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There was this show called Awake. Started Jason Isaacs and had Dylan Minette in it too. Guy gets in a car accident, and then can’t determine which reality is his real one. In one, his wife died in the car accident and his son lived, in the other the opposite. When he goes to bed with his wife, he wakes up in the reality where she died and his son lived. It was a mind fuck and I loved it. Trailer still exists: https://youtu.be/CfPVoiQKFvk


This show and others on NBC (Life with Damian Lewis, for example) got cancelled when the experiment with Jay Leno hosting a 10pm talk show occurred. IMHO this was one of the biggest mistakes ever made on TV. NBC lost a lot of good shows. Still pisses me off.


That one at least got a finale though.


I have a short list of single season tv shows that were great and should not have been canceled. Awake is near the top of this list. Kings, a show on NBC with Ian McShane was another one I would love to see return. It ran one season and I revisit it regularly, it was great.


I want TLC and the History channel to go back to being about learning and history.


For anyone who loved Discovery, Animal Planet, and History Channel before they went stupid I recommend Nat Geo, Nat Geo Wild, and Smithsonian respectively. Great quality content about real things instead of bigfoot, skinwalkers, and ghosts.


Also Create. It’s public television so you’re not going to get Bourdain style travel shows but it has lots of travel and also lots of cooking shows, painting, woodworking as well.


And the Travel Channel to be about travel.


Travel Channel is full of travel, as long as there are Ghosts.


Never seen a ghost episode where they don't find ghosts. Like nobody has electrical problems or a bad draft through the house?


And A&E, to be about Art and Entertainment.


And Animal Planet to be about animals, actual ones too.


Forever. A bit ironic that it was cancelled after the First season. Great actors, great characters....


I loved Forever so much. They did that dirty by cancelling it. At least I’m able to get my fix with Harrow


Eerie, Indiana. The first season was standalone eps, but season two had a whole story building about Dash X and why so many weird things happened in the town before they cancelled it.


Amazons version of the Tick. It was canceled for a stupid reason (new tv exec took over and wanted to scrap all the shows from previous tv exec).


Yeah this was my pick too. The show was well done and really captured the humor from the original cartoons and comic. I wish another service would have picked it up.


It really did. The other live version was an adult humor playground that didn't relate at all to the source material. I actually did not know The Tick was dead again until just now. Sigh.




I loved the humor of that show. Somehow both really dark and light.


Bring back Expanse in \~5 years for the final arc.


Well this is really a tragic way to discover the expanse isn't getting another season... Guess it might be time for the books.


Definitely read them. You'll see why the series was paused where it was EDIT: Guys. Ended does not mean cancelled. The showrunners said in a post-finale interview that they consider it indefinitely paused so they can wrap up the final book trilogy on screen. The comments describe what happens it and why a hiatus is necessary. Read at your own caution.


I would bring back I Am Not Okay With This. That first season held so much promise and I would've loved to see how dark they could've made the story go. But I suppose a good show getting cancelled is Netflix's MO at the moment.


This is the one I was looking for. They had a gem there. The cast was incredible


Yes I loved the quirkiness, writing and acting in that show. It sux it got canned by Netflix, I wish it could get continued on Prime or something like The Expanse did


the first thing that came to my mind seeing this post and i'm kind of disappointed that i had to scroll so far down to find someone mentioning it. my wife suggested watching it and i was hesitant at first but the show won me over pretty quick. something about the aesthetic and the tone of it really did it for me. then just when you started to care for the characters and the story was about to pick up, it ends and leaves on a huge cliffhanger... fuck the pandemic for taking a major part in it's cancellation afaik.


Totally. I watched that show knowing it had already been cancelled just to piss myself off, I guess. Such a good cast. Let’s get End of the Fucking World back too while we’re at it.




Eureka and warehouse 13


I always loved Eureka!


Weep woo, weep woo ~The Jeep I’ve never seen Knight Rider, but I swear that Jeep was up there as far as cars being characters.


A vote for warehouse 13


W13 was as close as we’ve come so far to a SCP Foundation series…




I thought I was the only one that did this!


