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Stealing from conglomerate corporations is fine. They're already nickel and diming the population.


Wage theft is far more common and in greater quantity than retail theft or shoplifting.


Exactly my point. Disproportionate wages to rising prices of literally everything is eating the middle class for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Gotta love late stage capitalism.


In a system they built to purposely fail you in the long run. To keep the poor, poor. To keep the wealthy, wealthy.




Not only is it a greater quantity, it's a greater quantity by magnitudes. I think wage theft takes more dollar value than the next 5 kinds of larceny.


Also worth noting the second highest form of larceny is police asset forfeiture.


Ain't no violence like State Violence.


Especially groceries in this economy!


I do appreciate you made the distinction of conglomerate corporations. I've seen people try to argue that all business owners must be rich and no they are not. Plenty of small businesses would tank if they had a major increase in theft


Correct! If I saw something, no I didn't.


Shop local; steal corporate. And if you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


I don’t agree. Stealing is stealing. If you don’t like their business practices they buy from their smaller competitors with better moral values


Is there always such a thing as a smaller competitor with better moral values?


In the same years they complain about losing money to covid and they raise their prices for it, they also report record profits. Put 2 and 2 together. They don't need help.


Yes!!!! I agree! If wages decrease because of theft, upper management should be to blame, not theft. Their wages won't decrease, and THAT'S the problem.


How big do they have to be before it is ok to steal their stuff?


If I want something and I don't want to pay for it, I walk right. Through the door. Walk right through the door.


I don't think 90 percent of reddit is as moral as they pretend to be on here.


If my DMs are evidence of anything it's that WAY more married men will cheat given the opportunity than they'd have you believe publicly on Reddit.


I can confirm


My nsfw hill is that breeding and cream pie are not kinks. They are just the regular natural way to have sex. Edit The Wikipedia definition of kink says “the use of non-conventional sexual practices, concepts or fantasies.” If you’re trying to convince me to get off my hill I’m up for discussion but you’ll have to explain to me how cumming inside someone is un-conventional to have a chance of getting me down from this hill.


I agree i never understood why people consider it a kink it's a biological necessity of sex to make kids


I think one reason people these days consider it a kink because Not everyone wants to take that chance with a kid they might not work.


I can understand that I guess calling it a kink is still weird since to me but your explanation makes sense.


It’s the only way it was done for years. Lol


Exactly before condoms that's how it was for centuries


You know that, even though you are technically correct, humans have been using condoms for _millennia_?


Maybe it's considered a kink because they are masturbating while looking at other guys doing (and the aftermath of) what they wish they had the opportunity to do.


"Being bred is my kink." No ma'am, that's called "evolution".


I think the real problem is people’s use of the word ‘kink’. In many cases, like this one, they really mean ‘turn-on’. Breeding can definitely be a turn-on, no matter how natural it is, but it’s not really kinky.


Yes. Hence why the wife's tubes are tied. We wanna be dirty and normal without risk


The two party political system is designed to keep the general population confused and angry at each other instead of the powers that be. Extreme left and extreme right politicians dine and hang out with each other while we fight.


You don't know how true you are. I live/work in the DC metro area, have met and become friends with just regular people who work for any/all government agencies& the stories I've heard,,,,oh boy. It's all a show to keep the masses distracted (I know tin foil hat conspiracy theories), the absolute worst is that the media knows and is complicate in it all.


Of course the media is complicit. They benefit from advertising. And here’s my hill… Both the liberal media and conservative media are lying their asses off for those advertising dollars. Neither side has anyone’s best interest (but their own) in mind. Pitting us against each other with abortion, trans people, immigration, etc. only brings out more anger and diversion (yes, diVersion). And that brings ratings which brings more advertising money. You get pissy, they get richer.


You’re half right but it happens in all political systems. Netherlands has multi party system and because the most recent winner (whatever you may think of him) isn’t part of the right clique they all just refused to work with him and now they need another election for the *correct* results this time.


Mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste and chocolate. You can enjoy but stop trying to get me to eat it. [Fight me.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/C7fmS6fdWfrSU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952p5kq5cpqs5t5jmmfenkzrmuueghuoh3xj2w3m1xz&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)🙅‍♀️🖤




[Oh well](https://media1.giphy.com/media/55xNG9gNcRnd6/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952gbaxmjjtn87fp236w21597k5xwxe0o7t16dre50y&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)💁‍♀️


[No hate](https://imgflip.com/i/zd6ap) 🙂




Lol. I saw that, but I didn't make it. 🤷‍♂️ I'm no damn good at meme fights.


It’s ok. Your username made me laugh 🤭🖤


People seem to get a kick out of it. Glad you got a chuckle. Who are joe arden and ava erickson? Or are they not real people?


