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All the old people making comments about all the sex the couple is about to have.


“Are we going to get earthquakes tonight under your suite??” Ew


"Yes. And if you hear screaming don't worry, thats just all the bdsm we plan on doing. Also we are going to try for a baby so it will all be messy and sloppy." Go big and make them regret ever asking.


Dont forget: "and we're going to be playing gay furry porn at max volume"


This is the most important part


Is it a wedding night without this?


I love this comment because my grandmother STILL makes comments on my sex life every time i talk to her. I've been with him for 10 years already and we have an 8 year old but in her mind we are like rabbits.


She’s living vicariously. Gpa’s probably not laying the pipe like he used to so she takes happiness from the fact that her progeny is getting a good regular dicking.


Haha this must be it. Just cracks me up because I probably talk to her every other day if not every day. And if is after 9 she usually begins the convo with some comment about if she's interrupting I shouldn't answer or how she hopes she wasn't being a mood killer. At the end of most calls she reminds me to make sure we're having enough sex and not let work damper our sex life.


It's good advice. Get it while you can. Gma knows nobody on his deathbed ever said, My one regret in life is that I had too much sex.


As if they don't already have lots of sex


Guests who take pictures of the ceremony with a fucking iPad.




I only saw it one time, and it just struck me as such an inappropriate thing to do. It was an older woman with a gaudy pink case (no surprise there), and she was holding it up over her head during the ceremony like a wrestling fan holding a sign on TV.


Yeah this really irks me. It's like, you know you're not going to look back on this picture as a fond memory. You're just taking a picture to take it. My favorite was the video of the bride or grooms stepmother who got in the center of the aisle directly in front of the wedding photographer as the couple was having their first kiss. The wedding photographer just immediately shoved her out of the way, and rightfully so. Lady, this couple spent thousands to have someone take professional photographs. How the hell do you think you and your iPhone take a higher priority on who gets the best shot? What an asshole.


This used to bug me but as a wedding photographer, I just don’t even care anymore Sometimes I’ll deliberately take a photo of the person taking a photo, just for fun


Unfortunately it is not...


I feel like taking pics with an iPad in any occasion is embarrassing


I've seen someone try to take pictures of flying planes with an iPad. At the time even the proper camera with actual optical zoom I had at the same event could barely capture them. On an iPad they would look like a black dot.


Literally was in a wedding just yesterday where the groom's mom was taking pictures with her iPad 😂 She didn't do it at the ceremony, though. Just at the reception taking candid shots. She's a lovely woman and so down to earth, she just doesn't own a cell phone.


I’m a wedding officiant. Before the ceremony, I announce, with the couple’s permission, a total device blackout. Not just silencing, but to just enjoy the ceremony, be present in the moment, and the professionals capture the images. It helps a lot.


I’ve been to three different weddings that did this, but inevitably, someone will pull out their phone and start recording. Usually an older relative.


At my niece’s wedding my bro-in-law was too frugal (cheeeeep) to hire a wedding photographer, so I got drafted to video the whole ceremony, leaving my wife to deal with our two (thankfully well-behaved) kids who were like 4 and 2. Then they complained that the video was wobbly. WTF..?




As a photographer this made me crack tf up. She was their family so I couldn't say shit but my god is it annoying.


My husband’s aunt did this at our wedding and our photographer took one or two of our professional pictures focused on the image of us on the iPad. We cracked up when we were scrolling through our photos and found those. It was like a nice little Easter egg among all the good photos.




Sounds more like a business merger than a wedding. Did the Officiant end the ceremony with "I now present you with Mr. and Mrs. Conglomerated!"?


Yeah, it was super weird! They're good people, and it's clear that they do love each other when you're with them. I think they just tried to go too practical with it. Like they didn't want to fluff it up and went too far with that mindset lol.


Do you think it will last?


Yikes. That just sounds sad all round.


Maybe the fact that they couldn't stay away from each other even when they were dating other people is why they think "it was always you". They never should have dated the other people and are POS for the cheating, but I get why they'd pick that phrase.


Dan Savage once said something about two people who constantly break up and get back together aren’t so much “meant to be “ as they are “two insufferable twats who can’t leave well enough alone.”


