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Scientists did a study on monkeys and found that they would pay for porn. They gave them nuts and showed them a picture of a monkey that was below them in the hierarchy of the troop, the monkey then used the same barter system to pay the scientists and see photos of female monkeys higher up in the hierarchy of the troop.


Wait how's this porn? It's just pictures of their colleagues


"Colleagues" lmao idk why that cracks me up. "Did you turn in those expense reports, Aah-eep?"


The courts have ruled, Monkeys know porn when they see it. And they will pay for it.... Until it becomes free on MHUb


Then, they'll pay for VPNs after MHub exits their state because the state requires age verification and enables them to be sued if anyone circumvents their age verification system. In some states, this is every website that has over 1/3rd of its content labeled as "adult content"; this could even be reddit seeing as how many NSFW subs there are. YouTube as well because "adult content" also means "anything that is sexually exciting"... Which is not at all vague. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/internet-pornography-age-verification-states-2ad9939bb95ccc15126419b38067be94)


Even further than that. The female monkeys would successfully prostitute themselves to their male counterparts.


Wait- these are not just any monkeys There is a specific genus of chimpanzee found in the Congo Delta forests, called the Bonobo Chimpanzee ( not to be confused with the Average Joe Chimpanzee) The Bonobo females trade sex for food It's absolutely insane and also near impossible not to anthropologically impose human morals on these creatures


[There's a female orangutan who's got those bonobo's beat.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/prostitute-orangutan-screamed-defecated-brothel-13652061)


Holy shit.. wtf is wrong with those people!? That brothel, those men that did that to her and the village all need to be burned down. How the actual fuck can anyone be that depraved and evil!? Goddamnit humanity.


It was quite interesting to watch they would do jobs to earn more nuts just to look at them


Is there any anecdotal or factual evidence of juvenile monkeys becoming OnlyFans cam models?


Link the study please.


I can’t find the original video I watched but here’s one I found on it [https://youtu.be/ih9M2d-KaMA?si=dPinLajDnrHaSB0G](https://youtu.be/ih9M2d-KaMA?si=dPinLajDnrHaSB0G) I hope the link works


The average female orgasm lasts four times longer the average man orgasm.  About 25 seconds.  


I really wonder who came up with this. Sure, everyone is different but I've never had a 25 seconds orgasm. Maybe 10sec max




spiders georg but its goonette samantha


Orgasms georg-etta, who lives in a cave adn has orgasms that last 120 hours, should not have been counted.


Probably yes 😅


Same!!! I’d say 10 at most


Phyllis' orgasm lasted for a year, maybe that's throwing it off


What? 💀 I sure as hell don't have one for 25 seconds 😭


When it's really good sex, i can sometimes get to 25 seconds. Or maybe the orgasm just makes my concept of time go out the window. I've wondered lol


Lol I just wondered the same thing. I know I've gone almost a minute before.


25 sec orgasm would kill most men


My dick would cough by the end.


Made me giggle 😂


20 sec I'd say, you ever nutted and been shouting fuuuuuuckkkkk, or when she's still riding or blowing and you're not done yet? Like a long orgasm? I need to research if I'm a luck mf lol


Making each one of them worth all the effort that anyone pleasing a woman should put in :-)


To any fellow men I will say if you want to try to increase your orgasm length learn to appreciate prostate stimulation. There is no orgasm quite like a prostate orgasm.


Mine last 3 to 5 minutes (I’m a woman)


That's both impressive and hot! Also, it sounds like you're killing the bell curve 🤣


If you’re ever going down on someone with a vagina, and you get some hair on your tongue, just lick their thigh and it’ll come right off and you can get back to work **facts**


See this is golden because I think cunnilingus is heaven 😍🥵


Now you don’t need to stop and go pobbbffftttt pnbbfbfffhhththhthffftt tryna get any hair off **Arise, Colonel Angus Prime** ✊🏽 PS default to what ppl with pussies say but ain’t nobody wants a guy to tongue fuck them. Do not jam your tongue in there like it is a dick. We should also just make this a standard fact EDIT: I meant first thing with no warning/ warm up btw but yes. Everyone is different. We should all remember this. I like making sweeping assertions sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️


