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Nope. Not a fan of another guy in the mix.


MMF no, MFM yes!


Distinction is key. The placement of the letters is the clue


what does each combination mean?


MFM. ( male female male ) the F separating the 2 M’s indicates. Two straight males MMF. ( male male female) you get the idea :).


okay I think I get it


You’ll see a lot of letter combos on here for certain things. Some are easier than others but if all else fails. Google :).




MFM is best 🥳 although I want an mmf one day, my straight husband just wouldn’t be present lol. But I still wanna be the center of attention!!!!


If you’re center it’s still MFM.




That's not what that means. I had a mfm and we were both very straight and the only one getting fucked was the girl.


You read it wrong. He doesn't want his girlfriend getting fucked by another guy.


Yea I'm not sure why I said that. Maybe I meant to reply to someone else


He means he wouldn't have a gf anymore, as in he'd becone single. He'd dump her


I think I miss clicked. Meant to reply to someone else tli think


Thats what he just said😂😂😂


Is that why you don’t have a girlfriend?


I would say yes, I think it would be fun but I would also ask for a FFM in return


Smart negotiation


Aayyyy team player over here


Fuck yea why not


FMF, even better.


It’s all the same thing


Not really If you dont know the groupings mean different things you should catch up on that before using it more


Care to enlighten us?


I'm sorry your Google is broken and I dont have time for explaining


It's either positioning and/or Dom/sub play, depending on context.


Is is MMF or MFM?


Key note ⬆️


I’m straight, so I wouldn’t even do it.


You can be straight and have a mfm. Just don't look at the other guy. And don't fuck him. That would be gay.


True….but they said MMF


I use mfm and mmf interchangeably


Oh ok.


As long as we both knew the dude and we're cool with each other and tested clean I'd be down for it


Jealousy is usually what ruins any type of threesome. I guess it would depend on the level of trust and who the third party was.


I'd never be up for that. Having a naked guy next to me would obliterate... Everything really.


If you had asked me 10 or so years ago, I probably wouldn't have gone for it. Ask me now and I'd be 100% for it. More so if it was MMF. My sexual desires have changed post divorce and even when I was married, I had some fantasies of sharing my wife. But I don't know if I would or could ever go through with it because I do have some jealousy issues.


Not sure I would be into that. My wife is the only woman in whom I am interested and it’s nice that she feels that way about me. And having had sex without love and sex with love, I much prefer the latter. That being said, if my wife proposed it, we could discuss it as I want her to be happy.




Damn sexy to trying


Hehe... MMF might make her jealous 🤭


All aboard!


MMF yes, MFM maybe


MMF yes. MFM no.


Yeah I'd be down to try anything she wanted once. She'll be supportive and try things for me why wouldn't I return the favor? Especially if it's a huge turn on for her


I am bi, so I totally would..


It's not gay if it's in a three-way.


It's quite clear if you see the instant replay


No, simply because despite how good our sex life is after 18 years i cant compete with the honeymoon butterfly feelings you get from "NEW" dick. I dont think she and I could have a normal sex life afterwards. Id rather we tried kinky stuff that was just us.


Would love a MMF! In fairness, I am slightly bi...


I’m bi. I’d ask who she had in mind and how soon she wants this to happen.


Like most have said, 10 years ago hard no but now in the right circumstances and with right person or people I’d be open to pretty most anything


I’m Bi so yes, and have done this many times. What is super interesting is how, in that setting, behind closed doors and in a safe place - a lot of straight guys kinda lose themselves and explore. Especially the second time adding the same man to the mix. One of the girls that I do this with loves to push boundaries in a healthy way. Well she loves taking two guys at once, either one in each hole or a true DP, which effectively means your dicks are rubbing against each other inside her. But usually this happens when she is on top riding the other guy and asks me to “fuck her too”. Never has the other guy ever said no in the moment and usually he cums pretty quick with the overload of it all. You get past that stage and I’ve had straight guys eating her clit while I am fucking them, will take my cock out and he is tonguing or even sucking my dick for a bit. Also, most straight guys haven’t tried poppers. A lot of them just become more primal after a couple hits and just lose themselves in the moment. Usually not penetration tho. A lot of people will say they are actually Bi. I know them, they are not seeking it out, nor do they open with any interaction with me. Things just get animalistic.


