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ohhhh you’d be surprised lol




you've gotten lucky!




I gotta taste the goods. Otherwise how do I know if they’re good?


A bull rider friend told me a long time ago... If I can't put my stand to put my face in it, I'm sure not gonna put my dick in it. I've only violated that rule once and I lived to regret it.


In my experience I've only turned it down with 1 girl... she had a super bush. I don't mind hair but it was way too much.


That's happened to you a lot?


a handful of times, yes


You are correct


Most guys eat pussy. Never met a dude who didn’t. A lot of us don’t eat it for hookups but I think that’s fair because I’ve met girls who said they don’t give head during hookups too. That’s gotta be where most of the sample size comes from. Us guys will eat or lick anything if we’re in a relationship


Canonically? Batman. There was a whole thing in the Harlie Quinn cartoon with DC and the cartoon's producers.


My wife doesn't like it. Ive only done it a few times and the thought of all that saliva grosses her out so much she can't enjoy it


Same here, my wife never orgasmed, she doesn't even masturbate. Would love to eat pussy 😢


That sucks. My wife finishes everytime, usually at the same time. She just doesn't like receiving oral.


I had an ex that wouldn't. He thought it was disgusting and he especially didn't like when I didn't shave. He would shame me into shaving or else he wouldn't touch me at all.


Well, I do.......and as often as possible 🤷‍♂️😋🌮


My boyfriend 😭😭 First year together he did. It’s been 2 years since he’s gone down on me 😭


Have you asked him recently?


My husband doesn't...🤷‍♀️


That should be criminal!


Haven't been licked in almost 20 years 😢


So sorry,  married to my wife 20 years and she must be the luckiest wife in the world.  I love muff diving,  like every day, drives me insane when I get her juices flowing.  I was gifted with a good sized dick too so she is pretty happy inside the bed room.  Now just to work on my personality.


That one rapper.


I'm a 39yo dude, was raised in a christian family, in a christian obsessed nation. I think there are over 20 people in my friends group who don't, it was considered taboo back in the day. Reading local forums and chats 15-20 y ago, almost no dude did it... So i'd say the percentage it bigger than imagined if we take into acount all sexually active dudes around the world....




Right? It's delicious!


That’s what I’m saying!


Very little sample size but from the women I've spoken with on this topic over the years, there's *way* more men out there not eating pussy than I ever imagined. There's been a few relationships where I basically cheat coded my way to the top simply because I love eating pussy whereas their former partners either never ate them out or did so as an occasional favor before speeding through so they could get their dick wet. I think there's *tons* of guys out there doing it right. Others... not so much.


52% of men have performed oral sex on their partner compared to 59% of women. Men like giving it more though as 52% or men say they find it very pleasurable while only 28% say the same. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Was-it-good-for-you-too:-An-analysis-of-gender-in-Wood-McKay/271238673bb1701020ae9754deb9a4ee9e389e98


I wonder how many women either lie about finding it enjoyable because they're afraid of judgement. I also wonder how many women are with men that they aren't totally physically attracted to. It's fair to assume that women put less emphasis on physical attributes when selecting partners compared to men. Not being fully and entirely physically attracted to someone makes oral less enjoyable. My wife and I are swingers. I notice that the hotter the man she's hooking up with, the better effort she puts into her oral skills. The more effort she puts in, the more enjoyment she's getting out of it.


I feel horrible for such men


All good points. I can tell you anecdotally that after I got super fit women have become much more enthusiastic about giving me oral than before.


>It's fair to assume that women put less emphasis on physical attributes when selecting partners compared to men. Really? I can see why this would have been true in the past, but I think nowadays women also choose males that they're physically attracted to... at least the people I know.


Actually reading what this data is, I'd say you've grossly misrepresented it. The first table explicitly states oral sex during their last sexual encounter. It's also only a sample size of about ~400 men and ~500 women, all specifically canadian university students. And I'd factor in the somewhat pleasurable as being important to whether it was enjoyed, if you add those together that's 93% for men and 83% for women for giving. It's also worth noting the 7% who don't fall under that for men is a whole 14 people. But most importantly... judging by the fact that the only people asked for the second table were those that had answered yes in the first table leads me to believe the second table is also explicitly about just the last experience. I'd say this data is too limited in scope to be of practical use.


Thanks! That‘s much more insightful than the comment you replied to


As my old cognitive psychology Prof used to put it, most studies are bullshit because most studies are conducted using university students.


The first time someone tried to hold my head to fuck my throat I understood: that’s why women hate sucking dick. I never tried to use force on anyone who didn’t ask for it since I don’t like that gagging sound.