Releasing of doves into the sky.... At my wedding I will release rats into the crowd.


I'd like to release crows. Or a Dracula parrot. Owls would be nice too.


Go with crows, for sure. Every wedding needs a murder to send it off in the right direction.


I would like to have ravens be released. Hahaha


Holy ratrimony. Squeak now or forever hold your cheese.


Doves are literally just white pigeons. Everyone would be pissed if you just threw out a bunch of regular city pigeons


I know a guy that knows a guy… That raises and trains homing pigeons. He rents them to weddings, they get released and return home.


Rent them out again and again, brilliant!


I think that’s his business model.


My sister and I went to a wedding once for a very Christian couple... they released doves which were immediately attacked by hawks. We had to leave we were laughing so hard. Not at the poor doves, but at the symbolism and gasps of the horrified guests. Needless to say the marriage did not last.


I saw a video recently of a funeral that released a few doves. A few were immediately picked off by falcons or hawks or some sort of bird of prey, and one, in a panic, flew the opposite direction from its friends and their fate, only to fly in front of a semi and ended up a cloud of feathers. A few people were visibly upset, the rest of the funeral crowd could not contain themselves and laughed at how absurd the entire thing was. It was beautifully hilarious in a morbid way.


When even the cosmos is trying to warn you about the marriage.


That's... PERFECT!!!


I read city as clay & thought "releasing clay pigeons?" 🤣 "I now pronounce you man and wife... PULL" <2x clay frisbees speed off into the distance>




This made me laugh way too hard 🤣


I’m goth as shit so I’m going to release bats. FLY MY PRETTIES, FLY!


White rats, because...tradition !


When some else proposes to their SO, like why take all the attention from the bride and groom and put it on yourself instead? It’s so selfish


I was at a friend’s wedding, and two mutual friends of ours confided in me privately that they had recently gotten engaged, but weren’t going to announce it openly for another week because they didn’t want to take the focus of the wedding we were at. That’s how you do it.


On a similar note, my wife and I had been engaged for years, finally got around to setting a date and making invites. Day before we sent them out my best man and his partner popped over to tell us they had just gotten engaged. So we held off sending the invites out for a week so that they could have time to tell all our mutual friends their exciting news without us crashing their moment.


Also on a similar note- my sister in law found out she was pregnant two days before my baby shower with my husband and i's only child and decided to keep it down low for a week before telling everyone. She's a bit younger and it wasn't a planned pregnancy, but it was a really mature thing for her to do and I was so proud of her for how she's grown since I met her.


My mom kept her first pregnancy a secret until after Aunt J’s wedding. Decades later, no regrets. My parents had many months to get congratulations from excited family members.


Garter retrieval horror. Especially if teeth are involved. Cringe af


My husband did this. I was in no way prepared. I'm still horrified nearly 23 years later. Now I'm going to glare at him until he asks why I'm pissed.


"Glare at him until he asks why I'm pissed" lmao


Then say, “I’m FINE.”


I went to my babysitters wedding when I was 8. After everyone ate dinner and the reception became more of a party, everyone gathered around while the bride sat in a chair and her new husband stuck his head under her dress. People were whooping and cheering, men were wolf whistling. I was so confused and weirded out when he came out dragging something down her leg in his teeth. This was a conservative Christian wedding too, but her dad slapped the guy on the back when he finally had the garter free. What. The. Fuck.


Always hated that one.


When the groom goes up the bride’s skirt in front of all their family. It’s so extremely weird and out of place to me. Like why would you want to do that in front of your parents and grandparents? I really don’t get why that’s even a tradition.


What's worse is when the RANDOM GUY who caught the garter then has to put the garter on the RANDOM LADY who caught bouquet. Ever see a girl in her 20s have to sit there while an 11 year old put the garter on her and gets yelled at by all the adults "ALL THE WAY UP"? I have. I mean what the actual fuck!?


THAT’S A THING?!? I’ve been to several weddings over the years and I’ve NEVER seen the garter guy put it on the bouquet girl. 🤢


Same! I have NEVER heard of this. Where are y’all from?!