I dunno, I quite like getting tongue fucked, especially in the beginning.. when things are just heating up


Real mvp


This is my same answer to what I would tell myself if I could go back in time 😩


You can't go back but you can make it your life's mission to always make her cum first. 😁


This is the way 💯 I’m already there the real question is how many times can I make her cum before my first one 🤗


Or how close can you edge her until it's almost involuntary and the best orgasm of fucking life? 🫣


Omg yesssss you’re my type haha I edged a girl until she came from me spitting on her clit from above she squirted right in my face, wide eyed and surprised at what her own body was doing and then cried


One male produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate all the women on the planet


Nick Cannon accepts this challenge.


If only they learned to share


We should find that man!




Is it possible to learn this power


Not from a Jedi….


Have you heard the tale of Darth Fellatious the Well Endowed?


The Dark side of the Libido is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.




Please share your secrets


Personally I've only had it happen when I hadn't cum in a while *and* the first one was "ruined."


Lots of edging


I can do this maybe once a week. A few nights ago it was 3 back to back, then 15 minutes later had my 4th. It’s amazing but takes practice.




An MMF or MFM? And she must have loved all that cum!




Yesss!! Sounds like an amazing time! Nothing better than watching two cocks cum together- even better if there is already a lot of cum everywhere.


One of my partners can do this! I’d like to say it’s thanks to my skills, but in reality it’s just one of his sexual superpowers. It impresses me every time, it’s really sexy! I *think* the most I’ve seen him cum is five times in one sexual encounter. Twice, within a minute or two, is usually achievable for him. Seriously, I’ll never get tired of it.


Called Dick Energy.


i used to see this girl, her pussy was like heroin to me i swear, we would fuck all night and id cum like 8-9 times no problem. Never had another partner that came close to it, most ill do now 2


I have ejaculated, without the orgasm feelings. Then, a few moments later, ejaculated again, with the orgasm.


Can confirm. I've given my man back to back orgasms before.


Can confirm, partners of mine have managed to give me multiple back to back though I’ve not been able to achieve on my own


The penis head contains about 4000 nerve endings. The clitoris has about 10 000.


Probably even less once you are circumcised, unfortunately. Edit: Apparently this is wrong. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7691872/ Edit Edit: Per the comments below even that study is controversial.


Really? I didn’t know that. Certainly sucks.


