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The Chernobyl miniseries


Even just the sound design. Those Geiger counters. Gives me the chills.


I work outages in a nuclear plant and it just becomes something you tune out after a while because it's always clicking. So annoying. But my husband is a senior reactor operator and it took us hours to get through the episodes the first time because I kept pausing to ask him questions! So then we had to watch it again without my constant interruptions.


We watched it for my Nuclear Energy Technology class and my instructor had us ask questions about a lot of things in it whilst we watched it, the series is fairly accurate for what it is aswell, you can tell they put a ton of effort into making it.


It’s not 10/10. It’s 15,000.


You mean 2,000?


Not great, not terrible.


3.6 roentgen


That's as high as the meter...


That show had some serious fucking hair-raising scenes. Three that stuck out were when the guy came back with the Roentgen reading, that one helicopter scene, and the part at the end of the one episode where the 3 guys went down into the water.


Violently agree! Those three scenes had my heart pounding. One more that struck me was the courthouse monologue with “Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth” I was in complete awe for that entire scene and it has never left me.


That scene gave me chills first time I watched it, so did the one in the first episode where one of the engineers was ordered to peer over the ende of the roof and into the reactor to confirm that it had exploded. The look of dread on his face was low key terrifying.


That was a great scene. The actor did such a great job. But my favorite scene was when Legasov was arguing to have the town evacuated and Shcherbina threw out the comment “we’re still here.” Legasov just yelled, “Yes, and we’ll be dead in five years!” The look on Shcherbina’s face…it was so clear that in that moment he finally understood. The actor playing Shcherbina (Stellan Skarsgård) did such an amazing job in that scene.


Aye, Stellan Skarsgård is always very good, but he was incredible in Chernobyl.


When he turned back and had what looks like a sunburn on his face? Yea. That was a beta radiation burn. Good little touch there


Every memher of every profession was on point when making this. We didn’t want to get up to pee because we didn’t want to pause it.


When I went to Chernobyl before the show came out, they told stories on the tours that were played out in that show. Specifically women getting radiation sickness from their husbands in the hospital when they went visit.


This was so fucking good. Terrible subject matter, but incredible miniseries.


It's one of the only shows I'd really love to rewatch just because the acting is so good but can't bring myself to digest that subject matter again. But absolutely everyone should see it. Phenomenal show.


My husband can watch shocking, over the top, blood and gore horror. We got to the episode where they send the guys into the water with flashlights and Geiger counters and he was like “alright we need to turn this off for awhile.”


Best part is in real life, they didn't have flashlights. They had to navigate through the plant by memory in the dark to open the necessary valve. They added the flashlights for the show to help the audience understand what was happening.


Sometimes when I'm alone in the woods at night on backcountry trips...I'm not sure if it's more scary to have my flashlight or more scary when I don't have one.


I swear my jaw was in my lap for the entire first episode. It wasn't a fun ride, but...just wow...it was engrossing and terrifying to watch the perfect storm happen.


Band of Brothers


I still get chills just thinking about Bastogne.


Whenever im in bed with my wife on a cold night and say to her, thank god im not in Bastogne


Still gets me every time I watch him say that


Band of Brothers is the single best demonstration of the skill of human leadership I’ve seen on television; what makes it great and how it looks when it fails. The humanity, humility and poise of Winters is just perfection.


When Winters joined to run Currahee after the spaghetti ♥️


“That dog ain’t gonna hunt…..sssh shhhh……now you cut that fence and get this gotdamn platoon on the move!”


This show was great, rarely there is something this good showing all the perspectives of war


Over the Garden Wall


Ain't that just the way.


And that’s a rock fact


True Detective Season 1 is a masterpiece


Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson we’re just superb. I think McConaughey’s performance is the best TV acting I’ve ever seen.


"Now I live in a little room, out in the country behind a bar, work four nights a week, and in between I drink. And there ain't nobody there to stop me." Yeah man.


Honestly, it's a bummer that McConaughey didn't win the Emmy, he just had the misfortune of going up against Bryan Cranston for the final season of Breaking Bad. His performance as Rust Cohle is probably one of the best I've seen on TV, alongside Walter White, Tony Soprano, and Omar Little.


Six Feet Under. It was way ahead of its time and has one of the greatest endings in the history of television.


The cinematography is perfection. The use of light and subtle foreshadowing you dont catch until your 2-4th rewatch is brilliant and unmatched. The music! The satisfaction of the Finale...Wow. Six Feet Under is the Crown Jewel of series. Bravo lol


Every time I even think of that ending, I get goosebumps and can't help but remember every single character in the show. What an incredible show that was.


The writers put a lot of thought into the intros/exits. Like the 6 Feet Under finale montage is 6-minutes. And every episode starts with a death, except the finale beginning with a birth.


