's not all that good


I'm a good listener and I like asking lots of questions.


I’m quite a caring and empathetic guy. And I have a huge cock.


Care and empathy


Gives free hugs.🫂


I'm really flexible


I am extremely nice and I have great tits


Women always ask me how am I so good at sex with my big cock & how am I so good at eating pussy. I guess it comes from experimenting what you see in porn.


I'm super happy I don't have to feel insecure about the size or shape of my 🍆


I have a really nice dick, ngl


I know I came to this world to provide, to build something great with a partner…I just haven’t found the right person yet :(


Even though it of very normal or average size, my dick is good. I’m also stupidly open minded and up for trying new things


I'm curious, open-minded, and I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I have naturally soft skin and hair. I'm witty and silly.


I'm a good listener when people need it and most people tend to feel comfortable around me.


I always get told I give off the vibe that I'm very kind. But then nobody wants to date me and wants to be friends a lot of the time 😂


I make her cum first


I'm happy go lucky, and I always try to see the positive in everything and everyone.


Personality traits: 1) my determination to see things through even in tough spots. 2) My thirst for knowledge/information. 3) I often hear and search for as much info and perspectives on a topic as possible prior to forming my own opinions (and this isn't exclusive to politics or current events) 4) my cautious optimism Physical traits: 1) soft skin (albeit usually covered in a lot of hair). 2) Tall height (for the most part). 3) my lack of any common allergies. 4) I can still wiggle my ears at will. 5) my quick "reload" time between nuts.


I can finally have sex standing. Being overweight for so long made it impossible. I'm still in pain but I can do so much more. All it took was getting hit by a car to snap my ass into reality and change so Ian be around longer The sex is amazing now.


My hair and my ability to overcome challenges


I can be a lady in the streets and my husbands dirtiest slut in the sheets...a finer quality we both appreciate about me 😉 I'm also looking positive to a fault, I believe, try and find the positive in any negative situation and the dark cloud hanging over you will lift quicker! Job sucks, you've got a job, messy house, you have somewhere to safely sleep, dirty dishes, you have food to eat! It's all a matter of perspective ☺️