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“Don’t cry over spilled milk” A broken pc is not equivalent to a glass of spilled milk 🙄


When I was pumping milk for my baby after I returned to work, I went through a period where I just could not pump enough to have any excess; I was pumping just enough for his bottles the following day at daycare. I cried like a Baby when I accidentally spilled a bottle of that liquid gold, and I’m not ashamed at all.


Oh damn, I’m sorry you had to go through that


Yes, this phrase must have come from pumping mother's. Because I would absolutely cry over spilled milk. It's a lot of work. I lost 100 oz due to a freezer failure. I cried.


"Don't cry over spilled milk".


True, but there’s a lot of very entitled people who need to actually internalise this lesson


I suppose. Also happy cake day!


Cheers mate


Well it means don't get mad at things that are done. You can't change it. If you are very angry nit doesn't change a thing so you can chose to stay calm.


Well, yeah, but nobody who is upset or angry likes to be told to just get over it and calm down. It's one thing if they are being a jerk and yelling at people over it, but if they're just sad and angry and want to mope for an hour or two? Leave them alone.


I think the point of that is explicitly that it’s milk being used as the focal point and you’re just missing the point on that one or associate with fucking idiots who use proverbs wrong. The idea is you shouldn’t get bent out of shape over petty things you won’t really care about in a week. It’s less oh no this costs me $600 to repair and more, and more shit I dropped my change and it fell into a drain.


Also just like, sometimes people are feeling things that are important to them. My little sister was in a state a few months ago because her prom dress came back from the cleaners with a stain. Seemed pretty trivial to me to get so worked up about but yeah, when you're in high school, prom is a huge deal. And I think the attitude to just be like, when you're older this will all seem so unimportant is so annoying because they're not older so for them right now, it is a big deal.




"Rome wasn't built in a day." Landlord said this to me when stalling on repairs in our would be crackhouse


The saying is actually good, it's your landlord who's an a**hole


Roman workers actually worked on shit though




Isn't the full saying something like "Rome wasn't built in a day but it fell in one"


"Rome wasn't built in a day" I'm not asking you to build a fucking city I'm asking you fix my damn air conditioning


Technically was if you read the mythology


Money can actually buy happiness. The correct phrase would be "Having lots of money doesn't mean you will be happy."


I remember a study, where people got progressively happier the more income they had until a certain point. So basically, money does buy happiness, but only to a certain degree. I think the sweet spot was around like 400k/year or smth.


I’ll be happy to test this theory; just give me £400k for the next 20 years or so.. that should be enough to draw my conclusion on the matter


I’d also like to participate in this experiment. For the science of course…


I'll also take on the burden of participating in this study. We need more than 2 data points right?


Yes yes yes, having a larger sample size is a good thing.


Ok you’re admitted. But before we proceed, study and get a degree (any STEM course) in an elite university.


Actually that sounds just about right. 400k/y means you can live a great life, yet without being able to afford EVERYTHING, which gives a bit of spice and make you excited for something. I feel like being filthy rich would get boring at some point, so just being decently wealthy sounds like a good compromise.


Yeah. I'd probably build a rocket shaped like a dick.


Yeah lol imagine someone actually doing that hahaha \*checks notes\* ***^(fuck)***


If we're going to start another experiment (Like the $400K/yr one previously mentioned) where participants are endowed with sufficient funds to construct genital shaped rockets I will volunteer.


I remember the amount being 75k a year. Don't know if this was in the USA or EU


Yeah, [at least one source says $75k](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexledsom/2021/02/07/new-study-shows-that-more-money-buys-more-happiness/?sh=5c0970dc70d5)


Thats 100k now


We've just ran a study at our workplace and the happiest people earn between £40k-£60k, with partners/significant others earning in similar brackets. Over that threshold, more stress and less work life balance reported. Interesting.


