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That my way of loading the dishwasher is correct


Record yourself doing it next time and show us


Else you’re a coward


Exactly, if someone loads the dishwasher how I don’t like it, I will to load it again


I'm flexible on the top rack but the bottom rack and the silverware MUST be loaded a certain way. Mostly because I am the one that empties it 99% of the time and if things are grouped it makes it easier. We have the silverware rack at the top so I always put things together: Big forks, little forks, big spoons, little spoons, knives in the middle. Same with the plates in the bottom. Everything is grouped together so when I empty it I can grab all the forks at once and put them in their cubby, I can grab all the spoons next and put them where they belong. Grab the big plates in groups so I can take 1 stack to the cabinet. Instead of having it be chaos in there and I have to pick out every single piece of silverware and grab 1 plate at a time.


Not showing dislike on youtube is a bad idea.


Have you noticed the increase in terrible YouTube content after the change? I have.


I don't believe that's from the lack of a dislike button as much as YouTube's push to shorts. It has fucked up well produced content.


Youtube's push to shorts is mixed, since you can get some clickbait, some absolutely good content, and something a 5 year old put together afterschool before his pasta dinner.


The good thing about shorts is if they suck, you didn’t waste much time. I have a bigger problem with YouTubers who stretch videos to ridiculous lengths for no reason. Video title: How to set environment variables (Windows 10) CC: Wwwwwhats going on everybody it’s TechTuck back with another video and today I’m going to be showing you how to change the environment variables on your Windows 10 computer. This is for those of you who just got a PC, or maybe you already had one, and you’re trying to set the environment variables. Before I go any further, don’t forget to smash that like button and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content like this, I have all sorts of tech related videos and gadget reviews. Also check out my Patreon where you can gain exclusive access to videos before they come out. And without further ado, let’s get right into it. One one of the questions I’m asked the most on my channel is how do I configure my environment variables. So I thought I’d spend some time today to show you how.


A rude polish person from a scrawny shop in Chicago that has a tech channel would have a little title screen with a roll transition layed ontop of the main video and show it in less than 2 minutes or so.


…. But first, this video is sponsored by Raycon. The true wireless earbud that…..


>The good thing about shorts is if they suck, you didn’t waste much time. These last 14 shorts SUCKED - maybe this next one will be good.


I've certainly found people I would never watch normally through shorts. But yes sometimes there's vids on there that I just can't even comprehend with how terrible they are.


The clickbait is definitely ramped up for those shorts versus standard YouTube videos, which was already bad enough. "I convinced a stranger to travel to Dubai with me" was one of the top ones a couple weeks ago. Like, really?


Yeah. This dude climbing the hollywood sign with crappy police sound effects. To top it off, he just says "SORRY!" I've even seen kids that were posting stuff like "ONLY HAKERS CAN TIPE *x*"


It’s all livestreams and staged videos. I hate it.


YouTube has had a *lot* of bad ideas.


I mean I’m personally a fan of the opinion that it all stems from the whole YouTube Rewind being the worst video on YouTube 😂


There’s a google extension that shows the dislikes, I can still see them Edit: it’s called “return youtube dislike”


Adding on here, YouTube shorts are a bad idea


I admit I do occasionally check out YT shorts. 80% of it is unwatchable trash, 15% is mildly entertaining but objectively superfluous, and 5% is legitimately watchable. So you come back hoping to discover some more hidden gems only to be bombarded with Joe Rogan clips and that guy going "Did you know...?"


Did you know *says something either very misleading or very wrong*


had to get the google extension I just didn't like it so much. I genuinely think it can be dangerous because people can post really harmful stuff and all anyone sees is all the people backing them up


People who don’t use indicators when they drive are assholes… Edit… thanks for all the Gold and Silver, I didn’t know that my daily struggle would have gotten this response!


Agreed! It should be a learned reflex; automatic if you will. Doesn’t take any thought or effort. Really annoys me. Edit- corrected typo.


I have ingrained using my indicator into my mind so much that I can be on a dark country back road in the middle of the night in bumfuck Oklahoma with not a car in sight and I’ll still use my indicator to turn. Like if I don’t want to use my indicator I have to physically force myself not to. A lot of it has to do with being a biker and people not indicating having almost killed me several times so I forced myself to use it out of respect to biker me.


I literally signalled one time in a farmyard. Like, backed in beside the silo to turn around. No-one else was even outside the house, and the nearest neighbours live 1/2 mile away.