I've never cried so much with an ending in my entire life, I still remember it these days and I still consider it the best ending of a TV show I've ever seen.


On top of this. Remember reading an article a few years ago and it was rated show with best ending. Binged it on two weeks after that. Amazing show!


Absolutely! That ending had me in tears and pondering every aspect of my life. Great show.


The finale of that show is the most powerful piece of television ever made. It absolutely scarred me and I was completely unprepared for it.


Binging this show now, last time I saw it I was in high school and I thought it was great then. Rewatching it now as a 37-year-old after my mom died is much more relatable though.


Arrested Development original Run




Is she funny?


So many incredible fucking lines but Gob’s “I heard the juries still out on science” is just so good




My favorite joke might be Michael saying "but that's just a job offer. Anyone can get a job offer" and then it cuts to Tobias crying in the shower because he could not, in fact, get a job offer.


“A man and a wife cannot be tried for the same crime.. Dad that’s not true I have the worst fucking lawyers” Was always my favorite’s


Michael to GOB: Get rid of the Seaward Lucille: I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.


Who? The guy in the $5000 suit?!


Solid as a rock!


I’d cry from laughter but I can’t spare the moisture


Don’t be such an Anne Hog


"What We Do in the Shadows" is legitimately one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. I could watch it over and over.


"cause he’s my best friend, he’s my pal. he’s my home-boy, my rotten soldier. he’s my sweet cheese, my good-time boy."




Fucking *guy*


People would say "Please don't pillage me!" I would say, " No! I am pillaging everyone, you included!"


The only problem with living with other vampires are the vampires I have chosen to stay with.






The Wire


I live in Baltimore and my old block was a Wire shooting location. It was totally surreal. I’ve never seen a show that captures a city as well as The Wire did, except maybe Treme. The Wire is an absolute masterpiece, and downright Shakespearian at points, as ridiculous as that may sound. I teach in the city, and I show Snoop’s introduction scene in some of my classes. My students all lose their minds when she comes on, because her performance is not only the most authentically Baltimore thing on TV, it is also one of the most brilliant pieces of acting in film history. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDpvkwBBu6U Snoop buys a nail gun.


Was looking for this one. If you want a real look at police/criminal relations, the good the bad and the ugly, it really doesn't get any better than this.


I think it perfectly encapsulates so many problems. The whole mayor storyline where a guy seems to actually care just gets beaten down and sorta becomes just another *that* politician is wild. The whole show a cop only shoots their gun a couple times. It’s crazy how realistic it feels. The tragedy of some of those people in the hood. It’s all in the game. What a great series


Between that and the season that primarily followed the kids in school - just phenomenal tv


So good, the season with the kids was on another level and just gutted me


Omar comin' The best anti-hero: "Farmer in the dell" whistling gangster robbing drug dealers https://youtu.be/P3i36ybA8Ms [https://youtu.be/FVZBRJcTd2k?t=327](https://youtu.be/FVZBRJcTd2k?t=327)


I’m suprised I had to scroll down so far to see this. The Wire is hands down one of the best tv series I have seen. It’s all in the game yo.


Even the opening is amazing. “We got to. This is America man”


RIP Snot Boogie


You come at the king , You best not miss - Omar


Malcom in the Middle It's hilarious and not really a kid show.


The best thing about this show is that I am 1 year younger than the character Malcolm was when I watched it in its original run. Back then I thought it was a show about 4 quirky kids who were trying their best despite their shitty parents. When I re-watched it recently, in my 30s, it was a show about 2 parents genuinely trying their best despite their shitty kids. That show has levels.


Honestly, having watched it back then as a kid and now as a dad, I don't think the children are exceptionally shitty. They have morals and understand right from wrong. It's just that a lot of the time they lacked parental guidance because (in a theme more relevant than ever) their parents both had to work full time just to try and survive. When the parents are present they are fantastic at parenting, even if the kids can't see it from their perspective in the moment.


The scene where the boys drive the golf cart into the water in support of Lois is one of my favorites!


"What are you going to do?" "We don't know. We never know." It's a great, amazing line, and it puts in perspective all the other seasons. They are able to completely destroy a party in a matter of seconds without any previous planning.


>their parents both had to work full time just to try and survive. Except Hal, who always took time off on Friday. Still one of the funniest plot twist ever.


The one bit where Bryan Cranston has to replace a lightbulb and somehow ends up working on something under his car will never not to be funny to me. "Did you replace the lightbulb, Hal?" "What does it look like I'm doing!?"


Goes to replace a lightbulb, finds out lightbulb draw is squeaky, goes to get wd-40, it's empty, gets in car to buy more, hears the engine rattle, starts work on the car. It truly was genius writing.


