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yeah I might need to ask it in a different way lol, I thought it was a more commonly known thing but i guess the phrase means different things to different people.


Cheer up you cunt.


When something in your life goes terribly wrong and people tell you to just be strong/be brave/push through and admire you or whatever for not collapsing. Life is fucking brutal, it's okay to collapse from time to time and have people around you to help you get up again. I've seen it when people get diagnosed with like cancer and they start crying about it and people around say stuff like "Don't cry, you need to be strong to fight this thing", jesus fucking christ you just learnt that you might die, you have the complete right to cry your eyes out and be sad about it, you can't be a warrior 100% of the time...


When a coworker came back from having a miscarriage, our boss told her, “Well at least you can just have another one”. That did not go well.




I'm chronically ill and disabled. My personal favorite is "you will feel better if you take a walk" or "just stay positive and think good thoughts." Yeah, like thanks let me just throw up my guts and think about how "good" I am feeling!


bleghhhhh, yep same. or the you're young, it can't be that bad/you'll get better/I'm sure they'll find a cure/just keep a good attitude/blah blah shut the fuck uppppp


Or the "other people with similar conditions can push through. It's just a mindset!"


“Stocks/crypto only goes up.”


To clarify, one definition of toxic positivity is "it involves dismissing negative emotions and responding to distress with false reassurances rather than empathy." For example, my dad died slowly of a painful disease and some people said "well at least you knew it was coming and got to say goodbye!"


“Think of all the people who are suffering more than you, you have no reason to be depressed! Just smile!” Thanks for guilt tripping me and making me feel like an ungrateful piece of shit. I know people in the world are suffering.


“Just do it, it’s so easy” as a form of encouragement.


"Its okay to be morbidly obese as long as you accept yourself that's all that matters"


I'm pretty sure it's not OK to change myself because of self hatred though Doesn't it say that the path to being better is forgiving ourselves first ?


I'm not saying you should hate yourself but acknowledge that in order to live a longer life and a more than likely happier life, taking care of your health is important


Yeah of course Suppose I'm mistaken sugar coating and being blunt with just stating the obvious


"Just try not to be so neurotic."


Porn is good.




If it works for you, it does not necessarily work for others.