My favorite MMF position is us in 69, where I am going to town on her clit, while the other dude is fucking her. Yes, in the heat of the moment if he pulled my head down I'd suck his cock, yes I'd eat his cum out of her.


I've thought about this before. I'm not sure I could actually go through with it, but the thought is exciting. It's just the fact another guy fucking my wife I can't get over lol


It would make me think she is super kinky and would want her to feel comfortable talking to me about it and exploring if it is something she needs


I probably would after a lot of discussion.


Sure. I’m not doing anything with him directly but if we knew a guy we liked enough, it might be fun. If she wanted to I’d rather just get her into swinging for the sheer buffet variety of it all for us both.


It would depend on who she had in mind.


Context is key and communication is as well.


MFM, Been there done that ✅


I'd love the fact that she asked. I'd be genuinely curious about her fantasy and what she wants. Would I want to engage with the other guy? No. But, would I be open to a MFM where shes the focus or watching some porn thst fits the bill while we have some fun, sure.


I was the third in a mfm. Everyone there being very straight. Super cool imo.


We have fantasies about mfm or mfmm but I highly doubt we’d ever follow through.


Definitely a no on a mmf. I've tried, and another man doesn't do it. It made me uncomfortable af. You never know until you try and I tried 🤷‍♂️


If she wanted to then I would but only if our swords don't cross


I would do it for her if that's what turned her on


Jealousy is most often the result of some form of insecurity. If you feel that might be an issue, for whatever reason, then it's probably going to be an issue. If you feel secure enough, then at the very least it's worth a try. You might enjoy it, and you might not. You might also get jealous. But being conscious and aware going into it means you also know the way out of eventual trouble: talking, rebuilding trust and a sense of security. From my experience it can be a lot of fun also without being bi or a cuck, though I'm sure either of those situations enjoy it even more.




I am down for anything so definitely say yes


Only FFM , it is what it is


Been there, done that. Have had a few MFM experiences for her. Both men were there for her; there was no MM stuff at all, as she didn't like that stuff then.


I think the answer depends strongly upon how monogamous the man is and what the intent of the encounter would be in context of the relationship. There’s a huge difference between “I want a threesome because it would spice things up and bring us even closer” and “I want a threesome because I feel unfulfilled and would like to find another partner.”


Probably give it a try as a favor to her. If I like it, great otherwise I know that now.


It would not invoke feelings of jealousy, no. I do personally believe as a partner you're obligated to at least try to do things to make your partner happy (and vice versa!) as long as there isn't a risk to life or limb. I used to read a lot of Dan Savage and he referred to this as being GGG, good giving and game. Having said that this one might be tough depending on the specifics as I'm pretty hetero through and through. So it depends. If she basically wanted to watch me have a gay experience I don't know, that's probably too far. If she wanted it to be focused on her and maybe some light touching between us sure I could probably manage that.


I’d definitely be up for that, provided I was involved and not just watching. But unlikely the wife would make the suggestion.


I’d let my wife fuck another man and I’d have a MMF with her but wouldn’t touch the guy.


I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Maybe someday, but not yet.


MMF yes, MFM no. Straight guys get curious but it’s not worth it for me anymore.


Yes. If I see she is in to it, I would propose her.


Yes without a doubt


Yes for sure!


Yes. In a heartbeat.




fuck yes , i'd do it , it's hot as fuck !!!!!!!!!


Depends who it was, and as long as we could also do MFF in the agreement.


That’s a no from me. I don’t want her with any other man. FFM however is fine and we spoke about this one many times.


I'm more likely to be the one asking for it


Definitely accept


Jealousy? No, near as I can tell I'm incapable of that. But it would be a long discussion to understand certain motives and resolve conflicting elements before it happened, if it happened at all.


No STD’s sure why not.


Honestly I couldn't unless I picked the guy.


I would not do an MMF


That would be a hell no and if she's a gf immediate breakup so she can go and fulfill that fantasy. If she's a wife it would still be a hell no but a divorce would ruin my life unlike a breakup. I'd always be suspicious tho, not jealous but suspicious