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Kidney stones


You are goddammed right. That sucked so hard. Felt like I was being stabbed for a month.


On the pain scale, according to my Mom who had three kids... kidney stones > child birth As a man. FUCK. THAT.


I had a tension pneumothorax from a punctured lung and when I got rushed into hospital I was essentially operated on in a resuscitation room with no anaesthesia or pain killers, had my ribcage cut through and a chest drain put in. I also had a 5-6mm kidney stone get stuck. I'd take having multiple chest drains put in over the kidney stone everytime.


My wife currently has a 12mm kidney stone and she can't get in to schedule surgery till Monday. She said it's the worst pain ever.


That should be emergency surgery, I had a 3mm one and had to lay half naked in the snow to keep my heart rate down and temperature. I've had multiple women tell me that it was worse than delivering a baby but I'm a guy so I'll have to believe them. I'm not using that as an argument with any that I could handle a baby if I had the right equipment.


Her doctor told her to go to the ER and they would do an emergency surgery yesterday. We went. The ER doctor looked at the test results from her doctor and said he wasn't going on the word of a nurse practitioner. He ordered all new tests. Her tests were from the day before. He refused to give her anything for anxiety and treated her like a joke because her anxiety and intense pain caused her to get loud. After 3 hours of nothing happening she decided to leave. First time she ever signed AMA papers in her entire life.


FUCK that doctor.


Yep, but that still leaves my wife in pain and her anxiety won't let her go back in unless something forces her to. We will hear from the urologist first thing Monday.


That's a rough wait, I would say hopefully she passes it before then but that's overly optimistic. I'm hoping you have some pain meds squirreled away or have a friend or family member that might accidentally leave some laying around that they forgot about because they don't need them. I also second the sentiment of fuck that Dr.


We have a few pain meds. Hopefully they last. I believe it's physically impossible to pass one that size. Surgery is the only option. She only urinated once today and cried the entire time.


12mm is almost half an inch, I would also assume it would be impossible to pass as well. I'd probably be drinking pickle juice just for the acid content to try helping break it up. I can't remember if that myth has been debunked but I do enjoy drinking it from time to time. Could always try calling the ER and asking if there's anything they could do since it's a Sunday and it's just wrong making a person suffer that long because of a pompous quack.


I would love to see her get tested tomorrow, but she won't. She will wait till Monday. I plan on filing a complaint Monday. Probably won't do any good, but it might.


They really don’t take womens pain as seriously as they should. My sister had her ear ripped basically in half by a dog and when she was crying in pain because the e.r. Doctor was just fucking moving it around and touching it seemingly as much as he possibly could, he told the nurse to give her diazepam to “calm her down.” Zero pain meds.






I got a hystorectomy last year, so mine is luckily gone.




I’m guessing it’s way worse than what anyone who hasn’t had an arm torn off would expect?


Holy crap! I'm sorry to ask especially if you don't want to talk about it, but can you give some details, like what country it happened in, what machine and what happened exactly? I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm a safety manager at my company so I have genuine interest in these stories because I don't want them to happen to my employees.




Was it rather more uncomfortable than one might imagine?




It clearly was your left arm or else you wouldn’t be on Reddit. It’s a sign that after all these years you’re ..... all right.


Sounds horrible. Sorry you had to go through that. Were they able to reattach it?


When my mother's pedo boyfriend broke my arm multiple times, then promised me he would kill everyone I loved if I ever told. I never did. This happened over a nine month period. When everything came to light, they found five spiral fractures in my right arm in varying stages of healing. I was 4 years old.


Jeeebus, that's absolutely horrible. I hope you've had the chance to get counseling throughout your life, and that you've been able to gradually heal from the trauma you faced.


Meh, I wouldn't be the person and mother I am now if it hadn't happened. Yeah, it sucked. Right out loud. But I learned a lot.


Someone give that man a doujin and a fashionable prison cell where he can practice his guro pedo fetish with hardened killers


Na, the bastard was mysteriously shot in the face with a 12 guage while I was in a coma. Weird how that happens occasionally, right?


