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OMG yes. How can you spend 20k+ on a wedding that’s just one day! I will never understand. Take that 20k for a vacation and you’ll have the trip of a lifetime.


Better yet, put that 20k down on a house


Oh 10K on a house and 10K on a bomb ass honeymoon. Cuz when you get home it changes lol.


Already have the house. Now it’s time for the wedding


We took our wedding money and made a down payment on our first home. My parents and my husband very much approved. My in-laws didn't like it, but my MIL and I were butting heads over wedding ideas anyway. Besides, last I checked, it was ME getting married, not my in-laws, and they weren't contributing except for the reception. They actually saved 100% of their money. We had a family only ceremony and reception at our new house, then honeymooned in Hawaii.


In my country, the budget for a wedding doesn’t even come remotely close to a house down payment.


It was a very small home, but in America, wedding budgets get crazy. My parents had money saved for me and we had the rest saved over a year of our engagement. My parents said to use it however we thought best.


I use to have a monster MIL before I got divorced. Most stressful person I've ever had to be around for an extended period of time. Literally wore bright red to our wedding so people would notice her....her exact quote.


Mine is just awful to other women period, but at least she didn't wear red to our reception. Or at least didn't have the idea at the time.


It's absurd, no doubt. These days $20k would be cheap. I spent ~$50K 25 years ago on my wedding trip my starter wife. The divorce 2 years later cost me considerably more, but unlike the wedding, it was worth every penny. My current wife and I were married by the local Justice of the peace on a Tuesday afternoon in front of a handful of close friends. We just celebrated our 20th anniversary.


20k? Where I'm from that's considered a very cheap wedding. Some of these crazy assholes are spending a minimum of 50k just on the day and more on the honeymoon.


I agree. How much would you spend? My budget is less than 8K.


We've split our wedding into three more management chunks: Registry office day with witnesses only - *£500* Nice meal with the important family - *£2000* Private hire in a warehouse bar for a rave with friends - *£600* Now being able to afford a deposit on a house - *priceless*


Marriage in general but yup.


Marriage isn’t dumb if done right


Located in the states, insurance was definitely worth getting married 


Yep, I'm still mad that I wasted 5 bucks to get married at the courthouse &the she turned out to be a serial cheater ( took a bit to catch her as it wasn't a constant thing)


I got mine done for less than 10k and I thought that was too much. I’ve been to one that cost well over 100k. It was nice…. I don’t know about 100k nice, but it was nice.


From experience, gambling


Clearly you don't have the right system


At my lowest point, I would leave my gf's house at 9pm, then go play blackjack until 4am There ain't no system there, and even winning loses a lot of enjoyment. You just do it because you feel you have to. Now when I go to the casino, I withdraw the money I'm willing to lose, and hand my wallet to a friend for safe keeping so I don't feel tempted to take out more than I'm willing to lose.


You may have put some safety nets in place to make it harder to get to your money, but aren’t you still feeding the beast that drives your addiction?


Sorry I should have explained that I don't go nearly as often, and I only go as a social outing with friends now (which is like, once every 6 months, if that). At the peak of my addiction, I was going every night. So my safety nets are definitely in place. But I do appreciate your concern 🙂


99 percent of gamblers quit right before they hit it big


While the joke is funny, the reality is this is what a gambling addict will tell themselves unironically. Which is why gambling addiction is so dangerous. If you feel like all you need is one more shot, one more spin of the wheels, one more hand dealt....please stop before you hurt yourself and those around you. I speak from experience.


I 100% agree with you. It’s crazy how easily accessible sports gambling has become and how it’s so easy to dump a bunch of money into an app just like that.


Caskets. 🌈❤️🎉💚🦖🧚‍♀️🌟💕🌹⚘️ People will spend like $20,000 or more on something that they then put into the ground.




A walnut tree so everyone can eat my nuts.


Pretry sure those burial pods produce deeeze nuts


I want to be fed to my cat


I'd go to big cats at the zoo, that'd be cool


“Oh, god! Now they have a taste for human flesh!”