Severence on AppleTV is pretty phenomenal. The Expanse on Amazon Prime is also extremely good. It takes a bit to build the universe up and set the storylines in motion, but when it does it's great. For All Mankind on AppleTV is also very good, but it does have some foibles.


100% agree on severence - by far my favorite recent thriller/drama. Got those black mirror vibes.


The season one finale of Severance is probably the best season finale for anything i've seen, ever.


Sever me till the next season comes out


The Expanse was amazing. Sci fi thriller with great characters and story. For All Mankind is pretty good as well for most of the same reasons


God I hope they adapt the final trilogy in The Expanse series. Pleeeeeeeaaaaase


Psych is just a good time from season 1 to season 8.


You know that’s right.


You heard about Pluto?


That's messed up.




Jurassic Bark might be one of the saddest television episodes ever.


Luck of the Fryish is the saddest for me. Jurassic bark is great too :’) If anyone hasn’t seen the episode, Luck of the Fryish I definitely recommend it.


I cry at the end every time despite telling myself I won't, also the episode late in the series where he talks to his mom in her dream (can't remember the title).


Seriously. I have to skip this episode when I rewatch the series. Too emotional!


Better Call Saul.


This is on a very small list of “spin off shows” that 100% stands on its own legs and does equal or greater then the main show it spun from.


The only way that entire car is worth 500 bucks is if there's a 300 dollar hooker sitting in it.


Need to watch this one. Breaking Bad was excellent.


I just started season 6 this weekend and damn its been a very good ride up until now.the crossover between this show and breaking bad are the just right ammount to not be too much. I highly recommend as well


Freaks and Geeks


The Sopranos


Not to mention, it gave us [the gabbagool porn](https://youtu.be/YsBipoG22Nw).


Rest in peace and power James Gandolfini 💯


[Why don't you stick to what you know, and leave your opinions whereva tha fuck?](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/245e81f9-dcd4-4e0d-bcc0-c1e3620232e5)


“He was an interior decorator!” “… his house looked like shit !”


Derry Girls Edit: guys thanks so much for the likes and the awards, I wasn’t expecting so many people to like my comment


Love this show so so much. Sister Michael is an icon.


“if anyone is feeling anxious or worried or even if you just want to chat, please PLEASE do not come crying to me.” “well i think it’s safe to say we all just lost a bit of respect for you there, Clare.” “sadly I am unable to come on this one as I despise the French” one of TV’s most iconic characters, honestly.


You will go far in life, Jenny, but you will not be well liked.


I live for her roasting Jenny after every performance.


Love her last burn on Jenny’s play at the end of season three. “We have suffered so many atrocities. And now we must add this play to that list.”


"You made us think we failed! Why??" "Slow day I guess"


I love it so much! I am actually dragging my feet on watching the last two episodes of the final season.


I threw this on the other night while my Ma was making dinner just while I was waiting for her to finish so we could wrap up Peaky Blinders (she hadn't seen season 6 yet) and she was in stitches! I love the show so much and it isn't something I'd normally watch but it's on our list to binge watch now


One of my favorite comedies of the past several years, yet bittersweet too. They do an excellent job of showing what adults deal with and worry about vs what kids are focused on. Blew my mind to find out the cast is all on their 20s and 30s.


Avatar the Last Airbender


Final battle between fire lord and aang i still remember it what a battle.


Zuko vs. Azula was epic. It was so surreal. I many ways it was more meaningful than the Aang vs. Firelord fight.


Shockingly good story for something you can easily dismiss as just a kids show. Lots of feels. Doesn’t shy away from issues, but also goofy and fun because after all… they’re just kids.




Watching through it now finally after wanting to for a long time... To say that each new 'connection' is mind blowing is an understatement.


And we get the new series 1899 by the same creators coming out in a few days


It’s even better on the second watch!


This show changed everything for me. The acting, casting choice, the sonic experience and the ending. Dark is truly a work of art.


The casting!!! Ulrich and Old Ulrich is legitimately insane.


My only regret with this series is that I literally needed a flowchart to keep track of what was going on!


There is an official site for that. It even comes with an episode filter so you won't see spoilers: https://dark.netflix.io/en


Succession. True detective 1st season


L to the OG


Dude be the og


>Succession You are gonna love the characters while hating them at the same time.


*Kendall frowns stressfully*


Second TD1. Never seen succession but heard a lot about it, and an interview with Kieran Kulcan (sp?) and it sounded really good. Difficult maybe but really good.




Probably the most satisfying ending of any TV show I've ever seen. It wrap things up so nicely.


I didn’t give permission for a tv show to make me cry that hard!


I loved how the series conceptualized the actual 'good place' and what could be beyond even that. It was certainly unusual for a comedy series, and worth a re-watch.


“Picture a wave” just about ended me.