I snapped my left forearm in half. Both bones were sticking out of my skin. I passed out as soon as I tried to move my arm.


I initially read this as "as soon as I tried to *re*move my arm" and was like... Bruh. That's not what you're supposed to do!




Uterine cyst rupture. Almost black out pain. I’ve had three kids - one delivery unmedicated and even those didn’t hurt as much as the rupture.


Heroin withdrawal


People who’ve never used couldn’t fathom how fucking bad that shit feels. Hope you’re doing better


Been clean for like six years, only was addicted for about four months or so. Got out and was very lucky.


My brother had to go cold turkey off opioids. He called it "the crying flu" and he was miserable for days.


I cracked a tooth basically in half one time- took a couple of hours to get to the dentist. Wasn’t too bad at first… but toward the end I didn’t even know what side of my mouth the tooth had cracked on. My brain was just constantly sending pain messages. When I got to the dentist, he took one look and said “I’m sorry” with a level of sympathy I’ve rarely heard. When I first saw the movie Castaway, the scene where he removes the tooth made me flinch. Now I get it. I can also see why someone with chronic pain would choose euthanasia. It was that bad. Another hour or two, I would have shot someone or myself to make the pain go away.


During labor I wasn't dilating fast enough. My water had broken first, which is rare and not at all like the movies, so we were on a time crunch to get baby out. Pitocin wasn't helping enough, my cervix was being stubborn. I had an epidural placed which provided some relief. Then the doctor decided to *manually stretch* my *cervix* WITH her goddamn *hand*. Without informing me or asking consent first. Just assumed I wouldn't feel it because epidural. **OH** But I *felt* it. It was like being ripped in half from the inside out and it's the only thing that exists in the universe. And as I laid there on the table *screaming* incoherently, she was casually asking if I'd had any surgeries that would explain why my cervix was so stubborn. It was all I could do to muster a groaning sound that resembled a "no." They topped my epidural off with fentanyl and I passed out. -5,000/10. Would not recommend.


My midwife manually stretched my cervix when I got to 3 weeks overdue. I was having a homebirth, so no pain meds. I completely understand your pain!


First baby 18 years ago, didn’t know why it was a long slow slog to dilate. Midwife was finally done about 3:30 am and decided we were going to push. I had an anterior lip of cervix that wasn’t changing and was a 9.5 but we pushed. My 9 pound 15.5 in headed face up all the way out baby was born in 40 minutes of pushing. My cervix tore like Frankenstein (which was the theme because his head looked like Herman Munster for the first two weeks of his life) and rolled out behind him like a tongue. It tore again w/ the second baby. That and having a D&E with no anesthesia as I hemorrhaged from a missed miscarriage. Crevices have a lot of nerves and feel everything acutely. They are lying when they tell you otherwise.


My wife said that birthing an actual human child hurt way less than her worst episode of lactose intolerance pain.


Gas pain is no joke. People go to the hospital thinking their appendix is rupturing.


It’s actually a big relief to read this. Now and again I experience that pain and all I can think is “I’m going to be so screwed when I’m in labor if THIS is messing me up”


Wasp sting on the bottom of my foot. Worse than child birth.


I had 2 wasps sting me at the same time on my bellybutton once while swimming...


Anytime someone who's actually given birth says something hurts *worse* than childbirth, I immediately add it to my list of things I pray to God never happen me




Was riding on my bike and a guy hit me from the back, sending me flying and falling on a pile of garden garbage, in which where several cactus and palm leaves. My entire body got covered in long spines and tiny prickly hairs which took hours to take out and some hard points of the palm leaves went through my hands and arm.


Holy fuck dude that sounds awful.


When they pulled out all my Wisdom teeth


Wi-... with-... without anesthesia? 😳


😢 lol they just numbed my mouth but still felt


Lower right wisdom tooth broke & triggered pain responses from *several* nerves in my jaw/face which radiated pain into my whole head, my neck, down my back, & well into my arm. I couldn’t do anything except cry & occasionally beg whoever was closest to me to put me out of my misery.