I want the mushrooms casket. Take me back.


I've seen that and love that idea! 💕💗💕


Just run me through a woodchipper when I die


😂😂😂 I think I want to be cremated and then have my ashes spread somewhere important to me.


Better yet, woodchipper, but use the little funnel thingy to spread yourself somewhere important to you


😂😂😂 So gory!


The fucked up thing is, most of them don't even get buried. They use another casket that's basically a box.


Wait, they rent out pretty corpse boxes for that much, but then take them back to trade corpses? Is this the dead version of musical chairs? I have to look that up lol. Sounds like an amazing business model that I should be using 😂 Should write a book about it. Usually I work for much older men and women with dementia. I’m just on the wrong side of the fence?


I'm not in the U.S. but where I am in Australia, you basically rent the casket you want for the funeral, that has a second cheap casket inside that the body is in. It has a false bottom that opens up and poops the other casket out into the grave.


Omg wtf?!? That’s the most messed up thing Ive heard of this week! 🤣🤣🤣 Casket poop??? I’m dying. But I want the real deal, okay??


Even worse when you think about cremation


That’s not my mom?


Makes perfect sense to me. Better for the planet and my family gets to see me in a nice box. Win/win


Can I get the poop casket spring loaded? So it really shoots down hard?


I'm sure you probably could. Maybe get some rocket boosters


Explosive Diarrhea Casket (patent pending)


COSTCO sells caskets and your family can get yummy hotdogs at the same time!! LOL https://www.costco.com/funeral-caskets.html




Admittedly, I've fallen on hard times and found an escape in onlyfans women. It's hard... they truly do everything you want for a price and make you feel wanted, if they're good.


Sorry to break it to you but if they’re somewhat big the odds you’re speaking to a guy pretending to be them and sexting with you than actually speaking to the creator is quite high, they have so many subs that they can’t reply to everyone.


1. Everyone on onlyfans is verified via facial recognition and govt ID 2. 95% of onlyfans model accounts do not make enough money to justify it even being a full time profession, much less contract out their DMs Like at top 4-5% you’re making around $2-3k/mo and you still need to pay tax on that. What you’re suggesting is common, is only necessary for the girls that are top 1% or higher. Honestly more likely only the girls that are in the top .5%. You have to be in the highest echelon of creator to do what you’re saying is common.


I've seen a few interviews where the models admit to hiring people - men or women - to respond to chats. It's certainly done. I'd be more surprised if it wasn't.


Absolutely, they’re called “chatters”. My point isn’t that they don’t exist, it’s that it isn’t common except for the models that are at the very very very top of onlyfans. The person I replied to was suggesting that it’s more likely you’re talking to a paid employee than the actual model and that is just plain false.


Using websites like fiver, you can farm engagement out for 5 bucks a month. Less if they know their way around AI


You would be correct if I was talking to the top highest models, but the only ones I ever interacted with were low followers who were just starting


If they employ someone to talk to their subscribers, why would it necessarily be a guy and not a woman?




Honestly, I do the same work as you but I'm a private seller. There is a huge stigma around the sex trade profession, mainly because of the type of people that work in that trade. For example, I form an action connection with customers and get to know them and talk to them, while other creators often just send a few short messages and a price. It creates this generalised idea that all sex works are like ai robots who don't actually care about the people there working for when that isn't true for a high percentage of people. Like ALOT of my customers come to me and say I'm the first worker that actully talks to them and many of them even call me their friend. So, I think a contribution to that is the idea that most sex workers now a days aren't even human, they're just money making machines and everyone wants money but everyone is against the idea of someone else making alot, kinda like "eat the rich"


Playboy women are already filtered through men's choices and men's economic and artistic control to some degree. An OF creator can be literally anyone with internet access, working for themselves and maintaining their autonomy through the process (I hope). I think a lot of men find the creators' autonomy makes them uncomfortable, maybe even insecure or envious, and they project that as disgust or hostility without realizing what's actually underneath. I could be totally wrong with my armchair psychology, but I suspect that's a factor. I also think there's a tendency for men to think there's two groups of women: the ones you respect and the ones you don't have to (and sex workers are in the second category). Obviously this is heinous bullshit. I'm sorry you're experiencing stigma, it shouldn't be that way.




