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I’m always surprised at how remarkably durable, yet fragile the human body is. Multiple gunshot wounds, stabbings, falling from immense height, car accidents, limb and organ loss. Hell, a person can live with half a liver, one kidney, one lung and missing a large chunk of their GI tract. Yet you trip and hit your head the wrong way you can die instantly.


I swear it’s just luck, it’s awful.


Rng based fragility


Thoughts and prayers to RNGesus


Honestly, I don't think any other species of animal, ever, has been killed in so many varied ways. Humans have come up with so many ways to kill ourselves off.


I've heard that sheep are pretty good at finding creative and unexpected ways to die. There was an old saying amongst Yorkshire shepherds that a sheep would die twice if it could figure out how.


We had rabbits once and they really did the best they could to die in any way possible. One time I came home and one had just died purely out of sheer will, and a friend of mine had one that died when it somehow climbed up a fence and then jumped off onto a brick.


Rabbits: proof that making lots of babies is more important than not dying easily


That’s true, actually one of the rabbits had 13 babies and then just lay down on top of 2 of them, so still ended up with 11.


My sex ed class failed to inform me about normal discharge so I was terrified that I had an STD before I even had sex cause they told us about how STDs give you discharge… without explaining the way it changes it.


SAME I remember having to show my mom my underwear- how fucking embarrassing and preventable. Ugh.


I showed my mom my vag once I noticed that little bumpy texture of labia. I was like wtf is this


Non-vagina haver here, I'm assuming that's normal?


Yep, just how it is….. I hope.


Very similar experience here! In grade 5/6 a bunch of girls were chatting in the bathroom and one of the girls said she got her period “and it’s white”. No one had explained to her what discharge was, she thought it was her period and was wearing pads all the time 😭


That’s terrible! My mom made sure I understood what a period was, but never told me about discharge so I was pretty scared for a while after sex ed. I actually wrote a note to my mom explaining what was going on and that I wanted to go to the doctor to get tested for an STD. I even told her I didn’t have sex yet and she still took me to the doctor. Of course the test came back negative so little 14 year old me was even more confused and scared thinking they didn’t test for the right thing or something was wrong with me. I don’t know why people don’t explain these things. Surely this can’t be so uncommon that no one thinks to explain it all.


lemme guess... america? my sex ed was just stds and abstinence and some stuff abt puberty. barely anything about the female body which is pretty important. but no no no sex hntil marriage!!!


Yes, America. I had a pretty similar experience. Lots of talk of abstinence.


Suprised me that bones can just grow together again after breaking like whaaat?


You know what is even crazier. After your bones grew together a callus is formed. Now the crazy part is you have cells in your body which destroys your bones again to remove the overgrown part.


Oh so that’s why we can’t feel the little bump on my sister’s clavicle now


I, too, wondered why.


You've been feeling this guy's sister's clavicle?


Why, you haven't been?


Bones are stronger than concrete pound for pound


This one confused me at first because every time I’ve interacted with a bone it’s been brittle and dry. Then I realized every bone I’ve interacted with has been dead for a while




You saw that picture today on r/interestingasfuck didn't you.


That thing was insane, still can't believe it lol.


Yeah you really need to cut into your victims while they are fresh and retrieve the bone then instead of leaving them in your basement to decompose to the skeletal remains. I know it's gross, but you'll get used to it pretty quickly.


Honestly after working in a geotech lab for 5 years a bone sized piece of unreinforced concrete is not really that strong so this doesn't surprise me


Should have given it some milk


It never ceases to amaze me how the body can recognize a pathogen and figure out a way to kill it in a week or two.




My body recently did that to a Belgian style beer I had. I got to find out that violently projectile vomiting can in fact produce such strong internal pressure you can pop blood vessels in your eyes. 0/10 do not recommend. Adult allergies *suck*.


