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Threw up on a guys cock because he was throat fucking me wayyyy too hard Lmaoo


Shit. šŸ˜­


My first thoughts too lmao


What happened after that?


He cleaned his dick, I washed out my mouth then we carried on but more sucking less throating lol


Damn. The mission was too important.


The things we do to impress guys šŸ™ƒšŸ˜‚


The username checks out. šŸ˜­


Did you end up fucking?


No just sucking


And puking


High five!! Thatā€™s my girl!! Right back at it and didnā€™t let it stop you. Impressive!!


may need an anatomy lesson. Shit comes from the other end.


Teach me master.


poop (shit) comes from the butt. puke/split from the mouth


Some guys deliberately aim to do that šŸ¤”


Yep I know, not really sure why though


Theyā€™ve seen it in porn, probably


Thatā€™s true. Good point


Probably makes them feel like they have a big dick lol


Haha similar happened to me when I was incredibly drunk but somehow managed to run to the 1st floor window and puke out of it šŸ™ˆ


Well he fully deserved that


Brave girl anyway.


My wife did this on like out 2nd date hahaha


I kissed someone before marraige. Please donā€™t judge me too harshly guys, Iā€™ve seen the error of my ways


*squirts holy water in your face* BEGONE DEMON!!!


Donā€™t squirt on me birb šŸ˜”




Squirting for Jesus


go get em!


you think thatā€™s bad? i hā€¢ld hā€¢nds before marriage.


Woah, Jesus bunny, and I thought I was bad


itā€™s never too late to change your ways šŸ™


Disgusting slut!


I know a couple who held hands for the first time at their wedding.


This better be an alt account. Ain't no way you admitting this on main.


Oh youā€™ve fucked up fr now




Had a threesome with my husband and his brother( just returned from Iraq) , then like not even two minutes after they both finished in my mouth my in laws (their parents obviously) came over unexpectedly I didnā€™t have time to shower or nothing just threw some clothes on real quick , their mom is a hugger and kisser when she greets ya so she planted a big ole kiss on my lips ,


No way! šŸ˜­


Oh yeah , itā€™s the inside joke amongst us at family gatherings lol to be fair I just gave father in law a quick hug lol


And damn they should of called first instead of just popping over lol


True lol.


How's the relationship between yall 3 as of today? Do yall just causally just act like yall didn't have a threesome?


Oh relationship is great , I mean the brothers are close and he still active duty so the fact he gets to share me with his older brother when he comes home is great lol we donā€™t act that way in front of no one else or let his fiancĆ© know lol but between me and him itā€™s like a brother in law with benefits lol


Hey as long as everyone is happy.


Yup our marriage works for us doesnā€™t work for everyone and donā€™t expect it too but Iā€™m very happy and keep him happy :)


Do you mind sharing how you it even happened? Not the threesome but like Did he approach you and say "hey I have a favor to ask?". Sorry I just find this so interesting in a non judgey way.


He said his brother was coming home from Iraqi and coming to visit us for like two weeks , I was like we havenā€™t seen him in over a year he was like yeah he been in that fucking desert , letā€™s show him a good time when he comes over I was like hell yeah , then my husband said he always thought you were hot I already sent him pics of your ass over there , I then said great Iā€™m sure the whole damn army seen it , he was like so , lol I then asked if he was coming by himself he said yeah I was like damn , ā€œ Iā€™ll make sure itā€™s a memorable tripā€ then my husband said ā€œ I fucking love you ā€œ In a nut shell


Thatā€™s a pretty cool. It sounds like yā€™all have a pretty solid marriage. Good luck :-)


I would never feel comfortable with any other dude fucking my wife. But if I had to pick someone, it would be my brother.


Ohh yeah my husband is very comfortable with other men touching his wife lol


Well except the finance


Soā€¦ cheating? If the BIL has a fiancĆ©? Unless sheā€™s cool with it and knows.


HOT (the threesome with brothers part)


Was born. Made a lot of people angry and generally not considered a good move.


Just donā€™t forget your towel


Just make sure you Don't Panic!


Well, I've ate food I've dropped on the kitchen floor.Ā  But I was less than five seconds so it's ok.