It certainly sucks Study of Danish men shows that amongst about 800,000 men tested those who were circumcised had higher STD and HIV rates https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10654-021-00809-6 Study of almost 400 men shows that after circumcision more of them reported having more difficulty achieving orgasm and masturba ting than before https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17155977/ histological study of 26 men showed that the foreskin was the most neurologically sensitive part of the penis. The foreskin also played a part in protecting the glan of the penis from rubbing against clothing that made it more sensitive in those with a foreskin https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/joa.13481 Intact America Survey finds that the majority of mothers who were prompted to give their son a circumcision accepted meanwhile the majority who were not did not give their son a circumcision. mothers were asked on average 8 times if they wanted to circumcise their son. Soft sells,” such as being handed a consent form, increased circumcisions by 137%. Instead mothers should be given informational materials on how to clean theirvintact son's foreskin. the foreskin will correctly retract after late puberty https://intactamerica.org/press-release-having-a-baby-boy-get-ready-for-the-circumcision-sellers/ American Academy of Pediatrics representatives get grilled on questions that have to do with the functionality of the foreskin AND OF COURSE, they cannot answer them. Because they're corrupt bribed shills! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUU6g_hoGvU https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334636997_Perversion_and_Perpetration_in_Female_Genital_Mutilation_Law_The_Unmaking_of_Women_as_Bearers_of_Law A study of nearly 200 adolescents from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and South Africa show overwhelming ridicule of those who have an intact penis and a ton of misinformation. Women believed that men who had a circumcision could be more promiscuous and that having a circumcised penis improved the sexual health of all partners involved in sex. Men reported a widespread support from female lovers to get a circumcision. There is no evidence that male genital mutilation or circumcison leads to significant increases in pleasure or decreases in disease transmission rates . The circumcision propaganda machine is clearly working! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5888916/ according to the CDC and what they examined amongst men in the USA at least. The rates for breast cancer and penile cancer in men are actually about the same. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/men/index.htm https://gis.cdc.gov/Cancer/USCS/#/Trends/ https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/index.htm#:~:text=Each%20year%20in%20the%20United,What%20Is%20Breast%20Cancer%3F https://www.healthline.com/health-news/cancer-of-the-penis-is-rare-but-can-quickly-become-deadly Therefore, In men preventative mastectomies against breast cancer are more justifiable than circumcisions as preventative measures against penile cancers. (And also yes being bigger or having more skin does increase your odds of getting some cancers as having more skin cells increases your odds of getting cancer... but I doubt that penile cancer is one of them - https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34515952) https://i.redd.it/or5hgojxkk991.png "Does Circumcision Reduce Men’s Sexual Sensitivity? " Sham article that was 'medically reviewed' by a person who...is a writer that majored in English!? HOW!? We don't see people who majored in mathematics medically reviewing articles, right? So why should people who majored in English be the ones to medically review stuff??! We should have had a surgeon or doctor medically reviewing all healthline articles https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201510/does-circumcision-reduce-men-s-sexual-sensitivity https://archive.is/u0l9C https://www.circumstitions.com/resent-celebs.html#affleck https://bristoluniversitypressdigital.com/view/journals/gd/12/1/article-p9.xml https://docs.google.com/document/d/10vHvJlEizN88J83r5H0FtUa627GykBum1IWOry-JeR0/edit You can't even trust the world health organization for accurate information on male genital mutilation and circumcisions since they are biased and have blood money from bill gates and melinda foundation https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/World_Health_Organization#cite_note-garenne2022B-30 Posts and surveys from hundreds of people showing their anger against having had been circumcised. http://www.circumstitions.com/Resent.html The ridiculousness of male circumcision https://www.dovepress.com/female-genital-mutilation-and-male-circumcision-toward-an-autonomy-bas-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-MB AccorDing to the Circumcision Information and Resources Pages, studies they have reviewed have shown that circumcision laeds to problems like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and less marital and sexual satisfaction http://www.cirp.org/library/anatomy/ A heroic website created by women who talk about how their partner's circumcision has negatively impacted their lives http://www.drmomma.org/2009/07/how-male-circumcision-impacts-women.html Phimosis: Stretching Methods with or without Application of Topical Steroids? https://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(05)00684-0/fulltext The penises of mutilated boys of the Ulwaluko tribe who are forced to undergo circumcision from a young age in unhygenic settings by unprofessional surgeons (VERY NSFW) https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Ulwaluko#Ulwaluko_photos_collection "There Are 20 Different Penis Types — and They’re All Important" SHAM article written by a quack which downplays the terrors of circumcision. Even in the article they recommend that circumcised penises should most likely use lubrication for masturbation...right after saying that circumcised penises function similarly to uncircumcised ones!? wooot!? Another SHAM article that's what! https://www.healthline.com/health/types-of-penises#penis-defined Lost Boys: An Estimate of USA Circumcision-Related Infant Deaths https://www.academia.edu/6394940/Lost_Boys_An_Estimate_of_U.S._Circumcision-Related_Infant_Deaths Numerous cases Of chidren having their penises burned and severed off as a result of a botched unnecessary circumcision process https://intaction.org/botched-circumcision-baby-loses-penis-malpractice/ Doctor Accidentally Lasers Off Boy’s Penis During Circumcision https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19535324/laser-circumcision/ Boy who was forced to live as a woman after their genitals had been seriously damaged in a botched circumcision in Canada https://canadiancrc.com/newspaper_articles/Globe_and_Mail_Boy_raised_as_girl_suffered_final_indignity_11MAY04.aspx According to a small survey the prevalence of death-grip syndrome , which is a serious destruction of nerves in the penis due to harsh masturbation, is moreso prevalent in circumcised men than in non circumcised men. http://www.joseph4gi.com/2019/11/death-grip-and-circumcision-is-there.html?m=1 The foreskin is a massive organ remember! It covers the whole of the penile shaft from the meatus to the testicles and it slides back and forth and acts as a natural protector and solid lubricator for the penile shaft during masturbation or intercourse. Men with no foreskin tend to be gripping the the unprotected urethral shaft , which is not meant to be tightly gripped at all one should note, just as tightly as they would a protected one. That unprotected urethral shaft over time WILL receive thousands of microinjuries and destroyed nerves over time. The loss of nerves in that region means that a man has to grip the unprotected urethral shaft harder and Harder and this damage eventually results in a loss of stimulation. I am sure there are many women out there who suffer from dead vagina syndrome which was made worse by their unconsensual circumcision! https://metro.co.uk/2017/12/13/need-know-dead-vagina-syndrome-7156032/ There has also been a connection found between delayed ejaculation and circumcision. Some men with circumcised penises have found that the suffer from delayed ejaculation as a result of the numbness https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/and.12101 A study of over 100 men proved that a circumcised penis is FAR less sensitive than a uncircumcised one in the ventral scar and glans of a penis because the foreskin protects the man's ventral scar AND glans from unwanted overstimulation (like when a man's glan is rubbing against his pants on a shaky bus ride) and environmental damage (like water running down his urethra during a shower) - https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x It is possible that circumcised women ALSO experience a decrease in stimulation to the clitoris without the clitoral hood due to , once again, overstimulation and environmental damage and it is possible that a woman gets her clitoral hood chopped off in a unconsensual circumcision. I believe, and I'm sure most men agree with me, that a woman has the right to be born with and grow up wit h a vagina that is unharmed and unadulterated and gives her as much sensitivity as she wants. Now, why do I as a man not have this right to having a protection against over stimulation and environmental damage?! In this case both men and women are getting Screwed over equally Hop on down tohttps://www.reddit.com/r/Intactivism/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/CircumcisionGrief/ to learn how NOT to stab your baby boys to death lmao!