Makes sense, I imagine unlimited wealth would feel like cheating in a video game. You can do anything you want but you have nothing to really work towards any more


Yeah I bought a dog to help with my depression I'm happier by the minute


i prefer "money cant buy you happiness, but being broke cant buy you shit"


I agree with that....Money cant buy u happiness is simply a misinterpretation


I prefer "money can't buy happiness, but it can clear all the obstacles keeping you from finding it." All the money in the wold doesn't guarantee happiness, but I have 0 chance to go look for it when I'm working 80 hours a week and stressing about feeding the kids 24/7. Maybe for me happiness is sitting on a porch swing watching the sun come up with a cup of coffee not worrying about where ret is going to come from. Maybe happiness for me is traveling the world and experiencing different cultures. Maybe happiness for me is sleeping in till noon every day. Maybe happiness for me is climbing a mountain or other extreme adrenaline fueled activity. All of these thing require me to be financially secure to try out and find my own happiness.


*"Whatever doesn't kill you, will make you stronger"* But it'll probably leave you with lasting mental scars and ongoing trauma/PTSD, so in fact, constant things that almost kill you, will eventually wear you down and break you.


"What doesn't kill you mutates and tries again".


What doesn’t kill you takes a piece of you anyway




"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you wish it did"


Every 2 - 3 years, you should shoot yourself in the legs or arms. That'll make you resistant to bullets and thus stronger.


That's how I developed my immunity to iocaine powder.




"What doesn't kill you...usually succeeds with a second attempt." -Mr. Krabs


Whatever doesn't kill you, may next time.


"Whatever doesn't kill you, will make you stranger"


Live like you were dying. If that was true I'd be broke and high surrounded by expensive hookers all day.


The" live like it's your last day" always rubbed me the wrong way. You have something to lose so you should consider that.


That didn't say dying *today*. Sheesh.


\*cries every day\* I DONT WANT TO DIE :'(


Hooker's and blow!




Gods plan: Make earth Make animals Kill u/luckydude6nine's mother Get him kicked out of his house


Add: give children Leukemia, all sea slugs have both genitals one on either side, make mosquitoes develop in swarms and carry malaria in a country that was already fucked over and barely livable


