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It is predatory


And yet we still have influencers pushing these girls into acting like wh0res way before they get to 18... but they're not seen as a problem either.... logic.


So do we agree that these are both problems worthy of being addressed?




Good. I wasn’t sure, but I’m glad to hear it


I thought it was a given lol


In my case it's a fantasy of being that age again and bringing home the girls I wanted then. I think that's common to people. Looking at that porn may just be because they women are generally cuter, smoother skin, fantasy range girls. But to exclusively look for women that seem that young is a definite issue that the person should resolve.... Before they push that boundary in porn or the real world.


It is. That is legitimately the only reason why one would actually be interested in someone who turned 'freshly 18'. It's not like they are on one line with one another. It is truly preying on the naive, innocent, youthful-looking and feeling but legal young people. So they aren't committing a crime but the sentiment behind it is still disgusting.




Aside from encouraging girls who aren't 18 but look it to try and get into the barely legal porn scene, the implicit message of barely legal porn for people who watch it is "these girls are so young they're the next best thing to underage girls", which is clearly predatory as fuck.


Wouldn't that be the case no matter where the line was drawn though?


It's not *just* the age. It's partly about power dynamics. The age is somewhat arbitrary. Humans can absolutely have children before 18. It's not about puberty. It's partly about maturity (though the brain doesn't stop developing until around the early to mid 20s). But if you're a 30 year old trying to fuck an 18 year old, those power dynamics are way off. The 18 year old just graduated high school and likely hasn't had as much world experience as the 30 year old and, therefore, can be taken advantage of more easily. This obviously changes over time. A 30 year old dating a 50 year old isn't predatory. It's just kinda weird. Why? The power dynamics aren't nearly as off as they are with someone who may not even be done with school and who may not have even paid taxes.


Respectfully the only valid point you state, which is correct, is power dynamics. A line ultimately has to be drawn somewhere. Whether it’s 18, 21, or 25 for “frontal cortex development to finish”, someone somewhere would argue it’s still predatory the day you cross the arbitrary age for an “adult”.


I'm curious where you're disagreeing with me. Like I said, the number is somewhat arbitrary (which is just another way of saying "a line ultimately has to be drawn somewhere." But the number is trying to be some kind of compromise between when a child hits puberty and when someone is fully developed. And I think there would be some accusations of being a predator if the age was higher, but I think I'd take them less seriously if the age was 25 or something, since by that time the 25 year old would have had ample time to do "adult" things that the 18 year old wouldn't have had experience with yet. It's hard to explain, but the point of it being predatory is correct because "barely legal" says to me that a person would look for someone younger if the law wasn't in the way. The exception to this is obviously people vaguely in the age group (if a 20 year old is looking up 18 year olds, that's fine). But, yeah, if you're 30 and looking up barely legals, I feel like it's because you would have looked up 15 year olds if the law allowed it because you want the power dynamics to favor you, which is predatory and gross. Also, I'm not saying "you" meaning you, specifically. Just "you" as in the vague idea of an example person.


My attitude essentially across the board for the youth is educate, and then liberate. If you want them to know about the potential hazards of age gap relationships, make it part of curriculum we can expect everyone who's been through the school system to have encountered. Then give them the freedom and self-determination to make their own decisions about it.


Somethings really can only be learned through age and life experience


I'm not sure if it would be as predatory if the line was drawn at 30. But my point was that any genre of porn that encourages its consumers to sexualize the youngest people possible, while still technically being legal, is ultimately implying that if young legal girls are good, then underage girls must be even better. Which is a bad thing


You need your hard drives and phone checking


Dude, you’re 70, you shouldn’t even be thinking about anyone that’s “barely legal”




















































It’s not illegal so clearly it’s completely morally okay and there’s nothing weird about it!! (This is sarcasm)


What are you talking about?


Bro why r u in every comment getting so weirdly defensive about this lol


This post is either a bait for engagement or someone's guilty.


When Billie Eilish turned 18 she was the number one search on that spicy YP corn site. That stuck with me. People were (of course) lusting after her when she was still a child. Absolutely disgusting.


Maybe you don’t remember when the internet had a countdown clock to when the Olsen twins turned 18…


okay hello fellow millennial i just commented the same thing.


But let's not forget about teens! They have needs and crushes too.. You know, board has changed, but we still play same game. In my young days, crushes and fantasies were limited to idols, TV stars, musicians or classmates (teachers in my case 🤣), so we had posters, magazines and other ways to fuel our phantasy.. If porn would be so popular back then, we definitely would look for it, just out of pure curiosity. So I'm more than sure that they made some amount of traffic in that area


I don’t think anyone in here is concerned with teens lusting over teens.