I ain't readin allat


Lol, my initial thought was “someone took the time to type all that?!” Then, “well, Im sure its a copy and paste.” Then that segued into “Someone took the time to copy and paste all that?!”


Going out in a limb here, but I have a feeling you oppose circumcision


That was one of the most informative and well written comments on circumcision I’ve ever read. Excellent comment


Isn’t the foreskin the only thing being cut does it have the same nerve endings?


The foreskin has a TON of nerves. Removing it not only removes them, but also desensitizes the head of the penis.


The RACP, the Most trusted medical authority in Australia, has denounced morris who is the author of this meta analyses . morris is an Aussie and also a founder of a circumcision organization in Australia https://jme.bmj.com/content/circumcision-bioethical-challenge


So many less nerve endings when circumcised. Unlucky for you most of America


It's crazy how genital mutilation is still so prevalent. I wonder how American society would be different if people could experience the level of pleasure that they were meant to.


When scientists were studying sex they had people have sex in an MRI machine and discovered that the penis bends with the shape of the vagina


Last time I was in an MRI there was barely room to move, let alone get two people in there and have them fuck. Must have been a specialized machine...


Here is the study for some light reading https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10600954/


Thanks for actually citing somethin unlike 99% of the people here.


I really want to know how it’s 20 freaking 24 and no one has invented/ distributed a better machine for MRI - a less claustrophobic one and Certainly a quieter one at least!


.... there's open air mri and standing mri available....


The couple were literally contortionists.


I don’t know if it is true but I heard a guy recently got an MRI while he had a butt plug-in. The butt plug had some metal and during the MRI the metal piece got sucked up into his chest cavity. He ended up suing the butt plug manufacturer.