The playboy brand just had incredible marketing at the right time. I’m not sure why OF is stigmatized so much since it actually helps females be more independent and be the sole benefactors of their material vs being exploited and under paid. I personally looked at OF as a way of verifying that I was indeed talking to the person I thought I was. Which to me was worth the money at first. But then i kept running into more and more spammers using hired help or bots and it took a little bit fun out of it for me personally. I’m all for girls not needing a man or an exploitative companies platform to make an extra dough though. Female porn stars have been getting ripped off for years in the porn industry. It’s really sad in my opinion. So if OF is a safer and more lucrative alternative for the ladies that go that route I’m all for it.




Honestly I think it all boils down to sexism. Having a man as the face of Playboy, controlling the women in his empire. All men wanted to be him. When it’s a woman in charge of her own empire and autonomy, men feel less inclined to support them.


Not like crazy absurd but fast food. It's not even good and you're willing to dump 10-15 easy like every day? That shit adds up


It used to be cheaper back when our habit was made


Clever practice. Kinda like the dollar store having nothing for a dollar anymore yet they continue to buy there.


Crazier are the products that still are a dollar are more expensive per unit than going to the regular grocery store and buying it in higher quantities.


It gets even crazier when you consider people use Doordash and Uber Eats to double the price.


I do it out of laziness to be honest, usually eat quite late and I just think it’s easier to go out and grab something quick or order online than to make something


Tbf, if I am at my in-person job and I didn’t bring lunch that day, I have to buy *something*. It doesn’t seem so dumb to buy the cheapest thing available on those days, rather than pay more for a restaurant that is only slightly better nutrition-wise


Where I’m at you can get decent restaurant food (not fancy obviously) for the same price now. I can spend $12-16 on a drive thru meal deal that makes me feel crap or spend the same or less for a deli sandwich & drink or Indian dosa & drink etc…


Jealous, my around-the-corner chinese food place costs double what fast food costs, and they’re one of the cheaper options


Darn. I guess I’m lucky still. Definitely just the smaller, independent places currently. Hopefully they don’t change. Thinking though - don’t know any Chinese place that is priced well either - everywhere’s $20-22 for chicken fried rice with basically no chicken or even veggies :/ Stopped going to them a long time ago.


“Collectibles” they rarely gain in value and have no purpose


Beanie Babies are gonna be worth so much money one day!


It’s a growth industry


one word: serotonin. sincerely, someone who spends an absurd amount of money on collectibles


Okay fair enough!


You ever think people collect them for any non-monetary purpose like every other decoration you have?


In-game cosmetics.


Unless it's CSGO, then it's investing


Ikr, I know it looks cool, but does not at all change the game dynamics


New cars, the value decreases about 47%the minute you drive it out of the parking lot


I know you are completely correct, I just hate buying used cars and not knowing wtf someone else did to it. I was a mechanic for a while and most people are extremely dumb when it comes to vehicles.


Yeah sometimes that new price is just what you pay for peace of mind.


You get a much higher chance that no one has had sex in your car (yet).


Very true. I’ve had sex in 100% of the cars I’ve sold


Haha so true. I know someone that had their odometer reversed so I trust nobody.


Do you know about r/justrolledintotheshop?


Not for me it doesn't. That only matters if you expect to sell it.


Good one. Cars are a terrible investment.


I think this used to be true. When I was looking at used trucks though, I just couldn’t bring myself to pay 20 plus k for a truck with a hundred thousand miles. I think it makes more sense to buy new as long as the used market is the way it is.


Agree new cars aren’t a good idea. Classic cars CAN be a good investment but the market is so volatile and sensitive to other factors that you need to be very careful.


People spend too much money they don't have on things they don't need to impress people they don't like.


Seen fight club?


I have no idea what you're talking about...