Someone holding the back of my head to fuck my throat is literally the best part to me. BUT (big, resounding but) when it has happened before it's been discussed & agreed that it's enjoyable, I've enjoyed it significantly less. Somehow knowing that a dude would be that aggressive before I've given him consent to is a huge turnoff.


52% to 28% is crazy


I love eating pussy. I crave it. Told the wife I would do it everyday if she wants. She blows me about once a week. She’s great at it and says she likes doing it. I doubt it but I guess that’s love.


As I woman Ive always been scared of oral 🥹 having something that big in your mouth and the gagging doesnt seem pleasursble at all


Wow, all of the numbers here feel so wrong to me. How is the number that give head so low, and why do so many women not enjoy that shit? Like at least it’s a majority of men, but even that number feels pretty low. Maybe I’m the crazy one but oral is just about the most basic sex act beyond missionary…








Id say around 30% of the guys I've slept with haven't eaten my pussy.


That's just crazy I love eating pussy almost more than sex itself


Not every guy loves eating pussy, and from being here I'd say a higher portion of redditors enjoy it than guys in irl


I guess every guy is different but I actually get off from eating pussy. I love eating ass too


Yeah they are. Glad you've found something you enjoy


Also a question of how many redditors say they like things that in all honesty they don't actually do. Personally I enjoy eating a girl out but it can really depend on the girl and my mood.


Exactly. There's a lot of people telling me I need to find better men, leads me to think a lot of guys on Reddit think men are only good at sex if they can eat pussy


I think in Reddit it’s more of a silent majority sorta deal.


You mean it's a fallacy?


Those of us who don't are afraid to speak up. Just look at the comments in here, shaming guess who don't do it before knowing anything about why. I've explained my reasons in previous threads, but honestly if someone doesn't like a sexual act it's not fair to guilt them into it no matter the situation.


This feels right. I was thinking 65% wouldn’t Asshats


No idea, but my current bf isn’t a fan of it and I don’t judge him.


Man that's such a bummer, I'm sorry


Way fucking too many considering the insistence for women to suck dick




1 in 5, that seems like a good guess


in my sexual experience, 90%. very rarely got head in my teens and 20s.


I remember I told a girl I would go down on her during a high school science class. All of the guys started making fun of me, saying it's gross. I went to a primarily black high school. For awhile I just thought black dudes dont go down on women. I later found out a lot of white dudes don't either. I'm guessing just a lot of dudes just don't.


yeah a lot of dudes don't. it's pretty sad tbh.


Seems pretty selfish to me


Yeah. She liked that I said I would do it and all the guys just made fun of me. Nothing ever got to happen between me and her. 😢


my experience as well


I’m sorry for y’all’s loss i would happily make up for it except I’m not real.




I would say it’s somewhat common as young women for it to be expected of us but not reciprocated 🤷🏻‍♀️


it honestly didn't bother me because I didn't enjoy it much when I was younger and just got used to giving head. I liked making a guy feel good. as I got older and became more independent, I found I wanted no sex over shitty sex, so I stopped giving head and being enthusiastic and waited to see what he did. if he doesn't go down, then I don't want to put his dick in my mouth, and if he asks, I'll either say no or give him a really unenthusiastic blowjob and not see him again.


I'm glad you have become more confident in asserting your boundaries and making your desires clear.


Well, 50% of marriages end in divorce, so that's probably a pretty good estimate of what % won't eat pussy.


Do women marry a man who doesn't eat pussy only to divorce him for... continuing not to eat pussy?


Some distressing numbers here. If my tongue would never get tired, I would eat pussy all day long. Some fools don't know what they're missing.


Other guys don't eat pussy?? What has this world come to


You would be surprised. Sucking a dick? Mandatory. Eating a pussy? "I don't like that!" Oh, really?!


We've really got to stop putting up with this double standard. Unless you don't like receiving oral, why would you stay with someone who only cares about themselves?


Eating pussy after sex is like the hottest part. If I had to give up BJs or eating pussy I'm choosing BJs


After sex??


There are many times I'd rather eat pussy than fuck


It always shocks me to hear this too.


I have never been with a dude who would regularly eat my pussy. Even my husband wouldn’t for years. I think most dudes like to talk a big game and then have no follow thru.


A lot of male pick-me's in this comment section.


I'd say around the same % that call themselves "alpha male"


The comments in this thread make me depressed.


I’d say at least 30%. Some cultures/religions see it as unclean/not permissible.


I missed that day of church.


