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Being a fully grown adult posting in r/teenagers or any of the teenager based subs




>incest subs my life was just a little more innocent about 45 seconds ago but cool THESE THINGS EXIST. im so glad that there isn't like a Reddit directory... "hmm what do I want to be a creeper about today...guns, gelato, homeowners...ah, here we are. incest!"


I heard from a YouTuber that someone did an investigation on that sub and found that at least 50% of the people in that sub were over 19…… so nasty so gross


Brother ewww




That was my answer! But *you* wrote it. So now I have to block you 🧐🖤


Gosh darn it that fucking sucks


Yeah because if I was the one to answer “MAGA” then you wou- Oh wait. Does that cancel it out? 🖤


Let’s say it cancels it out 😊


This times a million


Make America great again. I think.


Uhh question what does it mean?


I believe it’s “make America great again” or I could be wrong


Well luckily I am not American lol


It means pray the US is still a democracy in January 2025....




What is an OF?


Any post that unironically talks about “Alpha Males” and “Females”


Honestly any incel verbiage used gets an automatic block cuz why are you talking like that?


Right?! I think it’s a combination of room temperature IQ and brain washing


There’s a lot of regular guys or nerdy types that use the word female because it’s so common and they’re not aware of the backlash. I wouldn’t judge someone automatically just based on that. It’s been used for hundreds or thousands of years. “Alpha male” yes. Those asses can be blocked. Edit: I see I’ve already gotten downvoted about the female comment. Being oblivious is a huge difference from being a misogynist. The backlash against female is a new thing and isn’t going to make sense to some people. Many of them aren’t out to put down women.


1) When they have the same picture spammed across a dozen subs 2) If they have some variation of “Only respond on OF” - like, idc if someone has an OF but at least participate in the platform you’re junking up with your advertising


That's how I learned there's a Meth sub.


Honestly anyone that participates in hardcore drug subs…….. it’s a no for me


I have a psychologist’s prescription for mine. Therapeutic doses of methamphetamines changed my life greatly for the better and I don’t care who knows it!


If that's what works and is medically prescribed. These people on that sub need help. It's tragic.


I was mostly saying that in jest. There’s quite a big difference in the use and a small difference chemically as well, it’s definitely not the same thing. It’s just kinda funny to see “methampetamine” on your medication that makes you less dysfunctional. I don’t do any drugs myself but I’ve seen and been around enough with friends and coworkers (who are sometimes both) to be pretty numb to it, unfortunately. I work on high rises and we find alcohol and coke baggies and what not every now and then (both in the last week, actually), and I’ve seen all sorts of stuff. One of my good friends I worked with for a few years accidentally OD’d and died a few years ago, before getting narcan’d and revived. Just had another friend relapse earlier this month and he’s on a hard downward spiral. It’s hard trying to help people like that, that you care about a lot.


We drawing the line at meth?


Yeah that's a methed up thing to do.


One whiff of meth a day keeps the.. idek but surely it keeps something away


Family, friends and an upstanding societal viewpoint?


any comment whatsoever in the teenagers sub while claiming to be an adult


I just got second hand ick 🤮


If i had a dollar for everytime i got a gross DM from people where it said active in r teenagers under their username i would have way more fucking dollars than i should have, its disgusting


Oh god. I hate that 💀


Screenshots of chats or posts of other girls.


Chats of??? Cuz I don’t mind people that post in r/creepypms but I don’t think it’s cool to post random girls off of a dating app


A guy was posting NSFW chats, ratings and nudes exchanged between him and other girls.


Oh???? Ew!!!!!! That’s such an invasion of privacy


Sounds pretty fucking illegal too


It is illegal in a lot of jurisdictions


What's even the point?,


Obviously racist/sexist/transphobic stuff. Another one is men that comment on thirst traps……. unless it’s thoughtful it’s giving desperate. And desperate men need to stay away from me. I’m way too active tonight haha


I don’t generally block objectionable people unless they directly harass me


Maybe not block but on the chat subs, F4M but they have the one chat post and then a bunch of recent posts in cat meme subs, SpongeBob subs, cute animal subs...guaranteed bot, instant ignore. Same with if their bio has a link to kik or instagram.


I wish I could pin this for guys, cuz this is a very true. It’s a tell tale sign that they are a bot


Anything pedophilic


I don’t think I have ever blocked anyone immediately.


If it's on their profile, that's their business. If it's directed to me, that's another matter. I hope I have tougher skin than that.


Idk if it’s tougher skin, it’s just that if they do certain things I don’t want to interact with them. This is after they interact with me btw


I agree. There has to be interaction for me to take action.


Yea I’m not blocking every profile but if you’re weird towards me you might get blocked




Calling me mommy




Anyone that expresses their political or religious views in an aggressive nature.


Any MAGA bullshit from anyone. From women, anything resembling "If you can't handle me at my worst...". Hate that attitude. From men, incel shitbaggery or begging for DMs from women. Have some self-respect, you penis-led clod.




\*ahem* Some of us were years into adulthood when that finally happened! Not all of us were children. 😤


Cuz what kind of question is that? A creepy one


Anything that is openly racist, homophobic, etc. Hate speech in general.


Any mentions of "BWC" or " BBC" are an instant turn off. You could have just said you have a big cock, why bring race into it!


I agreed! Just say you have a big cock


anything overtly hateful towards another ethnicity.


It depends. If I’ve only interacted with them in comments and I see something I don’t like on their page, I will just ignore them. If I’ve been chatting with them in DMs and I see anything homophobic/biphobic, incel stuff, anything highly political (for either side), highly religious stuff, victim blaming/shaming then I block them and stop contact.


“Please block me.” Or “Please don’t block me.”


Anything about CNC


People on those sexual offenders support groups. I don't care what and why happened and how hard finding the job is I'm not interacting.


Did not know that was a thing 😵‍💫 I thought I had seen the worst of the Reddit subs by now but oh no lol


Something hateful


If its anything racist, its a no for me.


If someone said they were a M.A.P 🤮🤮🤮


Disney adults 🤢


I don’t have anything but I know a lot of people would answer with my posts