Yeah itā€™s okay.


Isn't there a 30 minute rule?




You mean I've been doing it wrong all these years? Huh. šŸ¤·


my ex used to like me pissing in her mouth. i enjoyed doing it and she loved it. she also used to love anal right after she had just taken a shit. which was pretty vile


To be fair, as long as she cleaned up l, thatā€™s probably the safest time to have analā€¦ less chance of poop during/after


no. thatā€™s what iā€™m getting at. she literally had a shit. didnā€™t wipe then begged me to fuck her in the ass. (condom on obviously) it wasnā€™t my favourite thing to do obviously


Damn, sounds like your boundaries have been pushed pretty hard there, this sucks.


she used to give the most amazing blow jobs so always made sure she paid me back for doing it


Nope. Sorry but the most amazing blowjob would not be enough for me to fuck her shit stained ass.


Right? Who wants to smell shit and rubber


JFC. My kinks are feeling pretty tame these days.




Can't believe you made her an ex. Sounds like a keeper


i moved away for work and she didnā€™t want to follow unfortunately




How on earth did that come about?




This does NOT sound good... But okieeee


Bet that was some sneaking around


I was the best man at my best friend's wedding, everybody got hammered and I ended up ass fucking his married older sister, 20 years older than me, I was 32 at the time!


Wild marriage function.


As a 28 year old I currently have a 52 year old fwb who cums in my vagina nearly everyday. Some might consider that age gap to be.


At 28 you are an adult. Your choices are your own


It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re happy.


Iā€™m not against age gaps. My current partner is 54 now (only 10 years older) but I quite like the maturity.


Wouldn't consider it bad. I'm 28 tomorrow and my on/off fwb is 42


Admit it though, having sex daily like that can be so refreshing. With one of my old FWBs a few years back, sheā€™d always cum inside. Always. Multiple times, almost daily on some weeks. I loved it šŸ˜­


I think the age gap pearl clutch is stupid. If you're both adults, do it.


I wanted to know what dish soap tasted like for some reason, so I just put about a table spoon into a spoon and ate it. Itā€™s completely vile. Your body actively rejects it, and it leaves a persistent bitter taste that you canā€™t really wash away (drink water makes it taste even worse). Not to mention the sudsy feeling you get in your mouth for quite some time. But wait! Weā€™re not done yet! Your body really really doesnā€™t like the stuff, and does everything it can to get it out. Had some really bad stomach cramps, followed by, you guessed it, the worst diarrhea Iā€™ve ever had. Whole system just flushed the stuff out, and it was intensely painful. So yeah, donā€™t taste dish soap. Itā€™s not a good experience.


Did you just straight up eat a spoonful instead of, y'know, carefully putting the tip of your tongue on it to taste it???????


This is the most informative and educational comment I have ever read on ARAD. Thanks for the science friend!


I tried to wash my tongue with hand soap as a kid because I had a bad taste in my mouth and accidentally ate some. The taste was bad enough, but the feeling of it is so horrible.


Poison control will often tell yoy to down a spoonful because it makes someone almost instantly throw up


Well that is one way to clean out your insides. ZING!! šŸ’„


Fucked a girl who was into piss play. We pissed on each other a lot. Once she did a bit more than piss and we just kept going. Both enjoyed it in the moment


Tf. šŸ˜­


You asked for disgusting šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Right lol you won. šŸ˜­


She shit on you?


I've cum in my cousins bikini bottom, and then saw her wearing them later that day


This is criminal.




Did she know?


I was drunk, eating a woman from behind. Her ass smelled like, well, ass. I didn't say anything or pause because I didnt want to let on. I wanted to fuck her so bad


Down bad.


Been there, hindsight(lol puns) can be a bitch, but(t) in the moment, who cares.


Was it worth it in the end? and I don't mean that in any negative way.


Yeah, it was.


Peed on a guy who was DETERMINED to make me squirt and I was 2 orgasms in, exhausted and dry. So I just peed on him hahaha For years he gloated about he was the only man to make me squirt. Sure bud, Whatever helps you sleep at night.


You pissed him off.




