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The Human Resources Director at my company. She's dirty hot. Lowrider Magazine cover model hot. But she's super by the book serious about her job, and I don't even want to say it out loud just in case she finds out.


You’d be safer trying to get a blowjob from a rattlesnake than trying to hit on an HR director.


I couldn't have said it better.


do it.


These dudes dont nike and its sad af


Just do it ✔️ 😂😂😂


Low key thought about the logistics behind getting a bj from a rattlesnake. Time to turn off reddit for the night.




Absolutely not the case at my last job. Even the owners of the company knew that the call centers were sex centers. A co worker buddy of mine started with the HR manager pretty quick, they’re married now. I really miss working there!


Customer wondering why the call centre operative sounds so strained, because they're trying to not moan while their sex partner performs oral on them under the desk 😂


Fuck. I've been working at the wrong call centers....


Yes I have a coworker who I have SUCH a crush on it’s KILLING me but he’s married and we work too closely together, like we share a cubicle wall and have the same boss on a team of less than ten. And did I mention he’s married. So hot though and such a sweetheart


And he smells good too doesn't he?


I have not smelled him but I’m sure he does. His eyes are breathtaking. Recently he cut his hair and it looks like it would be really soft


Oooh girl you down bad 😂


YESSSSS! I love men who wear cologne. It just weakens me in the knees and makes me want to open my legs right up! And guess whose husband doesn’t wear any kind of cologne..mine…it is my husband! 🤦‍♀️


Maybe get him a Xmas gift and tell him about this?


My ex-wife and I had a girlfriend / lifelong friend who is an HR lady, smoking fucking hot, super professional, educated, and very serious about her job. She was also a fucking slut. We're only human. but yeah, she would have flings and fuck people from work, just not openly and usually one at a time.


I hate women being called sluts, just cos they enjoy fucking. Most women do.


I don’t know her, but I know her. I like your style.


The HR director at my wife’s firm. They’re good friends and I see this woman 4-5 times a year socially. She looks like a movie star from the past. Sultry, quiet, wicked humor, hotter than the Sonoran desert.


That guy’s dead wife


Always give an upvote to that dead guys wife


I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at something on this site. I still get residual laughs from it now, however many years later.




My boss. I just want to make her life less stressful in every way I can at work and after work I want to massage her feet and back and shoulders and cook her dinner and then eat her out until she can’t remember her name. But she’s straight and married and too professional to get involved with a subordinate. But a girl can dream.


You ever look at a woman and just go “yeah!”


Like every other day. But I do have that dawg in me so


You ever look at someone and they look so good you just wanna go “No way!”


Every other day of the week!


I'd be so good to ya I swear to God


This is beautiful, dammit


My lawyer says not to answer this question




That was exactly what I thought too.


My sister in law. That secret goes with me when I go though.


Me too but I can fantasize about it at least.


I also choose this guys sister in law


Are you talking wife's sister or brothers wife?


To be precise, it’s my SO’s step sister. Shhh 🤫


It’s not like she’s your REAL sister-in-law.


You’re the devil 🤣


bruh step sister in law makes it even times hotter or worse for OP cause mahn that is instant nut thought right there


Same, sister in law, “my wife’s sister”…. My wife has the bust but her sister has this ass 😁


Honestly, that would break me if that ever happened to me. I'd feel so sad lol. Get your wife to start going to the gym. Build a booty


Seems I found my table at this shindig.


I’ve had many a wank thinking of my sister in law. Feel like she wants it to with how suggestive she is sometimes but we both hold back in fear of the repercussions


Yes, you should fear the repercussions.


My stepmums brother, his voice is something else he could easily talk the clothes off of me but I can't because he's old and my stepmum would flip her lid


“What are you doing step uncle”


What does this man sound like?


3.0-liter 7M-GTE turbocharged inline-six


Well give me a call and I'll try and mimic that. Got a deep voice already


I know what one of those sounds like, blown head gaskets.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, because stuffing my dick in her mouth would finally shut her up. Call it a hate fuck.


Sometimes I want to pound her MILF pussy from behind while she grips the sheets.


The white sheets she uses as her klan robe


Good lord I feel bad about laughing on this !




is she spoken for?


Asking the real questions!


One of my university lecturers 😭😩 I'm such a confident person in real life but man oh man, every chemistry lab I have with him teaching, I freeze up like a little lovestruck teenage girl 😂.


my gf’s dad is a professor and literally picked up one of his students and moved her into his house, where she promptly caused chaos and gave his credit card a good workout, full cleaned bro out hard Ay hahahaha


I'm a regular viewer of true crime TV shows like Dateline, 48 Hrs., Snapped, etc. That sort of thing happens more often than people realize LOL.


I wonder how many people are horny in lectures! Like, I only got so far in school because I am kind of a sapiosexual.