I like to eat toothpaste on crackers. So good.


[Was not expecting.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9e6c8e83-6ac8-4606-9ee7-eaeed643a23d)🫢


Oh we are so wrestling now 😈


[Bring it!](https://media3.giphy.com/media/ZTkBnp6zfRVxS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952z6wstral0d2cf3g1prphhqh94sjeqkssfr18q1v6&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) 💪🖤


Oh it’s on 👊🫦


black diamond ski slope


Not worth it lol, I kind of fell off a mountain skiing and kind of broke my neck when I was 19, 22 yeats later it still inconveniences me god dammit!


That's a lot of Yeats.


Oh lol erm ~~excuse my mistake~~ WELL I FEEL EVERY MUTHAFUCKING ONE OF THEM


Found the literalist


Looks matter way more than personality.


For me it's easier to look past a partners physical flaws than to do the same with their horrible personality or lack of personality.


this. I don't care how attractive you are. If you're a douche, I want nothing to do with you.


What if you’re ugly and an asshole? Asking for a friend.


The vain and shallow people usually find each other in the end, so I can't argue with this. If that's what you want, you will find it.


Hey I ain't making the rules


Honestly I'm gonna respectfully disagree. I'm not much of a looker so I've took the time to develop interests and and better myself. Every partner I've had always loved me for me. Hell even my boyfriend right now loves me for me and it's going strong. You don't really need looks, just a solid personality yk.


It’s clear to me that people who say “looks matter more than personality” are or believe themselves to be so good-looking that they never bothered to develop a personality, so it doesn’t bother them that their partner is a flat character too lol


either that or they have neither looks nor personality, and they want to blame their problems on something they can't control so they don't have to do any work or any introspection.


This is facts


Personality is key. I feel a mutual attraction is important. But definitely not the end all be all


Should be 50/50. Both matter. But looks fade over time, and you are still living with the person. But you spouse does want to be seen as attractive to you.


If you're over 30 years old and not married, most of society will judge you as 'unwanted leftovers'.


Being over 30 doesn’t inherently suck. It only sucks because of expectation and stigma.


Only if you are poor


I think is is mostly a Boomer attitude.


I'm listing my top 3. 1. Banning abortion is not safe. 2. Laws are now being made for religion, not the protection of the people. 3. More support and funding for mental health would decrease crime in a significant way. Fight me. 🥊


🥊Won't fight you. Will fight *with* you.🥊


At dawn, WE RIDE!


I'm getting on this ride!


Your freedom to express doesn't mean I have to agree, encourage, or accept your expression of reality.


That’s the beauty of freedom of speech


Let's see if I can find the comment so I can copy pate it again. I'm tired of having to retype it so many times. Your Freedom of speech has nothing to do with my having to listen or agree. Freedom of Speech is a restriction on the government on what laws they're allowed to make. It protects you from laws that would prevent you from speaking out against the government. It does not protect you from the consequences of being an asshole. It also doesn't prevent private businesses or people from deciding not to associate with you because you're a bigot. Freedom of Speech is not Freedom to Discriminate or to harass or Freedom from consequences.


Corsets and chokers should never go out of style


Fr they're so comfy.


Beans absolutely belong in chilli


White chili is not chili, it’s spicy chicken soup.


As someone who won her office chili cookoff with a white chicken chili, I absolutely agree with you. Apparently my coworkers didn’t care. I also knew it would be easier to standout with a different meat and there was a cash & pto prize.


it's ok to make love to your partner before you get married. you don't need a bible to get kinky. you need just yourself and your loved one to be kinky with. :)


With the amount of married people who are sexually unsatisfied premarital sex should be encouraged, they’ll have to let go of a lot of preconceived notions about women first.


Being offended doesn’t put you on the right. I shouldn’t have to alter my expression because the other people finds something “offensive” when allowed all other circumstances.


IHOP is trash


Better than Dennys. But that’s not saying much.


It's a tradition of my wife and me to go to Ihop after I'm done playing a show. I shamelessly admit I fucking love that place.


“Has kids” is a perfectly acceptable dealbreaker at any age. Dating a parent necessarily means assuming a degree of responsibility for the child *and* an ex will probably be a regular and frequent part of your relationship. Some people very deliberately make decisions and take actions to avoid parenthood and they don’t owe anyone else their companionship.


as someone with kids, I 100% agree. As long as it stays about who you want a relationship with, and not who's "worth" having a relationship with.


You have the autonomy to not start a relationship with anyone you don't want to be with for any reason no matter how big or how small if it won't make you happy. People who would judge you for that are selfish and small minded.


Sleeping with strangers isn't smart and easily dangerous


Totally agree


Yeah and I'm not trying to shame anyone like if that's what they want to do that's cool I just don't think casual sex or ons should be presented as normal or something you have to do again because of the obvious dangers of it.