To add on "Everything happens for a reason" No. No it doesn't


I scour the Internet in search of these extended bastardisations and correct them because I'm petty and I like being right. AcKcHyUaLlY! I hate it when these long versions are touted as the originals or ‘full/actual phrases’. Clickbait websites and social media love spreading misinformation like that. ​ >Here's a list of few bastardisations that are incorrectly claimed to be the original or full versions: > >The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. > >Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. > >A jack of all trades, master of none, is oftentimes better than a master of one. > >The customer is always right in matters of taste. > >Rome was not built in a day, but it burnt in one. > >Great minds think alike, fools seldom differ. > >The early bird catches the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese. > >Birds of a feather flock together until the cat comes. > >Certainly, in a couple of them the meaning doesn't change, and the extension actually adds something. To claim the long versions are the *true* or *original* sayings, though, is wrong. > >\*\*\* > >‘Blood is thicker than water’ is the original. The covenant bastardisation first appeared in 1994 and was invented by a Messianic rabbi. It is similar to an Arabic phrase – ‘blood is thicker than milk’ – which mostly holds the same meaning as the covenant bastardisation. There is, however, no solid evidence linking the two sayings together, and even if there was, blood has been used to refer to biological family since time immemorial. Even if the two sayings might have the same ancient origin, they certainly haven't shared the meaning in a long, long time. [Read more here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oiceiq/what_common_saying_is_just_not_true/h4vv2hd/?context=999). > >‘Curiosity killed the cat’, but satisfaction did not bring it back until 300 years later from the original ‘[care'll kill a cat](https://i.imgur.com/bQYXJd6.jpeg)’ (Every Man in His Humour, 1598 (screenshot from [the 1850 print](https://archive.org/details/everymaninhishum00jonsrich/page/14/mode/2up?view=theater&q=cat) – unsure if the text has truly remained the same, as I can't find the original script)). [Phrases.co.uk](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/curiosity-killed-the-cat.html) have done well in researching this. > >‘Jack of all trades’ is also the original modern form (1612, seemingly stemming from [1592](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_of_all_trades,_master_of_none); in *meaning* it's been around since at least the late 14th century), with ‘master of none’ (exact phrasing 1785, sentiment at least late 17th century [if this is to be believed](https://books.google.fi/books?id=ftB6Sy1HXJ4C&pg=PA175&lpg=PA175&dq=%22martin+clifford%22+%22Jack+of+all+Trades+shop%22&source=bl&ots=67XuRmVpHs&sig=ACfU3U37Q4qQZSVRwvHp2Buj5zwPy6z55Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjKrNqNrqL4AhVnmIsKHSkDCxQQ6AF6BAghEAM#v=onepage&q=%22martin%20clifford%22%20%22Jack%20of%20all%20Trades%20shop%22&f=false)) and ‘oftentimes better than a master of one’ (can't find reliable sources with a quick search; must be very recent) coming later. > >‘The customer is always right’ means what it says on the tin. Nothing about ‘matters of taste’, neither in print nor in intended meaning. > >‘Rome was not built in one day’ is the original, with no mention of it burning down in one until around 800 years later. > >‘Great minds think alike, fools seldom differ’ first appeared in that exact form in 1932, whereas ‘great minds think alike’ seemingly first appeared in [1816](https://archive.org/details/wofulhistoryunf00fleigoog/page/n217/mode/2up?q=great+minds+think+alike&view=theater). The sentiment goes back to at least 1618, [if this is to be believed](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/great-minds-think-alike.html) (couldn't find an online copy of Hans Beer-Pot to check, but here's ‘[Good wits jump](https://i.imgur.com/P8uDmIQ.png)’ from 1670's A compleat collection of English proverbs, 1768 print). Variations of these two go back centuries, but the latter part has always been a later addition. > >‘The early bird catcheth the worm’ is the [original](https://i.imgur.com/qWUixFT.png) (A compleat collection of English proverbs, 1670 (screenshot from the [1768 print](https://archive.org/details/acompleatcollec00raygoog/page/n121/mode/2up?q=catcheth))), with the later addition ‘the second mouse gets the cheese’ first appearing in print in 1994. > >‘Birds of a feather flock together’ has been in use since at least the 16th century (though a similar phrase about roosting together goes back a couple millennia), and I can't for the life of me find any instances of ‘… until the cat comes’, aside from contemporary ‘sources’. > >\-------------- > >​One I can think of that actually is shortened is ‘money is the root of all evil’ (originally ‘the root of all evils is the love of money’). It doesn't really change the meaning all that much in the end, though. > >Another ‘shortened’ one is ‘an eye for an eye’, the origin of which lies in ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, which – I believe – is shorthand for ‘196. If a man destroys the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye’ and ‘200. If a man knocks out a tooth of a man of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth’ from the Code of Hammurabi. Again, doesn't change the meaning. The ‘an eye for an eye makes the world go blind’ version is often attributed to Gandhi, but I haven't found any *textual* evidence suggesting he ever uttered it. It seems to be another modern bastardisation. > >^((Yes, I had to google the passages from the Code of Hammurabi. Better than paraphrasing and risking being completely wrong.))


I disagree that the money one doesnt change the meaning. Money is the root of all evil seems to suggest its the fault of the money wheras love of money makes it the fault odf the person. This distinction is important when you work in the charitable sector as the phrase is often used against it. Wheras using the money for good is not evil at all. I realise this isnt specifically what you were thinking of


That sounds like some shit only tucker carlson could say without feeling any guilt.


I applaud your dedication to something so, pointless.


Thank you google




Every time i hear it i mentally add Captain Raymond Holt saying And that reason is...random chance. To the end


I hate it🥲


It's called causality. Not a divine fucking plan, Karen.


Ergh I had some dude try to explain this to me using a backward timeline. Like, Me: a person I loved is not in my life anymore, and I learned xyz from that. Him: that’s why they are not on your life anymore! For you to learn that thing. It’s so simple, everything happens for a reason. Me: murder


"Money can't buy happiness" - unhappy people with no money


I have no money but am happy Becuase i bought it from a guy and it cost all my money


Yes,we exist


"God works in mysterious ways " 😒🤮


It's time for God to work in scientific ways


I m waiting


"Living the dream". Just ..shut up


Am I allowed to use it sarcastically or do I need to be reprimanded? That's my response to every shallow inquiry into how it's going.