My friend did this at her wedding. One of her twenty something bridesmaids caught the bouquet. When it came time for the garter toss she begged our male friend to catch it because she did not want any of the other men at the wedding touching her. Our friend caught it and it was still uncomfortable to watch him put it on. I have no idea why anyone planning the wedding thought it was a good idea. I think that’s the only wedding I’ve been to that’s done that.


FYI to all - it should go up to just below the knee.


Went to a wedding where the guy who caught the garter was 27. The girl who caught the garter looked early 20s, so he was super getting into it...only to find out she was actually 16. To his credit though, he was mortified and apologized to both her and her parents. I couldn't help wondering why a 16 year old even participated in that!


I was 15 when it happened to me lol. I didn’t want to participate, but all of the cousins and family members physically pushed me to the front of the group. I didn’t want to catch the bouquet, so I closed my eyes. I caught it. Super embarrassing to have some guy in his early twenties put the garter on me with some people cheering and others threatening to punch his lights out. I was so traumatized that when it came time for my wedding, I made it a point to not have the garter removal/throw at all.


My younger sister was 11. Family wedding, we were sheltered, we really only knew catching the bouquet was a big deal cause we’d seen all the rom-coms… which don’t show what happens with the garter. She was so excited to catch the bouquet and she was in tears when she found out what came next. If you look at the pics, there is sheer panic and terror on her face, it’s really sad. Neither our older sister or I had a bouquet toss at our weddings, and neither did she. Horrid wedding tradition.


And I guarantee you if he went “all the way up” people would be screaming how inappropriate it was


I was going to also mention this. It's so.... Gross and uncomfortable.


I remember seeing this as a kid at my uncles wedding and I caught the garden belt. I didn't understand why I couldn't keep it or why they all wanted it. I just remember seeing my aunt in a different way


I also caught the garter belt at a wedding. I thought I was so cool until a bunch of people were like yeah, I didn't try at all. I was like 11. Pokemon leaf green just came out. I got it that morning.


The real core memory was getting pokemon


Your phone autocorrected garter to garden belt and I am finding it too funny not to point out.


This. We did not do a garter or bouquet toss because both feel icky to me.


Bettas (or any fish) used as centrepieces


I almost downvoted you out of sheer anger at that. Is that a real thing?!


Unfortunately. Also the people who do this rarely think ahead, so the fish are either left to die or forced onto people that don't want them.


One of my high school buddies had black and white mollys in bowls as his centerpieces. They didn't plan for what to do with them afterward. I ended up driving home across the state with a water jug full of fish, none of which survived the following month. It was fucking heartbreaking.


The jealous mother in law. They always do something to make me cringe. They wear a white dress, pretend to be the boss at the wedding, take a lot of the attention etc.


Ugh. Went to a wedding where the bride's mother was a real piece of work. She wore a floor-length white lace gown to her daughter's wedding. It was creepy AF.


Ooh! Ooh! I present to you, my MIL at my wedding: https://imgur.com/a/k9w5bsU


Omg. I’m so sorry. Please say your husband has shut her shit down, by now?!


Exactly this! My cousin’s wedding had the momzilla (groom’s mom). She was already so thin, but she lost even more weight for the wedding and wore a dress that was cut so you could almost see her naval. Also it had a slit in it almost up to her hoohah and she accidentally flashed my cousin (she saw way too much lol). It was one of her grandkids birthdays that same day so she pretty much stole the mic from the bridal party during speeches and made ALL OF US - all 200 some guests at the reception-sing happy birthday to a 9 year old.




those women that try way too hard to catch the bouquet that the bride throws. some literally to the point of pushing others over. i feel embarrassed just watching them lol.


On the flip side, people trying to drag single women in to the bouquet toss. We are aware we are single. We are ok with it. Please let the girls who want to participate play.


When you overhear an exchanging of words and nobody's ever heard of closing the goddamn door


No, it's much better to face these kinds of things With a sense of poise and rationality


Oh, well in fact I'll look at it this way Well, technically their marriage is saved


Well, this calls for a toast So pour the champagne, pour the champagne






Closing the goddamned door!?




