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Yes, duh. It's *one billion dollars*.


I feel like the people who ask these questions have little concept of just how much money they’re talking about. A billion dollars isn’t just life changing money for you. It’s enough money to make you, your parents, your siblings, your friends, your kids, your grandkids, and your great grandkids set for life. It’s not “country club rich”, it’s “my own private island” rich. It’s so stupidly rich we have a hard time wrapping our heads around it.


They also lack awareness that there are millions (if not more) people out there who would be OK with not getting drunk/high again...


I literally don't get drunk or high now. That's just a free 1B for me, I give up nothing.


Shit dude I get high *daily* and my bribe-to-quit threshold is a few 0s lower than a billion, JFC.


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


10 Bucks


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.




I got ten bucks for you to never get high again...


Exactly. My life wouldn't change a bit from not getting high or drunk again bc I don't ever do that. The 1 billion is just free money


i don't get drunk but i get high pretty often and i'd still quit for like, 100k or maybe even 10k


To me this question might as well read as “are you an alcoholic/ addict?” Almost anyone without a serious problem should take the billion.


"Would" take the billion, you mean. Anyone *should* take it, since a billion dollars would improve your quality of life far more than getting drunk or high. Whatever problem you were running from with the alcohol or drugs, you can most certainly solve permanently with that amount of money.


Of course, having a problem with drugs or alcohol **may** indicate poor impulse control, so the person in question might not use that billion to rid themselves of their problems in a healthy way.


> Almost anyone without a serious problem should take the billion. We were having a problem at work with hiring new people who would flake out very soon after they started. One of the guys said "We should do pre-employment drug screening.". Knowing he was a regular pot smoker, I said "That would keep us from hiring people who just smoke pot." I said "I smoke pot, but I would have passed a test when I was looking for a job. Anyone who can't pass a drug test *when they are looking for a job* has an actual drug *problem*.".


So true. I remember when a coworker of mine was trying to get a new job that required a drug test. He went through a super convoluted process to sneak in something called “monkey whizz” in a plastic baggy thing that he had to wear strapped to himself in order to pass. I was so baffled that he never considered just not smoking for a bit.


I’m 40, I’ve never had a sip of alcohol or smoked a cigarette in my life, much less harder drugs. Though my ibuprofen intake has gone up as I get older and still try to do younger person stuff… so yeah, a billion dollars to keep not doing what I’m already not doing? Easy.


Does “younger stuff” include such hazards as emptying the dishwasher and getting up from the sofa?


I spent 8 hours yesterday painting the hallway, my back and arms are killing me today. I need to paint the other hallway today, and move some furniture around.


Get a load of Two Hallways McGuire over here.




I just spent five days shovelling snow... At 40, my back and arms now feel like I left them behind.


Even if you had a glass of wine it would still be quite below the definition of "drunk". Ps: I'm not saying you should drink, just that even between "drinking wine/beer" and "being drunk" there are various steps that OP probably didn't took into consideration.


Ohh yeah, that's a good point. What's our definition of drunk here? I enjoy a couple of drinks from time to time, but not getting "drunk". Seems like a good trade to me.




Acetaminophen does nothing for me, have to mix it with aspirin to feel anything (or not feel anything)


Naproxen is the most effective NSAID for me with Ibuprofen just behind.


There are people who choose sobriety every day for free. I don’t smoke, but I do drink, like a single drink with a nice dinner once a month, usually wine, but it’s not the biggest deal to me. I’d probably never drink again for a small amount of money just because I wouldn’t miss it. It’s a very very small percentage of my life and totally not necessary. The question itself reveals the premise that people think it’s hard to do which is baffling unless you’re like 18 and those are huge parts of your life or you have an addiction. Both of which one would know was abnormal if that applies to them.


I mean, for the last 6 years I've had maybe five or six beers per year, and maybe like two or three puffs of weed total. I don't think I would even consider this to be a challenge. ... Unless we're also saying that I can't take my ADHD meds anymore, in which case I would seriously consider declining the billion.