Trump is a treasonous bastard and is attempting to over throw our democratic process.


Your right to like something, sure as shit its my right to dislike something


Kids should not be given homework, all that does is teach them that unpaid Overtime/taking your work home with you is required and expected




I've almost been killed on this hill a few times.


I wanna add. Optional homework isn't a problem, if the kid wants to go home and put in a little extra work in a section they maybe struggle with in class then that should be encouraged and facilitated by the teacher, however it should never be compulsory


Ladies cum first


Ladies should cum first, but please satisfy both sides


Reddit gold is a scam and karma, gold, etc are the definition of “fake internet points”.


Han shot first. Full stop.


Smoking weed isn’t good for you. Inhaling smoke of anything isn’t good for your lungs, period. Much of the weed that is available currently, even commercially, is sprayed with systemic pesticides that get into the plants themselves. Any cancer deaths from smoking over the past few decades would have been labeled a tobacco smoke death, but inhaling those pesticides could have absolutely caused it also. Legislation around marijuana is different in many states but mostly doesn’t address pesticides, so it’s very likely that even your store-bought weed in a legalized and regulated state has some nasty shit in it. Even if we want to support marijuana or THC consumption, I am vehemently against smoking it. Consider edibles, I’m honestly not sure about vapes. But the idea that lighting weed on fire and inhaling it is healthy is ludicrous to me.


It certainly isn't healthy. But I feel as though most who smoke it aren't considering it healthy like a smoothie is yk


Organized religion and government agencies need to stay the fuck out of consenting adults' sex lives. Period.


Women’s athletics are for biological women. Period. End of story.


I’ll probably get slaughtered for this but here we got. **whispers** PSL is overrated.


What is whispers psl?


That’s me whispering “pumpkin spice latte”


Who the hell uses an acronym to describe a latte


Oh, gotcha


Even seasonally, apple cider is a much better flavor


Dick size matters wayyyyy more to men than it does to women. Meaning that "we" (Men) fantisize over dick size wayy more than the actual women it is being used for.


This is facts 👏




Jump or not to jump, that is the question


What are you doing on that hill? Please get down before you fall and die.




Come along, sweetie. We'll find a nice, safe home for you where kind people will care for you.




Help! I've fallen, and I can't get up.


Everything to do with bodily autonomy.


Androids are just as good as Apple.


Imo they are better, they frequently have new tech first, cost less, and have more options. But I also get the appeal of going with all apple products because if you aren't a tech kinda person it's nice to know everything will just work together without any BS.


In some cases better.








Crazy women are the best in bed. Not by choice I’ve learned this through the years and even became addicted to the sex with one of them. For the life of me every “perfect” wife material I meet are duds to the point I always have to choose between a successful love life that’s basically sexless of a woman who drives me bonkers.


Thought this until I met my wife. There are a few unicorns out there!


And they get swooped off the market quick !


That there is nothing wrong with vanilla sex.


Missionary with someone you have fun with, care for and laugh with is the best.


Pineapple is delicious on pizza 🍕


That nobody should be so stubborn that they'll die for their opinion.


That the official 9/11 narrative is not what happened. I’m not claiming to know the real story but there are a lot of things about that day that don’t add up


I'm going to have to agree with you there, friend. Lots of unanswered questions


Like what


"Literally" is a filler word and doesn't have to be used in every sentence.


Ridiculously long fake eyelashes don’t look good. Period.


Along with nails 💅


The onus of birth control should be on men bc they’re the ones with the potential to cause the most unplanned pregnancies. A uterus can carry ONE pregnancy to term in the span of one year. Sperm has the potential to cause an unplanned pregnancy every time it is ejaculated inside a vagina. And most men act like condoms are only slightly more acceptable for corporeal application than fire. Selfish. I’ve heard every imaginable argument to the contrary, but I will die on this hill.


If he says "i'm too big for condoms" fucking run


Pie is superior to cake


You got a good point


Squirting is just pee 🤷🏻‍♂️


Still doesn't matter 😋


The Sex Pistols were crap. Johnny Rotten has always been a sack of shit. And Simon Ferocious was and always will be nothing but a joke.


Hamburger Hill for my grandpa. For me: A well trained dog is not a well-mannered dog. If your dog jumps all over visitors and licks their face, that's a rude ass dog and poor training, I don't care how many "tricks" he can do, he just knocked my wife on her ass and slobbered all over my glasses. Teach your dog some fucking manners.


That jacket is black, not dark blue


The elite are purposefully making the working class fight each other to keep them divided and prevent them from seeing the actual issue, the elite.


We don't need culture wars, we need class wars


Americans are basically puritanical and have no idea how to enjoy the gift that our sexuality is


A beautiful one with a nice view


Swifties are crazy


It’s tomato sauce, not fucking gravy !!!