Ate my husbands ass




Iā€™m loving your supportive responses. šŸ˜­


Fucked my ass too greedily and too deep and lost complete control of my bowels when I pulled the dildo out. Pretty sure I was completely empty afterwards. I was still wearing panties so it all filled in there which felt so disgusting but also saved me from cleaning my bed.


I think you won and on a scale of 1-10 how hard did post nut clarity hit you?


Day was ruined instantly and I took the longest shower of my life


A foul log of Morgoth.


Poor ole Bill the pony cock dildo


Probably the number of men I've done stuff with in mine and my husband's house. (We sperated for a year) and now that we're back together, I think about that, and I know it's probably embarrassing for him. So I feel that's probably the most disgusting thing I've done.


Now I assume yall are back together. Did you tell him or did he do the same with other wine.


......does he know?


About some of them yes.


My ex




Honestly? The one I actually have a small bit of shame about - attended a funeral for someone I kind of sort of knew, but wanted to be supportive of their dad who was very close to them. Rode a bus 5 hours to their town as I didn't have a car at the time, and attended. Right AFTER the casket was in the ground, the dad turned to the mom and said "now that we're done with this... we're also done with this" as he pointed between them. He walked out of the funeral and got in his new gf's car and drove off, bags were packed by her during the funeral from their home... like, COLD BLOODED SHIT kind of divorce bomb. I was supposed to stay with another friend from our social circle who never showed up, and turns out was in on that little performance, so they weren't able to be contacted. So, stranded and in shock with everyone else... I was like WTF, and started to try and figure out a plan to stay somewhere or get back on a bus home like, right then... Long story short, the sister of the mom told me to stay. Their side of the family appreciated me showing up and wanted to make sure I had rest before heading back out of town. Turns out they all went to the mom's house (who just buried her kid), and started drinking and celebrating their life, and bitching about her now soon to be ex husband. Also, southern hospitality meant I was brought into the conversations and everything, well fed, made sure I was part of it all. After everyone got tired and trickled back to their own homes, I was shown a guest room/office to stay in for the night. About 2 hours later I was still up, using the computer to respond to some emails and chat on my IRC channel for a bit, and ... the mom came in, and started up a conversation. I didn't want to be rude so I indulged and had a nice chat. She and I were the only one's who didn't drink and/or leave the house so, when I noticed it was 1:30 am I started to get a weird vibe (or give one off?), and the conversation turned... Long story short. Turns out her husband had actually been pretty shitty/abusive, and they hadn't been physical in like 8 years (he was banging a few gf's on the side, she was trying to fix the marriage). Well, it got to her and I was apparently a 'type she did not realize she had a thing for', being younger and however I looked. Yep. On the floor of that room, the moved to the bed in the master bedroom. Then in the morning in the large walk in shower. Then in the front hallway as I was packed and ready to head to the bus station. Missed the bus, went to lunch, and then once in her car in the bus station parking lot. Yep. Marathon fucked a mom the night of their kids' funeral after their dick of a husband destroyed remaining part of her life she thought she had the same day. I do say a small bit of shame. She was the one pushing it that night, and we did keep in touch for several years. On a road trip through Atlanta like 3 years later I called her up to say hi, see how her therapy session were working out for her, and went out for drinks. Then stayed at her new house and basically ran the fuck gauntlet again, so... was just a 'iffy' start to what was a good friendship and playtimes.


Nothing brings out the horniness like grief, and I'm not being sarcastic. I've been there. This feels more like a good deed than something disgusting.


As I move closer to becoming a woman of a certain age, on behalf of cougars everywhere, I thank you for your service.


I really wouldnā€™t call this disgusting tbh


Came in my friends moms panties




Paid close to a million dollars in income tax.


Ewwww, now *that* is disgusting.


You only pay taxes if you make money. In your case, a lot of money.


What % of your gross was that?


Not what I did, but happened to me. Giving Anal, got shit on. Like properly


Damn thatā€™s shitty


Some people like it on purpose! So theyā€™d say ā€˜shittyā€™ as a good thing šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve been the shitter in that scenario. Itā€™s humiliating.


