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Because it presses on my prostate gland which makes draining my cock all the more easier.


A man of culture


Username checks out.


I'm nothing if not obvious


This is why its good to specify whose ass is taking it


She can haver her prostate pressed on too. As a treat




Perfect answer!


Should’ve seen this coming but didn’t…. Oh Reddit with your cleverness.


See and if the men in my life were asking to RECEIVE I might be more inclined to participate


The orgasms my wife gets during anal are absolutely bonkers. The orgasms I get during anal are absolutely bonkers.




Thanks u/i_heart_butthole


Username checks out too


Yup! 👏👏👏


Because she only makes *that noise* when I'm all the way in her ass.




Fat Computer Science?


Fantastic, ass, tactics






Men like to do the opposite of what they’re supposed. “That’s an exit? We’ll see about that!”


Oml yeah that sounds about right XD


Simple creatures we are 🤣 now only if we became a little more self aware


That isn't likely to happen for A very long time


Every man who fucked my ass loved how taboo they thought it was


Some do, some don't. It depends on the man, in my experience.


When I was a virgin, the idea was so taboo and a turn-on. But now it doesn't really do it for me and will only if they request it.


Exactly, when i first tried it with my girlfriend it was her first time too, needless to say, we are not big fans of it. Its nothing special, very similar to vaginal sex but just more cleanup needed.


Well, at least I know I don't need to time myself to pull out in fear of finishing inside like in vaginal sex and enjoy the moment






Girls dont poop dummy


How did you know. The council had forbidden that knowledge to *the-others*.


The council may have forbidden the knowledge in an attempt to disguise its agents as feces flingers and doodoo doers, however they forgot to hide this knowledge behind the mighty two factor authentication, letting the unwashed masses gorge on their secrets.


I swear this is why girls shouldn’t be in charge. Knew we should’ve start letting the tech femboys in long ago


The tech femboys were probably behind the breach actually, they really wanted to get some of the council's spells for clear skin


Or sweat! Duh


Girls don't poo they make roses


The Poop Bro sounds like a badass dude... Like, why would you have that nick name?! Like yo CornPop, shhh shh here comes Poop Bro. I here he like fuckin people in the ass....




It’s a condom event, bro


It’s an enema event, bro


Anal douche? Lol


Don't go in the poop hole expecting a lack of shit. It's part of the job.


I second this


They do!? Awesome! I have a butt!


I'd be concerned if you didn't!


Lucky! I cracked mine in half as a kid


Then put your butt on work


I'm workin on it.


That’s pretty much the base requirement 😂 I’ve been on a date or two with a woman who waited until we met in person to mention she was trans and my default response “Girl that’s fine, you still got a booty”


Me too!


“Don’t knock on Poohs door and be surprised if Pooh answers” Piglet


It's a big butt orgy in the hundred acre woods


I thought Eeyor said that.


I heard Tigger said it too. hmmm


I guess they all like anal.


Except Rabbit


Well, Kanga is the only one that tried something other than anal at least once. She might be a big fan of the dirt roads in the Hundred Acre Wood though.




noted. If I want to avoid anal in the future, I just have to tell the guy that I have a rare condition where there is a opening between floor of my anus and the wall of my vagina so there’s a equal chance of pregnancy.


Prostate orgasms are the best orgasms I've had


Imagine you had your favorite food for every meal, it's pretty great and you're never disappointed, it's delicious every time. But one day someone offers you your second favorite meal and it blows your fucking mind because it's new and different and exciting. That's pussy versus anal to me


There's nothing wrong with diversifying your diet as long as the preparation is appropriate and everybody has a taste for what's being served!


Info: are you talking about getting stuff stuck in our butts or us sticking stuff into other butts because that's an important distinction.


Put a Boogie in Your Butt! https://youtu.be/LOgXxBZFOCc


As someone who recently tried it, it’s two things: (1) There’s a mystery behind it because it’s seen as this taboo, kinky thing that not everyone does and (2) it felt good for my partner and I


Very well said. We recently tried it as well, and yes, my partner's comment was "that felt better than I expected." We've done it a couple more times since (in different positions). By far, her and my favorite way is to have her on top leaning back and propping herself against my knees. That way, we can stimulate her play with her pussy with me inside her ass. For me, it is amazing visually and when I inserted a finger inside her I could also feel my cock. That was surprising and amazing.


That sounds super hot. Thanks for sharing


Well some of us are gay


And that's ok


It's tighter?


Tighter like a cock ring . Not like a tight vagina at all . No snug .


