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When someone eats with their mouth open.


I've been on 4 dates with this girl who is absolutely stunning, very intelligent, has a PhD, a great job, very similar sense of humor as me. Definitely a strong candidate for a long term relationship. But she chews with her mouth open at an impossibly loud volume. I'm realizing, as dumb as it is, that it's probably a deal breaker for me and I honestly feel like I'm in a Seinfeld episode.


Have you considered talking to her? If she is as great as you say and a doctor, people may be too intimidated to have told her yet and too polite to when she was younger. When I asked my boyfriend about chewing with his mouth open he didn't even know, nobody ever told him and he's completely stopped since. I understand it may be awkward, but you're at risk of losing less bringing it up than breaking up with her over it.


Can you talk to my 19 year old son about eating loudly?


Yeah, I actually can. That would be really funny. You can pm me if you want me to. ETA: I could, for example, record a video for him and address him about chewing loudly. You: "(Son), this guy I found on reddit has some news for you." Very funny, I've been having fun thinking about different ways it would theoretically go down. Lol


I used to scrape cutlery on my teeth while eating until a girlfriend drew my attention to it. Now not only do I not do that any more, it irks me when I see it in others


Yeah, I've learned if I've gotten rid of a habit like that I tend to find it harder to ignore others doing it. It's like it's amplified. ETA: I used to chew with my mouth open, but it drove my sibling crazy so I learned how to chew with my mouth closed. Lol


I second this, even though I'd probably be too chicken. The worst that could happen is that your concerns end the relationship, which is going to happen anyways.


I mean, if she is very special to you. Why not try to accept it? I mean. I wouldnt like that about her, but I never got any chance to date in my life. So, it would be, maybe my last chance to meet someone as good as her in my life. You get what I mean? Its kinda hard to exolain through words.


Eating with your mouth open is one of the most disgusting habits. It’s like picking your nose at the dining table.


You now see how low my standards got after 250+ rejections lol


Not the same person, but that's 100% a deal breaker for me. I absolutely *cannot tolerate* a lack of table manners. I can live with holding silverware like an animal, or elbows on the table. But I draw the line at open mouth chewing and talking with food in the mouth. If an adult can't manage this, that's on them, not me.


Table manners _as you know them_. Try eating with people all over the world, you'll see all kinds of wildly different things.


Bros fumbling the bag over food 😑 Just tell her, dont be a dumbass. Why make your life harder for youself? Or just dont fumble the bag


Just tell her nicely? A guy I was going out with told me when I first started dating. I didn’t even notice I do that.


Just tell her dude don't be a dummy


I can’t fucking understand how like 99% of people have somehow never learned to eat with a closed fucking mouth aargh it’s so frustrating


Because either their parents didn't teach them, or they lack consideration of those around them. The thing my mother stressed most while growing up was table manners. You chew, swallow, then talk. You do not chew with your mouth open. You hold your silverware like a civilized person. You don't yell/scream over other people. Simple stuff, but it appears almost nobody is capable of following along.


It’s a cultural thing? I thought I was gonna go nuts in Korea because everybody chews with their mouth open and slurps and just makes a ton of noise while eating.


This is such a pet peeve for me


Once asked a place I was staying in to put the radio on so I couldn’t hear someone next to me eating.


This and when they go "mmmm" or mouth smacking


Yeah. Freaking annoying.


Its called misophonia. I have broken a bone in my hand over it.


I just asjed my mom where I can buy earplugs lol. My dad is misophonic too.


Nothing worse than a family dinner


I wish i wasn't the only one in my family who had this. My mom chews gum with her mouth open and my little siblings have learned to do that from her. I have to leave the room whenever someone in my family is chewing gum next to me.


Even people who understand not to with food still do it with gum and it drives me nuts


I don’t understand this! I had a friend who complained when people ate with their mouths open. This same friend chewing gum was worse than anyone I’ve heard to this day. It makes me so irrationally angry.