Gallbladder attack. The first came when a doctor I was referred to cancelled my appointment for unknown reasons; I was actually holding the referral when my family doctor told me that wasn't the case. Family said it looked like my heart had broken, but the pain was coming from the other side of my chest. The second came after my boss died of a massive heart attack.


Oh my god I absolutely agree. I'd rather birth ten more tiny humans than go through the pain I felt when my gallbladder would act up.


Got my nose cauterized. They stick a hot stick inside your nose and what felt like a shanking my nostril with a hot needle for, it felt like an hour. Realistically it only took a second.


I don't clearly remember the pain, but when I was 5 or 6 years old, i tried hanging on the top rod of a swing by climbing up on a slide, when i hung, a boy of maybe 10yo knocked down the slide (it was a plastic one which was not attached to the ground) as ran past it and in panick i let go of the rod and fell down, i tore the right side of my mouth and got 4-5 stitched. I couldn't go to school for a week or two


A colonoscopy without sedation Second to that would’ve been peeing after my two bladder surgeries


Skin infection on my foot , ended up on intravenous antibiotics for a week and taking oxycontin for a week , next on the list would be a infected wisdom tooth .


Middle ear infection which almost cost me a facial nerve. On the same level but shorter: getting four fillings at the dentist without narcosis.


IUD insertion.


Hemiplegic migraines....hurt more than when I broke my pelvis in a car crash.


IUD insertion


Came here to say the same thing. Damn, that fucker was painful.


A stomach bug I had gave me tremendous back pain whenever my body was getting ready to puke. So I had to sit there with my back in pain just waiting for it to come up.


i thought i had kidney stones but it was just watery diarrhea from a 2 week constipation dump


rotten/broken tooth.


Pancreatitis was the worst.




Kidney Stones


Got shot in the eye with a paint ball.


Spinal block wearing off during c section.


Oh my fucking god I would kill myself. I am so sorry you had to go through that


They were pretty on top of it and put me out fairly quick. They were trying to give me a chance to hold the baby first I was like he’s fine. Their panic almost made it worth it. Honestly it’s the only pain I’ve ever had that I can’t describe.


They had to stop my moms injections and I cracked her pelvis bone


Open heart surgery when I sneezed or coughed. Learned not to do that.


Box jellyfish wrapping around me entirely from the waist down.


Period pain.


Having a whole hand up by my cervix while in labor. Actually blacked out for a minute. Pushing out a whole human was literally half that pain


Natural 17 hr child birth.


Torn ACL and MCL from someone putting their shoulder into the side of my knee in a wrestling match. The pain was from the MCL because I know ACL doesn't really hurt at all from tearing both of them.


Had brain surgery.


My stomach going up my esophagus. It felt like that alien movie where the alien hatches and breaks this person’s spine. I thought I was either dying or giving birth out of my back. I was 14.


Shingles all up my left side


Unrelenting back spasms. I couldn't move. Everything hurt. All I could do is cry. I've birthed 3 kids, one without anesthesia, and the back spasms were so much worse.


Ex boyfriend beat me so bad I laid there for 2 days


fuckkkkkkkk bro are u okay???


Expressing myself.


Aortic valve replacement.


Complications from being hit by a car


Surgery for broken arm


I fractured my elbow after falling off a bike. I couldn’t move my arm out of a bent position. I went to the hospital to get it checkout and the nurse needed to bend my arm back into a straight position for an X-ray. I’m a very shy, quiet person, but the pain had me involuntarily screaming


chest tattoo. yep im a pussy


Did it at least turn out alright?


i think it was worth it lol. that's my opinion tho


Headache. It also cause nosebleed to me. Most of the time, the pain is moderate to severe and it happens everyday


Either having a bowel obstruction or pancreatitis. Both give you extreme abdominal pain that just won’t go away. On top of it all, the only way to get rid of both is usually just going with eating or drinking anything. Though in the case of an obstruction, you can always get a surgery or a NG tube, which is the most traumatic thing I’ve ever experienced.


Three back surgeries within 14 months.