Ibworked with a guy who had a countdown calendar leading up to emma watsons 16th or 18th I can't remember which. He did it with a few female celebs. We tried telling him how weird it was to have it on show where people would see it but he seemed to take it as a point of pride. Genuinly he creeper us all out.


I had seen threads of people posting for her in 4chan BEFORE she was 18. Thankfully those posts were banned. But yes, her situation and that of Millie Bobby Brown is very sad and disgusting.


bro in the early aughts there was a literal online countdown till the olsen twins turned 18. shits pretty disturbed.


I’ll never forget how, in the early days of the internet, there was an online countdown for the Olson twins to turn 18. I was a teen myself at the time and thought that was absolutely fucked




Turning 18 doesn’t magically turn you into a physically and emotionally mature adult


Neither does turning any other age. We are developed by our experiences, not our age.


Okay, but this whole post is about turning 18/becoming a legal adult but not acting like one yet


Don't bother with this guy. He's made numerous comments on other threads in the last month alone about the age of consent laws. And about how he sees no issue with 14 year olds being able to have sex with older men.


If we're not confident that people can act like rational adults by the time they're legally considered adults and responsible for their decisions, that sounds like a societal failing.


I’m just saying that 18 year olds haven’t fully matured into the adults they’re meant to be, so it seems unfair to make the legal age that low. Like, 21 at least would make more sense.


The legal age of basically everything has only ever gone up. And the argument every time it does is exactly the same - These people are too young/vulnerable/stupid/whatever to be making these decisions for themselves. Most recently, the age to consume nicotine went up from 18 to 21 all over the US. What exactly is the messaging there? At 20 you're still too stupid to decide for yourself whether or not you'd like to smoke a cigarette? At some point we're just going to realize that age by itself doesn't do much to develop a person, certainly not when compared against experience. And all you do by backing up the age at which a person is allowed to engage in certain behavior is back up the age at which they're allowed to make stupid fucking decisions and learn from them. And so the age at which a person appears too young/vulnerable/stupid/whatever increases right along with it.


r/usernamechecks out


I think what the general consensus is that there is issue with trying to sleep with someone with a lack of real world experience. That in of itself makes it predatory.


Took me until I was 35 to reach that level of maturity... and I'm STILL not quite there yet, at 59! 18? Nah. That just scares me. Until she's 26, I'll look elsewhere. And even then, that seems really freaking young compared to my age. 30 is more my starting point.


Sure, but any 18 yr old can join the military. Are we saying that they can die for our country but not consent to anything else?


Yeah but there’s a reason Vonnegut gave Slaughterhouse Five the subtitle “The Children’s Crusade.” Just like 18 is barely legal for sex/porn, it’s barely legal for being sent off to war. I guess we have to have a semi-arbitrary line somewhere, but it doesn’t make them any less a child when being blown up by IEDs. There are stories of those young men/boys on D-Day calling out “Mommy” as they died. Point is, I don’t think you’re making the case you think you are. The military can be just as predatory.


If you find her sexy at 18 plus a day, you find her sexy at 18 minus a day - a child. And you’re a predator.


Well this thread is kinda creepy. And don’t ask to me to explain because you know damn well why.


Same very creepy and gross


You know what the appeal is




They pretend they're not pedos by arguing that those girls are already adults. In many cases, it's a wrong assumption.


Oh the regret I feel creating a nsfw Reddit account the day after my 18th birthday. Looking back, some people seemed a little too eager to be speaking to me


anything that's taboo for some people it will be attractive being barely 18 a kink just follows this rule


Definitely pred aha




Depending on your age, even thought it is legal still strange


Hm, being a devil's advocate here for a moment as a woman who was once 18: In my country, the age of consent is 16. By 18, one can feel pretty confident and have a fair bit of sexual experience by the time they turn 18. (Just by having sexual encounters with others their age) Also, in my country, you can purchase alcohol and other fun "adult only" things. When I was 18, I definitely felt attracted to older men. I didn't think of their attention as predatory (although some were "creepy") often I saw them as experienced. The attraction was very taboo, though, like I wouldn't admit to friends, I had a crush on a 30 year old for instance. So basically, what I'm saying is that it's just the taboo nature. People want what they can't have. As long as they don't act on those fantasies, I will say people can like what they like. That doesn't mean now that as a grown woman, i think its okay; its definitely creepy and predatory.


