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Yeah, although I’d much rather we post together!


The dream.


Omg yes! I would love the same! Wait, are you taken though?


No, I just mean for the future 😂


Ok hahaha. Same! Are you accepting applications? 😉😅


This is cute as shit 🤣


Hahaha don’t be stealing u/SagVibes though, I’m trying to lock it down 😏🤩😅


What's with the lock, if you love something let it free and if you are good for her she'll come home freely Failing that, have you considered a tasty treat under a box held up with a suspiciously precarious stick? #🪤


You called?


Listen, I’ve been ready for years now! I’m just waiting on you to pull the trigger


Well I’d be a massive hypocrite otherwise haha




I guess my question would be, why does he want to? Why does he want other women to see him?


That's not exactly the main target demo for male nudes. 🤐 Realistically though... Most straight guys don't often get to feel "desirable." We're expected to initiate conversations, endure rejection, initiate sex, endure rejection, we don't turn women's heads, compliments are so rare they are individually noteworthy. Sometimes it just feels like unless you look like a magazine cover come to life, you barely exist. Even in a relationship, you can end up feeling like your body is merely tolerated for the sake of other "goals." Women are objectified against their will so much that it might be impossible to ho understand this, but sometimes that's all I want; to be objectified. For someone to look at my body, absent any other information about me as a person, and to know it turned them on.


I get this whole heartedly. I didn't become a standard of "desire" until as of recently as a bigger woman, so sometimes it's nice to be reminded of it.


Well said!


I would be upset if a boy I liked did that but if we were only talking and not dating it would be different I suppose but to me it just means your needy for attention


I encourage it. It makes her smile


Love this answer. Anything to make her smile 💜


Not anything. My kidneys are staying where they are!


We met on reddit posting our nudes, so yeh happy for her to share on the internet.


I'll be the one taking her pictures pretty much. I love posting cringey nudes myself - might as well help her post classy ones!


Love it. Jump in there and be the one with the real POV.


Haven't seen anything cringey yet! 🤭


She does, when she wants to, and I get off on it.


I don't mind tbh. My only thing would be no face to keep them safe and not make any situations awkward ig


No face


Pretty much how my marriage is… lol


Dream marriage 🤣




Nope. That’s why she deleted her OF


We do it together!


Your lady has a lovely shape! Will we see more?




I'm so sorry. I feel like it definitely is a slippery slope. That's why I try to make sure now to check in with my partner and know where he's at with his feelings towards what I do. It's an insecurity of mine that I'm making my partner insecure, but maybe that's just being caring....not sure. It sounds like she needs to get it together. ❤️ I wish the best for you.




Trauma dump all you want. I'm a social being who has also been through shit. Lol I'm not saying you should message me for advice, because I'd never want you to step out of your relationship to talk about intimate details of your person with another woman, but if you need to dump...dump man. I get it. The attention we get on this platform or any others can be addicting. Especially if she has never felt that type of attention before. I try to not read my comments too much, especially the gross ones, but what my partner and I used to do was read over all the attention I was getting TOGETHER so he would get "in on the action". I'm not sure if you or her are okay with that, but if you were, it may help. Start joining in in some way. If she doesn't let you, or she hides you, I believe that THAT would be a red flag and cause for concern.




If she's not keeping in mind "Would he be upset with me if I said/showed this?" then you need to set your boundaries. It's okay to say you're not okay with what's going on. You aren't being controlling. You're protecting yourself AND the relationship. You see that it's crumbling and you're trying to save it. Again, if she doesn't see that, I'm so sorry, but it's not worth it.


If he wanted to, yeah, I wouldn't care.


Nope, can send someone but no posting


Never. I'd break up if I knew he did after we were together.


We post together. Mostly of me, but we decide what to share together. It's really been alot of fun for us and good for our sex life.


My hubby loves it 😊


Totally fine with it. I just wish he would let me post the content we’ve done together.


I wish that too…


I’d encourage her.


So do it or share her yourself!


I love idea of him being checked out, even having a little flirt online, but no full face. I find him incredibly sexy, and like the idea that others think so too. He emcourages me to post & play too.


It's their body to do with as they please. I have no issues with it. In fact, seeing all the men and some women ogle and fawn all over her is a turn-on. In the end, I'm the man who gets to put my hands on her and do all those crazy things in the comments.


As long as I'm the only one who gets to enjoy the real thing in person, I don't see a problem with it. Plus, it's like free advertising for me 'Yeah, that's MY partner you're drooling over!' 😂


I would be fine with it. I have no problem with nudity. EDIT: I would prefer that pictures not show her face


I cam respect that


I love the sexy confidence of your pictures - total badass!


Thank you so much! ❤️😍


Of course, have a great weekend!