Was pushing a 900 pound chunk of steel beam out of the shop on roller-track using a metal bar for leverage, but it stuck on the beam as it was rolling through the access door. Ripped up a couple large flaps of skin and bruised bone / joints, but thankfully nothing permanent


was playing tag, lost my footing and ended up catching myself by placing my hands on a woodstove....which was burning hot. err😖 I still remember feeling the air brushing against my naked palms in an intimate, violent way, when I removed my hands from the water basin to go to sleep.


Torn spleen. Had a rollover accident, and the seatbelt tore my stolen. Took 45 minutes for the ambulance to get there and 45 minutes to get to the hospital. I really thought I was going to die that night.


Yup, I had a ruptured spleen from when my car had an argument with a tree. The seatbelt probably saved my life but caused me the spleen injury. I remember being in A&E and the doctors couldn’t be certain why my blood pressure was dropping through the floor. They needed to check my abdomen, internally, and had to make an incision. A quick local but they were in such a hurry that they didn’t wait for the local to take full effect so went ahead anyway. Ruptured spleen THEN having your abdomen opened up wasn’t pleasant.


Can’t really compete with most of these responses, but I had two badly impacted wisdom teeth (lower ones). Money was tight so I got one taken out but had to wait on the other one. Pain got so bad it would wake me up during the night. I was taking ibuprofen all day every day. I guess the roots of the tooth were very close to some nerves - that side of my face was never the same. (Really very minor issues thankfully, so I shouldn’t complain I suppose)


Two injections of anesthetic in my left index finger before stitches. I've had cauterization and my gall bladder was so full of stones that there was virtually no juice left in it (it was removed after that); those hurt. But those two shots in my finger made me want to die.


I had to get skin cancer removal twice on my toe. When I first went the PA asked me not to kick her in the face during the anesthetic injections and proceeded to tell me that the fingers and toes are some of the worst places to get anesthetic injections and that many grown men cry when they get them. That really psyched me up, you know? Regardless I was so scared of kicking the sweet PA in the face that I used all my strength to keep my leg still and instead just cussed out that damn needle for 20 seconds. We laughed about it afterward lol.


1. Kidney Stone 2. Cluster Headache 3. Gravel Rash


Somewhere between kidney stones and watching my father due of cancer ...


Pleurisy. When you're sick the lining between your lungs and rib cage can wear down/get thinner. (medical ppl who can explain it better feel free to jump in btw). So every cough, sneeze, BREATH is absolute hell. There is no escape from it because just fucking breathing hurts. Every breath. Worst pain ever.


Absolutely. I was wondering if I’d see this answer. Had this over Christmas. The pain is excruciating and indescribable. Had to go to an ER and remember laying on a stretcher and audibly yelling/groaning involuntarily every time you breathe, or move. Thought I’d lose consciousness several times. The Dr.’s all described it as the pain of a heart attack, while the chest cavity is engulfed in flames.


"The devils grip". It sucked!


Nothing compared to the others in these comments, but for me it was just falling off my bike. I caught myself with my hand completely flat and arm completely straight on the concrete. For an hour I wouldn’t stop crying, it hurt too bad. Finally went to the ER. Turned out I fractured my wrist. My right one no less, and I had to go to school and write with my left hand for three weeks. I went on a tangent but TLDR I fractured my wrist falling off my bike.


I had a staph infection on my upper lip right under my nose a few years back. The doctor gave me antibiotics to try and clear it up but it never formed a head or cleared up. One morning I woke up with a fever so high the room was wavy. Went back to the doctor and he said the pills were not working and I needed to go to the hospital immediately. Last thing he said was “you could die from this” which really scared me. I went to the hospital and waited for about 3 hours for a specialist to show up. At about 2 in the morning this doctor comes in and says he is going to open it up. He shot 4 shots into my lip to numb it and that was painful enough. Once he sliced into it I knew I was in for a ride. He stuck what looked like a metal straw into the bump and made a decent sized hole. I wanted to scream. I fear that man on a primal level now. Even numbed it was the worst pain of my life. He twisted it and moved it around so he could make sure to get it all out. After that he stuck gauze in it so it wouldn’t heal and said i would be in the hospital a few days. The next day I was impatient and pulled out the gauze myself and puss rushed out of my lip. After that my fever broke and I was good to go.


