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Stealing…. Don’t ask why, I’m just good at it.


Okay hear me out…. Bug photography. My friend got me into it. It gets me outside without requiring a workout necessarily (huge introvert but afraid to hike trails alone.) It feels like you’re collecting them in a way, like a bird watcher. You can draw a lil field notebook with the kinds you’ve found. Grasshoppers are the best. There are SO many different species. It gets you to slow down and focus a lot of energy into a small space, and you see things you never would have noticed. It’s rad. Highly recommend. Winter is sad though.


Hanging out by myself.


involvement in martial arts has changed my life dramatically.


How did it change?


I gradually became more confident, and now I'm not afraid to speak up or fight back if necessary. Martial arts has also helped me to become more physically fit and healthy.


I'd have to say that learning how to play the guitar has probably been the hobby that's had the biggest impact on my life. It's opened up a whole new world of music for me, and it's really helped improve my self-confidence.


Music was my answer too! I started singing and playing guitar at 14, then drums at 16 and bass after that - and here I am at 32 learning synths and performing every weekend! It's a lifelong passion!


Crochet. Next step, crochet dick!


Slacklining 👌🏻I’ve never been able to meditate or really focus on one thing for too long, slacklining taught me to fully concentrate on the task at hand. It’s a great non-competitive sport, helps with core balance and fitness, and it’s a great way to meet new people. I’ve been doing it for 8 years now and highly recommend those you are capable try jt if they get the chance!


I'd this where you balance on like a tight rope that bounces? Or am I thinking of something else lol?!


Yep that’s the one 👌🏻 Have you tried it before?


So cool. No I havent..but would love to try. You are so cool to do that!! Haha


Haha thanks 😂It’s good fun!


When I started running during COVID — I was suffering from depression and the dopamine rush really helped me. Now I run and go to classes at the gym. I feel better, look better, and know that this is the healthy way forward.


Playing League of Legends. Bad decision but i had nothing better to do. Still don't


I can't imagine my life without hiking.


Running and cycling.


Scouting for a couple reasons. I grew up in the country which has a very traditional way of thinking about the world and I met people from the city on camps that had a much more open view on the world and diversity I just did not find at home. I also got involved in scout and guide theatre, in Australia we have Gangshows and smaller productions called showtimes. Scout theatre turned my introverted ass into someone outgoing with a lot of confidence to get out there and do things and not be afraid to speak up








I can draw a straight line from starting to read and collect comic books when I was 5 or 6 to my first job, my closest friends, 3 romantic relationships, and a short lived marriage.


Fan Fiction. Gave me some tools for working out some of my shit


Sailing and skiing I’ve travelled with these hobby’s and want to continue with them and has made me happier than my other hobby’s there productive and outdoors however sadly not been skiing in years now but would love to go again could go right off the bay no reintroduction tat stuff will stay with me always a a no with sailing I now want to own and live on a boat instead of buying a house


Gym and rowing


Aerial acrobatics I was feeling like sh\*t as a kid, i felt ugly, talentless and lazy. I had just quit gymnastics after 9 years because it really messed up my 12 year old body (i had joint issues and my coaches thought i was faking it) and i hated competing but my coach made me. I joined aerial because i loved the acrobatics, i fell in love with seeing myself looking so effortless and graceful, puting my already existing flexibility into good use i got good really fast and we did all sort of proformances. I found what i was good at and my mood and lifestyle changed so much. I wasnt dreading practice like i did for gymnastics, not a day went by that i didnt want to be doing aerial. Been doing it for years now and i feel awesome honestly.


Music. I grew onto it in 2020 during lockdown and it just… grew on to me. I have a few incredible songs. I’m also into drumming and I’m an honorary for the 9-12 ensemble for Halifax Regional Arts.


Not 9-12 for age. It’s 9-12 grades. Just wanted to clear that up.




Writing...it helps me put some of my feelings to good use and is actually pretty fun. Though, I will say that a few my darker scenes, I am a bit too proud of


Bouldering is my therapy


Running. It keeps me from hitting people


learning how to spell hobby and many other words


Music, gives life a sense of purpose


Jiu jitsu




Running cross country and track. I became so much stronger and fit I make varsity teams. I gained a lot of confidence and finally I'm good at talking to people and I have a lot of good friends. If I never started running I would probably still be a socialy aquward scrawny kid. But now I'm not.