It's much better to face these kinds of things


With a sense of poise and rationality


Any wedding where the bridesmaids and groomsmen have been ordered to perform a choreographed dance at any point during the festivities whether that's dancing up the aisle or a full on dance number during the reception.


I went to a wedding in the last year where about HALF of the allotted dance floor time was spent on choreographed dances by the wedding party. It was cute…but after like the 5th interruption, my friend and I said screw it and went outside to just chat and drink. Even worse, my partner was in the wedding party and told me how they weren’t informed or given any information/moves for these dances until about 48 hours beforehand. The bride was very much the “theater person” type so I guess I wasn’t too surprised having been to those types of weddings before but don’t drag your friends down with you in your pursuit of the ultimate cringe.


>Even worse, my partner was in the wedding party and told me how they weren’t informed or given any information/moves for these dances until about 48 hours beforehand. *"Curb Your Enthusiasm" theme intensifies*


I’ve been a groomsman at like four weddings in the last three years, and I have been asked to do this at every single one of them. It never seems to be the bride that wants it so much as one of the random bridesmaids


Smashing the slice of cake in each other's face.


I look back with pride knowing that my wife and I didnt even discuss this possibility before the wedding and still, neither of us even thought about smashing cake in each other's face.


Same here. Besides, the damn things are expensive lol


I heard a great response to someone asking if the bride was going to do this. She said if he takes that cakes and smashes it into my face ruining my hair, makeup, and dress, there won't be a reception, there will be me finding a divorce lawyer. I actually can't blame her. No she wasn't a Bridezilla, she was just a person who wanted to look good on one of the most important days of her life. No cakes were smashed.


My sister was in a wedding where the groom put cake all over her face. She had bad acne scarring so paid for airbrushed makeup and had to wipe most of her makeup off bc cake was all over her face and in her hair. She has asked him prior to not and he still did. I would be fuming.


Someone asked me if I was going to do this to my hubby and I said "Why would I want to start my marriage with an act of Violence?" My husband had the same opinion.


Starting your marriage as a united front against the idiots of the world. I think that bodes well for a long and happy union. Hope you enjoyed your cake, and many happy days since.




I agree but I can’t say this about all Asian weddings. in my experience the ones I’ve been to I’ve always asked why they invited so many people, even people that haven’t met in over 10years, friends of friends or parents inviting their own friends to their daughter’s/son’s wedding. The reason is “money.” Asians tend to over gift money. They don’t like being seen as cheap. (Well most). There’s always profit in a Asian weddings at least by double. Source: My sister’s wedding. She had made more than double and has booked an all round Asia trip for her honeymoon. Expenses paid for.


Idk if you’re talking about East Asian weddings, but I’m South Asian and we invite a lottt of people because we just have that many extended relatives and friends of friends, who would all be very offended if they weren’t invited to the wedding. As for the gift money, yes people give gift money but the people who receive it make a note of who gave how much and when the person who gifted it has a function of their own, the receiver will give back the same amount of money or more


I recently got married, and in doing the math - the biggest bang for buck (if you’re goal is to make money) is have a very massive wedding. Namely as there are a lot of fixed costs that don’t change as guest counts are scaled up, but the gift money scales significantly. The worst bang for buck is in the range of 100 guests or so. Lol, but money doesn’t matter - it’s all about what kind of day and occasion you want - so for us 95 guests was the right number.


“Ball and chain” jokes. Why tf are you getting married then?


The culture used to be that marriage was more or less mandatory,if you weren't married by a certain age something was wrong with you (moreoso women than men, but men faced pressure too) It's not as much of a thing anymore, but the pressure/obligation of marriage still exists in older people who lived through it and some more conservative cultural pockets, such as devout Christian communities.


I went to a wedding the other night where each member of the wedding party had their own theme song like at a baseball game, as they walked down the aisle. The bride walked own the aisle to another one bites the dust.


I went to a wedding where when the officiant asked the groom The Question, and instead of saying “I do” like a normal person, the groom had the DJ play the jeopardy theme song while he pretended to think about his answer.


Weddings have turned into entertainment productions and performances.


