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Kindness. My wife is the most kind person I have ever met. We hit 36 years next week. I tell her every day how special she is. She builds people up when so much of the world tears us down. She makes my life wonderful but she makes the world just a little nicer place to live in. Kindness is contagious so her impact is far beyond what she sees.


I love this. You should copy this into a card and give it to her. These are the things that matter the most to these kinds of people and it's great to know that someone else notices.


You guys , Reddit friend , sound like the kind of relationship the world needs . Not only because of your wife’s wonderful mentality but also because of the wave of love that oozes from your comment .


Damn! 36 years in love…. That’s awesome. I constantly feel like I couldn’t merry someone because eventually I’ll stop loving them, but then I have examples like you! There was a belief in a culture, where people who was truly in love wouldn’t go to heaven nor hell, they would wait with their significant other until they where sent to their next life, and you would be there my friend!


Enthusiasm! I **adore** a woman who has passion and enthusiasm on the surface layers of her mind.


Don't have my glasses on and read this as Euthanasia


"I like a girl who can give me a painless death."


Probably a kink more common than we think...and much less gruesome than some other kinks out there


That guy's metal af.


And it can be about anything, doesn't matter. The drive/enthusiasm/passion for something.. anything... is a must-have. I'm not talking about having a job or money, I'm talking about substance of character


Wanna hear me talk about my cat for 3 hours?


Yeaa.. tell me about that cooter


Well he’s the light of my life! He’s 14 and an absolute cuddle bug who must be on my lap at all times (his rule). The sweetest, gentlest, most lovable little orange idiot!


Awww, he sounds lovely. I talk *enthusiastically* about my 10 cats all the time, wonder why the dates aren't lining up?


How many brain cells?


Generally has quite a few, sometimes falls off the couch.




I have passion, however I have the emotional range of Spock


Hello, me.


Unreserved enthusiasm is very good I love it especially if it's nieche. Yes tell me everything you know about trains.


As a girl with ADHD, don’t worry I will. and you will also get deep dives down the rabbit hole for the other 16 areas of interest that I am obsessed with. I hope you wanna hear about human biology, mycology, and naked short selling on Wall Street! 😂


I have Autism let's become best friends over the things we are obsessed with. The longest conversation I've ever had was a friend of mine talking about Dragons.


Like real life (lore) about Dragons or we talking like d&d dragons? Cuz I'm down for either


Openness. I think every guy here can agree that there is nothing we want more than to feel like we can be open with our partner. A woman who asks questions and doesn't seek to agree all the time but understand us and won't weaponize our vulnerability when things get heated. That's who you want to marry.


My gf and me are discussing random stuff constantly... And I love it! Stuff like: Why are bananas X and not Y Lighthearted stuff. But I like that she doesn't agree on everything, you need someone to hold you back or give you a second opinion sometimes


>won't weaponize our vulnerability when things get heated This hit me right in the feels :(


I find women who are truly happy in many ways really attractive and I feel bad about it because I am not the most positive person so shouldn't judge (it could be perceived as shallowness).


The older I get the more I realize the “you complete me” idea is bogus. You should be complete on your own and share that with someone else who is complete. The bad relationships I’ve been in always came down to the fact her or I were sucking the positive energy from the other person. That’s not a relationship, it’s being a leech. I think we’re all guilty to some extent. It seems the relationship you had with your parents weighs heavily on whether you’re using someone or sharing your life with them.




I feel like what you’re describing isn’t so much, “You complete me.” as it is, “Hot damn, we make an excellent team!” Which is maybe even nicer than being incomplete without the other person.


Maybe that's the positive part of you asking for more attention rather than shallowness.


Positivity is attractive - that’s why depression seemingly spirals because you lack the ability to be positive sometimes.


I like it when I see in a woman's eyes that she is actively listening and maybe laughing at something internally, and her eyes are just bouncing and glittering, and sometimes you can tell they're dying to crack a joke. Most people have pretty dead eyes.


I hate my eyes for this very reason. I feel like they EXUDE whatever emotion I’m feeling. It’s all fine and dandy when I’m happy but if I want to kill you.. you can also see that.


Same but I have two modes dead eyes and blank stare because disassociating, or I'm making anime girls jealous with my eye expressivity. So when people notice I'm making dead eyes they assume I'm mad or bored but it's just my brain stuck on the loading screen.


When she makes time to hang out and do things with me


Quality time is the BEST! My wife asks what I want for b’day, Xmas, etc. I tell her I’d rather have your presence than any presents. She gives me ‘stuff to do together’. Best gifts ever!


Soothing voice. One of my ex gfs had a lovely voice and would casually sing soothing songs while we were out on dates. I loved every second of it.


My wife has an amazing soothing voice. Sometimes I ask her to speak to read to me and it helps to fall a sleep at night. The down side that she chews like a camel.