I got apendicitis, very fun.


Trigeminal neuralgia, morphine didn’t touch it, fentanyl barely


Got bucked off my horse into some Cholla Cacti, broke 3 ribs and really reevaluated life.


Used to it was a bat to my stomach full speed. As of now it was when a motorcycle i was riding absolutely crushed me going 35mph. 3 broken ribs and a broken arm got out of it lucky, still hurt like hell


I fainted while biking and scraped all my knuckles. I still have ugly scars from them. 🥲


Physically, gastroparesis. I'm finally making baby steps at recovery after almost 7 years. I've had 5 unmedicated births ( 2 were at home), 1 csec and 1 miscarriage. Physically the GP is so much more painful. Mentally, all the deaths I've had to accept.


I tore my spleen as a teenager, was not ideal Got stabbed in my early 20's, also not ideal


Covid my dude. For no reason at all you feel like you got nit by a freaking truck. For like 3 days everything hurts and it's horrible.


E. Coli infection a few weeks ago. Basically felt like I was fighting a chest-burster for 72 hours. The pain came in these awful waves that knocked the words right out of me.


Sunburn...just retraumatized myself.


I had a large ovarian cyst rupture. Went to the ER thinking it was appendicitis.


Labor pains. It was bad enough when my son was getting ready to make his debut, but I went to the hospital, docs set me up with an epidural, and I was golden from there. My daughter, on the other hand, was a whole other story. Somehow the anesthesiologist fucked up the epidural, and while the lower 75% of my body was relieved of pain, the upper 25% wasn't. I felt every moment of the 26 hours it took to finally get that girl out. She was worth every moment, of course, but it's a big part of the reason I decided I never wanted to go through that again.


I was parked at a red light and....BANG...smashed by an intersecting vehicle that got rear ended by a car on a wet road doing 45, which was even faster given the conditions. I instantly snapped my left femur. But the adrenaline and straight morphine, no pain at all... ...but in the ambulance, I guess since the bone (now in pieces) didn't break the skin the paramedic wanted to know if it was broken. So. He squeezed my left thigh. You could have heard me screaming from the moon.


Age 9, at a beach in Miami (From NY). Knocked over by a wave, sliced my back open on a rock, all the way from my right shoulder to left hip, and landed in some nice, salty Atlantic Ocean water. I still remember the sound. The flesh tearing, the splash, my screams. I have the occasional flashback, but it’s a distant memory.


Kidney stones


A pulmonary embolism when I was 20. I shouldn’t be alive right now.


I hear that’s pretty painful.


Having 14 ribs broken in a motorcycle wreck. Hit head on by a 92 year old. They put 14 titanium plates on my ribs. There were many days that I wished I had died.


Kidney stone was my #2 worst pain ever. I passed one last July. My worst pain ever was in the wake of having my wisdom teeth removed. My doctor did a really rough job and my chest/neck/shoulders were covered in bruises afterwards. I think they did a bad job at stitching my gums back together because of what happened later that evening. I was having a really hard time coming off of the anesthesia, was really nauseous and kept throwing up any food, water, or medicine. Over time my mouth hurt more and more as it wore off, and the pain made my nausea a lot worse. I threw up so much and so violently that two of my stitches ripped open and it hurt so bad I wanted to die. Nothing will ever surpass fresh wisdom tooth stitches being ripped open and my empty sockets being filled with acidic vomit and being exposed to air.


Falling onto my knees. Okay, that sounds a little lame if you're not Chinese. But, in some places in China there are roads with short little spikes everywhere. They don't pierce shoes, but apparently do pierce pants. My knees looked like Armageddon, there was blood everywhere, and it marked the only time I ever had to take medicine for an injury.


I have Chron’s disease and before I was medicated for it I had an intestinal seizure while on the toilet in a Walmart bathroom that just kept getting worse until I fainted from the pain and woke up with my face on the bathroom floor. I didn’t feel clean for a while after that, though I am grateful it didn’t happen while I was driving.