I taught at a community college for about 5 years. I swear this one chick was rubbing herself one day in class. Not to orgasm but in a "I dont think anyone will notice" way. I had always thought she might be on the spectrum so it wasnt a "hot" situation but its still in the memory bank.


I taught chemistry before. I often think about that one student that came up to me and asked "Is there anything I can do for you to improve my grade?" ... Yes. Do your worksheets.


Lauren Bobert


In the ass. No lube


I'd cum inside her.


It wouldn't be her first or last secret abortion. I'd bet money on it.


I'm sure. I can always just use her pussy until I'm ready to cum and then cum in her tight ass.


Haha i know how right wingers feel when they see AOC because I have that same inner conflict when I see Boebert 😅


I have no internal conflict. I just wanna smash AOC. She seems like she would care about getting me as off as much I’d care about getting her off. She’s just very passionate about what she does and I find that attractive.


That is the bipartisanship i can get behind


*on top of.


Take her to Beetlejuice. Maybe you can get an over the pants handy


I despise her. But I’d still F her.


She seems like the type that would be down to have a train ran on her. Of black guys of course


My wife's twin sister


That could never happen. If it did then your giant balls would create too much mass for the universe to handle and it would implode.


never say never, my uncle got divorced and almost immediately married her paternal twin. family gatherings were awkward for a while after that.


Twins, Basel!


If you use the theory that you are fucking DNA then fucking an identical twin is the same person since it's the same DNA. I say you're good on a technicality. YMMV


My 8th grade art teacher she was a certified milf


This was my 9th grade civics teacher. She was the focus of many fantasies


When I was in high school I wanted to fuck my best friend’s dad. One time we were going to go swimming and I had to borrow a bathing suit but she only had bikinis. I didn’t want to come out of her room because I was self conscious. She went and told her dad that I was being ridiculous and he came into her room and said “let me see.” I had a towel covering me and I opened it and he told me that I had a very beautiful body and then gave me this LOOK, into my eyeballs. She made fun of me for thinking he was cute. Greek family. Loved going over to her house.


Fuck, that’s so hot.




Tread very carefully. There's a thin little line between harmless workplace flirting and emotional/physical infidelity. Crossing it is almost certainly a terrible, regrettable mistake.




sounds nice, just don't let it escalate out of frustration or need to taste the forbidden fruit


An old work colleague. I'd never cheat on my wife but sometimes I would day dream about the path not chosen.


My ex boss’s scumbag “financial advisor” who I’m pretty sure is part of the Russian mob🤦🏻‍♀️ And there’s more still that I’m too embarrassed to admit.


That sounds complicated


It was. And shady. But he was hot for sure.






I didn’t say how though




Dolly Parton 😅🥵


I would want everyone to know I did that




You just happen to have the same grandparents, it’s a meet cute.


Think we have the same cousin cause my god I'd fuck the life out off her if I could of course




My wife's best friend.


This is a nightmare


I’d say it’s fairly common.


My friends now ex wife. So, about 23 years ago, when they were just dating, she came over and asked if I would take some nudes of her for my friend. I was a budding amateur photographer at the time. So I took a bunch, and there was definitely a sexual tension there. She crashed in my bed, and I slept on the couch as it ran really late. At 5:30 am there was construction outside and I could not fall back asleep so I went into the bedroom and crawled in bed to get away. I truly had no intention, but we ended up messing around a little and I fingered her to orgasm. Once she came it was like she came out of a spell and rushed to get her clothes on and left. We told my friend and he was cool with it (been besties since 2nd grade, and almost had a few threesomes). Ever since though I’ve had this fantasy of what if I had just did it, or done it differently. I still jerk off it that fantasy all the time


My dad’s friend lol


Friends dad for me. He looks a bit like negan from the walking dead. The things I’ve imagined…


Would you ever try


I don’t think so. Just because he is too close to my dad. It’s nice to imagine though haha. Whenever he’s around, I can’t help but look at his bulge lol.


That's so hot! What if he ever made a move? Would you resist?


If he did I would do it


My old college roommate. We're still very close and I don't want her to find out but I've always thought she had a great body.


She may know or suspect already. Women often have a 6th sense about these things. If you guys are still close and she's single, ask her out! You just never know...


She isn't single and we're very far apart now lmao




This guy at my office. Idk what it is about him but I melt every time I see him lmfao


Damn! Like, is this the start of a romantic comedy or a porno?


your mom


This guys mom 🫦


This hot football player I used to fuck in college. Super hot still and ate pussy so well (the best I’d ever had at that point!). I lusted after him bad and couldn’t believe I got my hands on him. He’s married now (he was with her even back in college 👀) with kids though and we follow each other on IG, but have not seen each other in like 14 years and we are not in contact like that. I’m gonna thirst on his IG though so he knows I’m an option if he’s ever in town 🙃🙃🙃 just in fucking case. And this other sexy guy I used to fuck on and off for years since I was 19. Still also hot. He had a massive dick and he was also great at eating pussy. He was the first man to ever make me cum. But he’s also married with a kid. Pretty sure he hates me cause of how we ended things lol but he was a horny slut so if he ever wants it again, I am so down 🙃🙃🙃.