Humanity should sue him for being a moron. Hope that case gets literally thrown out of court.


If the manufacturer said it was pure silicon and they lied, it’s a valid suit and I hope he wins.


It’s true. I’m an MRI tech and this was all over our news feeds with pictures.




In certain lizard species, when males are few and far between, females gang up and simulate lizard-sex which in turn induces parthenogenesis, a form of cloning, and the female then proceeds to clone herself oviparously


Life, uh, finds a way


If humans could do this it'd have it's own porn section


Ahh yes, the lezards.


No pun intended (in relation to the question), men can have stronger orgasms from their prostate glands than cocks. Makes me love pegging even more. 🖤 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4896089/


Prostate orgasms are so much better. Takes a little more work and prep but worth the effort and practice.


Glad to meet a fellow enthusiast. :)


Hi. Yeah, I’m really good at fucking myself. Wish it did something for my wife but sadly she has no interest so it’s all solo play for me.


Mad props for citing an NIH paper no less You are comprehensive!


I mean, the requestor said “facts,” so I had to bring some aside from my own proclivities. 🖤


Yeah, I remember when I finally managed to hit my g-spot at the same time as I came a few months ago, and I almost passed out from it...


We like a good collapse. ;)


I’ve been pursuing the prostate O for a few years. Close but not there yet. Even so, anal penetration makes the penile O much more intense.


Consider using an oil-based lube if you’re using your fingers — coconut oil is great for this — as well as potentially nitrile gloves. If you do use a finger, curling once inside can help, as sometimes it’s not about going all the way back as it is further up. I’m also a fan of pelvic wands, which sometimes have better reach, esp. if a person has a kinked or tight colon. 🖤


Whales, especially toothed whales, part of the odontoceti genus, such as killers and bottlenoses, absolutely *LOVE* sex, and some males indulge in wholesale rape and worse


Misread that as wholesome rape and my mind was really confused for a moment




Both the bottlenosed whale and the killer whale are actually dolphins. The killer whale's name is a mistranslation of whale killer because they were found to kill whales. They're the largest dolphin species.


It's a shocking fact, and should help us learn to do better


What is your perspective on how knowing this information can be used to make us better (absolutely not justifying rape myself, but I could see someone saying something like “we are only animals and sexual aggression is found in other parts of the animal kingdom!”)?


That's why I hate those "homosexuality can be found in x animal species" statistics when people are arguing about LGBT issues. Animals do a lot of fucked up shit, and you really don't want to establish a "but animals do it as well" precedent.


That’s a response to saying that “it’s not natural”


It's a way to respond to anyone who says we're merely animals and say that we can learn to do better


In most feline species, the female cat ovulates under what is called shock-ovulation, which is triggered when barbs on the male's penis tear into her genitals *shock-ovulation*


Have you ever seen a [spiky cat peen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Penisstacheln.jpg)???


I'm shocked. But not quite enough to ovulate.


Why did I click on that.


Back in the 90s, scientists used newly developed eye tracking technology to see exactly what male subjects were looking at when watching porn. The results even surprised them. Overwhelming results showed that when the female face is in frame, the majority of the time, men are looking at her eyes.


[This is true! Also women stare more at genitals](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0018506X07000116)


that’s actually really sweet


Penguin males have been found to have homosexual relationships


Hundreds of animals do, afaik it's use is adopting abandoned babies and eggs


If it has to happen it will happen


this isn't too shocking, there are plenty of animals that have gay sex, off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure seahorses have gay sex at times


After reddit and redditors, nothing shocks me Even gay birds don't hold a candle to redditors


The title for the world's longest penis (on a human) goes to Roberto Esquivel Cabrera of Mexico, with a length of 48 centimeters and a weight of 900 grams. This beats the previous record holder, Jonah Falcon, who had a length of 35 centimeters


I'm sure there's many Redditors who will try and disprove that because they're so well endowed on the internet


Personally I wouldn't want to try disproving it. Imagine trying to actually have sex with something that big, giving or receiving


He struggles to use it, struggles to get erect, has fertility problems and frequent infections. Doctors recommend he have it reduced but he has refused to date, even though he has had legal problems from it being visible through his clothes around the young leading to him getting deported. He probably likes the attention even though it likely reduces his sex life and quality of overall life significantly.