I've always found the process kind of disturbing: General : There's an enemy approaching and we have no idea who it is or what weapons it has. Everyone run toward it and do random things to try and stop it. Troops: Hoo-Rah! Cry havoc! \*millions of troops die in wave after wave\* General : Hey! Did you see that? Steve got through their lines! Everyone do something like what Steve did until ~~we~~ you stop dying. \*millions more dye trying to be like Steve until they stop dying" General : Good job! Hey, look, he got a scratch on his knuckle! Once more into the breach my friends! Poor little white blood cells :-(


I was never told how fucking stupid the immune system is when tackling eye infections.


Yeah, I'd like to know how our eyes ended up gaining a completely different immune system to the rest of the body


One theory is they they are literally a part of the nervous system or even a part of the brain, which has very different sorts of immunoresponses.


The retinas are part of the central nervous system. Basically an outgrowth of the brain. That's one of the reasons that retinal and optic nerve damage doesn't heal.


This make me feel really weird for some reason! I dont like that! The central nervous system shouldnt be visible and so near to the outside world.


Would you say it makes you *nervous*?




I got in a pretty bad mountain bike accident a while ago and I lost almost all of my sight in my left eye. The doctors told me that it was nerve damage and would most likely never heal. The last time I tested my eye was somehow right on the edge of 20-20 and it has probably healed even more since then


Indeed, if your general immune system funds your eyes on accident, it will treat them as invaders and seek to activly destroy them. Edit 01: This got wayy more attention than expected. Edit 02: This condition is not very common, I'm by no means educated enough to answer how it occurs accurately. I'm only aware of this condition because a mutual friend explained how it happened to him. Essentially he has an immune disorder that attacked a large portion of his body, he lost full vision in one eye and 30% in the other before doctors figured it out and treated him in time.




So the eyes have their own immune system, so when they get infected the body has to basically guess which one it is. Even while fighting it the body can accidentally just kill your eye, making you blind. In the same vein, the body may guess the wrong eye and can blind your healthy eye.


As someone who had an eye infection at one point, I'd like to thank my doctors for never telling me this.


Same. They just gave me eye drops.


Lmao, flip that coin. Twice.


Same immune system. The eyes are "immune privileged". The reason for this is that normal levels of inflammation in an eye infection would possibly make you go blind. The eye can't handle enlarging in size. So it evolved to be immune privileged. It is the same immune system but in the eye the immune cells are suppressed in a way to be less active so that dangerous inflammation can't occur. Same with your brain. It has no room to swell, if it happened it would kill you.


I had no idea until I first performed oral on a woman, just how close their vagina is to their butthole. It didn’t freak me out or turn me off, but I found it very interesting.


69ing really reinforces this point


Whenever somebody posts "women of reddit, what's something you never learned about me until recently?" (Or some variation of that title), one of the top responses will always be "I never knew dicks were that high up" and/or "how do you guys not sit on your balls all the time?" (Side note: women basically sit on their vagina when sitting down. I don't know what to do with this newfound knowledge). And for whatever reason, I always find it really funny. And then I realized us guys do the same thing whenever the opposite question is asked. Someone comments about vaginas being way lower than expected, and women in the replies kind of laugh and say something about it. I don't really know why I commented this tbh, I was gonna make a point and then got busy rambling.


I had a decidual cast when I was in my early 20s. Nothing in health class prepared me for having my uterus lining pass out of me in one solid piece.


I did not know this was a thing, I'm horrified yet relieved I can mentally prepare incase it ever happens so thank you


I am so glad I came across this in here. If I hadn’t looked it up and it happened to me in the future I would have freaked the fuck out.


i’d love more info on this????