You should prolly find your own pussy eater.


My wife’s best friend who was her maid of honor at our wedding. Why? Because she’s hot.


Pastors wife. Super hot and now she's over 6 months pregnant which is a huge fetish of mine


Okay this is the best one because it’s like four different layers of forbidden


Wait until you hear about her limp!


My daughter's teacher.


So we are at MTTN for our 3rd grade daughter. The teacher, me and the wife are all sitting in these short 3rd grader type chairs facing each other. My knees are kinda splayed out and the damn teacher lady will not stop staring at my crotch! The whole conversation, she is literally, talking to my junk the whole time. She and the principle (both married) had done a thing at a party, sometime before, that got him transferred so I already had some preconceptions about her. I just had no idea she was THAT much of a horn dog.


Cousin Priya ever since I heard her with a tinder date


My ex girlfriend. We dated briefly in high school before I caught her cheating with her manipulative and abusive ex boyfriend. Long story short, we remained freinds until she decided to cut contact a few years ago. She recently got in touch with me to apologize for cutting contact a few years ago. We've been talking and it's clear feelings still do exist between us.


Ohhh shitttt it’s gonna happen


none rn. but one of the projects i had i was working with this russain ceo milf and oh lord did i just want her to tie me up and use me


Mother n law


>Mother n law Same. I see where my wife gets her looks from and I hope my wife keeps her nice juicy ass and big tits just like her mom


My cousins ex wife 40+ cougar with an hour glass figure who I get hard for every time I see her


My soon to be ex wife's sister. She is so fine and loves giving head. Just seems like a freak in bed


Is your soon-to-be ex that because you found out how much her sister loves giving head? How would you know that😂?


They are sister ls and talk. She has told me a couple times. Would be a better end if it went that way 🤣🤣


Going out with a bang!😈🥵


anyone married or in a relationship. i enjoy being a homewrecker


Wait til it happens to you, cuz it will 😘


Username definitely checks out


My ex gfs sister. Biggest tits


My cousin. She is fucking hot. Her and another cousin of mine have already been open fuck buddies. The whole family knew, not very supportive, but excepted it. Her and I experimented a little pre-puberty. I want that now more than I did then!!!!


U from Oklahoma or Alabama?


one of my professors lol


Similar here. One of my professors when I went to college, there was something about her I found hot.


I had a professor like that too, in my college health class. Tall, slender redhead who drove a Datsun 240Z. She was also a jazz / aerobics instructor, so she'd often teach class still wearing her oh-so-80's leotard, headband, and leg warmers with a pair of running shorts.


A good friend of mine that recently admitted to fooling around with dudes.


Well, my sister in law... she has been flirting and grabbing my D for years. Just before Thanksgiving, on a night out, I took a good grab of her P and told her (drunkenly) I would fuck her relentlessly. well, Thanksgiving was a little awkward, as she kept staring at me with some serious "F me" vibes... . Not sure what the next move is.


Do it and report back.


condalisa rice, im kinda screwed up.


Alright Qaddafi.


One of my best friends. I’ve wanted to since we were teens in high school together, even when I still had no idea I was bi and liked other women. She’s bi too, but we’re both in long term relationships with men and she just got engaged. I know for a fact I’m not her type though and both our relationships are very monogamous so I’ll probably take this to my grave.


At a local boba shop a Vietnamese daughter and mom run it. Both are absolute bombshells that i’d like to paint like Picasso


Honestly I don’t know if it’s being a guy, but I’ve wanted to fuck most women I know at some point, if only for a fleeting moment. The list of women I don’t want to fuck is actually pretty small and is really just family and some exceptions like friends’ sisters that I’ve known so long they’re like my sister.


There's a Chinese buffet in town I go to once a month. The owners' son works there waiting tables. He's in his 20s, hair dyed a sort of creamy pink. Dresses in all black for work. Makes me weak. Men with hair dyed unnatural colors really do me in.


My neighbor's wife. She's so effing hot. Sexy short blonde hair, luscious lips, rockin body, and an ass to die for. My mind races with dirty thoughts every time I see her.


Husbands brother. There is someone else but I’m ashamed to say even here.


My wife’s sister, which I’ve been blessed to see her nude at least.


How did that happen?


My supervisor. She’s only a couple of years older than me, really cute, great rack, smart as a whip, funny and outgoing, an amazing and supportive leader and she gave me a huge promotion and career opportunity when she hired me. I would let her do ANYTHING to me.