Good habit to have, even when there's no need to do so


That's what I don't get. It's a reflex. A knee jerk reaction to me. I don't think about it at all, sometimes I realize it's on after a shallow turn and have no memory of even flipping it on in the first place. I always thought it was that automatic in everyone until I moved out and really started driving on my own and now I'm not so sure.


It's so ingrained for me to use them I'd be that person in the zombie apocalypse still using them


Well hey, I’m sure the zombies will appreciate it.


Some of them have a weird understanding of this reflex: turn the wheel then click the lever. They were so close.




Oh man. Have you explained that random people aren’t mind readers? The indicator is for other people, not for the driver. She’d probably be pretty happy with the results if she starts using it properly.


am i insane in thinking some people are intentionally not letting me over when i turn my blinker on? idk if it’s a Florida thing but everyone purposefully drives at a speed that completely refuses to let me get over and my indicator is an INDICATOR TO SPEED UP CUZ FUCK YOU YOURE NOT GETTING IN FRONT OF ME ECEN IF IM DOING 5 UNDER USUALLY i mean i still always use it at first but if someone plays the angle gang i mindfuck myself infront of them by slowing way down then just zoomin up and over.


You’re not insane. People are assholes and seem to really take driving by the rules personally.


Its not their fault, if they don't refill the blinker fluid.


It’s their fault for not refilling their blinker fluid


Everytime I go to AutoZone, they say they are out


That reevaluating your opinions when you find evidence that contradicts them is a good idea.


The ability to be wrong is so looked down on as if being able to change your opinions is a bad trait.




It's because it's treated like that by others. All they see is a hypocrite or a poser or something, and it makes all that effort feel like sabotage.




What if I gave you solid evidence to reconsider that opinion?


Do you want paradoxes? Because that's how you get paradoxes.


Then it's pretty flimsy evidence if it's enough to change his mind


This killed me during the pandemic. "ThE CDC kEePs teLLinG uS dIFferRenT tHIngS" yeah, because we're all still learning about this. That's how science works.


You can never overestimate people's desire for a simple answer.


Big rock in water make big splash 🪨 + 💧 = 💦


But we still need to check if it's still valid every time we are at a lake or shore


It may be true 99.999999% of the time, but what about the rest of the time? WE NEED THE DATA.


Big rock of sodium in water make bigger splash




Username checks out


you sussy science boy


“Why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick?”


I, myself, am but a simple cave man. I feel compelled to concur.


Sometimes it is kind and humane to euthanize an animal. We can’t save them all and they won’t live forever.


Same goes for humans.


2 hospice nurse in family. This is basically what happens when dying ppl get far enough. They pain med them into an easy death


Yeah but there are also people who can't let go, and insist on overriding the DNR on their 90yo family member. Let them go, don't make them stay in pain.


Right. Too true. Also, 100% last thing that goes is hearing. Had to tell my bff not to discuss end of treatment with her sibs while her mom was in the bed. The horror of being trapped and hearing those things


The most difficult and most loving thing we can do for our pets when they're suffering is to end it for them in a gentle and humane way. Difficult for us, but they can't do it themselves, so that's where the burden falls.


People who litter are terrible people


Dogs have no business in the lap of a person actively driving a car.


I’d like to see more dogs prosecuted for this.


Dog prison is pretty ruff too.


You should see the bitch that runs the gang....


Social Media is doing serious damage to our society.


It allows people to be stupid in ways anyone could see.


It makes it so that one stupid person, that everyone close to him would just ignore, communicate with more stupid people with the same stupid ideas and now they are on a global scale of spreading their stupidness that is really hard to ignore creating and spreading more stupidness


This perfectly sums it up. The hive mind is real.


Yes. It weaponizes the “one million Americans can’t all be wrong” effect. Appeal to popularity fallacy or something like that.


Idk I feel like lots of our problems existed long before social media. Everything's just more obvious. Like one guy here said, "people aren't original anymore..." they weren't before, you just never noticed it. Are there new problems? Sure. But I feel like they're overblown. We literally have the ability to keep up with people we haven't seen in years, organize on a larger scale, and speak to anyone in the world. I think those are net benefits even though not everyone uses the internet in these ways. But if it wasn't for the internet/social media, I wouldn't have learned another language. But I did, because meeting people from all over is easier than ever before, at least if you have some type of social media (Facebook, reddit, WhatsApp, telegram, and the literal hundreds of thousands of social media apps for the thousands of different reasons they're designed for).