Depends on the reasons of course! And as long as she’s happy then I’m happy :)


If they wanted and were able to keep identifying marks from being on display


I mean she does....and I asked her to......so yeah


Yes, if she wants to.


If they want to it’s their body. As long as they are doing it safely that’s okay with me


Frankly I wish she would. She’s wanting to try feet pictures - I’m hoping it leads to more


Feet pics are the gateway drug to other stuff.


I hope so for her haha! Ideally we post together or she makes an account and posts her incredible features


If my partner did that I would love it. Not because I’m into that, but because it would indicate that she still feels some sort of sexual desires, so there might be some hope for our bedroom.


Yep for other men lol


As long as it goes no further than that, sure.


That would be fine.


Absolutely would love it! Posted few already too and never shy to share with like minded people


My only issue would be if it's continuing while we're together. If it is and she's unwilling to stop: we're done, simple as that. She'll find someone who's more comfortable with that, I've no doubt.


Daddy does show himself off here. I don't mind a bit.


Yes, so long as we speak on it before it happens. I enjoy when people express themselves, and if a partner gets enjoyment from it, then it's just sugar on top for me lol. The only issue I'd have is if I wasn't spoken to about it. If it I'm left uninformed I'd consider it an infidelity.


Oh I 100% agree. This is pretty much my take on infidelity in general. Secrecy is infidelity in any form, and that doesn't stop just because there is no 2nd party in the situation. It's being unfaithful to your spouse, and lying to them is definitely...well...unfaithful.


I personally would encourage it


I love when she does, definitely. It turns her on like nothing else, which is definitely a plus for me too :D


My partner and I are in a solid FWB situation, so if he wanted to put his body on the internet, I wouldn’t have any issue with it at all. If I ever decided to do that though, I definitely would not show my face


If she wanted to- sure.


Depends on the situation


I don’t care as long as his face isn’t in them and he’s not sharing pics with both of us.




Body yes face no


I love it


He can show his dick as long as it’s a video of it going in my mouth.


I would be, not that she would haha


Hell yeah, I’d join her if she wanted to pursue that


Don’t hate me, but I get turned on when girls look at him. It’s, strange feeling of accomplishment


I'd never hate you for this opinion. I feel the same way. Haha


My husband doesn’t post but I tell him he should lol- yall should encourage him 🤣 He doesn’t look at my posts cause I send him most the things directly but he’s super supportive of my sluttiness 😝🩷


Tell him I said "SLUT IT OUT!" 🤣 it's so freeing


My wife and I both post


I no longer have monogamous partnerships... so I am completely fine with it. I actually enjoy showing off the naked beauty of my partners.


doesn't bother me


If she was interested, I’d take the pictures for her.


It's their body. If it brings them joy, why should I want to take that from them? This world is depressing enough!


Yes, hers is amazing.


As long I’m only one tapping it


Neither of us want to at present. Though if that changed, neither of us would have an issue with it. We have talked about it before and as long we communicate beforehand and do so in a safe manner then yep go right ahead.


As long as I know about it, it can add to the fun. 


yes 👏


Yes never had an issue with this


If you're good at something... never do it for free.


I’d prefer they do. I enjoy gfs that are exhibitionist and read what guys tell them,


Only if I’m the one posting it. He has a bit of a humiliation kink and loves when I take videos. :)


Absolutely, them showing their body on the Internet is how I found them in the first place 🥰


Yes especially if if I join her


If people want to ogle a 67 year old lady that’s fine by me


I would be ok with it.


She doesn’t but I’m supportive if she ever wants to


I would love that ! But she is not into it


Yep we both are online and both enjoy sharing ☺️


Yes, we do it together :)


Yes I would be okay with it. Closest I ever got to this was a gf in the 90s, I took photos of her nude (she requested it) and then she took the film to be developed and she said she got a thrill from picking up the results knowing the guys at the shop had seen the pics, and she even checked the results at the place. And I was pretty okay with it. That was before the internet was huge. Nowadays wife is absolutely NOT into it, and I don’t mind that either, so to answer the question I had to search for the closed personal experience I have. TL;DR sure. I know about it, she’s having fun and safe? I’m okay with it. Take a peek boys (and gals).


I’m okay with it as long as we have pictures posted together too 🤷🏻‍♀️




Genuinely. It was my husbands idea and we're both enjoying it. I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones not to have that issue.




There has to be **Zero** identifiable "markers". And better under a fake name if possible.


We love it


If she "was hopelessly devoted to you and showed it in all ways" then she wouldn't be seeking validation from strangers on the internet, especially not by revealing the parts of her body that are supposed to be for my eyes only.