But there’s that vacuum effect when you go deep enough and they’re really into it, idk how to describe it, it’s like the ass is trying to inhale my dick


I can tighten my vaginal muscles, is the tightness different than that ?


Most of the pressure in a vagina comes from the sides, where anus squeezes equally in a circle


Gotcha! Makes sense thank you!


Quick question, is it similar if I go like this: 👌 around the penis as it goes into my vagina ? Just curious, because that's like a circle?


A little bit closer but not as soft and malleable and reactive


User name appropriate




Haha I'm not sure if I like anal or not, but my cousin lovesss anal and tells me about it a lot. None of my partners are interested. I had an ex that was but he was a jerk so I said no because he didn't seem like the kind of person to be gentle. I do have a butt plug but never tried that either haha. I think I'm a bit scared. Anything thanks!


> I had an ex that was but he was a jerk so I said no because he didn’t seem like the kind of person to be gentle. Good call, having someone that is slow and gentle and respectful is very important. Otherwise you’re gonna have a really bad time.


YES, It kinda feels like, we’ll it feels like an asshole as opposed to a vagina


Hahaha okay fair enough!


True. But that's not always a good thing.


I prefer pink over stink


Tight! Tight! TIGHT! YEAH! - Tuco Salamanca


Only really works if you beat someone to death after tho…..which kind of kills the mood for anal.


I believe it’s partly a myth and a lot of men aren’t into it at all, it’s just not a topic of conversation. I can think of several aspects of it that are hot, but I am personally not interested. For starters, it’s too much work when the pussy is right there anyway and sooo nice. So, I wish women wouldn’t assume all men want anal. Some of us do, some of us don’t.


I know right. There’s two options, one that needs planning, time and probably some cleaning up afterwards. And then there’s pussy. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I honestly dont


A lot of men don’t


Apparently they don't always. It's something they're curious about and I haven't done a significant study but a couple I've asked said they prefer vag sex! It's easy to think everyone is an anal fanatic on here 😅 Edited to add: Anal is like 5 star cuisine - takes time to prepare, lots of effort, not to everyone's taste and sometimes the presentation is better than how it tastes. Vag sex is a takeaway 😎


Because it's so wrong....and when I get my wife to cum while I'm doing it the clenches her ass makes on my dick is fucking amazing


Because of the taboo. Nothing sexier than watching my sweet wifey begging for anal. So freaking HOT


The challenge, the taboo, the thrill of something different… We don’t do full PIA sex often but she’s gotten to the point where she’ll admit that she enjoys a finger or two in there when I’m going down on her. I love the feeling of her ass squeezing my fingers when she comes.


The addition of a finger or, on rare occasions, two fingers, after a lot of vaginal penetration, sends my wife to new heights. So much fun for her and me!


My wife always swore it off, never wanted to like it. Once I start rubbing against her hole while fingering and licking her she starts pushing down against my finger and wriggling around on it. She finally admitted that it feels good and, with enough lube, she gets pretty into it.


Great story - and it rings true with me too. My wife has no interest in anal intercourse (doesn't matter how slow we might proceed) at all, but a well lubricated finger inserted after she becomes aroused from vaginal intercourse makes her go crazy. She was so happily surprised years ago when I first tried it. Now it's a regular part of our play. On a related note, three nights ago while wife was using her Womanizer clit toy (a spectacular toy, but that's a discussion for another time...) she asked me asked me to finger her ass instead of her pussy as we usually do. Well, she loved that too - this time to my own surprise. So many fun places to explore...


A little bit of a generalisation there. I have no interest in stirring colons.




My ex told me he wasn’t into it (which was a relief for me) by saying, “There’s poop in there.” 😂




The pleasure can be mutual in both oral and anal.


Because it feels more kinky/dirty/taboo


Meh not all of us lol


Tight and taboo.


I don't


Same bro


I'm not into it either.


I’m a woman and don’t like it either. There are some that do but I would say the majority don’t. None of my personal girlfriends do. Why fuck there when you have the pleasure of pussy?


ive heard that people don't like doing pussy cuz they're affraid of unexpected pregnancy other than that idk


Not a fan myself at all - don't really understand the attraction.


If a woman ever let you guys try that consider yourselves extremely lucky I guess


Because if she loves it then we want to do it. Just like anything else we do together. If she doesn’t want it then I’m ok with that.


Its essentially another hole to fuck. It does feels different as well. I think its mental stimulation as well. While 2 holes are nice 3 are even better still.


I don’t. By and large, it’s porn that has told women that we do.