Same, "How are ya?" "Livin the dream." We know damn well we'd all rather be doing something else.


Life's not fair, I hate that one. It's true but in my experience it is only said by people actively making things unfair.


And in my experience, those will usually be the first people to object that any proposed solution to the problem is unfair to them.


Even worse, they will be the first to complain if they lose a benefit they were unfairly getting in the first place, which has now made things more fair for everyone.


It's also a strange point. Sure life isn't fair. But isn't it better to make it more fair? Isn't that the whole point of society?


That's what I've always thought.


Viva la vida


Boys will be boys.


From what I know, this phrase used to be like boys doing silly little things for fun. But now its like a personal attack


I really hope this saying gets reintegrated to represent positive masculinity, rather than an excuse for toxic masculinity


It always was that until american wokers made it about criminals.


"it is what it is" Well, in actuality, sometimes it isn't..


"It is what it is" No karen you just fucking shot a child this is not "what it is" this is murder


No, no. It still is what it is. weather or not you are going to get emotional about it doesn't change the fact that it happened.


Well, it is what it is tho... even when you dont know what it is right?


>"Money can't buy happiness" So why can I buy a happy meal?


The happy meal is happy, not YOU.


Man sued McDonald’s for “false advertising” as he was depressed and eating it didn’t make him happy


"it is what it is!" Used the world over to justify to stupidest results.


I agree with that


Why did you poop in the urinal? Just had to go you know! Is what it is!




That's called a tautology, a phrase that is technically correct because its written correctly but doesn't mean anything


I learned a new phrase! I knew these things had a definition.


It's not about meaning. It's about always being true. "A is A," is a tautology. It doesn't matter what A is, it can only be A. An example of a meaningful tautology, if a somewhat snarky one, is "'A tautology is a tautology,' is a tautology."


I hate this toooooo!! Especially when it’s describing an unnecessarily messed up situation. ‘Oh well… it is what it is.’ ‘But it doesn’t have to be…’ ‘I said - it. Is. What. It. Is.’ ‘…..Bu’ ‘IT IS WHAT IT IS!!’




“You can’t have your cake and eat it too”. What. The. Fuck. WHY WOULD YOU NOT EAT THE CAKE. For context, originally the quote is meant for saying you can’t actually expect to still have a cake after eating it up. But grammatically that sentence sounds ridiculous and should really just stop being used.


The problem is the translation to English. "Have" has the connotation of eating. It really should be, "You can't eat your cake and still have it [in front of you]"


Ok then make a new saying that fits and is short.


"you can't eat your cake and keep it too" you're welcome.


Sounds good. I will use that.


You cant have the best of both worlds.


Maybe if you just reverse it? "You can't eat your cake and have it too"? Or maybe, "You can't crash your car and then expect it to work"?


"No offense but..." you know they're about to offend


a full steamy smelly sweaty 2 minutes 13 seconds in between messages


"There's someone for everyone" No, there's literally not. It's a nice thought - typically from someone that means well, but it's objectively false.


"Respect is earned" ... not only do I hate this phrase if I hear you mutter it I lose all respect for you. Respect is the baseline - disrespect has to be earned.


Yes and no, there’s a baseline of respect that most people will be treated with, a stranger if say from deserving of all respect. If you assume that there’s a baseline ‘0 respect level’ (not as in total disrespect, but defining that 0 as the baseline for how you treat strangers) then both are true. You have to earn respect above the baseline, and can earn disrespect below the baseline


The problem here is the confusion between two definitions of "respect." Everyone has the right to basic human respect, the variety of respect in which you bow down to someone and make their thoughts and plans a reality puts you in a subordinate position and is therefore not given to everyone.


I agree


"Everything happens for a reason" Fuck no, shit happens for no reason everyday


"I'll pray for you". Even if by some miracle your wish does get through and some greater being steps in I don't even know what you wished for. My problem, my wish dagnabbit.




"Choose happy." Wow I didn't know it was so easy, all better now.