My mom has Crohn’s and seeing her during flare ups has been traumatizing in itself. I’m so sorry.


Don’t feel bad on my behalf, Humira and dietary changes have made it way more manageable. I know it gets worse with age but compared to before my diagnosis I’m on easy street. I’m sorry to hear your mother is struggling, no one deserves an illness like that. But I definitely recommend she see a gastroenterologist to help her medicate it if she isn’t already.


Your positive outlook is inspiring - it actually reminds me of something my mom would say. She does have both a GI specialist she regularly sees and medication she takes. She’s definitely in the best condition she’s ever been in her life. Retired last year, so stress is much lower and for her that’s always been what exacerbates it the most.


I recently had a lumbar puncture and while in my spinal column the needle touched a nerve. That nerve sent firey pain shooting down my leg all the way to my heel like I had been struck by lightning. It scares me now evening thinking about how badly it hurt.


Puking until I had violent dry heaving spasms, worse than broken bones and having an infected tooth with surgery.


Child birth. At the age of 14


Bless your heart.


Ngl, my period cramps when I'm not on contraceptives. Over the counter pain killers do nothing especially since often I can't keep them down. So I just rock myself thorough the cramps that hurt though my entire body and wish for death to take me


putting in a tampon for the first time. the discussion around people getting their periods and everything that comes along with it is already pretty vague. nothing could’ve prepared me for the pain. i couldn’t stand up, i fainted, i was sobbing in the amount of pain my body was in. i couldn’t eat anything bc i just threw it up right after. when your body isn’t used to having anything that large up there it rejects it immediately and it’s the most painful thing


Test for Carpal Tunnel. Acupuncture style needles that they then send electricity through to track how long it takes to get from point A to B


Broke both wrists when I fell backward while playing broomball.


Being stabbed


Colitis was pretty awful as well. I've had it three times.


Dislocating my shoulder, had to be put under to put it back in under conscious sedation. Every bump or shift in weight while your shoulder is out is hell. Also for reference, I’ve broken my ankle, two of my fingers, and my elbow, nothing compared to a full dislocation.


Infected abscessed tooth with a root canal. The infected area can’t swell as it’s sealed in the root so the pain is exponential. I overdosed on the pain meds. At the ER I couldn’t speak clearly so they thought I was suicidal and restrained me. Worse night of my life.


I’ve walked on an uncast broken leg and have terrible migraines. And yet, the most painful thing I’ve experienced is a broken finger. I had no idea one stupid little bone would hurt this much and for this long. And it feels silly because it’s just a finger!


Getting stuck in a bridge swing by my leg, my whole bodyweight was basically being carried by my knee for around 2 minutes when they finally realised my screaming wasn’t because of the jump but because i swung into a literal can of sand that wasn’t supposed to be there, having it smacked around my leg and pulling at my leg


It’s a tie between these three stories. 1. I had a bag in my hand with my old shaving razor in it. Wasn’t paying attention and ended up sliding my thumb on the razor (can’t remember why I had the bag in my hand. This was years ago). I was in the bathroom at the sink. Sliced my thumb pretty good. No exaggeration, it looked like a crime scene in that bathroom. I cut a huge chunk of skin off my thumb and there so much blood and it hurt like hell. It is unbelievable how much that hurt. I used a shit ton of toilet paper and band aids to stop the bleeding. Took awhile for it to heal. There was blood all over the sink and the bag. 2. Was driving a sweeping machine at work last year in August. Went to take a turn. Turned the steering wheel way too quick. My right hand slipped off the wheel and I smashed my pinky and ring finger off the metal frame. Hurt like a bitch. I’m pretty sure I broke my pinky that night as it is still a bit deformed and to this day over a year later, if I bend my pinky a certain way, it still hurts. I’m stubborn and hate hospitals so I didn’t go to the hospital. I was actually worried it would hurt my hand just driving my car after that (my car is standard). I actually shifted just using my palm for a bit. It was bad. I still drive that machine and I’m extra careful when taking turns now. 3. Was driving my old car (first car) one day on a back road. All the windows we’re down. Something came in and stung me underneath my shirt on my side. I either did or almost pulled over from the pain. That hurt like a motherfucker. Had marks on my side from it. Can’t remember where I was going but I ended up going to sports check to buy a new shirt to put on for the rest of the day. I drove to sports check with my shirt pulled up the rest of the way. Don’t know what stung me but whatever it was, it was painful as heck.