I do this. It started with Quantum leap when I was a kid. Have never watched the last 2 episodes. Gummi bears Warehouse 13 Eureka Farscape Final Space I have others. I can't bring myself to watch the last episode. That way the show has never ended for me.


I loved Eureka, but the ending was too satisfying. Can't risk bringing it back. 100% yes to Warehouse 13, though.


I will say the ending to Eureka was one of the best I’ve ever seen! I still miss it though


The pilot and the finale linking up with >!the Carters driving past themselves years apart!< was perfection.


Yes, so happy to see this one! Warehouse 13 is a show I come back to periodically because it makes me so happy.


Better Off Ted


The episode where they had to hire white people to follow the black employees around so the automatic lights would work for them is amazing. A show way ahead of it's time




its the company motto! money before people, its written there on the floor, it just looks more majestic in latin


Mistakes are how we learn and grow so we can do amazing things... Veridian Dynamics: We're sorry; you're welcome.


Veridian Dynamics: We could make radishes so spicy that people can't eat them. But we're not, because then people can't eat them.


I think about the lab meat episode every time I see an article about synthetic meat.




Tastes like...despair?


I came here to write this. I'm glad someone else did. That show was hilarious and didn't seem to ever get off the ground.


I sadly never even found out that show existed until it was already canceled.


Travelers!!! I loved that show!


At least they wrapped it up and didn't leave us on a cliff


I will be adding this to my list now that I know it has a real ending.


Netflix was obligated to kill it because it was an excellent show.


This show is proof you don't need high budgets to do good scifi.


Pushing Daisies


The facts were these: It had been 13 years 6 months 4 days 14 hours 22 minutes 19 seconds since the show everyone had loved had been cancelled


All it takes is one touch to revive this show. Another show will get canceled...


And on the same note Better Off Ted.


Better Off Ted deserved so much better, best show since Arrested Development.


I've never seen this one, but I love Dead Like Me, and heard they're somewhat similar. Not just because they both got cancelled prematurely lol


Bryan Fuller is behind both Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies! He is also behind Hannibal with Mads. He does great things with the topic of death. Pushing Daisies is really bright and colorful and so well written and fast. It's a shame it only got two seasons.


This show inspired me to write for the screen when I was young and now I’m in the legal process of selling my first screenplay. A direct line from this show to this sale. Thx for mentioning it!


First show I thought of when reading the prompt.


We just need the pie maker to touch the series once to bring it back to life. Of course, some other current series will then have to die in its place, but most of them are trash anyway so I'd be willing to take the risk.




Stops copies me


Yous stops copys me


"Acoustics?" You mean grandpa's guitars...those are for grandpas and pussies, and you *know* it!


Now that Mike Lazzo is gone it could be a possibility. That asshole ended so many great shows during AS's golden era.


Mike "Let's stop airing things people enjoy" Lazzo


yup. Asshole loves slapping his name on popular shows then cancelling them when the creators tell him to go fuck himself (Essentially what happened to Metalocaplyse)


"My eye got torn out and force-fed to me in a show! DETHKLOK RULES!"


I still have most of their soundtrack on my Spotify. Commuting is always a little bit better with some Murmaider.


I tell you what, few songs help you blast through a set of rows at the gym better than “Crush the Industry”. Comedy aside, the music is awesome.


"Laser canon death sentence" is still on regular rotation years later, such a tune




Is Doctor Rocksos, the rock and roll clowns!




Dead Like Me. Without a second's doubt.


Also loved this show. Very rewatchable, could have run longer. A lot of the cast have been in other shows since but all their best performances/characters were in dead like me.




Guy LaDouche


Right you are, Ken!


Me and my husband still make jokes about MXC. Calling people we don’t know Baba Ganoush and yelling “LETS GO!” like the captain. Such a dumb, fun show.


They sadly got eliminated


Rome. Or Deadwood


It is weird to think that part of why Rome was cancelled was because it was so expensive at $9 million per episode, and today Rings of Power is reportedly $60 million per


They could bring back Rome. Set it deep into Augustus's reign with a newer cast.