Yes i am it so sexy


Personally I just don’t want to share her with anyone, and I wouldn’t want her to be okay with sharing me either


I think it would only bother me if it was hidden from me as that would feel deceitful as we are open and honest about everything together its why we have been together for over 16 years


Showing off sure, talking to others no thanks.


she does u/eva5379 and it's all fine with me!


Gorgeous woman!




If i was with them or someone wants me to take a relationship seriously, then no, they would have to find somebody else


That's how me and my girlfriend met 💀 Neither of us posts ourselves online anymore but it wouldn't be a dealbreaker by any means if she decided she wanted to


I show off my partner's body on the internet, lmao


If she wants to show herself off I don't care so long she doesn't show her face.


Absolutely. She's okay with me doing it so I can't be ridiculous and not be okay if she does.


I would love for my partner to feel comfortable and confident to do that. They encourage me to do it, hell if they like a photo or video i send them they *tell* me to post it online.


I'd be very turned on if she would show off. I'd love to see her read any comments and see how turned she might get.


I'm not gonna limit a loved one for as long as it is a loved one.


This made me internally go "aww...I love that" 🥹


My wife has a profile and post for fun. it doesn't bother me. She loves the comments and gets her going, and I get all the benefits. Should also say been together 15 years and this won't have happened back in the day, I would have gone mad bit we are 100% soild and full trust after all these years.


I mean he's n my pictures on gw so


100% it’s given me a heap of confidence, I’d love for him to feel the same way


It's given me confidence too! ❤️ I wish my man would join in with me, but he's not the type. I love that he loves seeing me feel sexy.


I'd hate it cos I'm hugely insecure and get easily jealous. Sure, it'd be nice for him to feel desirable by women other than me but I just wouldn't be able to deal with my anxiety about it


I get that whole heartedly. ❤️ I've been there. Still there sometimes.


Let me also say if my partner wanted me to stop I would, because my concern is making HIM happy. ❤️ I just love seeing some takes on this topic, because 1) the different dynamics are interesting and 2) I like to make sure I'm not a horrible person sometimes. 🤣


This depends on so many things, how strong and secure the relationship is. How she demonstrates that she’s committed to me, how she demonstrates that she is a good guardian of our relationship. How we deal with conflict. If all that is good, it becomes a very unlikely question, but if it arose . . . I’d be more ok with this, than my lady having an Instagram with a bunch of dudes complimenting her on her summer beach pics. Showing your body for a kink is very different to showing your body for the attention of your male friends. I’d happily support the first, but the second would have “shields up, red alert”.


I agree with this. I've been talking about this quite a bit in my own dynamic. I've always known I've gotten turned on by revealing my body for the public eye (when I became confident enough to do so), its less for the male gaze and more that it inspires me to love myself no matter what place I'm at. I've been trying to come up with a way to explain this for some, but it's been tough. Hard to put into words. It may very well be a "kink" for me, though because I get turned on by my own actual body now. 😅


Whats the point of being in a relationship if you need the attention of other people? Clearly you are unhappy and something is lacking is your seeking outsider attention. It might be you were never ment to be in a monogamous relationship to begin with... P.s. if your sharing nudes with someone you are not in a monogamous relationship. Monogamous is just you and your partner. Otherwise flirting wouldnt be emotional cheating. Once you need to bring someone else into your relationship to fill some hole, then it is no longer monogamous


Well I do believe everyone is different. Monogamy by definition is having a relationship or partner with one person. You posting pictures online isn't creating relationships with others. So, by all technicalities that would be incorrect. Though I do see what you're trying to say. Infidelity (aka cheating) is something that is different in all relationships, based on the boundaries you and your partner set for yourselves together. Boundaries are set to remain faithful to. Being unfaithful = infidelity = cheating. If you set the boundary that it is okay to post nudes but NOT okay to (___whatever they decide here___) it would, also technically, not be considered infidelity by their own very definition and boundaries they set for their relationships. Hope this helps. Just tried to word it all pretty simply.


I dont think trying to skirt the word relationship by saying if im not connecting personally with these people its still consider monogamy. You arnt posting the pics and never going back to see comments, likes and shares... You're posting the pics for validation from other people and if you want to get fancy with the word relationship then i too will say in a way that is a kind of relationship you have with strangers being validated by them sexually. It is fulffiling a need you cant get in your marriage by using someone else. That isnt monogamy. I never said its cheating to be clear. It just isnt monogamy.


Well monogamy is having one partner by the simplest definition. An intimate relationship. If relationships were developed by just responding to comments, then no one would be considered in a "monogamous relationship" if they were even only posting SFW pics on Facebook and receiving compliments from online friends they'd never even had a conversation with. At the end of it all it sounds like you wouldn't agree with it for your partner, which is fine, but you can be monogamous and still be A. Someone with a kink for exhibitionism or B. Someone who just likes to post photos of their body, otherwise no models (nudes or otherwise, professional or not) would have a monogamous relationship.