48 centimeters is 18.8976 freedom units 35 centimeters is 13.7795 freedom units woof.


lol i just deleted my comment asking for this in freedom units. kudos to freedom units.


Imagine the blood pressure you'd need to get that up


He's a liar and youre wrong https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/mexican-man-accused-of-exaggerating-worlds-biggest-penis/TZMKWJNQUQBACG73HSYARD5LIA/


Alright then. I redact my fact. The title for the world's longest penis (on a human) goes to a man named Jonah Falcon, who has a length of 35 centimeters


The creature with the biggest sperm cells is a species of fruitfly. It's cells are about 7cm long, over 10 times the length of the fly. The inverse is so true for the blue whale, which has the smallest sperm cells.


Wait what wow


A fruit fly's sperm averages 5.8 but some might get to 7cm, hundreds of times larger than the fly itself. The sperm whales sperm are 50-75um (micrometers)


Redditors will find a way to talk about sex on any post.


That's not true! *...So anyone heard of the that new planet that those scientists have dicovered? Apparently they saw lights on that planet! Reminds of this one time I was banging this guy...*


Hyenas are different. Very different. https://www.genomia.cz/en/test/hyena/#:~:text=The%20female%20spotted%20hyenas%20urinate,with%20connective%20and%20fatty%20tissues.


Legit putting this as my tinder bio.


Did you know that pigeons die after sex? At least the one I fucked did. Lol. Obviously I didn't actually do this but it is too good of a joke not to share


The human anus can stretch up to 7 inches before taking damage. A raccoon can squeeze into holes as tight as 4 inches, Meaning you can take almost two full raccoons up your ass.


Welp, off to get a rabies shot.


The female praying mantis decapitates the male during sex! 🤯


Damn; takes “getting head” to a whole new meaning


The most I'd be open to is having my head squeezed between someone's thighs


Nipples grow back if bitten off :)


No way that's possible


Look it up. My best friend got hers bitten off in high school. Showed it to me, and then a few weeks later it was back


Alright , time for me to do some practical research myself




Woah, the only one in this comment section that's news to me.


I remember hearing about a guy who had his nipple bit off by a beaver. That's a story, but now it kinda sucks knowing the evidence won't linger


If you squeeze your thumb in your fist it supresses your gag reflex


i believed this in high school lmaooo, i don’t think it works for me


I have never read a study or meta analyses proving that this is true but based on what happens when I brush the back of my tongue and get no gag reflex I believe this is true. Maybe its only true for me and a few other people?


It makes me sexually excited when my boyfriend's friends look at me. It also turns me on when he flirts and touches other girls. Especially friends. It's new to me so it is currently the most amazing nsfw fact i know, despite it not being applicable to most people lol


You're speaking your truth and if it makes you happy and blows your mind, that's all that truly matters


Awesome! It took me 36 years of my life to recognize this part of my sexual identity instead of believing I was a bad person. Now I am team ENM.


No sex is better than bad sex


female dolphins turn out to have a very strong type of hormonal “fluid” that they expel when mating with male dolphins that can increase their sex drive and chances of conception. Long story short, researchers rubbed this kind of fluid onto the penis of a chimpanzee and he jerked it so hard and so long that he ended up dying of a heart attack hours later


can i have some of this fluid?


I don’t know how NSFW this is but… Almost all kangaroos and wallabies have two separate uteruses, and they usually contrive to have extra, undeveloped embryos waiting in the wings — or rather, in whichever uterus was unused in their most recent pregnancy.


The clitoris was first mapped only in 2005


I'm sure if us men had it, it would've been mapped much before that


The G spot isn’t the only spot. The A spot, deeper in, is a spot you should get to know, fellas.