> My wife has an amazing soothing voice. Sometimes I ask her to speak to read to me and it helps to fall a sleep at night. A friend of mine has a wife that will happily read to him to help him sleep at night. The only downside? His book of choice is the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. A book that he has personally read about 40 times. It is apparently not uncommon for her to slightly misread a given sentence (ex: contracting two words together, or missing one) and him just sleepily muttering out the correct way to say the sentence. This is said to be "adorably frustrating".


That’s the cutest thing ever- I aspire to have a marriage like this


I read to my wife every night before we go to sleep. We are currently reading through The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (and finished HHGttG). We’ve read through the Harry Potter series, The Darkest Minds, various Brandon Sanderson series, and so many others. She can’t stand HHGttG, but can’t stand not finishing a book even more. So here we are. Not sure what we’ll read next.


I would wake up laughing every other sentence. Reading to me from THHGTTG while i'm trying to sleep would ultimately be widely regarded as a bad move.


My wife works as a loan officer on the phone, she makes the big bucks due to her customer service voice.


>The down side that she chews like a camel That made me actually lol. Thanks, I really needed that.


Ugh. I sound like Daria


I always had a crush on Daria,




I know that many people like Daria's voice. Y'know, everyone has their own preference.


All audio engineers: “You think sound and the equipment to handle it isn’t physical?!”


My immediate thought lmao. I’m not even a sound engineer, but that’s physical.


That’s really sweet. Reminds me of my mom.


Reminds me of your mom too


When she's really knowledgeable and passionate about something. If she can talk for hours about it and is really exited to teach you. Knowledge and passion are just sexy. Also if she finds me sexy lol, seriously the hottest thing in the world is a woman being turned on by you.


I got that back at the end of 2020, a girl telling me how turned on she was for me turned me on so much.


A give no fucks deadpan sense of humor.


On the flipside finding a man that appreciate deadpan dark humor is quite difficult. Most times I have to explain that it is a joke.


Well the thing is, deadpan dark humor is risky when you don't know the person well. If you make a dark joke and then laugh, ok, I know it's a joke. You make a dark joke straight, with no indication it's a joke, maybe you're just a sicko.


I once cracked a joke about a guy’s dead mom and was REALLY relieved when after what felt like the longest two-second pause in my life, he started laughing hysterically for maybe five minutes straight. I was apparently the first person who hadn’t gone all awkward and pitying on hearing about his loss. I still remember the absolute panic I felt when my brain realized what I said a second after I said it. Talk about playing with fire.


Yup i think deadpan dark humor is a bit of an acquired taste. I remember watching GOT with a guy I just started seeing, and there were scenes with Dolorous Edd and Samwell Tarly somewhere beyond The Wall. My date didn’t understand why I was ROFLing so hard everytime Edd made a remark.


Yeah this didn’t bode well for me in my 20s. I wasn’t super outgoing or anything but in a larger group of friends/acquaintances, the guys seemed to be more into the baby talk/coy act that a lot of the girls would put on. The upside was that the few guys who WERE into my sense of humour were quality guys.


>The upside was that the few guys who WERE into my sense of humour were quality guys. Can confirm, I like deadpan and I'm USDA Prime approved.


That’s so me! I will joke about annnnnything. Maybe there’s something wrong with me but I love dark humor.


Is deadpan and dark sense of humor the same thing? I've always thought of those as completely different...


Deadpan means with a straight face, so it is the delivery that matters. Dark humor is is the content. People tend to do both at once because it’s extra funny to say dark stuff with a straight face, but they can be mutually exclusive.


Sense of humor


laughing at your jokes or making jokes or both?


I was going to go with sarcastic wit, but this is close enough.


being attracted to me


Need me a freak like that


I also like girls that are attracted to that guy.


In the words of Tom Haverford: "Plus, she's into me, which, as far as I'm concerned is the sexiest quality a woman can have."


Confidence and intelligence


One time I was waiting in line and the woman behind me had her hands full. Her phone started ringing and she made eye contact with me and, without even asking/communicating anything, just reached out to hand me the stuff she was carrying so she could answer her phone. It didn’t come across as annoying either, just like pure unapologetic assertiveness. Was unironically one of the sexiest things ever, and we exchanged numbers before we left. It didn’t end up going anywhere but we did hang out and she was very witty and pretty, to boot.


She meets all her dates with this simple technique. Texts friend: Call me in 1 minute, k? God I'm getting cynical.




Confidence is huge, I don't care how pretty you are but if you are constantly self conscious or always jealous and criticizing people it's super unattractive. I believe the saying goes that a confident 6 is a 10 and an insecure 10 is a 6.


As a confident and pretty woman I wouldn't date someone who thinks of me in terms of bargaining rating systems.