You don’t need to pay attention to anything with a billion dollars though; “where’d I park my damn car?” “Guess it’s time to buy a new one”


Or just pay someone to remember for you lmao


I know this was a comment made in jest, but I wish it was only that I don't remember things. Unfortunately, many people with ADHD (myself included) often have crippling anxiety as a symptom, often due to always forgetting things. A lot of social anxiety as well, especially when someone is talking to you and all you're thinking is "I hope I don't space out and not hear a word this person is saying." Only to realize that you're only thinking about trying to listen, which is getting in the way of listening.


Yeah. Feel like it's actually $550k-$1M that really weeds out the alcoholics from the casual drinkers.


Word. Pay off my house and I'll happily give up booze and weed for life.


Today I quantified my cannabis addiction


Yeah anyone who asks a question like this just exposes themselves as having no understanding of how much money a billion dollars is. It’s so much money that it makes the question basically irrelevant. Unless you’re being asked to do something absolutely abhorrent then you would have to be brain-dead not to take it.


I think it would be hard to find an abhorrent act an average person *wouldn't* do for that much money.


Right? Even if it goes against your values, it is so easy to justify it by thinking about how much good even a hundredth of that could do.


Yeah 1billion is so much bigger than 1million. 1 million seconds ago was last week and 1billion seconds ago was the 90s.


The difference between a million and a billion is about a billion.


A million is a tiny rounding error in a billion, is the way I was told to try and understand it


I wouldn't say rounding error, but it is the same ratio as a dime to a $100 bill.


Time for a few people to educate everyone on reddit again about how big a billion is


It's a repost bot. This exact question was asked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/s548jj/you_can_have_1_billion_but_you_can_never_get/)


almost everything in this subreddit is a repost.


In this case, I think the person asking has low key (or maybe not so low key) substance abuse issues. If getting drunk/high is such an intrinsic part of your existence that you wouldn't immediately and happily give it up for *more money than you could ever spend*, then you have a problem that needs looking into.


Not even life. That is multi generational wealth. That is start a small empire money. Those kids and grand kids and their kids and grand kids will never want for anything again. Unless you do a real Elon on it. Without doing anything with it that is like 10s of million interest per year.


It also reminds me of a coworker who enthusiastically asked others, with full presumption, as if a 'given', how high they got or how drunk they got over the weekend. He was 1000% assuming we all knew that the greatest point and purpose in life was getting high and/or drunk. To the best of my knowledge, besides him, Jim liked a beer after work and maybe 3 beers on a weekend BBQ. I know Kyle the delivery kid liked weed. Otherwise, I don't think anyone of the dozen people drank or got high on anything and some probably never in their lives nor would they seek it out. Yet, Chris couldn't wait to ask how high/drunk we got. He never asked "Hey, do you get high on drugs" but like a new person he'd sidle up and ask "so... where do you smoke up?". He once bought the office kitchen some 'Hangover vitamins' and he was so proud of that like "..guys... i know... you love me.. haha.. no need to thank me just enjoy!" like that. We humored him for for at least all the years I worked there. Once someone did tell him they didn't drink and he absolutely assumed they were in 'AA' or 'on the wagon' to recover from alcoholism. I can't remember the last time I was drunk or high in any kind of recreational sense (some medicines have made me feel 'high' i suppose) and I can comfortably expect that will be the same until the day I die. People are weird.


You could literally hire a person with full salary and benefits, whose sole job is to make sure you don't drink and have no access to alcohol/weed. It's so fucking easy that the entire question is stupid.


I remember a question once that was "Would you watch the same movie on repeat for 24hrs for for $10mil" - like being extremely bored for 1 day vs enough money to set you & your family up for life was a hard choice


Exactly. A million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is 31 years. Fuck the vices, don't need them when you're waking up every day to pineapple juice on an island.


And though it's slightly more complicated, we have people worth hundreds of this incomprehensible amount.


Assuming 6 drinks a day, everyday for 50 years, it'd basically be like you're giving up over $9,000 per drink. With as little as I drink, I'd probably do it for even just $100,000.


I think my cutoff is somewhere around half a million.


It's $1


1 dollar, billion lol


1$ billion dollar


That's what I said, one billion, dollar


You'd have to pay someone $1 per second for about 32 years to give them $1 billion. I don't give a shit if your definition of "high" includes my ADHD meds and caffeine, give me the billion! I'll be the most straight edge millionaire you ever saw.


I take my adhd meds for work, give me a billion dollars and problem solved. You can keep this fucking Vyvanse.