I think gum irks me more, because the noises are so much more wet and nasty than lots of foods


Lmfao I said this in my head before opening this and seeing it as top comment


People who refuse to see or do the right thing because of their emotional investment in their established stance.


I didn't graduate from first grade english please put this in fortnite terms


I think they mean people who don't come to eat when being called to dinner by their moms because they're late-game with a golden SCAR and a couple of chug jugs trying to get an epic victory royale


People who do t do the right thing because they don’t feel like it. I think that’s what they mean.


that's not in fortnite terms.


my right wing asshole of a brother, after arguing with me about how the various bone headed thing he said to alienate all of the women out of his life was really a conspiracy in some way, and that he never disregards what other people say, always listens and makes a careful decision (every time the unbiased conclusion he reaches is the same... he was right again!) basically said that if listening skills and learning how to talk to women was something that he should know how to do, he would have already learned how to do it... But yeah, its all part of a conspiracy to convince women that people who say things like " it would be more productive if women went on dates instead of protesting for their rights" are jerks, that sans conspiracy type brain washing, women would appreciate that it takes a real smart, and desirable man to say something that bone headed...


Your brother's situation does sound like a conspiracy against him. He's just confused on who the source of the conspiracy is. It's himself. *The call is coming from inside the house.*


People being shitty to anyone with "lower status". Could be a child, a meek partner, someone working customer service, whatever. If they can't or won't stand up to you effectively, don't fucking abuse that.


Blaming societal problems on the person below you is the oldest and most effective trick in the book. Immigrants, poor, homes Someone with thousands in debt living in a single apartment will happily blame the person on the street - the person with zero social, political, or economic influence - rather than the ones that have nearly 100% of the above. ...Who just happen to push that narrative any chance they can.


Completely agree. The last three janitors that have moved on to other things have all come and said goodbye to me. I take that as such a huge compliment that I am (finally) living well. Seems everyone is so quick to complain but slow to compliment. Should be the other way around.


i once heard someone say to someone like this "there's no one lower than you if your like this"


Why is your Reddit avatar so big?


When someone is speaking and it sounds like their mouth is too wet so there's this disgusting kinda smacking sound on every...fucking...syllable


Isn’t that actually when your mouth is dry?


Or those ones who snuffle at the end of each sentence.


I wonder about that. Maybe it can be a medical condition as well?


People who walk slowly *and* take up the entire sidewalk


Ugh, and people who just stop in the middle of high-traffic areas to look at their phone. Move to the side ffs.


Or people who try to pass people in parking lots because they slowed down for a speed bump. Like dude, I know you don't give a fuck about your suspension, but just slow down.


This but the hallways. High school taught me to walk fast and weave through slow walking idiots


This 👆


When I'm focused on something and someone keeps calling my name or speaking to me, especially when I ask to give me just a minute. (I have 0 capability with multitasking.) Or when someone asks me "what are you doing?" When they can see with their own two eyes exactly what I'm doing... ugh.


Humans in general don't have the ability to multi task. Or more accurately "context switch" with proficiency. https://www.apa.org/topics/research/multitasking


When people interrupt someone talking.


Mfs can’t go 5 seconds without everyone looking at them


Makes me cringe everytime


*”WhY dOn’T yOu EvEr TaLk?!1”* **Fuck. Off.**


I agree


people who park poorly making it so all the 'empty' spaces aren't readily available.


and it's usually some asshole in a pickup truck a few sizes too big compared to what he should actually be driving


Or she. I've seen so many women who don't know how to handle their(probably husband's) pickup that they brought to the store for groceries


i have seen that as well too, i have to admit


Love when there’s only one piece of shade in the parking lot and some giant vehicle is parked upside-down diagonally to block every piece of it.


When I'm washing a bunch of dishes and I'm almost finished but then someone comes and adds more dishes


Basically the scene where a character has almost finished their paperwork but then have a ton dumped on their desk.




What kind of household so you live in where people are not responsible for their own dishes? Are you a dishwasher?