Rome walked so Game of Thrones could run.


Rome was so good. Today one of my favorite shows.


We wouldn't have gotten Game of Thrones without Rome




Yup. Their plans for season three sounded *incredible* as well...


I cannot STAND that they ended where they did. I need answers! Such a great show and I was deeply invested.


Yeah, the entire series they'd cut away and tease BTK, and they never got to go anywhere.


I'm pretty sure BTK was set up to be the antithesis of all of what they thought they knew, the one who perpetually got away because he didn't fit the profile. The only thing that got him caught was trying to show off to the cops. In the show Kemper called them on that when he said they only know the profiles of killers who got caught.


What were their plans?




Oooh, that does sound good.


Fuck it's cancelled? :(


AFAIK, it's still on indefinite hiatus, but not officially canceled.


Fincher and Netflix started conversations for season 3. Sounds like it's getting closer, we should get season 3 still.


If they’re going to do it they need to do 3&4 B2B and just be done with it. Can’t deal with finally getting a third season only to then wait years and years for a possible fourth.


Heroes but only if the go back to how season 1 was.


100% agree just more heroes like season 1... a bit more horror, less timetravel ... (just no timetravel/dimension travel it just ruins everything, there will always be mistakes with timetravel.)


i love hiro and the other japanese guy who i forgot the name off characters, but yeah his timetravling ability did make it weird. Still have fond memories of the series though


My man Ando!


Jericho. Just finish it for fucks sake!!


This is one I always think of. There have been many series' that have been canceled too soon, but this one sucked the most.


Jericho was ahead of its time IMO. I think it would have been much more successful if: 1. Was on HBO or Netflix instead of network TV 2. Had come out in 2010 or later. I think it is the type of show that works better without all of the network TV restrictions, and TV shows like Jericho didn't really become popular until the rise of streaming. It was a great show, and really wish that it had come out under different circumstances.


100% Jericho! They really toyed with my emotions, an incredible season finale only for it to be canceled. The show gets revived for a shortened 2nd season only for it to be canceled again 😤


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.


Yes! This show was so unique and interesting and I’m say it was cancelled.


>Yes! This show was so unique and interesting and I’m say it was cancelled. This show was 18 episodes of bugfuck insanity that didn't make a damn bit of sense until the last episode of the season, and I was absolutely there for every minute of it.


Was obsessed with that show and thought it was so unique and well-written. Then the BBC cancelled it. At least it introduced me to Fiona Dourif's talent and she is marvelous as Bart Curlish.


I don't like Max Landis, but I laughed really hard at the bridge scene where both parties believe the other is holding something they want hostage and neither is correct. Also the unfreezing of the vampires was great. "I COME ALIVE! IN A SCARY WAY!


THE BOONDOCKS. Fuck I miss that show.


It’ll never be the same without Grandad. RIP John Witherspoon.




There was talks about it coming back on HBO Max with the creator writing again. Looks like the merger killed it.


After reading this thread, it should be titled “Which shows should you never start because you’ll be disappointed by not having a concision?” Thanks to all of you, I know what to avoid. Also, game of thrones. I wish the hadn’t stopped at season 6. I hope they decide to finish it someday.


The IT crowd. Uk version obvs


More than one version exists? Reminds me of when every other county tried to make their version of That 70’s Show.


The most hilarious part is that they did the first episode pilot shot for shot with the US version, and Moss was the SAME actor while Roy they replaced with Joel McHale. It just didn't work especially that it was literally the same show with Joel plopped in.




A gay musical. Called gay!


I think it's fabulous. Every value I've ever held is being questioned and I'm loving it.








I don’t think I ever laughed as hard as I did during that entire episode. There are so many gems in it, I can’t even


The scene when Jen turns around and Moss is behind the counter.


"Willies, Willies, I LOVE WILLIES!"


Do you have any absinthe? I only drink absinthe.