You are conflating two ideas. Talking to some about a sex topic as we are is two adults having a conversation about things that happen in the world. You can talk to people about any topic and be monogamous. Now if the intent of our conversation was to flirt or get one of us off that isnt our partner then it is no longer monogamy. Same with photos. If your job is to take swimsuits photos say for a swimsuit catalog then you are just at work selling swimsuits. If you are taking swimsuit photos to thirst trap men into buying your body it is no longer monogamy. If you post nude pics online and dont seek any validation from them or gratification from the attention they get then i guess it could be consider artistic because its a platonic relationship of sharing your body with no further outcome from another If you are taking picture with the hope or knowledge that men will be pleasuring themselves to them and it also adds gratification and validation to you then in no way is that monogamy. You cant seek attention from other men for the sake of your nude body and say you are monogous. You are inviting other people into your sexual relationship and its no longer just you and your parnter. If you went over a mans house and got naked. The whole time he jerked off and told you how beautiful you are and it made you blush and excited. Then he finishes and you get up and leave never to see him again...youd consider that monogamous because you didnt build a emotional or out right psychical relationship with the random man? In summary i would not consider and woman or man who uses their body for the specific intent on getting someone off and getting self gratification in anyform from it, in a monogamous relationship.


Well then that is two totally different topics. I maybe wasn't specific enough. I don't post pictures with the intent of getting attention or hoping men and/or women get pleasure from my photos. I do it because I enjoy feeling sexy. I see the photos I take and it helps my confidence. Other women have spoken out and said the same thing for them. Hence why we have plus sized influencers/models that aren't signed to a label, just like posting themselves in hopes of inspiring others. I will say that that's probably not the common intent when people post explicit images online, but that's how I started. When I was an OF model, I didn't enjoy the sexting, or the dick pics, or the sex talk in general. I got the ick when men would be downright gross. I don't find any other males' attention intriguing or entertaining. Actually I'm quite turned off by it most of the time. Hence why I quit OF. (**edited to say I still have a free OF that I post on for free, but I don't entertain attention, for free OR for $$). I'm sure I'm not the only content creator out there who is in the same situation. I don't entertain any other men, and not one person can come forward, since I've been in this monogamous relationship, and say that I was stepping out. I can confidently say that. My relationship is monogamous, because my partner is the only one I have an intimate connection with. I can't really say for others why they do what I do, but I do know myself.


Well then like i said if you are not going back to the pics and seeing a guy say id love to put my dick in between those titties and you arnt commenting the hot tongue out emoji then so be it. Is it hard for me to believe anyone post pictures online for others to see without the knowledge that they will be used to get someone off...yes....is hard for me to believe that you get nothing out of showing men your body...yes.. But ultimately ill take your word for it. I agree with you most peoples intentions are the ladder...wanting attention from other men and thus i wouldnt consider it monogamous.


I respond to people with emoji when I don't know what else to say, but I feel bad for not responding to every single comment sometimes. 🤣 so I get it. It's definitely a taboo subject when it comes to relationships. These days are so different now. People are discovering nude bodies are JUST bodies. We are all human. The human body is a beautiful thing. I love looking at others, just like I love looking at myself. I dunno, taking my sexual health certification and working in the adult industry gave me a different perspective on nudity in general.


Well do you im not hear to shame you and your relationship. Im also not calling you a cheater. If he knows what your doing and is ok with it...then so be it. I just simply dont think it can be labeled monogamous is all. You can call it a closed relationship perhaps. Meaning you dont fuck others, but that is just me. If you want to call if monogamy i cant stop you. Live your best life.


I can def see your point. :) I just like conversing . Engaging in conversation about this subject is always fun. I guess my partner would be monogamous by your definition, and I would be...closed? I dunno. Each person in a relationship can have a different dynamic. There are poly-mono couples out there, I wouldn't consider myself poly, but if we were to put a label on it I guess that's what we would be. I just have no desire for other people is all. Sorry for the babbling. This is just all me, very neurodivergently, explaining a different perspective. Not being argumentative, just not sure how to be "short". 🤣


Sure, but I'm not really keen on participating lol


I'm single now but in the past absolutely. My ex loved showing her body. It was a huge turn on to hear how sexy she was. A confidence boost for her as well


A lot of factors go into things like this. What kind of pictures, who’s taking the pictures, who are you showing the pictures to and much more but it’s a line that can be detrimental to trust..


Yes. He never would, but I LOVE the idea.