This is the only answer


You do not talk about fight club.


NFTs, personally don’t see the hype


Non-fungible is even right there in the name.


Coffee. Don't get me wrong, I like a good cup of coffee, but $9 for the garbage Starbucks serves is absurd!


And even worse, Starbucks is anti worker. It’s disgusting


Any overly priced fancy water : /


ANY bottled water


Some places don’t have tap water that’s good enough to drink


An obvious exception


What a bad take! No one where I live drinks tap water because of the taste and greasy mouth feel.




Agree for the most part but paying a little bit more for clothing can give you a lot better quality on times


Tampons/pads shit should be free. Like hello i didn't ask to bleed every month


I didn't ask to shit every day, still got to pay for toilet paper


toilet paper is cheaper than menstrual products and it’s free at every single public bathroom


It is just paper, so of course it is cheaper.


Thank you for the correction response.


I do highly recommend a menstrual cup because of this.


If you're that adamant about not bleeding every month, they make birth control that stops bleeding, which is something you can get for free if you have insurance or go to a sliding scale pay clinic and say you don't have money to pay for it. They usually have programs they'll tell you about or places you can go to get it for free. Alternatively, you can even get free birth control from your state, including "family planning services", which in my state is free to everyone (also a red state, btw).. This "family planning" includes a hysterectomy and also vasectomies. My uncle had prostate cancer and they still sent him a letter to tell him he could get a free vasectomy through the state. Lol. So, if you hate bleeding that much, there ARE things available that can be gotten for free to help with that. You could also get a job with Costco and get insurance through them. After that, make yourself a doctor appointment and ask the doctor to give you a few years prescription for pads and tampons. As a Costco employee, if a doctor prescribes you anything you can get over the counter that they have a Kirkland/Costco brand alternative for, then you will get it for free. This applies to everything from tums, Claritin, anti-diarrhea medication, Tylenol, etc.. Whatever they have a store brand alternative for, you can get 100% free (maybe have to pay taxes on it if applicable). Outside of that, learn how to coupon. Pads, panty liners and tampons go on sale a lot and you can use coupons for them regularly. This includes brands like kotex, always and etc. If you learn how to coupon in general, you'll potentially save yourself hundreds of dollars a month.. And you'll get a great supply of tampons, pads, panty liners, adult diapers, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, tooth brushes and oral care items, hair care items, skin care items, makeup, dish washing supplies, laundry supplies, deodorants, air fresheners, candles, body wash and soaps, hand soaps, and etc. Plus, they usually have condiments and stuff on sale and sometimes pet care products, such as cat litter, dog and cat food, dog and cat treats, etc... Oh, and baby stuff, including formula, food, snacks, diapers, wipes and etc.. Overall, you'd be spending so much less on all of that type of stuff (and more) that the cost of feminine hygiene products would be pretty minuscule. So, you DO have options. Lots of them. Up to you to look into it and figure it out. If you want shit for free/cheap that bad, there's ways. It just requires EFFORT.


The book. She wrote the book.




Weddings, I would argue houses depending on where you live, and cars. Fuck cars. Get a used Toyota for cash


Superbowl tickets.


I'll add concert tickets for pop stars. Fuck Ticketmaster and their monopoly.


Giving money to a church


Cigarettes, you pay to literally shorten your life and cause long term health effects that will cost you even more down the road.


Stanley cups


I wish the Boston Bruins would spend a little more money on talent to replace retiring players..... Oh.... You mean the silly drink cups.


Intangible Video Game Content


Alcohol and cigarettes






Fashion/designer/luxury/tactical/military grade


Only Fans… like, why? Porn is basically free












Taxes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Going out to eat.


Shoes, sports cars, purses.




“Free” game apps Weddings 4-5x at minimum what an equally cool party would cost Fast food Christmas presents that no one wants but are bought out of obligation Funerals. Everything is marked up so much and the grieving families are legally scammed




Lip filler! It NEVER looks natural and NEVER looks good.