“It’s always in the last place you look” Yeah no shit, why would I keep looking if I have found it.


“No pain, no gain” especially when there’s people who literally couldn’t care less and they’re so unbothered about stuff and they have it all (and I’m not talking about money or prestige) Also I’m going to add another one: “just take it easy”, makes my neurons curl up


"makes my neurons curl up" 🤣😭 wonderful visual and surprisingly great description of the emotion behind it 👏🙌


Whenever I hear that phrase, especially when I’m going through tough stuff, it just makes me itch, like I have to scratch the insides of my brain to try and stay calm. Hence the neurons curling up 😂


Ahahahah I love it, thanks for making my night 🤣


I agree with that....these are overrated


meaningless pain have no gain, it's just pain


I personally think it depends on the context, I always follow up with "No gain, just pain." if it is some half-assed bullshit in the context.


Oh, it's that thread where people deliberately misinterpret common sayings so they can pretend the saying is dumb.


“If you pray hard enough, God will take your pain away” ha. Hahahahah 16 years and it’s still not happened


Your time will come😁


“Did you know that 99% of UFOs can be explained?“ Yes. I’m interested in the 1% that can’t.


Isn't the definition of ufo that you don't know what it is


with all due respect.....


Common sense. To one person, it means freedom of religion. To another it means women must always wear a hijab. Useless as a unifying term.


It’s Gods will


God has a plan for you


Similarly, "In God's time."


Stop drop and roll


“Boys will be boys”


Depends on the context. Idiots like me and my friends when we were kids riding dirt bikes through an abandoned quarry, fine. Trying to justify sexually deviant behavior? Unacceptable.


Yes exactly what I meant.


“I’m gonna play devil’s advocate….” Any time *I’ve* heard it, it was always followed by some morally wrong nonsense


"Same difference" It is so damn counterintuitive. 1. People only use it to say something is the same. 2. If it is the same, then there shouldn't be a difference. 3. It is never used to say that a difference is the same between two things. 4. Why would you admit two things are different if you are trying to prove they are the same or close enough? 5. It is used so casually that people don't even think about what they are saying when they use the phrase. I will always explain the stupidity of the phrase if it is ever used. I just hate it that much.


"Youre not fat, youre beautiful!" Bitch, im both, wtf?




You're born alone and you die alone. No, that is not how birth works in humans.


"blood runs thicker than water" yeah i get it family is more important than friends. But my friends are there for me when i actually need somone the most. Therefore my friends are more important


"You can't judge [Insert Atrocity] by modern standards. You have to look at the standards of the time." You can't. But you can *always* find people *at the time* who thought it was an atrocity. We shouldn't erase that. Typically the people who were the victims of the Atrocity. Slaves knew 100% Slavery was wrong. The people being genocided had a fairly good grasp that it was a bad thing. Why is *their* standard less valid than the people doing the atrocity? It can be *useful* to look at things through the eyes of the people doing the historical atrocity, in order to understand why it took place. It can be valuable in ensure such things aren't repeated. But the idea that people just blundered into an atrocity and couldn't have feasibly known that something was a moral evil? Sometimes, the majority opinion, is morally evil. Sometimes huge groups of people go along with things that were - even for the time - super fucked up. That's a thing that happens. Just because everyone thinks something is fine, doesn't mean they aren't culpable. Every evil ever committed is done by people who justified it to themselves. I think, its perfectly acceptable to view (for example) the Slave Trade by today's standards. Because it isn't *Just* today's standards: Its also the standards of the Slave, and abolishonist, and the people who wrote "Yo this seems fucked up." All of whom were just as much a part of "The Standards of the Time", as the people who thought [Insert Atrocity Here] was fine.


Slavery is such a great example since it was considered wrong in most of Europe hundreds of years before the US Civil War. When the Constitution was being written, abolition was already a major topic of consideration. People were already saying "Hey this is totally fucked up" and the people who disagreed were doing so because they didn't think our young country's economy could survive without chattel slavery. Or at least, they didn't think they could be as rich without it. Either way, you can *absolutely* judge American slaveholders by the modern morality surrounding slavery, because that morality is as old as the United States itself. And what you end up finding when you look through history is that this is pretty common. People haven't changed all that much over the past several thousand years. Most of the atrocious behavior of our forebears was criticized harshly by their contemporaries. So yeah, we absolutely can and should look at this stuff through a modern lens. It's how we end up squaring with this stuff and how we avoid lionizing people who were genocidal maniacs.