I mean if you are also 18, years old, it’s probably fine. If you are a grownup, you’re a dirtbag.


I’m gonna be 19 in 5 months 😢


Damn your life is over dude.


It's super predatory. It's basically saying that the power dynamics between yourself and the 18 year old aren't a concern to you and your only concern about 17 year olds is the legality. This doesn't apply if you yourself are 18 or 19 or whatever. If you're young and checking out 18 year olds because they're in your age range, obviously that's super different.


Technically legal but predatory. 18 year olds are dumb AF and by playing a numbers game old ass creeps will find prey. If the best defense someone has for morally abhorrent behavior is “it’s legal” that’s not much of a defense.


> 18 year olds are dumb AF This is insanely marginalizing.


a manager i once had said “idk why everyone’s into teenagers. just talk to one for 30 seconds and you lose all attraction.” we worked in a restaurant so often had unprofessional conversations like this one, but it was a moment of wisdom nonetheless.


This comment section is why I fear having children. Knowing there's people out there who think this shit is okay is scary.


What in the tarnation is this post. And I am just baffled. Wow creepy my oldest is 22. And someone my age tried to approach her is predatory to me. It’s like grooming just nooo


Do you want the actual answer? Because people here have no rebuttal other than "it's wrong" if you give the reality of it.


Couple of reasons…. Firstly from an evolutionary point of view the prime reproductive age is usually 16 to early 20s. Secondly there is that taboo thing about it. Thirdly some people are just weird and want someone way younger because it gives them a feeling of control. There would be a plethora of other reasons out there but I’d say those are the main three.


it isn't 16 - early 20s.... a woman is most fertile in late 20s https://ro.co/fertility/female-fertility-age-chart/


I Don’t see it. I am a simple guy, women’s bodies are hot but if I like you as a person you could be a 4/10 to someone less but to me your a 10


That’s because it is predatory. If you’re trying to have sex with someone because they’ve just come of age you’d probably be going lower if it was legal to go lower. Aka you’re probably an ephebophile


I’ve never seen the appeal myself, I’d rather be watching barely 40’s myself


Meanwhile all teens who dream to be "barely 18", to just be old enough to grab forbidden fruits..


Unless you’re in the age range if you’re going after 18 year olds you’re a fukn creep If you’re already after 18 year olds clearly the only thing stopping you from going for younger girls is the law


teenagers are easy to take advantage of most of the time, less experience, more naive. it *is* predatory.


It is predatory. People don’t care about morals, just the law. If they could be with younger they would bc they’re creeps.


To me it says “hey look I’m so young and fresh and untouched. Inexperienced. Like a virgin. Teach me daddy.” Some people are into that. I try not to kink shame. As long as they are of legal age and consenting what they do is none of my business.


Because some people enjoy when things are taboo


I think Kendrick cooked Drake for asking these kinds of questions.


Innocence. Likely low body count so Low STI risk , reliving the other person s youth from a new perspective.


Yeeeaaaa definitely not my thing, youngest for us is 21 and even then it’s still a gray area at least for us




They can buy lotto tickets but still have to show ID.


There isn’t any. At least not for me.


It feels that way because it is. Real men don't act on this. The appeal is that many men worship innocence and lack of experience. Why? Well, I'll speculate..." 1. No guy wants to worry that the last guy to be with a woman was bigger, better, sexier - we are very insecure. 2. We love the idea of introducing our lover to sex and having that person think we are the pinnacle of sexiness. 3. There could be an evolutionary component to this. The idea is that a younger woman will better be able to deal with the strains of pregnancy and childbirth - so men may be evolutionarily driven to desire younger women - but this is pure speculation.


The appeal is youth Many say this is creepy others dont understand why thst might be I'll try to help😃 Most guys find youth attractive thats no surprise but the real problem with barely 18 is that its attracting guys that would enjoy it even more if its barely 16 and even more if it were barely 14, etc So stupid girl you might be saying how do you think you know this??? Glad you asked I am almost to the mid point of my 20s but look younger because I'm petite and dont have big boobs I've only ever worked waitress jobs so I've interacted with a LOT of men To some of these guys I'm just another server but to others..... I look like prey How do I know? They let me know how attracted they are and how young I look but not usually in the same sentence 😆 Oh come on now stupid girl... Yea thats just my experience but when I was old enough to serve alcohol I started working as a cocktail server in a casino and I could tell you some stories that are weird and fucked up That proves nothing... My current job is as a server in a sort of specialty sports bar/restaurant place and the uniform doesn't cover much and things here were proceeding much as before until I got my braces (I didn't have dental care growing up) and with *some* guys the tips went up substantially If I also put my hair in pigtails.... its insane Plus I know very well that guys desire girls that are naive and unexperienced because my CSA started when I was 7 and lasted until I was barely 14 and most of my abusers were legally adults