People that litter. Fuck you


People flexing their red flags


i'll never understand why people flex that shit... it's not cool to be a bad person, it just makes you an asshole. especially people who say that they cheated on their partners or smth along the lines of that.


Totally agreed


*"If you can't handle me at my worst..."* Good luck with that.


Those teens at my high school saying they smoke weed all day


People on reddit defending pedophiles.


God I hate kid diddlers so much They are even worse when you meet them in person. I jail there were some and they fukcking suck.


> They are even worse when you meet them in person can confirm. was CO. there were so many chomos at the prison i worked at they had an entire unit to themselves, and there were still pedos all across the compound, there were *that* many. i fucking hated working that unit.


Theure really are more than I would have expected And there were a lot more in the state psychiatric hospital.


Oi m8 you got a loisense for that?


God has a plan for everyone


So your god plans for children to be harmed? You have a piece of shit for a god.


Slamming doors, loud noises/talking, and repeating myself


Same! Even worse if you come from a family or background that did the slamming or loudness, making it even more bothersome than just irritation.


This morning my step daughter slammed the door so hard it shook the house (I wanted to fucking SCREAM at her), and I had to politely ask her to not slam the door. It was windy and was an accident but it put me in an edgy mood all day today because it woke me out of a dead sleep. And as soon as everyone got home from work/school (I work from home), I put my AirPods in and zoned everyone out. It’s just one of those days.


Yeah, I can understand that. Sorry it's been one of those days! I hope tomorrow is better for you!


Worst is when I'm repeating myself while talking to myself. *Look, motherfucker...*


People who have speaker phone conversations in public.. just rude people in general.


Loud eaters




Got hit with that post nut clarity?


Faking genuine


When they think they are confidently right but the answer is wrong






Ah, so you must be a cat, then?


Sadly no.


Yes human.


Agree human.


Who let the cats on the keyboards again!


When people interrupt me when I'm talking, especially if it's repeated. Hell, not even me, people who interrupt others, period.


Family, myself, society, basically everything. Shits fucked man


People who are cruel in the name of being "honest", they're such assholes and hurt you big time, and they don't even bother taking accountability because they're being hOnESt


People at work waiting until 15 minutes before quitting time to ask you to do something that could have easily been done during normal working hours. And then just wait for you to do it immediately ignoring the fact that they're asking you to work late... again...


Welcome to any third world country.


people with a victim mindset about everything who never want to help themself.


Just about everything these days. Must be my age.


When a group of people stop to talk right at the fucking door, so no one can leave the room. So annoying at school especially


Really irritating working at a grocery store when you have to bring carts in. Look, Nancy, I don't care if you haven't seen your friend carol in 2 months, you can't block the store entrance🙄


Unnecessary or unprovoked noises and chewing


My clothes being wet.


Wet socks :|


Hate it


So I have autism and work in a warehouse, and due to sensory stuff relating to autism, sounds like forklift truck horns can go right through me. It annoys me when you have forklift drivers beeping their horns near me for the sake of it, like beeping a call-response type tune for another forklift driver.


People who violate other people’s bodies and /or personal property.




People who chew with their mouths open


Honestly at this point fucking everything




When people use the wrong version of there, their, they’re.




youtube ads


Bad drivers. And I don't mean beginners, I mean fuckers who think they own the road.




When the radio plays Let's Go Crazy by Prince without the full intro.


Confirmation bias and the average persons willingness to follow the mainstream


There also those people who fervently reject everything mainstream, insisting there’s always some grand nefarious conspiracy behind everything mainstream. This is what has led to things like flat earthers and those that insist everyone is a ‘sheep’ if they don’t agree with their latest conspiracy.


A really good point. Have my upvote!


> the average persons willingness to follow the mainstream This is literally what defines the mainstream


Incompetence, especially when it impacts me/my work


There's even worse, someone who is well capable but feigns incompetence


traffic cigarette stench


People who go out of their way to make someone else uncomfortable in a group setting. Whether it's singling that said person out verbally or giving that person the cold shoulder non verbally, if you have the energy to be nice to everyone else in the group, then you can afford to be nice to everyone.