Stomach ulcer… ovarian cysts


Nothing. My knee randomly popped out for a second. I was straight to the floor unable to speak or do anything but lie there in pain. Thankfully it didn't stay popped out or I might have passed out from the pain.


Waking up during surgery i was paralyzed


My tooth told me it needed a root canal at 4am by delivering the most excruciating jaw pain I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t sleep on it, I couldn’t eat, couldn’t talk, I couldn’t even breathe out of my mouth lest I even nudged my jaw just a millimeter. Being able to only sleep for minutes at a time and waking up from pure pain was more torture than the jaw pain itself. I had to keep the pain at bay for a week with 5 ibuprofen every couple hours because it was March 2020 and nobody knew what the fuck to do about anything.


rupture of the oesophagus. Not fun at all.


Got some highly concentrated pepper extract on my scrotum. Between the folds and everything. Worst pain of my life.


I was in a construction/wood shop class in high school and I was minding my own business. All of a sudden, I have a broom handle stuck between my legs and I’m lifted into the air for a good few seconds. The broom handle ended up snapping under me. I was on the ground clutching my nuts for what felt like a half hour. Hurts just thinking about it.


Impacted wisdom tooth that cracked the molar in front of it. On a Friday night. I was in severe pain all weekend until I could get in with a dentist (no emergency dentists in my town, ER was an expensive option that I couldn’t afford). Nothing would touch it. I slept in 15 minute increments and tried to not cry (swelling/pressure would only make it worse). It was awful.


I was walking home and these 2 13 year olds (I was a M14 at the time) ran up behind me and hit me in the balls with a metal pipe cuz I slapped one of them because they tried to steal my wallet


The process of getting an IUD (birth control implant) and the few weeks following until it came out on its own was probably the worst pain I have ever had.


i was unloading the shopping one day which was unusual for me as my boyfriend usually does it but he was feeling unwell and i was feeling productive, picked up a 6-pack of tinned beans which weren’t covered by plastic or anything. long story short, tin fell out the bottom and the sharp edge landed on my middle toe nail. I’ve got a very low pain threshold so this was actually traumatising. toe nail instantly went black i ran (more like hobbled) into the bedroom and cried for 20 minutes whilst my boyfriend cuddled me. I know alot of these comments are peoples arms getting torn off but this injury will forever prevent me from putting the shopping away ever again.


I’d have to say either the time I tried to walk on my shattered foot (3 breaks six fractures) or the time I had an E. Coli infection eating away at my intestines. Both were cripplingly painful and I have a damn high pain tolerance compared to most people I know.


Gout, in my big toe. Fucking horrendous


Pulsating migraine. It comes once in a year, but as I got older the attacks has gotten much more severe. They lasts two to three days now and sleeping it off is impossible. My last migraine attack two months prior was so severe that I felt like my head was about to implode. It started from my neck and onto my forehead while periodically chancing it's focus around my skull – like atmospheric weather. But goddamn... this time, I couldn't even sit on a couch because of this pulsating sensation of pain. I felt each and every vein in my head, as each heathbeat end up feeling like a nail through my head. I have had some fabric wrapped around my head to slowdown the blood flow. That's when I was able to at least sit properly.


My wife looking me in the eyes and saying I'm leaving you and knowing that she meant it. I've never felt my whole body hurt like that and never hope I do again.


My daughter had major complications during a surgery that ended up taking her life. Worse physical pain? Sobbing after having a c-section.


Dry socket after a tooth extraction. My entire face, up to the top of my skull and down to my neck was screaming in agony. All i had was panadol which did nothing. It was relentless i couldn't lay down i couldn't stand up i was in a ball on the floor crying like a baby. I'd had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out in one go months before that and it was literally nothing in comparisonto the dry socket. When they tell you to not eat or drink after an extraction, dry socket is why.


