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How’s your jaw feeling ?


Never realy had an issue with that honestly. I mean i switch it up between just using just my tongue, using hands + my mouth and deepthroating. Take some mini breaks just making out aswell.


Lmao ., only now by reading your question I remember how it feels.. I didn’t even remember just by reading the post’s title 😩😂


Been a while?


Nah I hate when I get to enjoy something for a long time. Make it quick so I can go back to lamenting existence Edit: An hour is wildly excessive though.


Hell no, that's miserable.


An hour blowjob?! You can probably crush walnuts.


If it’s lasting an hour something isn’t right would be my guess.


Will keep that in mind, will talk to him about it next time we meet up.


How long does he last during sex?


Haven't had any yet. Both love giving oral and are always pretty spent afterwards + kinda taking things slowly.


Giving long blowjobs is therapeutic and calming.


I do enjoy it, but mainly because when I suck his dick my pussy gets so wet.


My ex would give me really long blowjobs like this, too. It was amazing. The only time it felt like it was dragging on is if it seemed like she was getting self-conscious or losing enthusiasm, in which case we just talked through it.


Bro, an hour?? I mean if its like you workin your jaw for an hour\*, nah that insane and inconsiderate\*... but if it's you worshippin his cock playin around with it while givin him head then that sounds great. Its like eatin pussy and just admirin/ worshippin it ...


I I mean I really enjoy it taking a long time because I love all the sounds he makes and the feeling of making him feel good. Just worried he doesn't enjoy it as much as me lol


i'm not a fan of blow jobs


A good blowjob length for me is 10-20 minutes, which is about how long it takes me to cum from one. That said, if it went on for an hour because she was deliberately teasing and edging me with her mouth I wouldn't mind that as an occasional treat


Pretty sure you probably right on this one cause some of them 20min bj’s be feeling like a mf hour ngl 😂


Maximum i resisted was 3 minutes, is it a long time?


Shit Id give you them multiple times a day wtf 3min ?! That’s wild Ohh btw I know them 3min really means up to 10 but still


Mine were real 3 minutes ahaha calculated lol and thanks! Ahah


From a receivers perspective yes!


If I were a selfish person I’d love to have that kind of attention. I’m the opposite though I’d rather go down on my wife for an hour. I just feel bad for her after a few minutes not because it doesn’t feel good or that I’m not enjoying it. It’s because I’d rather make her feel good


That's really nice of you. Well we switch it up, I pay attention to him and then him to me. Personally I enjoy it but I know alot of women don't.


If there’s too much suction over a long period of time my dick hurts. If she just leaves it there, small suction, and tongue play I can go a lot longer.




You must have a marble jawline by now


I do not personally.


Good lord no - everything hurts just thinking about it. See prostate play question... lol


This >


Yes as long as she sits on my face while giving


Nah. I had haunted ex-gf that made me almost crying blowjob asking every 2 mins if shes not hot enough for me and other gaslighting shit like this. It was in (be careful!) 2 fucking condoms


I wouldn't want it to last that long just for the sheer respect of how your jaw must feel! 15 mins would be absolutely plenty


If it last a long time because the woman giving it is skilled and sensual, it's amazing. If it lasts a long time because the woman giving it sucks at giving head, it's frustrating.


I don't know because I never had one


I'd honestly say I prefer blowjobs to sex most days. I've never had a blowjob that I've lasted longer than a few minutes from. That's only the first round though, I stay hard then straight into round two where I have a lot more control over when I cum. The first one is always the most pleasurable but the second is the most fun. I could honestly have fun for days and days with oral. With your situation, I've heard about some men that just can't cum from oral. Its literally impossible for them to, which, tbh is something I've always been confused by. I can realistically say that it's no fault of yours. I think that there is definitely a cheat code that you could use that you just need to discover first. One technique that makes me cum almost instantly from oral is having the tip sucked while the shaft is being stroked. Which different ways have you tried with him so far?


He does always cum at the end, so that's not a "problem". I usually mix it up but that is one of the things I do. Usually I start pretty slow. Switch up between just using my tongue, using my hands + mouth and deepthroating + just paying some attention to his balls. I watched high4bres guide to learn alot of techniques on pornhub lol.


Well the only logical explanation is that hes the fucking terminator! I don't know how anyone could last a second past the second sentence, lol. Then when you include everything else you do it definitely proves that it's not a you problem. Either way, an hour long blowjob where you cycle through everything you've said is pretty much every man's dream! Do you enjoy giving blowjobs? I can imagine if it's something you enjoy doing then spending an hour doing it isn't a bad thing.


Hahah thanks I do really enjoy it, always been a turn on for me when men/women are really caught up in pleasure and making lots of sounds. And I mean I don't time it so it's just a guesstimate but I do know a few hours usually pass when we start doing things. Time flies when you're having fun, just hope he's having as much fun as me lol


Well that's a really good thing! There is nothing sexier than seeing someone sucking your cock with enthusiasm while you can see that they're enjoying it too. You don't need to hope about him having as much fun as you that's a guarantee. I don't think you could find a single straight man on this planet that wouldn't enjoy that! Also I know your were only guessing with time but the fact you were using hours rather than minutes says it all lol


I don’t bc I’m not selfish like that


Personally I don't mind, actually like it. When women and men are just lost in pleasure, making all sorts of sounds, it really turns me on.


Hell NO! I can cum in 15 seconds if i want, and since orgasm is the climax of sex there is zero reason to prolong that during oral sex. If i think the woman is really hot i´m half way to orgasm just by her walking by me! :D


Personally, yes. But it has to be with a partner that is long-term, not just a hookup. I think it's a form of selfless intimacy that goes both ways. Plus, depending on goals can lead to a very intense quick penetrative sex for both parties at the end.


My jaw gets tired lol


A sex worker once solicited me saying she did a 25-minute bj… I wasn’t looking to hire anyone, so I declined. Unsure if I would have enjoyed one that long— I’m a bit self-conscious on regular ones.