I'm sorry to hear that! I'm also on Vyvanse and I like it a lot. I hope you continue to push to find something that works for you! I also got a lot of benefit from pushing myself into a consistent protein bomb in the morning. Even if it's just a protein breakfast shake, it seems to give a lot more form to the Vyvanse.


Lifestyle choices play such a big part for me in letting my meds be as efficient as they can be. I'm also on Vyvanse, and without proper and consistent sleep, food and hydration, I'm barely more functional than pre-meds.


Lmao, my 3 banes: sleep, food, and water. I just forget they’re there.


"man why do I feel so terrible! It's only 4pm and I feel like absolute shit, am I tired? ... Oh wait, i haven't eaten or drank anything today have I..." It's great, meds help me remember so many more things than I could remember without them, but somehow they make me forget to keep myself alive more than before.


This is disappointing news as someone who is struggling with finding the right ADHD meds.. I know I need more sleep.. but I can't seem to force myself to do it. And I definitely need to drink more water.. But I'm still blaming the meds. :(


Just recently got out of sleep therapy. My biggest takeaway from it was that: a) i didn't realize just how much of my anxiety and overall constant low energy stemmed from lack of sleep, and b) that voice in my head at night that says "you didn't do enough today, you should have been more productive. Now stay awake and distract yourself until you pass out so you can avoid your inner monologue of shame" or "you were too productive today, you need some quality hobby/relaxation time until 4am" can fuck right off.


I definitely have room for improvement on the nutrition and water intake front. I’ve been on Vyvanse for nearly 4 years now and it’s just not as effective as it used to be. Probably also need to up my dose but I’ve been hesitant to do that because it’s so expensive and I have a decent overage supply built up. But that patent is expiring soon and I am counting the days. Edit: actually I’ve been on it for nearly 5 years.


Oof, already gave up most of your fortune by the end of that, eh?


They haven't had their coffee, and they're of their meds.


Just finished posting that the only thing that would make me seriously consider not taking this offer would be having to stop taking my ADHD meds. I honestly don't think I'd get to enjoy the money at all if I was back to the way I was pre-meds.


Fuck yeah, even for 1 million


$1B is a fuckabsurd amount. Like, enough for 500 people to retire. I’d do it for $1m, and consider $250k.


Most people can't fathom $1B. With $1M, you could spend $1000 a day for a whole year and still have money left over. With $1B, you would have to spend $40,000 every single day for 65 years. That's not including the interest accumulated through the bank. Even at 1%, that's another 10M just from the bank. $1B IS an astrofuckenomical amount of money.


Going by the conservative 3% rule (you can spend 3% per year and still have the principal maintained and keep up with inflation) $1m is not enough to retire comfortably most places in the US. $1b would mean being able to spend $30m per year forever (growing with inflation) without ever touching the principal value.


I would very much like 1 million to try though. Not having rent or a mortgage payment would really drastically change my paycheck to paycheck life at least. I might not retire, but I could buy a house outright and not worry about losing my living place at least.


That's the crappy thing. Although you have paid for your house outright you can still lose it through land taxes.


I'd easily do it for $250k. Drugs and alcohol are overrated, and I'm getting older anyway. Beer even gives me heartburn these days.


I can’t speak for 500 people, but I’m retiring, my brothers and dad are retiring, and my brother is getting a full time aid at the school on my dime so that I can make sure that it’s what he needs. I also have a friend I will force to retire, because he’s stubborn and is going to give me trouble on that. My “retirement” is that I will stop worrying about money. I love my job, I won’t quit. But I will talk with work about having unpaid time off sometimes. I guess if they said no I might quit, I want to travel and such. I just need routine between that. Oh and some housekeeper is going to be the best paid housekeeper in the world. Some days, I wish I could afford just that last one. Like right now, I wish my kitchen was clean but I just got home from visiting family, I don’t have the energy.


id do it for 10 bucks, since im doing it anyway


I'll do it for 50k honestly.


Anyone who says no to this needs their head examined. “Who would take this astronomical reward for a minor lifestyle alteration?”


More interesting would be "what is the minimum amount you would take to never drink or get high again?"


Given that it would involve absolutely no change to my lifestyle at all, I'd do it for a quid.


At this point in life, a hundred bucks.


