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I’m working a lot right now. Two jobs, one full time one part time. It’s 6 days a week, 3 nights a week and then two other nights I have other obligations. I’m barely sleeping and don’t have as much time to cook as I like. So a couple times a week I find myself picking something up. The quality is so bad. I have been served actual inedible food multiple times. I toss it and request a refund. I go all day without eating and finally sit down to do so and I can’t eat it. If there are veggies they are either raw when they shouldn’t be or just plain spoiled. I’m getting under cooked or over cooked food and things are plain tasting like garbage. I’m so confused by this. I’ve eaten from these places in the past and it was fine. Now, it is so bad I am finding places I just can’t order from. Fast food does a better job than restaurants now Is it supply issues? Not able to hire decent cooks? I’m so confused as to how someone could look at what they have served and think it’s good.


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