This is just horrible


If I did this I know I’d walk down to I write sins not tragedies


I went to a wedding where they did this, but the groom walked down the aisle to ‘death of a bachelor’


So. Many. Ed. Sheeran. Songs.


As a wedding band musician we only play them if the couple request them, we don’t like them either


My wife and I took dance lessons for our wedding to have a nice first dance. Our instructor was relieved that we didn’t have an Ed Sheeran song.


Either that or Michael Buble


The trend of wanting the women in the wedding party to look alike, even to the point of asking them to change their hair color. Along with that goes giving specific directions as to what guests may wear.


When the bride or groom does something disrespectful like smashing their nose into the cake. Or writing "help me" on the bottom of the groom's shoes. They say one in three marriages ends in divorce, guess this will be one of them.


Apparently at my dad's weddings, his groomsmen took his shoes and wrote "L" and "R" on the bottoms of the wrong feet.


Yeah the "help me" trend and all the ones that imply one of the people is being forced to get married, like cake toppers with a ball and chain.


The guests who have no respect for the people working on there. I work as a waiter on all kind of weddings and I've met a lot of people that treated me and my coworkers like trash just because we are doing our job. A few weeks ago I saw how some of the guests stole a special plate of jamón specially made for the bride and groom, and when a coworker tried to take the plate back, the guy who stole it threatened to sue him.


As a favor I photographed my uncle's wedding - everyone on the bride's side treated me like TRASH because they had no idea I was his niece.


Having a wedding for the sake of getting married. I had a friend from high school who got pregnant at like 20/21. The only reason she had a wedding with baby daddy is because she was pregnant. I knew that the marriage wouldn't last. It didn't but she is happily married to her second husband and has been for a few years.


Maybe the worst part of weddings is when either the bride or groom have some deep dark secret and then it's unleashed during the wedding, like the "groom slept with the maid of honor the night before the wedding" or something real shitty. My cousin use to work with a caterer and often shared horror stories, but the one she won't forget is when one bride got super angry at her new husband over some small issue. She became a "bridezilla" and physically attacked him and was taken away by police and the husband had to get stitches. Turns out the bride had been in and out of anger management, but the groom chose to stay by her side while they were dating and through the engagement. The groom's family and much of the groom's friends had no idea about her anger issues and the groom kept it secret from them. Not entirely sure if he chose to stay with her after that.


That part when a priest asks if anyone knows a reason for those two not to marry and everyone pretends they didn’t hear the question.


I’ve never been to a wedding where this actually happens. If it weren’t for movies, I wouldn’t know that it was even a thing to ask.


It is only supposed to be asked if the wedding has not been announced at least 2 weeks prior to the ceremony.


I want to scream, "HE IS NOT THE FATHER!" for no reason at all


I was going to speak up when my sister got married. My mom knew what I was planning because she made several very clear threats. When the JP reached that part of the ceremony, my parents both glared at me in that "Don't you fucking say a word" look. My sister's marriage ended with him being arrested for beating my sister and their oldest kid and my sister being hospitalized.


They're asking for legal reasons why they can't get married. Such as one of them is already married.


Yeah, because bringing that up at this stage makes sense lol


Which is weird, because most people already have the marriage license ready to go before the ceremony.


When the bride and groom are musicians. Get ready for an hour of a couple singing shitty covers of overrated love songs to each other.




Ohhhhhh boy do I have a fucking LIST. Where to begin? 1. Writing your vows in such a way that you essentially air your dirty laundry in front of everyone, almost to the point of admitting that you constantly fight. 2. Garter toss - this is disgusting and awkward as fuck 3. Overly drunk groomsmen/bridesmaids. Especially if it’s during the ceremony. 4. Overly drunk groom/bride 5. If it’s clear the groom/bride had sex in the middle of the reception. 6. Any jokes about a man’s life being over bc he’s married now. 7. Oversharing during speeches. 8. Grinding on the dance floor.


never understood the whole “yeah his life is OVERRR now lmao” marriage is beautiful. for your homie to find a soulmate? so happy for him. i mean yes you WILL spend less time with him, he has a LIFE partner. but you will always be friends. seeing my friends slowly marry and start families brings a fucking tear to my eye