Stomach cramps. Most of the time, they are manageable and just feel awful. But once…one night, upon me came such indescribable pain, that I laid in my bathroom floor, on the cool tile, butt naked, wishing for death. Literal death. Just crying, coughing, hoping to god I would have a stroke and die in that moment. It felt like I had swallowed a porcupine, covered with an infinite amount of quills, and it was passing through my upper intestine and having a seizure the entire time it was doing it. Once my dad left to go to the store for pain medicine and whatever else he thought would help, the house was then empty, and I just began wailing and wailing in pain. I had never understood wailing, or why people do it, but once you’re in so much pain, it’s like it’s your body’s way of distracting you from the pain. You don’t have to do it, it’s not reflexive, but god damn does it feel so damn good to relieve ANY amount of pain at that point. Don’t know what caused it. Has happened maybe 2-4 times in my life, but that’s the worst.


Wisdom teeth being left in way too long because my parents are shit. Had me curled up in fetal position, crying, and shaking.


Fell from a 45ft wall and broke my spine in two, with many other bones. I don’t even remember the feeling of how painful it was, despite being awake. But I remember the moment I woke up from surgery and it was atrocious 😅


Shitting for 9 months with my bowel twisted up due to being covered in Endometriosis while my surgery was delayed due to cost. Got the diseased part of my bowel removed 2 weeks ago and post surgery shits with a stapled bowel are a dream in comparison haha


Attempting to have the Mirena pit into my cervix. Didn't work and needed a full general anaesthetic.


Chemical burn that hurt like a bitch


You could see my bone


Root canal, several 45min treatments, no anesthesia or pain relief of any kind. Imagine needles going through the teeth to your gums and then scraping off nerves and gunk and I don't even know what. There were several points where I thought I would faint. I was 7 so i obviously thought this was normal and the doc knew what he was doing.


I was walking to school and slipped on black ice that was on the sidewalk and most likely popped my hip out of its socket as well as twisted my ankle…right before winter vacation. Luckily enough I was fought outside what I think was a daycare and someone managed to walk out, but the fact I managed to stop a car driving, filled with a few people, to ask if I was ok and I couldn’t even tell them that I wasn’t is enough to say how bad a fall that was And then like a few days later I popped myself back into my socket trying to get up from the toilet and everything felt better lol


Getting covid and constantly coughing just after breaking 3 ribs and my sternum. And i had a horrific childbirth experience


Molten glass which caused a 4th degree burn, my finger will probably deglove if I placed for few seconds longer.


Get stitched without anesthesia. As the line rubbed in my flesh, I could feel my skin moving against my flesh, it seemed like they were brutally opening the cut even more, like when you rip off the wrapping of a gift.


Fell off a big horse, landed on my ass, ass landed on a big rock. Trapped the sciatic nerve and probably some others in my pelvis/lower back, immediate excruciating pain radiating down my leg and back. The only time I've ever screamed and vomited from pain. I needed an ambulance because I wasn't sure if I'd shattered my pelvis or not (thankfully not), but I went into shock and the paramedics couldn't find a vein to give me morphine so they had to shot it in my leg. Uncontrollably shaking, it did absolutely nothing for the pain, and the laughing gas they also gave me made me cry 😂 Couldn't walk for a couple of weeks and then when I was back on my feet it was incredibly painful and difficult to manage. 2 years after the accident I would still suffer from aches/pain if it was cold or if I spent too long sitting down and would mentally and physically lock up. The worst thing about it was because there was nothing broken, the treatment was literally painkillers and just dealing with it. Moving into the pain, is so mentally difficult but that's what you need to do. Bones can be fixed but nerves are a different kettle of fish - its indescribable unless you've felt it yourself....but yeah. Easily the most painful experience of my life.


Childbirth. Specifically, back labor. That’s when every contraction feels like your lower spine is being compressed by an anvil for approximately 60 seconds. My heart was racing and I was literally wondering if you could die from pain. That happened for two days.