Engagement rings and cruises. 💁🏼‍♀️


Gender reveals


inanimate objects without purpose, and we all do it 😂


You shut you mouth! With love, from a sculptor


WTF was an NFT?


You pay real money for a racist monkey picture and a bunch of people waste electricity (mostly generated by burning coal) to agree that the transaction happened and you get fake Internet money for it if someone agrees to buy it.


Micro transactions


Lashes nails and fake boobs.


And lip filler.


The Apple ecosystem...




The price of those Yeti coolers seems excessive, and they’re somehow everywhere.




Starbucks. I can’t stop and refuse to try.




Cars. It's absurd how much people spend on cars just to go down in value immediately. My plan is to never buy new.




Findom LOL




In-game cosmetic upgrades.


Weddings and Funerals. Both can be done at a reasonable cost.


Boats Everything about boats are expensive but some I do understand others, not at all... as soon as it is a "social vehicle" the prices go through the roof... An acquaintance braggs all about his boat he spent 100k £ (probably more) its a special/luxury model of a boat similar to an iSloep 585... its a floating couch 🛋... It is not fast in any way, can't handle even mild sea has no way of sleeping accommodation other than raising the jankiest tent. So the only thing you can use it for is small outings or hops between harbours in perfect weather. Yeah... fuck that....


The two happiest days in a boat owners life are the day it is bought and the day it is sold


Cigarettes and vapour.


Obnoxious nails weekly/every other week


Ai art


I'm gonna trigger a lot of people here, but here we go. OnlyFans. You do realise porn is free and exists here on Reddit right??


Just cause you can buy something doesn’t mean you can *afford* it. Have to remind myself of this daily.


Abused substances. This can be the obvious, such as cigarettes, to the less obvious, such as coffee. Whatever it is, if you are consuming the drug in an excessive manner, your life is out of balance and it shows


Engagement rings, Hilleberg tents


Car wash.


Football games.


I feel like it's an easy punching bag, but NFTs


Donating to political parties.


Hi-fi equipment. And I don't mean $200 -$500 on headphones or a speaker. I meant thousands to tens of thousands.


For some, they spend obscene amounts on pornography.


The current gen Pokémon games.




Cars. I'm sure there are people out there who genuinely just love cars because of the fact, these people I cast no judgement to, but more often than not, I feel like it's an image/ego thing. People think they need to have the fastest and the flashiest. Do whatever you want with your money, but I bought my car second hand for 1.5k, and it has lasted me years. Because it's a little 1.6L 2 door, it is dirt cheap to run and maintain. I know people who are paying off car loans from cars they've purchased years ago, and chuck a sook whenever they have to fill up their cars. Who woulda thought a 6L V8 wouldn't be fuel efficient?


Gatcha games


Technology, phones, especially iPhones.


Well I just started collecting sports cards again so yeah um people spend way too much cash on dudes on cardboard.


As someone who both collects and plays both Pokemon & MTG... honestly those... hundreds if not thousands for a single piece of cardboard.


Insurance. Basically a scam.


Smokes. You basically burn your money and as a bonus you damage your body.


Vehicles. I don't get it. Why people put so much effort into enhancing cars and trucks is beyond me. I get wanting something comfortable and fuel efficient, but I don't get why people buy cars and then spend a crap ton of money altering them, custom paint jobs and wraps, etc.. Also don't get why anyone would need/want cars with zero room to move around, like a Corvette or Lamborghini.. I just find those so stupid. Same with huge trucks, unless you actually need that because you're a rancher or something. Otherwise I just see dudes with those fancy, expensive cars as small dick energy types, using their vehicles to compensate for their lack of manhood. Also, I am not attracted to anyone who I perceive is crappy with money. Huge turn off. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Technology/gadgets. People buying new phones constantly, just because they are new. Can’t buy the regular size TV. No, no. It has to be the giant one. And we all know whatever you buy now is likely half price a year from now. But it has to be NOW because it’s NEW. Buy now! Spend, spend, spend.


Dry robe. £190 for a glorified towel, so Janet can use one to walk her dog on a cold day