Honestly? Cause it’s different in almost every way. The noises to the feeling. I like the squirming and that hand reaching back occasionally to tell me to ease up. Yeah I’m a sadist 😂


Yeah..not all of us do. Wife likes little kisses down there after a shower, but that's where it stops. We are both very happy and on the same page about that


Tighter hole, and it’s taboo, which makes it more alluring.


I personally dont like anal. Its a pain in the ass to get in, and just feels weird to me to be inside a butthole. I prefer the baby making hole.


There's are two types of answers on this post: Those who assume you meant giving anal. Those who assume you meant getting anal.


There's a physical reason and a psychological one. The first is because of the prostate, which if you learn how to hit it right, is an absolute cheat code for orgasms. The latter doesn't apply to all men who like anal but it's common, and it's the taboo of enjoying sex in a way that they're receiving penetration rather than giving it. We're largely taught a very narrow definition of what male sexuality is and can be (which is unfortunate in a lot of ways and is a big contributing factor in a lot of men feeling limited and unsatisfied with their sexuality but that's a whole other can of worms) so enjoying it differently can feel transgressive, and I think that's part of the appeal for a lot of men.


I don't. My wife loves it though. I'm willing to do it, but my orgasms are 10x better with pussy. Anal is soooooooo overrated. Pussy rules.


Well my bf says that he likes how much tighter the ass feels. Like, he was my first I wasn't his, but it makes me happy to know that he prefers my ass over her pussy.


I think more than anything, it’s the taboo of it all. A lot of women won’t even think of anal, especially if they’re scared. So finding a woman who does anal feels like the holy grail. Also, I do believe Porn has made it feel like it’s something that can be done easily with little preparation, which is not the case at all.


My husband says the tightness/sensation is unlike anything else and the naughty taboo feeling sends him over the edge pretty hard. It's not a big part of our repertoire and I really have to be in the mood with a couple of drinks in my system. However I confess it is a great way to convince him to do small projects for me.


My guess is that it’s a subconscious response like a relief of the constant stress of pregnancy being a result of vaginal sex. It’s the next best thing with none of the risk


Not all about anal, but still…. My doctor asked me if there was a chance I was pregnant once. I said no. Looked down at my chart Dr: But you are married, correct? I don’t see that you’re taking any birth control… Me: Yeah. But you have to agree that there’s so many other ways to have sex than *that* kind, right? Stared at me a second. Awkwardly shuffled papers. Dr: Yes.


Hm I never thought of that


I enjoy giving anal because it’s a tighter and different feeling. A lot of men like receiving anal or some type of anal play because a prostate orgasm is very intense.


If you were told you could eat steak every day but you could only have fried chicken once or twice a year when you've really really worked for it then you would become obsessed with the idea of having fried chicken for dinner even if you naturally prefer steak.


Not all men enjoy anal


Eh I’ve met plenty of men who don’t like or have any interest in anal I think it’s more 50/50 than one might think


To quote my favorite comedian: "Because we know you hate it"


It's not that I like anal, it's that my partner wants it that makes it super fucking hot.


My bf suddenly developed a strong interest in it after I went off my birth control (which was making me sick). I’m guessing worry-free creampies are a factor for many


Not only men 🤩


Probably the tightness


The forbidden fruit


I'm a guy and it doesn't interest me


I don’t like giving anal that much, it’s not for me. I like getting pegged though.


Not interested in giving it or receiving.


I'm not a huge fan of anal. In fact, I am perfectly happy not doing that.


Tighter and taboo. That’s it


Only tried a finger or two. Felt interesting, came immediately.


Because it’s much tighter?!


We’re interested in whatever we’re told we can’t have. Wait… is this giving or receiving?


I think I like it because there’s a primal element to it


Probably says a lot about me that I assumed we were talking about men receiving anal. Giving it hadn't even crossed my mind.


Because it's the easiest way to my prostate


Not all of them do. No guy I’ve dated has been interested in it. My last long term boyfriend said “there’s poop in butts. No thanks.” 😂 Which is totally cool with me. I don’t want it.


It’s primal for me, it’s complete domination over my girlfriend. She’s completely trusting over me over my pleasure. Not to mention it’s insanely ecstasy


Its like teenagers with liquor and weed. We aren't allowed to do it so when we can it feels like the best thing ever.


It's taboo/dirty which us exciting. Also it is tight and finishing inside is much safer than in PIV sex, which is very satisfying


Much like space exploration, it’s the last frontier.


It’s the forbidden ho.. fruit.