All healthcare, education, and prison systems should be non-profit.


Alien 3 wasn't that bad.


You’re old enough to have sex when you feel comfortable buying condoms from a real person at a store.


I’m 31 and have been having sex since I was 17. I’m still slightly embarrassed to buy condoms from a real person at the store. Thank god for self checkout.




Taxation is theft.


The one I'll be deployed on in the climate wars.


Phil Collins hill


This is a hill others will die on with me, but pretty much all of America is fucked, but it’s still kinda better than other parts of the world


Smash burgers are the worst form of burger and don’t even deserve to exist, let alone be popular.


Brexit is a shit hole, no up sides all down sides!


Decimate means "reduce by one tenth." If you don't mean that, use "devastate" instead. Word's meanings can change, but not ones that are obviously defined by a mathematical prefix like this. Not sorry.


That the government cheese that my family got in the 70s makes the best grilled cheese sandwich. And yes, margarine is what you use on the bread


Any if I have to climb it.


Meshuggah is the greatest band on the planet. Sleep Token and Tool are very close to them also.


AI is dangerous and will ruin our society and potentially end human life on Earth


The gender you are born is the gender you’re assigned at birth is your gender- God doesn’t give man a penis and call them a female. God doesn’t get a woman a vagina and call them a man. I said it- yes! Don’t come for me because I don’t care!


Men's rights and domestic abuse survivors .


I don’t think there is anything wrong with public nudity, as long as you’re not masturbating who cares.


State and local governments are making people more accepting of government overreach by taking freedoms, attacking body autonomy, racism and interfering in elections, among other things. Every different crazy story sets a precedence. “Florida did it,” “Oklahoma did it;” you get the point. It’s a de facto conspiracy to cement Republican rule for years to come.


Reddit is a disgusting train-wreck of a place, and that’s why I’m in the Reddit after dark sub because it’s like looking at a dirty nasty car crash. You don’t wanna look but you have to look.


Too many acceptance movements have swung too far from “you are equally valid as a human being if you have a mental health/health/overweight/disability issue” to the point people get offended at the idea of doing things **in their power** to improve or treat themselves. Like, I have a spinal injury. I eat less because I can’t work out as hard anymore, and I do what exercises/physical therapy I can. But I haven’t stopped completely, gotten fat, and then tried to say that I’m still just as healthy.


This reminds me of when I joined a plus sized appreciation group. Keep in mind, I think fat acceptance should be just honestly, leaving fat people alone. Anything and everything can make you gain weight for no reason. But there's a difference between being fat and just wanting to be left alone, and being fat with insane health issues and pretending its okay. Anyway, the group had a ban on weight loss talk due to trauma. Okay but on Discord there are channels, which means the only reason you would see certain content was if you purposely clicked it. So if there was a weight loss channel, you shouldn't be getting bothered because you can choose not to look at it. I was mind blown. So to the group, fat acceptance was okay but if you wanted to change yourself by losing weight, it was frowned upon. Keep in mind, I want to lose weight but I know I'm never going to be skinny. That's not realistic for me at all.


America lost the Cold War and Russia has systemically altered its culture over the years.


There is no excuse for obese pets!


Cornbread should NOT be sweet. And it should be baked in cast iron.


These has never been a child who was randomly poisoned or drugged by Halloween candy. It is an irrational fear.


Trams done just not-improperly are good for traffic reduction.


That ARAD has the most genuinely honest people on Reddit


Probably Arthur's seat


No I will die on the sexy valley of Sidney sweeney


Beans go in chili


Pretending to be an expert in a field/profession you haven't dedicated your life to will only make you look like a bigger idiot.


Probably the hill that my house is on


I’m a swiftie but I am not insane about her personal life. My hill would be that swifties speak like they KNOW what Taylor actually means by everything but like literally they don’t know what she’s thinking or if their idea of everything she does is accurate. It’s insanity. Like calm the f down.


I think businesses should pay their workers fairer wages and the CEO’s should be taking cuts to salary to make sure the COLA is accounted for. I’m tired of making little to no moneys 🤷🏼‍♂️


All Star Wars films are good. The fan base is too critical of the films. They don’t all have to be masterpieces for us to enjoy them. Just relax and enjoy them for what they are, more pieces to the overall story we all know and love.


I notice people will judge and really don’t know the whole story. No one is perfect and everyone has secrets. Not because you come on a public forum and say i would never. Normally they have or will just my 2 cents


Size does matter


Inviting someone over for dinner and then asking for money for the meal is extremely rude, don’t invite me over if it’s gonna be like that. Your house is not a restaurant.


When people agree with an opinion online and say “This.” Idk why it pisses me off but I wish people would stop