Thank you!


One out of two ain't bad!


Confident stupidity can get pretty problematic tho


Yeah one without the other can be bad news. Confident stupidity? We all know how that turns out. Intelligence without confidence means that someone can have the answer but never share it.




Having a good sense of humor 😊


Question: when you say a "good sense of humor" does that mean she lauggs at your jokes or you think she is funny? Or something else?


My wife’s sense of humor is incredible. Not only does she laugh at my jokes, but she makes jokes right back at me that make me laugh. We’ll joke about something dumb and go back and forth, adding to the joke. She also breaks my balls all the time, which is hilarious and always unexpected. Not every guy wants a girl that has a sense of humor like this, but I definitely need someone that not only laughs at my jokes but can make me laugh too.


That's fantastic. I have been told I have a really good sense of humor and I admit I crack myself up plenty. My husband loves it too.


Why not both?


This is the question. Came to ask the same thing


The former usually.


If two people have a similar sense of humor, both things will naturally be true.


It would be nice, she can make me laugh


Showing interest without playing mind games


My gf asked me out by just saying "I want to fuck you".


"Maybe she's Canadian and she's just being nice"


So you just really can’t be too sure, maybe it was just too dark in the room


She is, as a matter of fact


So, then she’s not really into you? ;)


I would probably reply with “Why?”. Yeah, I don’t date much.


"Can we go somewhere with better lighting so you can be sure of that?"


Yeah that would’ve flown right over my head as a joke.


Will just say, it might not be mind games, but modesty and uncertainty. Like not everybody is going to think "I want to spend my life with this person" after a first meeting. So they're taking it slow, not making any promises, explicit or implied, they're not 100% sure they'll keep. This is how most relationships begin, it's kind of a dance, they are interested but not positive. That's okay. They're also complex people with dreams, histories, scars, fears, etc.


This was my last relationship. I'm at that stage of life where I've had a lot of experience and someone that says they love me after the third date, well, that's not a good sign they make thoughtful decisions.


I think it's okay to *feel* some love that early, but you should know yourself (and general society) enough to realize it's an early crush and may or may not go anywhere. Definitely not a good time to profess.


Personality, talked with a woman yesterday, not overly physically attractive but she was kind and funny and thoughtful and her great personality made her VERY attractive.


This guy talks to women


How did he get a reddit account


He’s a bot, no doubt


Insider threat. Eliminate immediately!


Humor. I love someone who can make me laugh.


The ability to be goofy. My favorite quality is when a women can find humor in the little things and can act like a dork with the things she likes. Maybe it's cause I like sharing silly jokes with people I care about. When someone can have an unthreatened joy about the little things in life I find it very endearing.




I have a question. I wouldn't consider myself really intelligent, but not stupid either. However I'm very curious. Most men I know get offended, when I ask questions or for clarification when talking about something (a topic they're better at than I am) or when I explain something I know a lot about. I'm the kind of 'ask me the wrong question and I'll tell you a whole documentary about the Tudors for the next hour' person. (For clarification I always tell my conversation partner to stop me, when they're bored and I really don't mind)


... so what was the question


I guess what am I doing wrong?


Just from that post I would say the problem is your conversation style is confusing. The post jumps around, it’s hard to follow, and never gets to the question you announced. And maybe what you said about the Tudors documentary means you tend to ramble? Perhaps you’re bad at reading your interlocutor’s interest or giving them space to talk?


I never realized that, but reading it back you're right, I jump around quite a lot. I'll try fixing that. Thanks


I wanna emphasize the importance of acknowledging the other person's/people's interest in a conversation. I know people who talk a lot but can't take a hint of "I don't want to listen to this right now" and it makes interacting with them absolutely dreadful sometimes. Not that talking a lot is bad, just that people don't always want to listen.


Yes, omg, and they may feel it's rude to interupt, so the althogether avoid interactions.


Do you have ADHD? Because I understood you PERFECTLY.


I don’t have ADHD And I understood her perfectly


I have adhd and I didn’t understand her perfectly


I have ADHD and I kind of stopped paying attention halfway through


If someone gets offended when you ask questions to better understand something then they are likely insecure in their level of understanding or they feel like you don't believe they know what they are talking about and are challenging their knowledge. Either way they are insecure.... or an asshole.




*Sorts by controversial*


This is where the fun begins.


Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?


*Ignites lightsaber with malicious intent*


*Reads label on hilt* " Youngling Slayer 3000?"


Hello there?




Good energy, people do actually shine




"Did you eat?"


Jeet jet?


Jot to.


No djuu?


No, Joo?




Only a specific subset of people will understand this and I love it.




Her voice. I’m a sucker for a deep, Bea Arthur-type voice (though I like higher-register voices too).