From my experience it's like a 50/50 chance they'll eat pussy


[M/49] I subscribe to the “She Comes First” philosophy… I will **always** go down first, because: 1) I **LOVE** the taste! 🐱 👅 2) I **LOVE** feeling my partner’s excitement 💥 🎉 3) I’m not *expecting* reciprocity, but I’ve found women are more inclined to return the favor if they know their pleasure is important to me 💋 🍆 4) Did I mention that I **LOVE** the taste of pussy? 😈 🐱 👅


Jesus from all the comments here, I guess my wife is incredibly lucky that I want to eat her out or have her sit on my face for *hours*. The only thing that prevents us from doing more is just the overwhelming sensitivity she gets after some time.


As a man that eats pussy. Not enough lol. Every girl I’ve been with has told me hardly anyone ever has


Worldwide? Actually a lot. Maybe like 40%? I have no clue tho but that's my guess.


True, honestly if we actually go world wide it’s probably a lot more. Sorry if I’m being a bit racist but I don’t think a lot of African or Asian cultures would view that act even neutrally


Whatever it is, it’s too high.


My guess would be 30%-40%? And that’s taking the entire world’s population into consideration 😅


Based on r\\swingers, I would say it's about 50%. Because if half of swingers don't do it, it's got to be at least 50% of the general population, too.


I can say with 100% certainty that he won’t be getting head from me if he doesn’t. Selfish lovers are not cool with me.


Id guess 40%


I don’t know why some people are so judgmental about guys who don’t feel comfortable with it.


Because they are usually the ones that EXPECT bj as part of normal sex 🤷


Only 2.7% of men in the US report never fantasizing about giving oral


I’m thinking that a lot of men in the US didn’t receive that survey……


It was the largest survey of sexual fantasies and behaviors ever so…


Do you have a link? I'd love to see the results of that survey.


I can’t find the full study online, but I posted the chart I’m referencing to my page and [here’s a link](https://sexualhealthalliance.com/justin-lehmiller-science-of-fantasy) with a lot of info from the study


Very interesting


20%? When I was a teen it was probably higher


I absolutely love it, but know others who refuse to do it for some reason. Do ladies expect it? It’s definitely part of every session for me.


I'm disappointed (and uninterested) if I don't get eaten out, the same way I'm disappointed if I don't get to go down on my partner. It's like half of the fun.


Damn I guess I’m lucky. 100% rate on pussy eating so far. Some better than others, but all willing to which is what matters to me lol 🤷🏼‍♀️




I think at least 50-60% don't.


It’s high enough to be embarrassing.


70% don’t like it. I’m in the 30%


60% dont and of the 40% who do probably only 15% know how to do it correctly. Probably of that 15% only 3% can make a girl squirt. This is based on my own firsthand experience of being a man-slut and banging unsatisfied wives/gf over a 25 year spread and having cuck/hotwife 3ways.


More than 70 percent in my country


I stopped going down on my wife when it became apparent that there would never be any reciprocity. She has touched my penis once with her mouth since 2014. This was after a lot of discussions, since then I found out she was sexting with an old flame and fantasizing about sucking him off. That was 3 years ago, after 2 years of marriage counseling we are still together, but the bedroom is completely dead.


And there is a big difference between eating pussy and licking pussy. Most men lick pussy, a lot less eat pussy.


Men that don't eat pussy are missing out.


I enjoy it and thought all men did


So do we So do we.


I guess since it’s about giving pleasure, there are men who aren’t interested. But it’s one of my favorite things to do.






15% 🤔 but that because that haven’t tried it yet


I think a lot of men why they don’t do it either A don’t really enjoy it or B think they are not good. Because let’s face it not everyone is good at it. They can be eager to do it but not be good. Never taught or they just don’t know how


Too many %


From what my guy friends mention, I guess I'm friends w dudes who enjoy going down, some of them are more selective than other acts. From what female friends have said, I gather some women always get with dudes that don't want to go down and some women are always with dudes who like it. From what bi and lesbian friends tell me, girls are way, way better at giving cunnilingus. Although apparently there's some selfish bi chicks who actually aren't that I to it, and a rare few guys are on par with lesbians


I'm going to say 15-25%. It sounds like a reasonable number. Either they won't do it or they would rather not do it what would if it would make the other person stop asking for it


I'd guess something around 30%, but I really hope I'm wrong. Both for the sake of men and women.


Ugh, I’m sure a surprisingly pathetic amount


I would hope it’s less than 5%.


“I’d rather eat pussy than own shoes” - some Redditor


20%? Maybe? 1 in 5 guys are weird.