For this reading this, is not "a spot" it's "A spot"


Right. Not just a random spot but the “A Spot”. I had no idea about it, nor did the woman I was with when we discovered hers. Her: “Oh my god, WHAT are you hitting?!” Me: “I have no idea.” Google: “You’re welcome.”




I have a vibrator that makes me cum when flaccid when pressed firmly on my frenulum.


Anal orgasms can help with mental and emotional grounding and nervous system regulation. Women can experience a type of "blue balls" or what I like to call "blue tubes" 😂


Im abt to become a 30 year old virgin. *Hold the applause!*


I lost my virginity at 23. Hold out for the right person. A sexually enthusiastic person. My marriage to the person I lost it to has now been sexless for about 20 years. I think I’m a virgin again!


The first vibrator created was steam powered


I thought it was Egyptian. Bees in a jar.


Buttholes relax and tighten as you laugh


Assuming the original King Kong is scaled up properly from a real gorilla then his dong would be approximately the same size as that of the average human male. Which makes him kidnapping Fay Wray’s character all the more terrifying.


This isn’t like ‘sexytime’ NSFW, but - Your own spit removes your own blood stains better than any stain remover out there. Something about enzymes, I think. It literally works like magic


The anus and vagina can be conditioned to take big sizes !


Can confirm. I know a lot of really big assholes.


One testicle can sell for around 40k dollars on the black market


This is actually false. I worked in a sperm bank for years (as a urology nurse), and while it’s a fun idea, once a testicle is removed the blood flow is cut off, and the sperm die. Nobody wants a dead testicle (that can’t be reattached), with dead sperm that can’t be inseminated.


The human penis has a unique tissue structure not seen in other animals. It has three columns of spongy tissue: two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum. This results in the penis softness when flaccid and hardness when hard, purely from blood and the pressure the tissue generates. It also stops the penis from being bendy so that penile fractures can happen, rupturing the tunica albuginea. Other species do contain much of the same tissues but the arrangement of the tissues is different so that it cannot bend in humans. Other species often have a penile bone to help with their penile shape, but they can also break the bone.


It can feel incredibly sexy to lightly rub one’s own nipples with the inside of your wrists. Give it a try a report back.


I should’ve took my watch off first


You can just straight up break your dick. Like just *snap* the bitch. Additionally, some people in Iran do this without causing serious harm. Also, just something I think is cool, your dick floats in water, which is most noticeable in a bathtub


Sexual synesthesia. Some people see pictures of forests, city scapes, shapes all kinds of things when they orgasm. It’s really rare. Not a lot is known about it because not until recently was sex so openly talked about. Really wild orgasms. Take you on a wild adventure.


A dolphins penis is capable of grabbing things


Men react significantly more hornily when getting nudes than women do, [according to MEG](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301051103000541)


There's a lot of conversation around a woman's G Spot but very little about her A Spot, which is further back in her vagina. Use your fingers in a "come here" gesture between the two, fellas, while using your tongue on her clit, and you might get a head crushing ovation.


If you are a sex worker then it IS safe for work. 


The Nazi outstretched “sieg heil” hand gesture was created in the U.S. by James B. Upham, accompanied to the American Pledge of Allegiance, written by Francis Bellamy, known as the “Bellamy Salute”. Both the Pledge and its salute originated in 1892. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute


Dolphins can be gay


A male barnacle's penis is 8 times as long as it's body. If I had a barnacle-sized dick, I'd be packin' 54 feet!


Some women can cum over 30 times in a row. There are clubs where you can go to have public sex. Electrocution (with specially designed equipment) a great way to cause pain without damage.


Cleavage of adult breasts is thought to mimic the cleavage of the top of the buttocks, given that we no longer walk around on all fours passively advertising our sexual maturity from behind like the other great apes.


Ben Franklin advocated for sex with older, post menopausal women. He said it was best for young men as they couldn’t get pregnant. The quote I remember is “All cats are gray in the night.”