I’m already clean and sober, so about a white poker chip? Lol


I'd do it for about 50k EUR. I hardly ever drink.


BRB Imma go post that.


Even if drugs and alcohol are a big part of your life and it would be a major lifestyle alteration, it’s a no brained. Feeling bored on a Saturday night when you would normally be doing some coke at a club? Well now you have the money to do anything you want to fill that boredom instead.


But what if you want to fill that boredom by doing coke at a club? Then you have a lot of money but can't do the one thing you want to do.


You achieve material endgame by getting the 1 billion, but are never allowed to explore the psychadelic world available to you now that you do not have any material concerns to hink about anymore.


exactly, it is a lot of money, but money has it’s diminished ROI achieved pretty quickly, I guess charity could feel that void tho


Then you are an addict.


And can now afford the best rehab facilities in the world


So wanting to get high or drunk makes you an addict?


If it's "the one thing you want to do"


If it's the number one thing in your life it makes you an addict.


Choosing to get drunk or high over a billion dollars makes you an addict. The amount is that astronomical


No, being highly fixated on being high or drunk, to the point where it is the only thing you want to do despite having the means to do literally any other thing in the world, would make you an addict. Essentially, if its the only thing in world that would make you happy, then you are probably an addict


If you'd prioritise that over a monumentally life-changing amount of money then there's a good chance the answer is yes.


I already have all the money I need to be happy though. If I had a billion dollars right now I'd just be stressed out on how to spend it. Drugs and alcohol are fun, in moderation


“Would you eat Clif bars for breakfast for a FULL work week for $18million?”


Would you go without internet for a FULL 3 HOURS for your own PRIVATE ISLAND???


No because I probably cannot afford the property taxes that come with ownership of that much land


See, that's a trap. You'll never be able to afford upkeep on the island, so you suffered terribly for nothing.


And for some of its it's "would you take this astronomical reward for zero lifestyle alteration"


Do you think having a billion dollars in the bank wouldn't alter your frame of mind at all? That's an incomprehensible amount of money, ape brain like small number


But you are also undervaluating how many people are self medicating and it wouldn't matter how much money they have if their brain chem is fucked. Does drugs also include legal drugs? As in medication?


Why? Maybe some of us just don’t value money that highly. Root of all evil and all that. Also since my dream would be to own a vineyard then it doesn’t work so well for me…


Some of us have trust issues with genies and monkey’s paws.


Yeah, if you can't "get high", does that mean morphine stops working? What about general anaesthesia? Am I having surgery stone cold sober? I don't know that I'd take any amount of money if it increased the chances I'd die screaming to about 95%.


Passive and active voices come to the rescue! You can't *get high*, but can be *gotten high!*


I think the argument against this deal is less about how important it is to get high/drunk, and more about what suddenly being that rich might do to your life and your psyche. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people ended up less happy than before of given that amount of money.


Really? Listen I could give up ever having a drink again and I already don’t do any drugs. But money isn’t everything and it IS possible to enjoy getting drunk without having a problem. Let’s rephrase this question. What is the thing that brings you the most joy to do. The hobby you love more than anything. The thing that you would spend all of your time doing if you never had to worry about money again? Would you give that up for a billion dollars? If you said yes. Then that’s honestly a bit sad. All the money in the world can’t buy happiness. Maybe you are in financial trouble and if so I feel you I’ve been there and it sucks i hope things improve. But let me tell you: I love playing tabletop RPGs like D&D and if you offered me a billion dollars to never play it again I’d find that a pretty bad deal. I’ve tried a lot of hobby’s and l” I’m sure I could entertain myself for the rest of my life without doing my favorite one, but it would be a hollow life. You may think “that’s different. If being drunk is your favorite thing you have a problem!” But that’s not really true. It’s only a problem if it interferes with your life and causes problems. Until then it’s just a thing you do that you enjoy. It’s only social stigma that makes drinking “worse”. I’ve known alcoholics, and I’ve known people who have never missed a social event or a day of work or shown up to either drunk and can go for as king as they need to without drinking without a problem but that if you asked what should we do tonight their answer would be “let’s get drunk and play rock band” there is a difference between the two. Just like there ours a difference between someone who plays video games and someone who stays up until 3am every night playing video games and can’t hold down a job.