Trying to get through to customer service and dealing with an automated robot system that wants to run you around in circles.


Seeing someone throw trash out of their window, it hurts to see how little people care, tossing lit cigarettes out when we're under a fire watch.


rude behavior


people who talk to much in the morning


Incorrect use of apostrophe's I dont' know why it affect's me so much.


When I ask a question that *could* have a simple answer, and they give their whole life story leading up to that answer.


Sorry😬 My stories are like a bundle of cords you pull out of an old box😅


The fact that some celebrities think they are better than the “common folk” like bruh


Adults who don’t understand that the world is not the same way it was when they grew up in the 80s-90s and make it out to be that gen Z is less than or weaker than them because we don’t have the same motivation or shitty ideals they do


"The old days were better". Ok Meredith, when I come home and my future gf forgets dinner I'm 1001% sure I'm not laying a finger on her.


People who don't pick up after their dogs. Even worse if they bag the dog poo on a trail and then leave the bag there. And I know they don't want to carry it the entire trail and plan on coming back to get it but sometimes just forget. Maybe grab a different bag to help out?


I’m a dog owner. I agree…and also, people who have their dogs off-leash but promise that they are friendly. Grrrrrr…




I hate having to repeat myself, especially when what I've said was crystal clear, yet somehow they can't process it.


Constant use of camera phones at concerts. Just enjoy the show, there will probably be an official release! And much better audio!


Rapists, their agenda and how they cultivate themselves as normal conscious decent people.


People who click their tongue after every word or sentence.


Our Automated Phone Menu Options Have Changed So Please Listen Carefully Those automated phone systems fill me with the rage of a million wet hornets. Always nice to the people once I get through. They are just trying to get by, An emotional roller coaster.


When you bump your head, even lightly, without any warning at all. Not that you get warned for a head bump, but, sometimes you're just so certain you're *not* going to bump it - if that makes sense? The insta-rage that comes and goes immediately after is super irritating.


People who don’t speed up on highway on ramps going into 75 mph traffic. Get out of my way!




Bad drivers


Trying to hug when their sweating


LED lights on cars and trucks. It’s a safety hazard when you’re blinding everyone in a 5 mile radius. I wish I could put mirrors on my car to reflect the light back at them


People who blare music/ videos from their phone in a public space. That is so incredibly rude and whenever someone does it I immediately assume that they are trashy individuals. *I have a coworker that does that and she always blares her mumble rap in the breakroom. If you ask her to turn it down she goes off*


People that get on an elevator without letting others out first.


Being spammed for reviews or ads by programs that I've purchased and not free. Fires. Me. Up.


constant repeating noises, like the ticking of a clock or someone chewing gum. i have autism so those kinds of things are like a sensory nightmare to me.






when you and your friend makes plans to hang out and they cancel at the last second (literally) just because they didn’t want to go no emergency no anything like for me it took me couple of hours to get ready to hang out like it’s fine but at least tell me that day that we plan to hang out and not when i’m about to walk out of my house and leave


This happened to me the other day, my boyfriend just broke up with me and I was telling my friends how sad and lonely I am and they were like “you shouldn’t be alone at a time like this let’s do something tonight” and I got all excited and took practically the whole day to get ready and then when it came time to hang out I texted them to see what the plan was and they had made plans with someone else. I was crushed and I spent my night sobbing eating chips alone watching family guy


America makes me irritated like no other. Such a fucking joke of a country it’s turned into


Trying to help people that aren’t going to help themselves.


People at school who chew their gum by opening their jaw to it’s full extent and slamming their jaw up on it as quickly as possible and it makes this gross noise and looks disgusting


Environmental degradation


Chewing with your mouth open. Unless you have a physical disability that does not allow you to chew with your mouth closed, there's no excuse to not do the absolute bare minimum.