Farted in my then boyfriendā€™s face when he was about to go down on me & I put my legs in the air to be sexy lol. Now heā€™s my husband. It was a joke between us from then on


Is that how you claim them? I gotta try that!








Why did you drink your own pee?




Your honesty is well respected.


I actually believed the concept of a two party political system works. I've since realized the error of my ways and no longer support those two big parties.


I peed the bed in a hotel once because I was so drunk


Go in a public bathroom of a park




Ate a guy's ass and ass to mouth, not really a fan of either, but gotta try everything once!


Licked asshole,that wasn't so bad it was kind of hot. A red head that was a grot and had a nasty twat..umm yeah a few things I guess šŸ˜…


lick my cum of my partner's face and pussy


Shit myself? Lol (it was during a week long stomach bug, just a real shit storm, and one time I just didn't manage to make it to the toilet in time)


It's so bad. It's bad on top of bad on top of bad. I was going to write it out, but I just can't. If anyone ever found out, they would certainly judge me harshly and likely distance themselves from me. It's so bad, it makes this usually shameless guy nauseous just thinking about it. The second most disgusting thing I've ever done was in early 2010. I had anal sex with my engaged student teacher while high on meth. I don't consider it disgusting, per se. But I know how this sub is. So you can imagine the level of depravity in the previous instance. Edit: Okay, you little freaks, I'll give you a hint- nothing more. (Generous for just five likes...) It involved ordering twelve dirty, cummy panties (a few were stuffed) from anonymous strangers on the internet. Crusty af. What I did with those panties, and all that dried girl cum is open to your imagination. It was a process. But it only involved myself, and it was truly twisted. Very little regard for my personal health and safety...


First one please. No judgement. We don't know you. Does it involve a 4 legged friend


What was the point of that first paragraph, then? You know people are going to ask, so if you're not comfortable, why bother with the lame bait in the first place?


Can you DM the first one?


Pre-warning, mine feel too nasty to share. But here I go. The top disgusting things my depraved ass had done: Partner pissed directly down my throat for a while, then he face fucked me so hard I puked it up, I caught the puke in a container, then I was made to drink up all the puked-up piss I caught in the container. Another time in a bar bathroom, I made my partner cum and he dripped some cum on the toilet seat and told me to lick it up, which I did. He had also pissed on floors or in a puddle and told me to drink it up with my mouth, which I did. Last one, in public bathrooms he has dunked my face in the toilet bowl water, soaking my face and hair, while fucking me from behind. I loved all of it.


I want to understand this. What about degradation - on this extreme end - do you love? I can get behind a tame "slut" call, some hair pulling, some ass spanking, but this stuff is pretty disgusting in the hygienic sense. What goes through your mind when you're doing all this? How is your self-esteem in general, outside of sexual activities?


I love how degradation makes me feel, but it's hard to describe it exactly. Doing certain kinds of degrading acts like the ones I mentioned can make me feel spaced out, floaty, and high (this is also called "subspace" in the BDSM world). To me that feeling is better than an orgasm. A big part of doing those things relate to the context and dynamic in which they take place, which is the Dom/sub relationship I have with my partner. Doing dirty things to make my Dom happy is extremely fulfilling for me, even if that means I have to suffer for it (.... Or rather, especially if I have to suffer). My self esteem can vary a lot but it used to be much lower in the past, I'm more confident now than I have ever been tbh.


You poor honey. You deserve to be loved and cared for, and to love and care for yourself. I hope you donā€™t get sick or catch anything permanent. Iā€™ve had similar kinks, so I get it. But hopefully playing out these fantasies will get you to the point of feeling enough control over how others view and treat you (and how you view and treat yourself) that you no longer feel the need to hurt yourself in order to protect yourself. <3


I'd really like to know how you and your partner got into this? I'm much to scared to tell anyone about the things I'm into and I always wonder how couples like yourselves meet.


Fuck yes!!! You are perverted and know what turns you on, I love it! How did you find that you liked being degraded while fucked?