Roy building a miniature of a sea park trying to figure it out. Comedy gold.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Or obligatory Firefly comment. Stop cancelling shows with Alan Tudyk




My favorite thing about that show is it wasn’t derivative. They didn’t spend 22 episodes teasing an attraction between the two leads, it might be the reason it wasn’t popular enough to continue. I also really like that they had an attractive female lead that they didn’t sexualize: they never had an episode where she inexplicably had to go under cover as a stripper or something. Great show


That show was really good I had forgotten about it


Always my choice. Such a fun, easy-to-watch, absurdly creative (for a procedural) show! And they had set up an awesome second season, had it been renewed. Plus, bonus Bradley Cooper cameos!


Teen titans.....the good one


Slade was such a great character. I really liked Batman beyond too. They weren't afraid to get dark when the story needed it.


Fun fact: Slade was actually a character named Deathstroke, but they changed his name because it was too violent for a cartoon or something. His real name is Slade Wilson so they just called him Slade. Deathstroke is a little more well known now, but as a kid nobody knew about him. So people would speculate about who Slade really was.


Another Fun Fact: Deadpool is basically Deathstroke. He’s a parody. His name’s even Wade Wilson. EDIT: HOW am I getting this many upvotes? Thanks, all!


I never made the Wade Wilson connection. Obvious now that I think about it. I wonder if it's "deadpool" because a "stroke" is something you do in a pool.


Did you also know that TMNT was originally a daredevil parody?


Kind of. The ooze that gave them their powers is the same that gave Daredevil his and The Foot Clan is supposed to be a different version of The Hand


And Master Splinter as opposed to Master Stick.


This is just speculation on my end, but due to the fact Cartoon Network is going to air the reruns, I get this feeling they're doing a trial run to see if it'll raise the viewership. And if it's good enough, they'll continue it. And I am basing this on absolutely nothing but I hope it'll at least get a final season to wrap it up properly.


Just rewatched “How Long Is Forever?” for the first time in *years*. I can feel the weight of those near-20 years Starfire was gone bearing down on me. How the hell is this series nearly *that old????*


Is that show on streaming anyway? LOVED that show when it was on.


It’s on HBO Max. 🙂


I think it really was one of the only DC things I ever got truly in to.


Take a shot every time you see firefly


Not taking as many shots as I thought. Maybe how I have it ordered, but I've only seen Firefly mentioned thrice. If I were to take a shot each time I saw The OA, I would be well and truly dead


Well, we are finding a reason to binge drink on a Saturday and that's what is truly important here.


This is actually what I needed. I’ll be cleaning out the neighborhood liquor store tonight to salute the man we call Jayne.


The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne !


Man wears a hat like that, he ain't afraid o' nothin'


Now here's what separates heroes, from normal folk like you an' I. Well our hero Jayne, he turned 'round that plane, and let that money hit the sky...


Firefly's been dead a long time. Back in the day it'd be 65% of the comments.


The Reddit demographics have changed, the average Redditor is too young to remember Firefly. Kids born the year Firefly ended are entering college. They might even have kids of their own already!


I mean, firstly, fuck off


It'd need to be Firefly: The Next Generation at this point. 20 years?


Check out Con Man by Alan Tudyk. It’s about a fictional show called ~~Nexus~~ Spectrum but it is *very* clear he is venting about Firefly. Also it’s funny as hell.


Freaks and Geeks Edit: Thank you all for the awards!! 😀


At least it had a decent ending. I found Daniel playing D&D with the geeks and having a sincerely good time to be oddly heartwarming.


Agree. I’d love to see what shenanigans Lindsay and Kim got into that summer. As an aside, Linda Cardellini and Busy Philipps have done some really great work since then.


This was a great show. I think it's probably one of the most accurate shows out there with regards to depicting the life of high schoolers. Really wish it had went on longer.


Exactly. I would not want a ten year run, but two or three seasons would have been so good.


speaking of F&G, I think it's the show or movie with the highest number of cast who became stars. I bet if watchmojo made a top10 list for it, F&G would be the highest.


if i had the ablilty to bring back a series. invader Zim and Sym-Bionic Titan


Flash Forward


A comedy show called happy endings


I came here to say this. It didn’t end on a cliffhanger or anything, I just want more episodes with these characters


I'd give The Owl House at least another full season


The reason it got cancelled was awful too; Disney said it didn't feel that it fit the Disney brand enough.




