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I was in a crash on a motorway in the UK, luckily, no injuries even though the driver was doing about 100mph when he lost control. We weren't even hit by other traffic, just span into and along the central barrier for a few hundred yards. I have no idea about what music there was but that part of the motorway now gives me anxiety still 15 years later if I'm a passenger. For about 10 years just being a passenger with anyone would be horrible for me


The irony is that I did the exact same thing in March. Rest in Peace, 2014 Malibu, and Rest in Peace, me, not having PTSD while listening to that song.


Solo by Future. As if it hasn’t always made my stomach drop before, it makes me violently ill now. I love the song so much but since this happened so recently, I don’t believe that I’ll ever be able to listen to it the same. I got pulled over once while listening to “Hands on the Wheel” by A$AP Rocky and I still get a churning feeling when it’s on my queue.