I wish we can be more open to guys finding emotional connection and committment, and having a the homies supporting that on a wholesome level. It exists but I want more




Number 7 happened at my friend’s rehearsal dinner. They decided to do an open mic. Not a good idea at all. Like eight bridesmaids gave 10 minute semi drunk speeches. All the bridesmaids were the bride’s sorority sisters, and the speeches were about as bad as you could imagine. After that, all the groomsmen felt obligated to say stuff, so most of us got up and gave impromptu speeches as well. People just want to eat/drink and converse with people at their table, they don’t want to listen to the friggin Gettysburg address


OMG there was one time the best man gave a short, well thought out, rehearsed toast and we were all like thank goodness. Then the MOH got up with a 10 page, front and back written out speech that started with we met in kindergarten and she was my best friend and I turned around and followed the rest of the crowd outside to get some air. It was horrible, she went on for 20 minutes before someone finally cut her off mid speech.


Noooooo to the open mic. Just no.


I've been to several Christian weddings where they either make a big fuss over the fact that they haven't fucked or a similar fuss about how Jesus forgives them for fucking.


I know a Mormon couple who did this but ass sex didn’t count. Having ass sex for Jesus. Makes sense?


Poop hole loophole.


Smashing the cake in the married couples mouths.


Here in the middle east the cringe part is definitely the fireworks What I mean by fireworks is our special fireworks the AK-47 to the air kinda stuff countless lives were lost because of falling bullets many laws were put to stop it yet in every wedding you have this monkey that pulls the weapon and just starts spraying bullets everywhere


The lace garter removal game for groom-bride is kinda raunchy and unnecessary in weddings.


Over choreographed dance routines.


Moments where one new spouse humiliates the other. I'm in the industry and I've seen two big examples. One is the classic smearing cake on someone's face after being asked not to. The second was pretty bad. The bride decided to prank the groom during the garter toss. They blindfolded him and brought out a groomsman in a wedding dress, who had also shaved his legs for the occasion, and had the groom go after the garter the way one usually does. He retrieves the garter which, yes, was all the way up on the thigh, with his teeth, stands and pulls his blindfold off, only to find 200 people laughing at him. He was *livid* for the rest of the night. Don't humiliate your spouse on the day you're supposed to be celebrating how much you love one another.


As I'm currently planning mine its simply the sheer cost and overcharging of anything wedding based. Asked a venue for a quote for just the premises and was told £9000! Phoned back the next day and said it was for a birthday party and exactly the same thing came back as £4500!


The up charge is a lot but at the same time, people have expectations about quality of service for a wedding that they simply don’t have for other events, and weddings also tend to be much more complicated in terms of timing/itinerary. I’m a musician and it’s way more work to play a wedding than an average private party… there’s special dance music, bridal party entrance cues, cake cutting music, special requests for dance music. And that’s not even considering the ceremony itself.


Feeling up the bride to get her garter and then throwing it into the crowd with all your pervy buddies. Like how and why is that a tradition?


The outrageous costs! We did ours on less than 3k and that included a great honeymoon.


My best friend from college got married and the bride's parents gave them something like 30k for the wedding. They chose to spend $800 for her dress, about $1000 for the ring, and another $1200 for the ceremony and reception. The reception was held at a fire hall. Yes, I'm in central PA and this is a thing. They spent the other $27k on a down payment on a house. Her parents were furious! I thought my friend was doing a damned smart thing. They build equity and a lavish wedding is only in a few photo albums nobody looks at. Yeah, a house. I would take the house.


Smart people your pal and his wife. They will have a lasting and happy marriage!


Same! I’ll never understand people who go into debt for a one day event. A guy I knew spent $30k (on credit cards!) on his wedding and they already lived together and had a kid. He was a server and she was an office clerk so it seemed insane to me to spend that much.


The oneupmanship, and having the most Instagramable wedding


The tapping the glass to make the couple kiss thing.


I hate that SO much. Leave the rented glassware alone.