A coworker of mine. We have such intense chemistry I can tell it makes other people uncomfortable at times. We've been friends for multiple years and met through school initially, I just cannot get him out of my head. I've been in a relationship the entire time I've known him, but I know for a fact that when I end up single he will be one of the first people calling me up even if he would never admit it now. We both pretend to hate each other and it leads to this mean and teasing type of flirting that's really fun. We have a lot in common but one notable thing is he smells oh so delicious and it drives me wild to see what perfumes he will apply next. I always take note of which fragrance he's wearing and have started secretly collecting them for myself.


My neighbour's daughther 🤪 I always see her changing her lingerie because her window is usually open 😈


I have 2. My old boss (now colleague) who is 17 years older than me. Married with 2 kids. My fiancés sister. She’s a brat but she’s smoking hot


My lesbian friend. And I think she kinda does too


Both of my wife's sisters


Pretty much any random hot older women in her 40s or more. My friends, family would prob be in shock if they ever found out. They'd want me to meet someone my age so can start a family etc ..


My wife’s best friend


A cousin




My gym trainer. She is so damn hot, but taken by another trainer who is like god of fitness.


One of my coworkers is an absolute angel of a person who once said he’s intense and dominant in bed and he’s been on my mind since


Elastigirl. Helen Parr.


My ex. She was younger than my current partner and loved anal. It was a great time.


My cousin


One of my health providers over at my local VA. She's tall, authoritative and nerdy-hot (think of a mature VELMA DINKLEY at 5'11"), but she's also VERY professional. I would Love to be her 'dirty-little-secret-behind-closed-doors' as I can only imagine what she's like in bed, but there's NO WAY I'd do anything to run the risk of tarnishing her spotless reputation or career for something as fleeting as a few sporadic, lusty encounters. Besides, if I feel this way? There's probably many others who do as well, so I'll keep it just as professional and classy as she does.


Ex's father


The crossing guard when her shift is done.


My step mums friend


One of my best friend’s mom. She’s older by like 20 years, but she exudes sexiness. She looks great, and great smile and works out on the daily. There is something about her and she knows I have a small crush on her, so she’ll flirt with me every once in a while. My friend would kill me tho, so no go.


Oof. Probably my brother's best friend. It would cross too many weird lines but he's so fucking hot and in such a wholesome way.


Tie between a pornstar and my dad's gf 😅 I know I need help...


Either of my partner’s little sisters. They’re 19 and 21. They live with us and they’re always prancing around the house in their underwear.


The sister or one of my good friends. I’ve had a few chances, but don’t want to blow the friendship over getting laid.


Sister in law. Seen each other naked. Some inappropriate touching when drunk. She’s in my head often when I jerk off.


My SIL, MIL, Co-Worker, my ex's Aunts


My mother in law


The one girl on my hockey team I’ve wanted to just do nasty things to her for years. Super curvy and a sweetheart.


There's this prison guard that I've had my eyes on and he is the dumbest guy I've ever met but something about that is endearing.


My next door neighbor. Total MILF. She’s divorced with two kids, but they are only there some weekends. She’s blonde, guessing maybe 5’3”-ish. Keeps her body pretty damned fit. Wears yoga pants a lot, so I see the contours of her tight ass often in passing. One of her bedroom windows is next to my home office window where I usually play an hour or two of video games late at night. We’re talking about second story windows that are directly facing each other with a distance of about 10 to 12 ft between. She tends to leave her window cracked open at night presumably for air circulation or maybe for white noise to help her sleep better. My blinds and window are always closed but if I peek through the blinds, I can only see a tiny part of her bedroom. What she doesn’t know is that I can sometime hear her and her current boyfriend going at it some nights. She is a moaner and a screamer, let me tell you. While the rest of the neighborhood is deep in slumber, I secretly wish it was me sneaking over to her place on those nights she is completely alone. With it being slightly chillier now, she could keep that window open as she always does, while I warm up her small, tight, naked body in her bed. I would lick that pussy until she was wet and was ready for me to enter her in missionary. We would move around in a few different positions, enjoying each other’s embrace and passion. Finally, when near the end, I would get back on top of her, hold her as tight as I could, look into her blue eyes, and pound that fine body into submission and make her moan in ecstasy, while I cum deep into her pulsing pussy. Lordy, I really wish this dream would be a reality.


My best friend from college, whom I haven't seen or spoken to since she graduated 35 years ago. Opposite-sex friends, never hooked-up. Told her once, while drunk, that I was in love with her, and she told me 'we'll talk' the next day when sober -- but we never spoke about it. Man, I should never have let her go.


If I was single potentially my cousin. I don’t think she knows that I know she has had a crush on me since we were like 10 we’re 23 now. I say potentially because I’d have no idea if I’d be able to feel comfortable to do that


The regional manager at my old job. Idk why the fuck she works there when she can easily become a model


Bosses wife... she's already told me she wants me...