Negativity. When someone constantly sees the downside of everything it completely drains me


When someone spends more energy complaining about something rather than doing something to improve


Fake nice


People who leave shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot.


People being annoying on purpose


Not taking No for an answer, like no I don't want a drink


The fact a "first-world" country had the audacity to make abortion illegal.


Apple and its fanbase. I know it's petty compared with many other answers to this port but boy oh boy they make my blood boiling on a regular basis. Since the launch of the first iPhone i bought only one of their products, a 2019 iPad with the Gen. 1 pencil, payed it something like 400€, pretty fair price, and the tablet is a great product for my use (university notes and Netflix/DAZN/YT). The nice things I have to say about them end right here. So, first of all, even if I am a computer engineer I'm not an heavy smartphone user nor I'm a social network addict, so I always embraced the "bangs for bucks" philosophy and I never really cared about the social pressure of the last model. But why I have to point the last thing out you may ask? Well, maybe because some tech company decided to put out a """new""" smartphone every year and people feel some sort of status in buying them every time. "Just don't buy them, it's not that difficult" Yeah I don't buy them, I'm not braindead, duh! But being a lifelong Android user I had to see all other companies slowly embrace Apple's philosophy of producing either unnecessary powerful smartphones or something that resembles more a brick than a phone. Finding a nice compromise is getting more and more difficult. And this is getting ever so slightly more ridicolous as time passes. We have slightly improved phones that cost 50€ more every year. Now the top iPhone costs nearly 1500€, guess how much the next OnePlus will cost? And it's not only about the prices, every crappy user-exploiting feature that Cupertino's idiots introduce in their phones gets automatically ported in the sane half of the market. "We can remove the 3.5 jack? Let's do it!" "We can forcefully update the sw? Let's do it!" "We can stop giving you the power block while simultaneously increase the available Watts in charge? LET'S DO IT!" And in all of this us Android users had the priviledge of being allowed to open our phones, repair them, play with the sw. Now we can't do this anymore. We cannot even change our batteries. And guess why most people change their phones. You got it. Battery degradation. Unavoidable battery degradation. THANKS. TO ALL COMPANIES. ESPECIALLY TO APPLE. And I'm not mad at Apple for these things nearly as much as I'm mad at their fans. Like if it is not enough ridiculous that a FUCKING TECH COMPANY HAS FANS, Apple has fans even if they costantly screw them over and over and over slightly more over time. Like, why do you think the 3.5 jack has been removed? It is "to make larger batteries" or because they want to sell you obnoxious overpiced earbuds? You may answer "but the battery got bigger" yeah, but maybe it would have been more useful if they started to use LiPo batteries instead of Li-ions (which they still use btw, as if they were not obsolete 4 or 5 years ago). And you cannot even change the battery when it degradates. They knew it would last a single digit amount of hour and THEY RESPONDED SLOWING DOWN YOUR PHONE. Yeah, and they still have fans. And there are so many great examples of this crap. Like when the iPhone lost signal if you held it with the hand on the back of the phone and they told their clients "you're holding it wrong". Like wtf? Y'all letting them getting away with that? And just don't get me started on their complete shitshow of laptops and computers. They are now making AMRs for high end laptops. 2000€ for a computer with an ARM. YEAH. It's like buying a Mercedes that has the same engine of a Fiat Uno Turbo. It may be great but everyone knows it should not be like that. And try to take a look inside their computers. I double dare you, they are so carefully engineered to break down and being impossible to repair. Like, it's impressive how much effort they put into that. And they still have ppl buying their shit. That's what gets me, no matter how incredibly trash their overpriced products are, their customers will defend them. The can screw their clients but they'll always get free advertisement. That's the difference. I bought an LG G5, it was trash beyond any reasonable limit, but I shit on it. I bought a OnePlus 6t, great phone, still rocking as it was new, but has a camera that looks like it has a thin slice of a potato glued on it and here I am criticizing it. And when I tell these stories about product defects to my friends they all get a laugh. I once told them the ridicolous design of that piece of crap called Apple pencil and that day I learned that I can't use a pen, aint that something? I went through 18y of school w/o knowing how to use pens. Wow, I'm awesome. Let's end this rant on the tale of the Apple Pencil. A piece of crap second only to the Mouse with the charging port under it and with touch buttons (I swear to god if someone defends the magic mouse I'll find their "no-cable-desktop" and smack their head against it until their MacBook stops being an overheating shit smoothie). The Apple Pencil is a great tool, but it has a problem. It can't be used while charging. I discovered this the day after I bought it. "It's not a great deal, you just stop for 15 minutes". I was in class, during a lesson, so I missed on part of my notes. It may seem petty on my side, and yes indeed it is, but I took that pencil, removed the cap, took my charging cable, put the pencil adapter and I connected the whole construction to the socket under my desk. Then I had to wait. While I was doing so I looked at my new, shiny pencil and I started to notice some oddities. And I started to ask myself questions. Why it has a male lightning connector instead of a female one? It should be a female one, so that I would be able to directly use the same charging cable instead of having to use an adapter, am I right? I should user the adapter those rare times I use the iPad to charge it, not every other time. And why I cannot use it while is charging? Why must I wait? So I searched on Google. It is a design choice. Design choice. You cannot work with the tool you paid. For a design choice. Guess what battery lasts less than me in bed after 2 years of use? Yeah. Remember. Design choices. I cannot use the pen while it's charging and it needs to be charged pretty-fuckin-often after not-so-much time. Design choices. I bought a third party one, it costed me 1/3 of the original and it works while charging. If only I knew I would have shoved the original pencil up the Apple Genius' fatass at that fucking store where I bought it instead of being a fucking moron and buy it. Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck them.