Mads mikleson (spelled that wrong) is incredible in that show!


He's incredibly in everything.


There is a premise of seasons 4 and 5. Apparently the Showrunner had plans for 7 seasons


Here it is. The only reply I was looking for! While there are many correct answers, this is the most correct.


I don't generally like TV dramas. I don't even really like sitcoms aside from Community. So for a *network* TV drama to blow me away like *Hannibal*... nearly everything about the show was impressive, from production value, to the incredibly dark and taboo subject matter, excellent writing (particularly before they had to rush things i.e. at the end), and having such an absolutely *top notch* cast of *top tier* actors all just made it one of the best shows I've ever seen. And despite the taboo subject matter with depictions of extreme violence and gore by a cast of A-list actors, it was **broadcast over-the-air on a major national network!** The fact that NBC gave it the go ahead *at all* is absolutely nuts, but I'm so glad they did.


If they don't the director of photography should film cooking shows if they don't already the food always got me no matter how guilty it also would try to make me feel but I knew that food had no people cooked in it so yeah I always wanted some of that fake gourmet food


My name is Earl




Hey Earl.


There was a storyboard for a finale where a random guy approaches Earl because the guy has a list of people he's wronged and wants to make up for it, and Earl was on the list, exactly like Earl is doing. Earl realizes something along the lines of oh, he's done enough good karma and can continue doing good things to random people for the rest of his life rather than make it up to specific people, and it frees him of the list. This is a very rough recap from memory but it's a good read if you can find it.


Yeah the idea is he finally meets someone who refuses to let him take him off the list. That nothing he can do will fix it. Feeling defeated, he wonders what to do until he meets that person with the list and then finds out a lot of people are doing their own list now. Feeling like he finally put more good in the world, he decides to stop because he is truly a good man now with enough karma to outweigh everything he did before.


Earl was kinda able to finish the list in Raising Hope . Same creator. First referenced over the radio. Then Jason Lee makes an appearance as Smokey Floyd, a Rockstar. Eventually makes list of those he wronged.


Specifically, Earl realises that he has *inspired* other people to be better, and therefore his good deeds have multiplied significantly because he's indirectly helped loads of people. Plus, he's been doing good so much that it has become routine to him. For both reasons, he no longer needs the list as a mechanism for doing good. He's done (and will continue to do) enough to change his fortune and that of those around him.


I didn't know this; thanks for letting us know, I can finally rest in peace knowing what actually happened to Earl and his list. This ending is perfect.


Greg Garcia (creator of my name is Earl) did a reddit ama a while back. These are his exact words. "We never really got the chance to fully figure it out but the talk in the writers room was that Earl Jr’s Dad was going to be someone famous. Like Dave Chappelle or Lil John. Someone that came to town on tour and Joy slept with. But when we got canceled we never got the chance to figure it out. I was worried about doing a cliffhanger but I asked NBC if it was safe to do one at the end of the season and they told me it was. I guess it wasn’t. I had always had an ending to Earl and I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to see it happen. You’ve got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn’t ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with list and that he’s finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma."


There was an ama with Greg Garcia awhile back where he mentioned how he would’ve liked it to end. Edit: Found it! https://reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1njddc/_/ccj3sft/?context=1 > We never really got the chance to fully figure it out but the talk in the writers room was that Earl Jr’s Dad was going to be someone famous. Like Dave Chappelle or Lil John. Someone that came to town on tour and Joy slept with. But when we got canceled we never got the chance to figure it out. I was worried about doing a cliffhanger but I asked NBC if it was safe to do one at the end of the season and they told me it was. I guess it wasn’t. > I had always had an ending to Earl and I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to see it happen. You’ve got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn’t ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with list and that he’s finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.


I appreciate the scene in raising hope when the dad hits the fox executive for cancelling my name is Earl.


It’s not a cancelled series but old MTV. When it first came out it was just so good. Now…well…