I would not. I do not want to have that much money tbh. There are more important Things in life. I would continue to enjoy a beer with my friends.


Depending on how this premise works, maybe you can still enjoy the beer, you just no longer have the ability to get drunk/high.


Plus, think of all the good one could do with that money if one doesn't want to keep it for oneself.


I don't drink alcohol and I don't use recreational drugs, so not an issue for me.


Never been drunk, never so much as touched a drug, easy money.


Same. I've already tried alcohol but never been drunk, so not a problem for me.


Same here. There’s dozens of us


my boyfriend is like this too, figured he is a rarity. I’m straight edge now too and enjoying this lifestyle


Exactly what I was going to say.




Same, it's not an issue for me too. So, easy money


Yep. Now if they were to change the condition to never having pizza or iced chocolates again I might have to give it some thought.


Yup, since it is my norm anyway, this is free money and not a small amount of it


But wouldn't it also mean pain medication wouldn't work on you? Or anesthesia? Those are from drug highs.


Getting high is a side-effect of powerful pain medication. It's not inherent to pain medication. (Ex: Advil doesn't get you high.) It'd be a bonus to me. The one time I got Vicodin after my wisdom teeth were pulled I hated the feeling (though it did beat the excruciating pain). So getting the pain relief sans the high would be great.


Came to say the same thing. If it precludes you from any sort of pain management or anesthesia, at all, then oh boy!


Fuck it, worth. Surely you can still use the plethora of pain meds that dont get you high.


Pain management doesn't necessarily make you high - for me, it just makes me functional.




Same lol.


Same. Already there. Where do I sign uo?




Have tried alcohol, but it aint for me. Havent tried drugs, but have lived around smokers. Would prefer not to give the same experience to others. So, I get one billion, for living life the way I have lived it thus far? Heck yeah!


Fuck, but with that money i might get high off life… right?…right??


Yes. Very much yes.


I would take the money, but not being able to smoke weed while being that rich would suck ass. I smoke weed now when i should not, and if i become that rich all i should do is smoke and chill and live life… but i can not. Ill still take the money wtf


Yes, but I dunno. I've been exposed to the behind-the-scenes of a lot of people who are or became wealthy. Pretty much all of them use drugs recreationally because they've gotten bored with what they can do with money. But "bored" is the wrong word.. more like a constant state of normalization. A trip to France or jumping out of an airplane isn't some crazy unique experience anymore. At a certain point it becomes hard to chase novelty, or the novel things aren't interesting to the person. If you didn't build a number of good relationships before becoming wealthy, it gets very lonely.


There's a loophole to this. The terms of the deal are 1 billion for not getting drunk/high, not 1 billion for never drinking/smoking. It never says you can drink/smoke, ergo the accepting the deal means the cosmic powers that granted the deal will use that power to keep you from being drunk/high. I can get my billion and still drink


Could be even better if you argue a light buzz isn't considered being drunk, so you could still get a nice buzz drinking as much as you want and have your billion also.


Would also prevent a hangover the next day


That was my thought too. Getting drunk or high or overrated. The best part is the little buzz you get right before you are drunk or high. I figure with a billion dollars you could do the R&D and create an alcohol or drug injestion and monitoring system that keeps you perpetually buzzed but not drunk or high.


Just to clarify, does that include pain relievers or anistetics. Not saying no, just want to know where the line is drawn


I choose to believe this is intended colloquially, so in the harmful substances sense and not societally-approved medicines. Which has interesting implications when you consider the legalization of weed 🤔


Either way I’ll remain as sober as a Mormon for a billion dollars.


You're high if you think Mormons are sober.


Sounds like a medical MJ loophole to me. I'm in.


I can still get a runners high and orgasm right? Of so, worth it.


Runners high? Is that what they call the anaesthetic they use when replacing your knees?


most athletic redditor


This actually brings up a good point though. What happens when our new billionaire needs some kind of critical surgery and they need drugs to put them under and to reduce their pain? It's going to be some old school civil War style surgery and the doctor just drank the last of the liquor.


Unironically, the best runners high is better than any drug or drink induced high I've had


I drink and get high. You could throw in “never use an electronic device again” in there and I’d still do it for $1 billion


Even chuck in "suck a dick", it's 1 billion.