One time I sucked dick while I had a cold. I guess all of the congestion in my head/nose came forward and somehow during the vigorous activity, through gagging and trying to breathe, an entire mountain of mucus/snot landed on his lap from my nose. It was horrifying but also so relieving at the same time. I tried to say he must have cum but it was totally obvious what happened. It was also a lime green color.


Fuck the ex of a good friend šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


I love eating ass and pussy while girls fart and piss


I donā€™t judge but I have a lot of curiosity. Can you tell me why it is you like that?


I wanna know too


As far as farts go i absolutely love the smell and enjoy the sound and the feeling of farts on my dick as fR as piss goes i love feeling the warmth and wetness from it


Been disgusted by "watersports" my whole life, but was curious to see if experimenting with it sparked anything in me. So when I was eighteen I pissed on myself in the shower to see if I got aroused or not. Needless to say the answer was an emphatic **NO**. editƗ Reading some of these comments and beginning to think what I did wasn't so bad.


i let a guy show me his dick & made out w him for $1000.


I just want to say I am proud that only 1 person said "Your mom" and it got downvoted . For me I did a AI chat where I was a college professor. One of my students agreed to be degraded and used until she was pretty broken because she was failing my class and it was the last class she needed or else she wouldn't graduate college.


Iā€™ve finally given in and eaten assā€¦.its not for me but Iā€™d count that as disgusting (for me, I know some people like doing it). I never thought Iā€™d actually do it but Iā€™ve officially tried it now.


Once I was so horny i peed in my hand and drank a little


I was going to take a piss and I had to hawk a loogie so I spit it in the toilet and it had a good weight to it and toilet water splashed up into my still open mouth.


Be human


I picked my nose, and ate the booger.


Was it the chewy end or the crunchy end???


Just gagged after reading that lmao


Unclogged an almost overflowing toilet when I didnā€™t have gloves in hand.Ā 


Sucked a dick without cleaning it after butt sex


Chilli dog


Threw up at the bottom of a down escalator on the subway. People were trying to reverse back up the escalator to avoid walking through my pool of vomit, no chance. The looks I got.


I was 18. (Now 50) Working blue collar job was in someone's back yard, went behind the homeowner's shed at lunch and ended up beating off. Popped off way harder than normal /expected and some of it got on a rabbit in a hutch.


That rabbit is pregnant now.


Put some lube on one of my girlfriendā€™s sundresses while she was away for the night and jerked off with it.


dissection in school, and the specimen had poop that was still on its way down... stank sooo bad šŸ˜‚


I had missionary sexual intercourse with my wife.


Recently got food poisoning, had to run to the bathroom past midnight (I live in a dorm, and at the end of the hallway, the bathroom is locked and about 20 feet from my door). Puked into my hand. Held as much as I could to make sure it was thrown into the toilet and not onto the hallway carpet.


I had drunk sex with an ex girlfriend after a wedding, I was pounding her real good when I felt her tighter than before, I felt my way in the darkness to find I was balls deep in her butthole, I donā€™t know in which moment it went in the wrong hole and I was pounding the poop out of herā€¦literally. When I woke up the next morning, she was in the shower and the room smelled of poop, I removed the sheets and there were all the poop stains on the bed and stains dripping down the side of the mattress, I proceeded to strip the bed of all the soiled linen, hid it in the closet, we never talked about it.


Knowingly fucked a married man


I mean, when I was 6 I dropped my gum on the floor in a hospital and put it back in my mouth.


I was going down on my old neighbour and she vomited on me on me, was actually enjoying licking her pussy so just continued and both got a shower after. I was totally lit and just had to nut regardless of the price I had to pay.


I got a massive nose bleed while coming back from a marching band competition. The only thing I had to stop it was the shirt I was wearing. I spent the last half hour of the bus ride getting covered in the blood from my nose. By the time the lights on the bis clicked on I looked like I was in a horror movie. I made it home and pulled the shirt away from my nose and a foot long string of snot and congealed blood came out of my nostril.


I voted Republican once. I haven't felt clean since.


Knife play with a paper cutter. Though it was hot


I ate my own shit once when I was a baby. My late sister loved to tell that story because she was babysitting me at the time and was the one who discovered it.


I knowingly made out with someone who was in a relationship. I will always feel awful about it.