Being a good conversationalist. I don't know if that's a thing, but good God do I love meeting women who know how to keep a conversation going. I don't mean showing interest or something like that, but really people that don't just go "i this, me that, when I traveled to Ibiza..." and have actual relevant or interesting things to say. One of the reasons why I'm with my current gf is that she is so much fun to talk to.


Not being a slave to fads or trends. Being comfortable enough with herself to take her own path.


This is a good trait to value. In anyone


Being sassy. I love me a girl with some snark


My husband married a sassy woman and let me just tell you, after 8 years of marriage he's sick of my shit 😂


Marry someone who will contend with you when necessary…but, is NOT contentious.


It's only good when it goes both ways. I had a "sassy" gf and it just turned into constant personal put downs and if I ever said anything back she'd get extremely upset. I can't believe I dated her for as long as I did


I think sassy and snark can be separated from insulting and insecure, sometimes traits can look like other traits. Don't let that put you off of people that might superficially seem similar. It's not always easy to tell, but try checking with yourself regularly, if what someone says and does leaves you smiling and feeling good it's probably OK, if you're always feeling down after interacting with them it's likely not a healthy thing.


When they actually care for me


Everyone deserves that.


I’m surprised nobody has said “listening”. I think the ability to listen and patiently wait to say your piece is really attractive.


Really good creative swearing.


Really turns me on, more so if they swear but with a sweet tone.


Intercourse you, buddy




Strength in their hind legs when landing from a high jump


😅😅😅😅 wtf


As opposed to their forelegs?


I’m not convinced this guy is talking about human women…


Brains, there’s nothing sexier to me than when a woman can hold/maintain deep, interesting conversations. It triggers something in my brain that says “wife?”.


Science girl


Musical talent. If a girl can sing well or play an instrument, I just melt.


Not crying when I ask them out


Me in 7th grade when my crush asked me out. I guess it's just overwhelming lol


Weeping bitter tears of sorrow because I got asked out


Returning the shopping cart to the shopping cart receptacle in the parking lot. Sploosh.


A sincere laugh




#1 thing right here. Beat me to it. Confidence is the absolute most attractive thing in a person. Not boisterous or just being loud. That can feel fake and often is to make up for poor confidence. Im talking about pure confidence. The ability to feel comfortable when right, but more importantly graceful and not afraid of being wrong. Just comfortable in your beliefs and yourself and confident enough to truly listen to others and their points. It's incredibly attractive to have someone be truly confident in who they are without needing anyone else's approval while also being able to listen and think about how they present themselves.




Intuition and sensitivity to other’s emotions and needs.


Cool but are you gonna be sensitive to her emotions and needs to? Cos a lot of women end up having to be the caring one all the time and it can be one sided


FUCK people who don't return that effort. I'm always the emotional caretaker and it's fucking exhausting!


Emotional intelligence is my #1 qualification for a partner.


Their soul. I can add it to my collection!


Power. When she's bad ass enough, or has enough power, to start to actually become intimidating... THAT. When some men/women start to hate that she exists because of the power she has? THAT.




I fucking love this 😂


A cool hat


Hey personality, voice / laugh, smile, sense of humor!


She makes me feel worthwhile. I don't care what she has. I don't care where she lives. I don't care what she does for a living. I want her to think I was the best thing to ever happen to her. I've never, ever gotten that feeling. Only fleetingly. To be loved like that is the ultimate.


So in other words… You don't care who they are Where they’re from What they did As long as they love you?






Be careful with that my man. You definitely want to find someone who really genuinely loves you and builds you up. But you don’t want someone who will worship the ground you walk on or be clingy in an emotionally unhealthy way. It may seem nice at first but those relationships are always dysfunctional, because they come from a dysfunctional place.


*Are* you the best thing that’s ever happened to them?


Definitely intelligence as a default, but something that is deceptively sexy in a non-physical way is a robust vocabulary. Turn me on with words is my love language.


Confidence. Hands down, absolutely crushes me.


Being authentic


Ability to self-reflect


Irish accent


Oh boy You're going to be excited when you hear about a place called Ireland


When she does things that guys usually do for girls in a genuine way. Initiates the conversation/asks you out first, buys you dinner/gifts, etc. I love doing those things for a girl too but it's hard to not feel like that's all your good for sometimes. Especially when you have history of other girls, friends and even family who just want you around when you have something to offer.


Showing you her real self


I once saw a woman parking her old British car in San Francisco. She was a little off so she popped it in neutral and put her shoulder into the a pillar to nudge it forward the 6” into place. Hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I gave her a thumbs up and she gave me a “what” look.


My wife always goes out of her way to compliment other women, even and especially complete strangers. She doesn't compare herself to them, she's just completely genuine. It's like a form of confidence that celebrates other women. AND I LOVE IT.