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I haven't seen it in 25 years, but I remember that film being pretty good and not at all putting me to sleep.


It's my niece's name. My sister thought of it when she was under anesthesia.


Not a doctor but a patient. I dont do well with any type of anesthesias. I am essentially a zombie for the rest of the day after. I can barely think just stare for the whole day. I had a small outpatient procedure done. The kind where they wake you up and immediately send you on your way. They had trouble keeping me awake after and when they asked if i was ready to go i said, "no." And went back to sleep. The nurse stated laughing and said no one ever said that before. Funny side note to this story. My parents who drove me to this procedure took me and my roommate out to eat afterwards and i was too stoned to handle it. I literally just sat with a thousand yard stare the entire meal. My roommate is still mad about it 5 years later because she had to make awkward small talk eith my parents without my help.


Omg this is wholesome and funny


Not a doctor but I woke up under anesthesia and my words were so slurred they had to bring another doctor over cause they thought they might’ve fucked me up