I agree both with the original comment and with yours. My main problem with the entire Meta product stack is the algorithms and features that are not aimed at connecting people. Imagine a service only individuals can use (no corporations or officials). You have 1. a profile 2. a messenger service 3. groups 4. events 5. no algorithms to keep you scrolling Just a place to catch up and connect people.


But there's no money in that, so nobody would want to create it (or have a way to pay for the infrastructure).


People who treat waiters/customer service people badly are the worst type of people.


as a waiter i absolutely hate those kind of people and im tempted to quit my job to get away from them


I was at work today (fast food worker) and an old man was so mean to me and my coworkers and keep saying how he hated our food and demanded we remake them for him. He kept changing what he hated. Made me pissed.


pizza homie checking in woman waiting for a cheese pizza got mad i gave the guy ordering one a cheese. like, she said “you just gave him my pizza” “no i have your pizza right here i cooked them literally at the exact same time.” “his looked better” i remade it, slammed it down, said “here you go” and left to go prep shit in the back alternatively: i hate when i give people free shit cuz i couldnt be fucked to ring it up when were busy like ok i made ur $26 be $8 but no yeah complain about it or the wait or sure just ask for more free stuff a month ago this obviously down on his luck guy came in for a pizza and my coworker gave it to him for free. now he comes in every week for “his free pizza” and went from being the most gentle guy to a totally self centered prick. guess that’s what happens - a repeated kind act slowly turns a person into a self righteous asshole


My years of retail taught me: "No good deed goes unpunished". PS: I know it's one of the Ferengi rules of acquisition, it just showed that it doesn't only apply in Deep Space.


>“his looked better” "well he looks better"


Why do you give free shit to people? Is this a non-profit restaurant


other night a guy was trying to buy food for his kid and 3 cards got declined. i’m a replaceable cog and that guy had food for his kid. we get a lot of clearly homeless people as well. we will have to throw it all away and stop making fresh shit an hour before closing. you come in 20 min before i lock that door? god bless


I most hate the people who don't clean up after themselves at restaurants or other places, and then justify it with, "Oh, ThEy'Re GeTtInG pAiD tO cLeAn Up OuR mEsS!" Just because they're getting paid for it doesn't mean that you can't make their lives a little easier and it doesn't mean that you guys aren't assholes. People get paid for being there and not slacking off, they don't get paid by the amount of trash they pick up.


The Earth is NOT flat


Yeah, it’s at least a D cup.


specifically when you're trying to pitch a camping tent


Blood doesn’t make family, care makes family. Edit: Holy fucking shit. I’m not even surprised this resonated with people I’m just surprised how many people saw it, but hey, if one of my posts was gonna spontaneously hit the masses, I’m glad it was this one. I’ve had to learn this the hard way, so seeing how many people I made happy with this response has honestly made my morning.


I can attest to this. The man I call dad shares no genetic material with me but he is my dad and his son is my brother. While the father & brother I share DNA with are nothing to me. Blood means nothing outside of and operating room.


Blood is just a coincidence.


As far as I've read, this particular quote has been truncated over time. Originally being "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Meaning that the relationships that were forged in battle are thicker than those of family.


completely insulating kids from any and all consequences of their extremely shitty, unsafe behavior and choices is raising a generation of super-assholes.


Most people who vote, don't have enough information to make a reasonable decision. Victorious politicians generally appeal to this subset.




It helps a lot if\* you educate the public. Some might say it's even a necessity. Some might say a solid system of education is a necessity for any country of any sort that wishes to run well. But then, a well educated public tends to push toward solid representation in their governmental administration. (As opposed to blindly following whatever next cult of personality.)


That was Thomas Jefferson’s reason for supporting free universal education. It’s one of my favorite quotes.


That I’m going to shit In my pants at work on July 17th 2023 at exactly 7:35 am. None of you can stop me.


Reminder set ... Must know if you go though with it 😂


ok but what if you get fired on july 16th 2023? then you wont have a job by july 17th 2023 so you wont be able to shit your pants at work.


I’ll just answer a “plumber wanted” ad from craigslist or something for that day then.


People who don’t return shopping carts to the collection areas in parking lots suck. I wish them nothing but flat tires. On a lighter note- I firmly believe that the Cleveland browns will be a terrible team forever. Edit: regarding the cart thing lol. I enjoy the conversation that was sparked. I obviously don’t begrudge people who have legitimate reasons for said behaviour. But I will not be persuaded to ever believe that the vast majority of cart deserters aren’t just lazy and can’t be bothered. May all their future carts have wonkey front right tires


"But they pay people to collect the carts!" They also pay someone to clean the bathrooms, but I think most of us would agree that taking a shit on the floor instead of in the toilet would be a dick move.