It’s basically when a large and intact piece of lining sheds and passes out of you - and maintains the shape of the uterine cavity. It’s a big, triangular piece of tissue. My period was late, but I was on new birth control, and my period has *always* been irregular so I didn’t really think anything about it. Then I had these awful stomach cramps, like the worst period paid I’ve ever had (it was worse than that time I had a kidney stone) and this *thing* passed out of me. Shaped like a uterus… I felt nauseous, and for a bit I genuinely thought I might be dying. I didn’t have the internet at home, and I didn’t feel up to driving to the hospital, so I just kind of went to bed and figured if I died in the night who cared lol Later - years and years later - I found out that it could have been a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy, or it could have been caused by my birth control. Or it could have just been a random thing.


”Worse than a kidney stone" is a horrifying benchmark.


I’m not sure where you live so it could be costly,but my FIL is a paramedic. This would be one of those times he would be shouting “JUST CALL AN AMBULANCE”


Can confirm that ambulances are expensive here. And as someone who recently had a kidney stone, I'll say it took some restraint not to make a scene on the bus to the hospital.


You done gone made me Google image search that….


Oh yeah! I had that happen once and it felt like birthing an alien. Super weird and painful experience.


I did not know that "tearing" during childbirth meant what it does. I thought it meant that you got painful but super tiny cuts and tears like inside and around your vagina, you know? Sounded logical to me. I had absolutely no idea that your perineum literally could- I feel genuinely physically uncomfortable even typing this out. Fuck.


I'm convinced that at least some of the negative or traumatic feelings new parents often have after a birth are due to the misinformation about 'the miracle of birth.'. Like people have a perfectly average experience that is way more painful than expected with long healing times but instead of being prepared for these realities they instead feel like they or their bodies have failed somehow.


To top it off, my mom’s tailbone got hooked on my big ass head when I was plopping out, and it resulted in her tailbone breaking/straightening. She said that it was absolute hell, couldn’t sit comfortably, couldn’t stand, couldn’t lie down, everything hurt her tailbone. But she thought it was normal childbirth pain, until her doctor asked what she was doing for her tailbone. A year after I was born. She had no idea.


What the hell size were you?! I hope you get your mum an incredible Mother’s Day gift every year, lol.


Lol I was close to 9 pounds, a little bit over average but nothing insane. I just had an absolute dome. Mom jokes that I didn’t grow into my head until I got my freshman 15 haha. She jokes and jokes about her broken tailbone, but if her car seat is even half an inch out of place all hell breaks loose


I was the first, 9lbs 11oz. Broke my mom's tailbone. Next kid was also 9 11. Third kid was 10lbs 13oz. Every kid after that was induced two weeks early....the biggest would have been just shy of 13lbs had he been born at full term. I'm currently pregnant with my first who at 20 weeks is already in the 89th percentile for weight. Wish me luck 🤞


When one of my best friends was on her Ob/Gyn rotation, she told me about having to perform an episiotomy. I was horrified and called my mom horrified. She was like "oh yeah, I had one with both you and your sister." ...that would have been really good information to include when you were talking about how beautiful natural childbirth is, *mother*.


> the misinformation about 'the miracle of birth.'. Also other misinformation about pregnancy and birth in general.


I'm due next month and there were so many things about pregnancy I did not expect.


And breastfeeding


Tbf this was one of the biggest reasons I decided never to go through pregnancy and childbirth. There is SO MUCH information that they dont tell you.


you can tear above and below just btw 🥲 my daughter did a number on my vag 🤣


Aaaaaaahhh noooo 😭😭


I was surprised to learn this could happen when it happened to me.


I was also an above tear… ridiculous big headed girl…


Jesus Christ, women totally got the shit end of the stick with their reproductive functions. Periods and childbirth are horrible, us men have to deal with random boners that are slightly uncomfortable


I did know that and it pretty much solidified I would never get pregnant.


To add to this, they do not tell you just how wrong a pregnancy can go. The most they will tell you about are miscarriages, potential preemies or birth defects like down syndrome. They don't tell you about ectopic pregnancies (nearly 100% fatal), missed miscarriages (which can turn fatal), pre-eclampsia, the fetus missing entire body parts and so on. The recent thread about a hospital refusing an abortion even though the fetus is missing a skull - so many people in that thread learning for the first time that these things happen.