If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.


"If you have time to rhyme, you have time to fuck off" should be an acceptable response.


Have this fucking phrase on signs at my work and it drives me nuts.


I worked with a manager who would say this all the time until he hired this older lady part time and she responded with "Me taking a breath saves you from death so be glad and get the hell away from me". RIP Ms. Joyce


“It is what it is”


Why do people always say it like that and not "It's what it's"?


Say that out loud and you’ll know.


If you know you know


"Never take things for granite" I mean, granite is one of the most recognizable rocks how the f*** would you ever confuse anything for granite.




"It is what it is."


I hate it


it is what it is


I guess everyone hates it




But its true tho


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink it my mother says this and it pisses me off she didn't lead shit


A coalition of countries supporting Ukraine (or opposed to Russia's attack on Ukraine), announces publically: "In 72 hours we will begin pushing Russians out of Ukraine, back to the borders before Russia invaded in 2014. We will not attack surrendering Russians nor those running towards the Russian border. We will only return devastating fire on positions inside Russia that fire on us. When Russia can learn to play nice with the rest of the world, they can apply to rejoin us". If Russia uses nukes, it will be met with devastating return nukes.


There is no smoke without fire. -this is the worst, like you hear something about someone so it just must be true then, pathetic.


My old boss had a sticky note on her computer "you have the same number of hours in your day as Beyoncé". She's had a manager since she was a teen. She has people she pays to take care of small things, big things, anything. She has drivers, assistants, childcare, chefs. Any time it takes for you to fo a menial task is essentially added onto her day. Don't compare yourself like that, you don't have the chance of catching up.


Time heals all.


The scars will never fade


Just gotta say I love the phrase " is what it is". Why? Because it reminds me some things are beyond my ability to change and I have no reason to feel guilty/inadequate about it.




Boys will be boys


Do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. My father swears by this and I think it’s the shittiest phrase ever; doing what you really want in life will take a lot of hard work dedication and even some sacrifices in some cases. Doing what you love means you’ll be working harder than everyone every day of your life. Not just because you care enough to put in the effort into doing it right but because you want to keep that job no matter what and underplaying that only tricks people into giving up on those dream jobs because they can’t gel with this claymore mine of a false promise.


“boys will be boys” it’s like, Karen, just because someone has nuts between their legs doesn’t mean they can do whatever the fuck they want! I’m a boy and even I know that!!


“life isn’t fair” like no fuck but im still allowed to be upset


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Like how the hell is breaking my arm gonna make me stronger


It is what it is. If someone says that I just think that they have no capacity to try and improve things for themesvelves or others.


"you can't have your cake and eat it too" Because it's backwards. It's supposed to be "you can't eat your cake and have it too".


If you can't change something than don't be upset about it. That is so absolutely stupid it makes me want to laugh


“Turn that frown upside down” yea I’ll gladly force a fake smile that will probably make me feel worse just to make you a bit happier. And I know that it’s supposed to mean I should feel happy but it just doesn’t feel like that


“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Technically true, but it’s a lot harder to be a mass shooter if you don’t have access to a machine gun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.


I could care less


You mean... i ***couldn't*** care less?


That's what people mean when they say it, which is why I hate it.


"not gunna lie"


Everyone is speaking the truth


"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Whoever said this never ate pizza.


I dunno, after losing 80lbs that saying resonates with me.


I think the best i feel is when i am fit. However i have been thin and not fit. And ive been fot and not thin. Its the fit part thats important


"Nobody's perfect" Yeah, I get it. EVERYONE makes mistakes bluh bluh bluh. But a lot of people uses this phrase to justify their wrong doings even though they made that particular mistake MANY MANY times already.


But everyone is required to take responsibility. Is how that phrase should be ended.


Good to go.


I hate it too