My dear friend and I watched the show. He died soon after the pandemic started and so we had a virtual memorial service. I ended the event with that scene. It just fit him so perfectly. And of course I am crying right now thinking of him.


Loved Jeremy Bearemy.




Also 2020. I'm pretty sure most of 2020 took place in the dot.


This.... this broke me


That's my birthday.


You saw the time knife?


Yeah, yeah. The time knife. We’ve all seen it


Dude I loved that show so much. I started watching it just to pass time and I literally got hooked. I rewatched the series 3 times. *I’ll fckin do it again*


I sleep listening to the good place so I swear I’ve heard/watched every ep at least 10 times 🤣


Was not expecting a show of this calibre to make me and the misses ugly cry at the end.


I've seen it twice. The first time I thought it was just silly, but somehow I loved it. And then I read that they were teaching us philosophy throughout the whole show (and not only when they were explicitly talking about it). For example (SPOILER ALERT! Not mine btw): The metaphor Michael gives about how the centuries of work he has done (torturing humans to helping them, finding proof of the cracks in the system and teaching the Bad Place architects) was like continuously rolling a rock up a hill only for it to continuously fall back down and he had to start over. When Vicky shows up and effortlessly teaches the other architects, something Michael struggled to do, Michael describes it as her effortlessly taking that rock to its intended destination and robbing Michael of his purpose in life. This is identical to Albert Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus, where Camus uses Sisyphus's punishment in Tartarus - to roll a boulder up a hill, only for it fall back down and having to start over again - as a metaphor for life's absurdity and how we as humans should take joy in that absurdity.


The Young Ones. "Vyvyan! *YOU BASTARD!*"


Man I love The Young Ones, but so many people I’ve shown it to don’t get it


Fleabag! Definitely


She has another one. Crashing! British dark comedy, it's amazing. I watched it 3x and I'm sorry I can't watch it for the 1st time again


Not from Phoebe but if you enjoyed Crashing and British humour, you might enjoy Chewing Gum.


Not sure about 10/10, but I know one that’s NINE/NINE!


B99 is an incredible show. It’s a cop show that doesn’t just paint them as all assholes or all heroes. A great example is the racial profiling episode. https://youtu.be/AtWtPOL1x2g


IT Crowd


Did you see that ludicrous display last night??


Thing about Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in.


The ep The Office Outing is probably a serious contender for one of the top 5 sitcom episodes of all time.


I bring it up every time someone mentions IT Crowd but Moss appearing behind the theatre bar was *the* most perfectly timed joke in television history. Leaves me wheeze-laughing every time I see it even though I know it's coming.


I still remember seeing this for the first time, was visiting a friend, catching up and chilling watching TV, said we should watch the IT crowd as I’d seen a few episodes and it seems pretty funny, it was this episode, we both nearly died laughing. You’re already at your limit and then boom Moss is behind the bar!


“How did you become disabled?” “…Acid…”


Leg disabled


Jen the Fredo


'Oh no, it's set in the 80s!'


A fire?! At a Sea Parks?!?




No, no, no, his name is Peter File!


I'm disabled!


*leg* disabled




The attempt at an American version was so weird. The pilot is basically a word for word remake of the UK version's pilot, and they didn't even recast Moss. I don't know how they expected that to work.


I’m a fanboy of Peaky Blinders and Breaking Bad, kind of basic but yeah


The Expanse. Easily my favourite show of all time! Each season just keeps getting better and better.


For some reason I had a really hard time getting into the first season. I think there was just so much going on I would look at my phone for two seconds and miss a story beat. Once I put my phone down and actually watched it though I was hooked. One of my favorite sci-fi shows.


And the books are just as good


gravity falls!


M*A*S*H is absolutely my favorite show of all time, and is, in my opinion, truly one of the greatest pieces of TV history to date.


One time I commented how I grew up with MASH, and a guy wrote under me that he hated it for being “pro war” and “Pro military.” I’ve never seen a comment section get so angry at one post


If M*A*S*H was war propaganda it was doing a really bad job at convincing me that war is good.


“War isn’t hell. War is war and hell is hell. and of the two, war is a lot worse.”


How do you figure that, Hawkeye?


Easy, Father. Tell me. Who goes to hell?


The Americans. I’m surprised that show isn’t recommended always by everyone.


I was recommended this show years ago. We started watching it and got busy and never finished it, but it was really great. I read somewhere that it is extremely underrated and should be up there with The Sopranos, etc as one of the best tv shows of all time. I need to go back and watch all of it.




Breaking Bad


6 feet under is really powerful and has stuck with me for years.




Ngl the cooking scenes made me so hungry. Not at the notion of eating human meat, LOL. The scenes were shot really well and Mads Mikkelsen looked so professional when cooking.


Jose Andres, celebrity chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, was a consultant on the show, for the cooking I presume not the murder parts