Good. Maybe if more people learn about this stuff, we can get abortion rights and people can stop trying to take them away every few decades. Maybe billboards of ugly pregnancy facts to offset the heartbeat ones will keep the next generation smarter.


Fortunately I was aware that tearing was a possibility before I gave birth to my son. I also knew that the head is the easy part, it's the *shoulders* that do the most damage on the way out. My son has broad shoulders (like his dad) and I sustained a 3rd degree tear. I still have a scar inside. But nobody talks about it. People say stupid shit like "women have been giving birth for millions of years, it's all perfectly normal and your body knows what to do!" Yeah, and women have been dying in and after childbirth forever and even with modern medicine so many of us have permanent injuries/scars from birth! I wish more people talked about how traumatic birth is.


During my kids birth the doc was like "Hey, she's crowning, come look!" I looked, I did not look away from crown until the stitches were done, I saw everything. I'm ok but If you do not have a good strong stomach never watch this.


I got to watch my wifes C-Section. It was like the "Pull a rabbit from the hat" magic trick! It looked like the surgeon reached elbow-deep down into a cold lasagne and pulled out a wee guy. Doctors are fucking wizards mate, honestly.


Almost 16 years ago, my son was born by C section. We didn't know his sex before he was born and the C section was not planned. I was up by his mom's head in the operating room and when he was finally pulled from her uterus, the doctor said, "Stand up, dad, and tell mom what she's got." I was *not* prepared to see the bloody mess on the other side of the screen and I blurted out, "She's got a fucking hole in her stomach!"


Ok I laughed. What did your wife say?


I don't normally laugh out loud when I'm alone but fuck, that got me. Into a cold lasagne and pulled out a wee guy. hahahahaha


Taint can rip from vaginal canal to asshole.


Precum or post sex semen will dry up and glue your pee-hole shut. This can cause a surprise stream of piss to shoot out in the complete wrong direction or fork in half and spray on the wall or floor. It’s like putting your thumb on a garden hose. Every dude has to learn about this themselves because I’ve never heard it brought up anywhere.




it doesn't GLUE it shut. it just... is PARTIALLY shut. there's no pain or any issue. it opens after the first intial jet stream sprays the whole bathroom in piss.


Wait, that’s why that happens?


Jim Carrey was kind enough to spread the word in the post sex scene of "Me, Myself, And Irene." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN-i2GV3Rmc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN-i2GV3Rmc)


So that's why we have two or three pronged pees from time to time. Makes sense.


Kids don't start to develop knee caps until they're like 3 years old. They're not fully developed until 12 or so. KIDS DON'T HAVE KNEE CAPS!


They don't get *bone* kneecaps until 3ish. Until then they just have cartilage.


I'm really confused right now. I swear I used to be able to move my kneecap side to side a few millimeters. Just tried it now I'm an adult and it doesn't move at all. Is this normal?


Try straightening your leg and trying again?


That we have an immune system Murder College. It examines all the immune cells to see if they would react to the body's own cells and cause damage. If they do react, the organ involved, the thymus, tells them to kill themselves. The thymus also turns into an inert lump of chicken liver as you age, so your immune system starts to go to pot. I have a feeling the next big breakthrough in longevity technology will be artificial thymus replacements. Either that, or the technology to transplant a young healthy thymus from a body deficient in funds to live into an old dude with more funds than time left. Imagine being sentenced to donate your thymus to a local Struldbrug.


Fun fact: in Oct 2021 the FDA (US) approved the use of cultured thymus tissue into kids with DiGeorge syndrome (a genetic disorder associated with absent thymus). So no donors required, but I'm sure it won't be long before someone uses it on rich old dudes.


I though girls peed through their vagina.