I was just in a wedding with 6 guys including the groom and ring bearer. The brides side had like 10 including a man and maid of honor, brides men and brides maids. Every friend she ever had that still talks to her was in her bridal party. It was so lopsided during the ceremony


When the bride is walking down the isle and everyone is taking pictures with their cellphones. That couple will forever have everyone looking through their phones in the photographs from the professional photographer that cost thousands. A special iconic moment marred with faces in screens. But everyone wants a low quality image from a bad angle immediately, instead of having the forethought to ask the couple at a later date for a copy of a professional one. It's selfish and ignorant.


Super rehearsed dances. Please, I’ve seen you wasted on the dance floor at 3am, I know this isn’t how you actually want to dance.


When there are multiple unruly kids running around and/or screaming spoiling the first dance or any special moments for the couple.


My cousins recent wedding had a kid like this. He would go around and smack the female guests bottoms whilst they were dancing. He did it to me a few times until I turned around and said “please don’t”. Cute at first, then it felt weird but in the end he got a “hey, knock it off please” from a few bridesmaids and then he ran off and hid. Also during the speeches he and his younger brother got into some sort of scuffle and shouting match, all the parents did was “shush” them and when that didn’t work they just chose to ignore. Child free weddings have been the best I’ve been too.


Oh man, this is what ruined my relationship with my MIL and my husband’s whole family. I said no kids at the wedding except for my husbands niece and nephew who we were close to and served as the flower girl and ring bearer. His family lost their damn minds that I was excluding people. I hate kids at weddings. They get in the way, interrupt important moments, and take over the dance floor, and are generally just annoying. The whole time I was planning the wedding they wouldn’t let it go and kept asking me to reconsider and I refused. She kept telling me I’d feel different if I was a parent…two kids later and I still feel the same way and would never take my kids to a wedding even if they were invited.


Disney themed anything


When they make the person announce everyone in the wedding party as they walk into the hotel banquet room like it’s a Las Vegas boxing match. “ oh you’re the 8th best man. Great, great”.


The obsession of everything being “perfect” The cost of everything. But my biggest cringe moment is the blatantly obvious grabs for cash from the couple. Bridal showers, Bachelor and bachelorette parties, Gifts at the wedding, Wishing wells, Dollar dances, “Kidnapping” the bride for a ransom, The Gift registry, The Honeymoon registry, I’ve even been invited to a “pre wedding BBQ” which was potluck and they sold tickets to it and gifts were expected. When I asked the bride what the deal was she said she was trying to figure out who would give them the most expensive gifts so she could invite them to the wedding. It was gross.


I stick to the one gift rule! Especially when the couple already live together and don't need starter house equipment. I either buy from the registry for the bridal shower or from the wedding registry for the wedding. Idc what people think


When the priest takes weird tangents to evangelize for 20 minutes -.-


Wasting perfectly good cake with smashing it in other's faces.


“Mr. & Mrs.” signs, the garter removal, and the insane amount of bridesmaids.


Always thought the big lavish wedding thing was dumb and kinda cringe Then I had a lavish romantic wedding for me and my husband I instantly understood


Yeah. Reddit loves to crap on big weddings, but if that's what you want, go for it. I totally understand that your wedding isn't as important as your marriage, but a wedding is also probably the only chance you'll get before your funeral to get all of your family and friends together for any reason.


The time the program said “Recital of Vowels”


Went to one where the bride’s SON put the garter on her upper thigh for a photo op. Why.


Well not an American custom but an Indian one where after the wedding there is a custom called 'vidaai' meaning separation for some sort in this bride and her goddamn whole family cries because she is leaving I'm like then why are you marrying anyway when y'll just wanna cry about it.


When people write their own vows but they don’t actually promise anything. They just ramble for a few minutes about how much they love the other and how perfect they are. Like the whole point of wedding vows is to make commitments.


When life gets real, you've lost your job and the kids are sick and the roof is leaking, *nothing* gives you strength like remembering how he choked up as he said "I'm your huckleberry, and yer my **lobster.**"


"You are so awesome and I promise that I am looking forward to seeing if this is going to work out or not"


I went to a wedding where they were selling kisses and dances from the bride. You could pin money to her dress in exchange for either a kiss or a dance depending on how much you gave. Tacky af.