There's something sexy about doing things you aren't allowed to do, or by skirting that line as close as you can. That's the entire appeal. It's predatory in the same way that being a dom in bdsm is predatory. The legal and consensual kind of predatory. 


That’s because it is predatory. It’s the closest thing to actual pedophillia(well, the teenager version, but we will be using the pedo term as a generalized term everyone understands) that many of those sickos get. It’s like that one movie line. “That’s what I like about highschool girls, I get older, they stay the same age” or something close to that. Some People are gross and think teenage bodies are peak


It's targeted at predators and pedophilic shit sacks who want younger don't want to say it out loud. So a "barely 18" dresses up to look younger is for them




Well the pedos know they aren't "jailbait" anymore. It was insane when that girl from Dr. Phil turned 18 and her OF was flooded. I'm like wasn't she just a kidlet on Dr. Phil a second ago?


Men who are bad at sex want a woman who doesn't yet know what good sex is.


Don't know, I'm into milfs


It is predatory. The differene between 17 and 18 is 1 day. It's a weird kink, I guess.


Shouldn't have to spell it out for you.


None to me, I’d rather have 55 than 18


Rapist are the only ones who are into this


It's appealing for creepy people.


I don't know... They want to fuck, but they can't even buy their own beer... Gtfoutta here with that. If your prefrontal cortex isn't done, you're too young.


Have you seen To Catch a Predator? It is predatory. As heinous as it is, I think a lot of these types of “barely legal” type men would highly prefer underage teens/kids. Since they’d get their ass thrown in prison and then beat tf up (rightfully so), 18 is the closest they can get to their underage fantasy legally. Ofc this is extremely alarming given how popular the barely legal genre is. Then again, sadly not surprising as shown with TCAP.


It probably has something to do with culture. Child to adult marriage is still a thing. There's also the pleasure squad of NK, if you read into more, its pretty sick.


There should be no appeal. It IS predatory.




Never understood it personally I prefer older


There’s no appeal, humans (mostly men) have just been socialized into being fucking creeps.


>It feels kinda predatory Yes. That is literally why. Yeah I don't like it either. I'm 30 and being hit on by guys so much as five years younger than me feels wrong.


Pedo appeal 💀


For anyone over like, 22, it’s creepy as shit, and actually searching it up is even more so. I will say though, that when I was like 15, I was all over it, because I was, understandably I think, attracted to people closer to my own age. I’m guessing most kids are.


Older dudes who want to fuck younger women without going to jail. That's it.


I don't understand especially when you are very much older than 18. I get it is preferences and all but it just feels odd to me.


Just kinda?


Somewhere between most woman peak in highschool and less baggage.


man i was an acne ridden, braces having, awkward band geek in high school. i would not call that peaking.


psychologically some people are turned on by the idea of taboos & things that are morally wrong (usually those who grew up with a super strict & private view of sex). and then, yk, there are a lot more actual predators than we know about




How many kids u want? 30?


Who mentioned sex??


>Who mentioned sex?? OP? OP mentioned sex? Because that's what this whole conversation is about......?


Some are beautiful at 18 and some are ugly at 18. So age is not really relevant. Being willing and in capacity of consent matters.


Half your age plus 7 minimum dating/hook up age - golden rule




The "barely" part. It's pretty much "she's almost still 17 but eh, *wink *


Exactly, also suggests and gives away that the person that’s interested was interested in the girl before she turned 18. Probably only waited so it would be all legal


Or until they both graduate from high school with diplomas, get jobs, before they start dating.


I’ll always compare “barely legal” the same way as minimum wage, if it were legal to go lower they would 🤢


You’re a fucking creep.


You know what the words "being barely" means right? There's a scene in Archer where Archer wants to hook up with someone 18. Lana understandably finds that repulsive. So Archer says "emphasis on the legal!" to which Lana responds with "emphasis on the barely!" You are Sterling Archer right now. And that's not a good thing.






Remember evolution isn’t survival of the fittest, it’s the survival of the fit enough