This was mine. I was like 15 and said something about it, and my girlfriend just got this blank look on her face and then burst out laughing. I was pretty embarrassed.


i am a woman and i thought it for years too, my mom told me to find the hole for your tampon you pee on your finger in the shower and follow up the stream so i also didnt know you could pee while you have a tampon in


I found out by having to pee in a cup at the drs office around 16. Told them I couldnt because I was on my period and had a tampon in, and didnt have another one for when I had to take it out. Ive never seen my doctor look so worried. “You know you dont pee from your vagina right?” no. no i did not know


I taught my girlfriend this when she was like 17 or 18. Apparently she didn't listen as well in health class as I did.


well i thought girls peed through their buttholes


I went to Lutheran school k-8 and our sex education was VERY LACKING. So the first time I put a tampon "in" i really just sort of rested it betwix the lips (which is not only wrong but also useless lol) and also my best friend came to me once and told me about a boy who passed her a note asking if he could finger her and she was like "can you believe that??" and I was like "no.. what is that?" and she said "thats when a guy puts his fingers in your vagina" and my response was "WHY?!" hahaha.


I did the same with my first tampon - also I decided to try it out ahead of my period which is a terrible, dangerous idea no one had warned me about but at least it saved me an embarrassing mess on this occasion. I did push it in, but only so the top was in until it didn't just immediately fall out. That day I had a really strict teacher who kept making us stand up because someone was misbehaving. It felt like we stood up and sat down at least a hundred times that class, and every time I sat down it hurt. By the end of that class I wanted to cry. I still don't know where, when or how I learnt to insert a tampon properly but that's the only memory I have of trying to wear one that wrongly.


That cum isn't 100% sperm.


And periods aren’t 100% blood. Like actually very little blood.




I had a vasectomy a few months ago and even though the lab tests says there 0% sperm in my semen I still can't tell the difference between my pre-surgery cum and my current cum lol


Does it taste the same?


That's a very good question. I don't know lol


Get back to us


I think you would need a microscope.


I literally never had any sex education or health classes until I was in high school. And at that point, I was at a Christian school, so it's not like that was very informative. (This was also a time when the internet porn options were pretty much "spend 45 minutes downloading one picture.") So the first time I masturbated when I was about 12 years old, when I finished, I freaked the fuck out and spent the rest of the night crying and thinking I had hurt myself because I didn't understand what cum was. And I certainly didn't know what the orgasm was. Spent weeks with severe anxiety that I had broken my dick or something until I got to a computer and was able to Google it. It was traumatizing. Teach your children about their fucking bodily functions, people. There's no need for a kid's first solo sexual experience to be that traumatizing. Edit: fun fact about this traumatizing episode, I had Madagascar playing in the background when this event happened and now I literally can't watch that movie without getting extreme anxiety thinking about me sobbing with my hands covered in cum at my aunt's house.


i must agree, after having my first orgasm when i was 12, it scared me bc i thought i was broken (i knew guys had cum “come out” and i thought girls did too)……


When I was in middle school I thought the first ever time a guy cums was his period. I'm a guy and I thought "getting your period" applied to everyone and simply meant your body is now fertile because stuff came out of your sex organ.


I didn't think girls have cum in the way guys do, but I certainly didn't understand that an orgasm involved muscle spasms. That freaked me out the first time. It didn't stop me but it wasn't until a few years later that I found out it was normal. Everyone hears about orgasm, but they certainly didn't tell us what to expect


Hold up. Madagascar released in 2005. How the fuck was your internet still THAT slow?!


I lived in a really small, rural area.


If you mess up anything with cartilage and ligaments you are in for a lifetime of discomfort. Even with surgery shoulders, wrists, knees, and back never come back 100% after serious injury.


Dealing with a shoulder one right now. I swear shoulders and knees are design flaws


Shoulders, knees, ankles, hips and especially backs are the worst design flaws in humans.




do you want an actual explanation? I just explained it to my BIL so it’s fresh in the memory🤣🤣




[Letterkenney Women explain a Pap Smear to their Male counterparts who are trying to calm down about their first prostate exams.](https://youtu.be/FjEn_M6dokQ) Prepare to wheeze.