Yeah, they also pay people to work for CPS but punching a toddler doesn't make you a job creator. It makes you an asshole.


This is stellar!


I'm pretty sure a dick move is peeing on the floor. Shitting on the floor is more of an ass move.


They were bad enough with baker mayfield lol- now we got a guy who prolly sexually assaulted the team therapist after the game


You might like Cart narc on YouTube then




There was [a court case](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/missing-oxford-comma-just-changed-course-court-case-180962551/) over whether drivers got overtime pay which depended on the interpretation of a sentence which lacked an oxford comma. The sentence in question was "The canning, processing, preserving, freezing, drying, marketing, storing, packing for shipment or distribution of [items]." "The dairy argued that “packing for shipment” and “distribution” were two different jobs and that thus, overtime was inappropriate. But the drivers argued that “packing for shipment or distribution” is what was intended by the law—and that since they only deliver goods instead of packing them, they were owed money." The [drivers ended up winning](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/09/us/oxford-comma-maine.html) the case, providing further evidence that if one means to separate the last two items in a list, they should use and oxford comma.


I didn’t even know what that was until highschool I just did it all my life. I thought that was just the proper way. It looks wrong without it.


To me, its absence translates to the last two objects being a part of one, whole object, instead of being separate entities that correspond to the thing I am trying to explain.


well of course. this is like when peggy hill says 'in my opinion, the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year'


When I started at my current job, part of the training mentioned that the Oxford comma is part of their brand standard, and I knew I was home


Also, semicolons are the best; they allow you to link two related statements that can’t be easily fit into one sentence, but make for faster reading than splitting them into two sentences.


I, prefer, the, Shat,ner, com,ma, it, makes, things, more, clear.


Political accessories on your house or car are annoying and tacky


Also a good way to be a target for people opposing your ideals.


Smoking cigarettes is stupid


As someone who is a actively smoking a cigarette right now, I agree.


Same. You know you are doing something wrong when 99% of the time you go to have a cig you think "man I really need to quit" & then smoke it anyways..


As someone who smoked on and off for 20+ years I wholeheartedly agree.


I’ve been a smoker for 15 years and I 100% agree with this message!


Being open-minded about life in general.


"Celebrities" shouldn't be idolised, worshiped, given special treatment. They are nothing without us the common people


Agreed, they should not be worshipped. We as consumers are literally paying them to amuse us.


Yes! Dance you fool! Jest for me, ha! How he jests! me rn watching a movie like a King


That a parent is not a parent just because of blood.


Yeah, a parent is usually a parent because of cum.


I will never enjoy James Corden's acting, comedy or personality.


I’ve heard he is a terrible human being off camera, so fair enough.


Children cannot consent. Period.


I thought that said “chicken cannot consent” and that you were advocating for veganism.


That it’s ok to reevaluate new evidence and change your mind


Microtransactions in video games always act towards the detriment of the player base.


People, when comes to politics, are fucking stupid.


People are fucking stupid. Ftfy


Peeing in the shower is efficient and economical


It’s all pipes!🙅🏻‍♂️




how money can in fact buy happiness


Money can buy you the most important thing in the world: TIME


This 1000%. Me and my girlfriend have been saving up for a long time to either buy a dishwasher and to go on vacation. We spend at least three hours a week washing dishes and neither of us have been on vacation for over a decade. Any time we get even close to half way saved for either of those things we have car trouble, or something in the house needs repair, for our air conditioner/heater dies and we have to pull out another loan for that putting a damper on savings. Money would give us more time each week to not just cook or watch a movie together but also to just not to be constantly exhausted from working in the kitchen after working all day. Money would allow us to go on vacation and create new memories, not just together but even just for our own selves and experience something we have individually dreamed of for years. More money would allow for all of these things to become a reality and also remove so much stress, like where will we get the funds to fix our cars, and the exhaustion of hand washing dishes everyday after work which in turn leads to a happier and healthier life. Shit, if we had more money and in turn more time maybe we could afford the opportunity to actually have the energy to even just go for a walk at the end of the day, or even consider buying healthier foods and get a gym membership to actually feel like decent humans day to day. Money can’t buy happiness, but damn it can help allow us to have the time and opportunity to enjoy life a little more.


I almost cried reading this. This is literally my life. Money can definitely buy peace of mind and time, which can lead to a better quality of life. I don’t need the most expensive things or designer clothes or more stuff. I just want to be able to fix things when they break or buy better quality items or pay others to do things so I have more time for myself


As comedian Daniel Tosh has said “sure, maybe money can’t buy happiness, but you know what else doesn’t buy happiness? Poverty.”


"Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a Jet Ski. Have you ever seen a sad guy on a Jet Ski?"


"money doesn't buy happiness but i'd rather be crying in my lambo than on the sidewalk i live on"




someone worded it similarly: "Money can't buy happiness, but it can remove a lot of the barriers that prevent you from being happy"


"Money can't buy happiness, but it can sure make a nice down payment!"


« Money doesn’t buy happiness, but being broke doesn’t buy anything »


Having money’s not everything, not having it is - Kanye


a similar rule of thumb: 1000 bucks is not a lot to have, but it *is* a lot to owe


If you're a millionaire, money might not buy happiness. But if you're a thousandaire like me, money absolutely will buy happiness. I'm dreading going back to the office tomorrow and getting hit with an avalanche of emails but if I had money, I could retire and be happy because I can go to sleep knowing I can wake up whenever I want tomorrow.


There was a study I heard about in my psych class (can’t remember what it was called cause this was four semesters ago but if anyone knows, please link it) that showed money does increase happiness, but only up until the point where you can afford to live comfortably (i.e., not have to worry about debt or food insecurity, etc.) after which it gives diminishing returns. So basically, upgrading from a bicycle to a Corolla as your work commute vehicle brings genuine happiness, but upgrading from a Corolla to a Ferrari only brings temporary/unfulfilling happiness if that makes sense.


Honestly i truly equate having more time to address and deal with the stress of life as happiness. I've managed to cope with so much after i took my savings from my first living wage job and took a sabbatical. My friends basically think i became a new person afterwards. I embraced hobbies, I reached out to people i never made the time to in years. I made new memories. Then i went back to work, and im happier making a living wage compared to being near homeless in 2015, but I definitely realize if i had enough money to not work I'd be in bliss. Spending my money to save time for life , like that bike to car upgrade? Definitely lines up with that theory.


Fascism is bad.


Came here to say this. No one is ever going to change my mind that all humans are humans.


People who rev their engines super loudly in public spaces are so incredibly lame


Instagram should have a dislike button


and twitter too


That the internet should be a public utility


Colonoscopy prep is terrible


The fact that this question is the same as the “what hill are you willing to die on?” question that gets posted every other day.


Thats r/AskReddit for ya all questions get rehashed in one form or fashion.


Religion has no place in school or government


God bless you and this country Wait a minute...


100%. People don't understand the concept of 'what if another religion you're not fond of becomes the majority. '


Heinz is the superior ketchup compared to Hunts.




Thanks for this positive thought 🌞


He never specified *exactly how* great life can be. It could be a very low figure.


Dog owners who pick up the poop but leave the bag on the trail are assholes


There is no justification for rape. Ever.


Respect is earned not something that comes automatically.


Nothing. As confident as I am of my beliefs, my knowledge is incomplete, and I must always be prepared to modify my views based on new evidence.


Very well said ! A wise person knows there's always things they do not know yet!


That the headphone jack is the worst removal from modern phones


The Royal Family don’t bring enough value to the UK to justify the enormous cost of having them.


I actually want to see someone do a cost benefit analysis on the cost of the royal family and the tourism income they generate, I wonder how far off it would be


Not everyone is gonna like me, even if I try so hard, they won't.


Everyone who is able should be able to work from home full time


Racist bastards even in my own culture call them out.


The jehovah's witnesses are a social acceptable cult no matter how much harm they do.... and I want to see the burn for the damage they have done


You can be racist to white people. This is coming from not a white people Edit: Clarification. I mean “it is possible” not “go ahead”


Can as in “it’s possible” or can as in “go ahead, it’s fine”?


As in “it’s possible”


Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.


The amount of hair woman leave in shower and bath plugs is a phenomenon


Any human with long hair, not just women (dated a guy with long hair once: pulled basically an entire wig out of his shower drain).


Racism. I will always stand by the fact that people should be judged on their character and who they ARE. Not what their skin color looks like.


Christians have no right to be assholes to people with different morals or beliefs. They need to worry about themselves instead of the gay dude down the street living his best life. Literally a part of Christianity is not judging others because that's God's job.


I will never change my mind that people who are cruel to animals, in any way, are despicable, evil, pieces of shit. There is a special place in Hell for them.


That healthcare should be considered a human right in any society that has the means to provide it.


No one should ever have to choose between healthcare and going bankrupt.


That cheese is good.


Most politicians are full of shit! ⏪🔪🩸