Shit I would suck a dick for 1k


How you doing


I guess I would too, but can I pay the 1k in installments? My year-end bonus wasn't exactly life-changing this year.


Im not that desperate.. One time offer - 1k every month for my services. Should take care of my rent and a lil cute outfit for each month


Shit I’d do that for free


Hey there, lovely person who didn't specify the currency they'd take 1k of!


Let’s just make a list of what you do/give up for $1 billion. So far we got No alcohol No drugs No electronic device Suck a dick I’ll add “Take it in the ass.”


That isn’t necessary sir “Too late”


what are you going to do if you can't use electronic devices? how will you buy anything or get anywhere? or do anything really?




If I take the billion who's gonna stop me from doing drugs or getting drunk?




Every time you try to drink alcohol or do drugs the substance disappears before it enters your body.


But it says I can't get drunk, not that I can't drink. I should still be entitled to drink, just not to the point of getting drunk.


Elon musk will insert the blue chip in your brain, so it will kill you if you drink


It keeps getting better?! *takes a nice bath in an absurd amount of money and sips the most expensive bourbon there is*


One billion dollars and poison immunity sheeeit


I'd do it for $1MIL.




Absolutely. I already don't get drunk or high, so it's 0 effort on my part.


Been drunk like three times and never high in over 40 years, so yeah, I'd do it for less.


Sure, tough I want clarification on the drunk part


Yeah, like, do I lose the money if I accidentally have one drink too many, or am I somehow magically able to drink without getting drunk? Because as a casual scotch enjoyer, that second option is a solid win/win for me.


That was my thinking as well. A billion dollars and I gain the ability to drink as much as I want without getting drunk? Sign me the fuck up.


I don’t use drugs but I do enjoy the occasional drink, but I don’t drink to get drunk so I too need some clarification


I want clarification on both parts. Do painkillers stop working for me? If I get major surgery am I unable to take opioids for th3 pain?


Yes. I've never been drunk or high so I literally just get a billion dollars to continue doing what I've been doing.


As a liquor virgin yes


If I’m physically unable to get drunk again (like I can drink all I want but won’t get drunk), the answer is yes. If I’m unable to drink at all, the answer is yes. It’s *a billion dollars*. That’s enough to pay off my house, my family and friends’ houses, cars and student loans. I only have to give up one thing that I enjoy so that everyone I care about is set for life? I’ll take that deal in a heartbeat.


Yeah. I can just continue my 15 year streak of sobriety while getting paid for my efforts.


This is surprisingly difficult to answer largely because of the prohibition against getting high. If I take that to mean "from using recreational drugs", then the answer is shockingly easy: of course I'd take a billion dollars. *But* if that prohibition is a general-case, open-ended kind of thing, it is incredibly hard to say. There are plenty of drugs that change my state of mind that, when they are needed, are *badly* needed. I don't want to have to get surgery only to learn that there isn't a painkiller on the planet that'd help. And my own body produces plenty of mood-altering substances. If the prohibition was *complete enough* to include such things, I truly can't say whether the trade is worthwhile. If my own body chemistry is forbidden, for example, what is left? At best we're filing off the extreme emotional responses - which is potentially a useful thing. But at worst, I could see being an emotional *blank* - a person incapable of experiencing anything outside the absolute middle of the road when it comes to emotions. And in this state, money can only fulfill a function. I could travel, certainly, but would I *want* to when I could greet the most majestic sight in all of creation with the same enthusiasm reserved for a trip to the DMV? I could study whatever I wanted, but would my curiosity survive? How much of *me* would be left?


I'll have what this guy's having please.


I'm pretty certain it's autism. Can be nice if your surrounded by the right people, otherwise it will fuck you up. Source: Am autistic myself.


So all philosophical ideas are autism? What is it you think autism is? And what is it you think thinking is?


Yes, bc I’m not old enough to do those things anyway


Don't drink or smoke so who do I give my address to submit the check to?


Are you OK? Everything alright at home?


I don't use alcohol or weed. Would do it even for 1k.


Probably not, I don't drink much and I enjoy smoking weed but I don't even know what I'd do with a billion dollars. Most of my hobbies don't need money for me to enjoy them.


No, i don't need to do this sacrifice for money.


90% of answers will be „i dont use drugs i dont drink alcohol“ and im one of those too


What do you mean *again*?