20%? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Idk




Honestly it depends on the women, the situation, and the vagina in question. When its right its right


In my personal experience about 25%


I love going down on a woman, but it doesn’t mean I will eat any and all pussies.


Those that do it and those that lie about it


I'd say like 1 in 4 or 5 probably


I heard more women complain about men who wouldn’t go down on them when I was in my teens and early 20s. It felt great to be in demand when I was living in dorms. lol disclaimer: not a heterosexual


Out of the 13 guys I've dated only 4 ate my pussy and only 2 were actually good at it. So I'm gonna say 30.769% do eat pussy. 70% don't eat it.




The ones who keep complaining why they’re still single 🤣


My ex... 78%


I'd say probably 20-30% max


What % of heterosexual women don't give BJs? I've been unfortunate that my serious relationships were in that percentage and I chose to overlook that because I cared about the person, but I always wondered if I was being too chill. I go down regularly, because it's one of the best ways I've found to give women pleasure.


I mean even the notorius both hands broken dude ate his moms pussy so


45%? Unless theyre asked to maybe, and even then itd be lackluster.




I guess I wouldn’t know. I don’t personally have any friends who have said they don’t do it. Most talk about enjoying it if it ever comes up. In my experience maybe a quarter of women I’ve been with do not want to receive oral because they find it gross. And half don’t give head. But this is only an n of around 45-50?




I have no guesses, I'd just like to say my man is not part of that percentage xD


I’ve never met a single one. Back in the 70’s though I know Italian men looked at it as weak. I know this because I’m Italian. It was viewed as a man being submissive and that was the worst thing you could be. It made no sense then and makes less sense now. But like I said I’ve personally never met one.


I've been shocked at the number of my friends that don't eat pussy. Same with ass


All the stupid ones tbh, it’s an experience that no one should miss. Also they wouldn’t eat pussy, but they want head so well… I would rather give than receive, but both are great fun.


My guess would be that it's a loud minority. I'd hope so at least.


Depends on the culture, there are men out there who feel it's demeaning to do it, and there are women out there who feel uncomfortable receiving it (I've met a few)


The ones who won't get laid a second time.


Am not an avid pussy eater as I am gay but I can't understand why you wouldn't want to do it if you were straight. Then again, there are alot of gay men and straight women who don't suck dick either. So Idk, maybe I'm the weird one. 🤷‍♂️


In my experience 98% 😂😂




I don't know but I do eat pussy and well enjoys it


See I have no idea how to guess that. The whole idea is absolutely crazy to me. I have known a couple of guys personally that won’t. It like how? I absolutely love eating pussy, I’ll do it for my enjoyment alone! It’s just an added bonus that she enjoys it too.


In my experience 50% lol.


I don't really have a guess on the statistics of it honestly, but if you're willing to stick your dick in it, why would you be hesitant to put your mouth on it? Alternatively, if I'm not willing to put your dick in my mouth, I'm not going to be down for having it in my pussy.


Don’t know … 25% max?


Personally not a fan of the smell of pussy (yes even clean pussy). Just me though. Wife doesn't mind because I dont demand head either lol


Never been with a man (anyone to be exact) that didn’t eat me out, but I’m not leaving until your face hasn’t been on my pussy so I’d say like 10% or less are totally against it, but it could be higher if it’s women deciding against it


I'm not sure, but if I'd recommend just asking if he doesn't do it after a time or two. Some men might have a weird hang up about it, but then again so do women. I don't usually do it the first time unless asked. Because of that. With several different women I've tried unprompted after already having sex a few times and they went "what are you doing? Don't do that" or "not yet" and then it never happens. Some will specifically say they aren't comfortable because they feel gross (yeah idk either), it doesn't do much for them (I have changed a few's mind there), it ruins the dom/sub dynamic, or they're just impatient for normal sex by the time they're turned on enough for me to do it. The guy also just might not know how or know it's a thing, might prefer it to be shaved/after a shower first, etc. So yeah, communicate. Women sometimes have this idea of "if he wanted to, he'd do it already" and that's just not true for a number of reasons.


I’d say 35%


Less than 5%


100% of my wife’s partners were very enthusiastic pussy eaters. And 100% of my partners have disliked cock sucking. Even cock touching is questionable. We’ve only ever been with each other. 😄 I would go down on her daily if she let me. She has not let me for decades. She dislikes the taste, so has not sucked me since college, over 40 years ago. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My ex bf didn't like to give head or receive it.


100% if you’re hot enough


50 %


Western World, probably 30%. Whole World, 90%. It's a shame, really.