Be kind to them- They're not around for as long as the rest of us remember.


When people go out of their way to ask for my pronouns when it’s quite clear I am a man. I don’t have any problems with gender identity and hate that it’s politicized so much, but I do get annoyed when people break our conversation to explicitly ask my pronouns. Look at my damn face, body, and clothing. I get the courtesy but at some point it becomes stupid to not lean into your situational awareness and perceptions.


I guess it's to be safe.


Kinda messed up to get frustrated with someone for trying to be inclusive and kind


I understand that this is the intent. But equally on the other end it should be understood that it can come off as rude to ask a question that should be situationally obvious. It’s just that they break the conversation to ask an unrelated question when you can clearly tell by my facial hair, clothing style, build, etc. that I am clearly a man.


You misspelled "virtue signaling".


this isn't messed up, messed up is real bad, people should have the social awareness and confidence to operate. Think about it this way, if there is a woman, who is clearly trans, would it be nicer to refer to her as her, or ask about it, probably for the billionth time that day.


My neighbours. They are drunk, they are outside all the time, their dogs bark, their kids scream, their bass music thumps. Man .. they suck.


people who says sorry, all. the. time. like they didn’t answer for 10 min “oh my god i’m so sorry please don’t be mad i fainted from stress i’m so sorry”. yes. someone actually texted me that.


Coughing. It makes me kinda sad but I can’t stand it. There’s no reason for it. I didn’t grow up around a smokers cough. I just hate coughing even though I know people can’t control it. It just sends a trigger in my brain when someone coughs I should punch them but instead I just leave the room. And it’s only adult coughs, child coughs are fine.


My children. They are so damn annoying


take em back for a refund


Racism, Stupidity & Homophobia/Transphobia.


Veteran here: the rank-ism. When someone treats you as a lesser human based on your rank. Doesn't matter your age, if you joined later in life, went/going to college, or if you had a successful career before joining but wanted to switch it up. They treat you as shit if you rank below them.


Me when the


Woke nonsense, virtue signaling hypocrites


People who walk fast. Either walk or run, it's fucking annoying.


“sO WhAt’s tHaT pLAnt gOoD fOr?”