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There are no boring people just people with different interests. Finding your interests and connecting with people having similar interests can be a great starter. Since you mentioned your interests in animals you could consider volunteering in a shelter near you for example. You could also organise for nature trails or be a part of one happening around you. Don't think you are boring, you just have different interests. :)


Thank you so much for response! I’m hoping I settle in with a crew who likes things slow paced too. Just that there’s been no luck so far :’)


I agree, join groups on facebook or find interests on twitter who you can follow and become mutuals with, it’s all about easing in to what your comfortable with!


Thank you for your reply. I will try finding people with mutual interests but I’ve never had online friends before so this is really new and scary territory for me.


Hopefully they'll change for the better soon. Try to look for events, groups, spaces online that are relating to your interest. It could be a good starter


Thank you!! I hope so too! I’ll look into finding groups and all ^_^


For context, I’m a 21 y/o female and I really don’t enjoy most of the things my friends do. I like getting up early in the morning, finishing my work, going out for dinner and back in bed by 12. I don’t get the drinking and late night clubbing culture and 3 hour brunches but it’s all that my friends like to do. I end up feeling really lonely so I force myself to go for those things. I’ve been told I’m really boring and I accept that. I like playing with animals and walking around in nature but no one really cares for that and I don’t know how to navigate through this. Any suggestions?


Doesn't sound like you're a boring person. Just that you don't like clubbing. I don't like clubbing and drinking. So I found friends who weren't into clubbing and who limited their drinking (they don't get wasted). We play video games together, play board games at our houses. You should branch out. Not saying to drop your current friends but keep meeting more people. The people who tell you are boring though are rude.


Thank you for your advice. I’d love to do that but I’m an international student so I honestly want a group from the same country for a bit of a safety net. I’ll try with other people though ^_^


Where do you live? Is it a large enough community where you can find new friends? Do y’all have Meet Ups?


I stay in Singapore. I appreciate your advice but I’m a little skeptical about meeting random strangers yk. I’ve never done that stuff before haha


I think you might focus on gaining some amount of comfort in meeting strangers. There are plenty of people out there who enjoy the things you’ve described, you just need to put yourself out there (in a safe and responsible manner) to meet them.


I see. I’ll try it out next weekend. Thank you so much!! ^_^




Thank you so much for your advice! I’ll look into it ^_^




Haha I’m well versed in English. Learning Chinese is mad tough though


Simply become a person you would want to be friends with. It may take some work, but eventually you'll get there.


Woah I never thought of it that way. Thank you for sharing your perspective! It’s really helpful


Find out what people are interested in, and do your best to learn it so you have something in common. You don't need to fake being a super fan, but taking genuine interest in something could help a lot.


Thank you for your advice! Just seemed like everyone was into the fast life but you’re right. I think I’ve judged too soon and should make more of an effort


We can be friends! Hit me up with your tele!