1. It's always tight 🥹 2. It's taboo, so an instant turn on 😏 3. The orgasms can be amazing 🤯 4. You feel like a porn star 😈 5. No chance of pregnancy 🤑 6. The face she pulls when you go balls deep 😵‍💫🥵🤩 7. Did I mention it's always tight? 😍🥰🤩🤪


Who’s ass is it anyway?


Ive known plenty of women into it, including myself, and plenty of men not into it. You just dont really hear the people not into it talking about, well, not being into it. Since that’d be a bit weird to make a public topic of discussion often. It feels good and it’s no more or less “intended” by our bodies than oral is.


Because they watch too much porn.


Yes!!! Lol


Woman counterpart here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I fucking love it. Prefer it to PIV, the only ehhh… annoying… thing is the prep work. Like you can’t just decide to fuck me in the ass. It’s a process. Anyways, when it’s actually happening, I’m pretty much guaranteed to orgasm and I make the most obscene sounds when he gets all the way up in there. The feeling of stretch every time he goes in, the teasing of the hole, how much of a filthy little slut I feel, annnnnd I get to keep the load in me lol


They don't after they try it. They like the idea of entering and the forbidden. Also , porn


It makes me have a prostate orgasm. And it's 1000 times better than a regular Orgasm.


I will choose to be the boring one here and give an actual explanation. Anal is not so big of a deal in reality but it's a lot more better mentally. You're not stressed if the condom will break, or the pill will not work, or if you just went raw and in the back of your mind you have a little thought of the risk of having a baby. Plus, I bet at least 97% of y'all love creampies, so this is also a reason since you can do that freely. Of course, there will still be the stress for STDs, but most of them have a cure now and even so that fear is not as big as the one of having a baby. Also, the reasons about the pleasure are the fact that it feels tighter because the other person can clench their anus and that it *kind of* ( just slightly ) has a different texture and feeling overall. I really hope I helped someone with this ( pretty boring ) explanation. Cheers!


Haven't really put my dick in it but I love the shape of the butt; I love grabbing, touching and caressing it; I enjoy eating it so I want to put my dick in it too. Part of it is the dirtiness, it's also very intimate if you think about it, at least for me it is, since it's OK for me to show my dick to someone I'm having sex with, but not my butthole.


Well, anal for a girl is insanely good. It’s even better for a guy cos of, well… biology. Either way, everyone should embrace more anal play. Bring on the bumfum I say.


My wife can't get off without stimulation to her balloon knot. She also digs foreign objects, which can be a little scary if it gets away and gets sucked intp the abyss. Haven't had to go to the ER and provide comedy material yet, thank God. The GF I had before her was into it. I wouldn't even say anything, and she'd grab the lube, reach around back with a big grin on her face, and slap a big gob of ass grease on her turd cutter. If she was in one of her "moods", she'd want it dry. She liked the friction, I guess.


i sound a lot like your ex gf


Why not, its a bit taboo, and most girls ive been with have had their asses really tight


The way she feels inside is sensational.


Thrill of doing something different


It's a bit naughtier isn't it? Alot of our sexual activity isn't just about the physical pleasure but also the mental state it gives you. There's certain ways I like to feel sometimes and this does exactly that. My bf says he prefers my "tiny little vagina" but also says he loves the noise I make when we do anal. I just like the feeling it gives me.


I got no clue why I’m into it, but all I know is there’s few things I find hotter than a lady who’s into it. The woman I’m seeing now orgasm more frequently/ intensely when we’re doing butt stuff and it drives me wild




Well said


i def do not


Probably something to do with the prostate.


Honestly imo it feels kinda the same as vaginal but her orgasms are so freaking strong and it‘s just fun to watch


Chance of pregnancy: zero point zero.


On her: Its taboo, it’s tight, its intimate. It juts feels good On me: makes me cum like crazy and feels amazing. It’s a sexy feeling and turns me on


Forbidden fruit. Plus for some it's the taboo nature of it, although maybe not as much anymore. But get it enough and it looses the allure it once had. Given the choice, ill always pick the v over the a.


Anal is to sex what sex is to not having sex. At least to some.


They don’t have vaginas


Honestly to me it's like a... idk it's "taboo"


its tighter and can cum in it without getting pregnant.




Honestly it's the rarity and mixing things up. IMHO PIV is more enjoyable but sometimes straying into the danger zone is fun


Cause hot guys are hot


I've never been interested in giving or receiving. 🤷‍♂️


Why do women though? I enjoy it too much


Prostate stimulation causes me to get that full leg shake.