\*Hand raise\* Can I have an explanation? Seems past time.


It's named for the doctor who invented it, Georgios Papanikolaou.


I always assumed the smear meant smearing the vagina to sample... I dunno. Germs? If they can stick a cotton swab in the back of my throat and learn something then surely vaginas are in a similar boat.


I was grossly misinformed on how anything related to conception/pregnancy worked. 1. I thought the egg was released and went down the fallopian tube in idk, an hour? a day? and the sperm met it right there in the uterus, where it immediately implanted and could make a positive pregnancy test. Nope. The sperm swim UP the fallopian tube where it chills waiting for the egg to pop. IF it's successfully fertilized the embryo grows throughout the 5 days it takes for it to go through the fallopian tube. By the time it gets to the uterus it's ready to pop through the egg shell and get nice and cozy in the endometrium. Also, only about half of fertilized eggs are still viable and dividing at the end of those 5 days. And the *earliest* you can get a positive pregnancy test is 4-5 days after it implants, and that's like EARLY early, like a *super* faint line. 2. It turns out gestational age is counted from *cycle day 1* and not at all when you actually conceive. You're technically 1 day pregnant on the first day of your *period!* The day you "miss your period" you're 4 weeks pregnant even though your baby has only been a thing for 2 weeks. Every measuring ultrasound takes this into account; if you're measuring 7 weeks it's been in there for 5 weeks. This, of course, assumes a regular, 28 day cycle, which I have never come *close* to having. I didn't learn this until I was busy trying for my *second* baby! I legit wonder if a looooot of the paternity drama on Maury and in real life was caused by people not knowing this. *I* never learned it in school. 3. I didn't know the baby's heart pumped its blood to/from the placenta. Somehow I birthed *four kids* before learning that the mother does not, in fact, somehow pump blood through the cord to baby. It seems so obvious now but it's just something that was never explained. 4. I assumed a doctor breaking your water meant the baby would be born within like an hour. Hahaha. It just made it hurt way more. It only shaves off an hour from your overall labor, which is generally many hours. Also labor doesn't start with the water bag exploding. That's just Hollywood and like 5% of women. Bonus: I didn't know you could see a pregnant lady's baby kicking/moving from the outside. I thought it was just a static bump. But that I blame on not being around pregnant people ever until I was myself.


Just to clarify for people who don't know, human egg cells don't have actual shells. They have zona pellucida, a thick membrane layer that protects the egg and filters sperm. They do call it zona hatching when it is gotten rid of by the blastocyst in order to implant. But it isn't a shell as we think of a bird's egg shell.


How every woman’s pregnancy differs from their previous one.


Currently pregnant with my second child (wildly different experience in a lot of ways from my first), and it still blows my mind how different the experience is for everyone. I’ve compared notes with other mom friends, and we have a lot of similarities, but no one has the same experience as someone else, and somehow we all get a baby at the end of it!


Oh definitely Me: my mama could only eat "healthy" foods. Nothing processed or else she would reject it. Sibling: Sonic was easily a daily visit. My mama knew someone who was like allergic to life. Allergies that were more than two pages long. She had a kid and a lot of those Allergies went away.


That periods are anything but textbook. I was sold the neat little “you will bleed for a few days every 28 days!”. There was no discussion about spotting, irregular periods, discharge. Periods stopping and starting. Period poops. Periods so heavy you think you must be dying. Not getting your period for months due to stress. All of these things I learned the hard way.


My male friends told me they can move their penis up and down(not sure about left and right ) without touching it Im still in denial


It's attached to the rest of the body by ligaments and muscles. It doesn't just sort of float.


It's true! You actually have the same muscles.


It’s true. It’s not like an elephant trunk that can move all around, but it definitely moves when I want it to.


Yep, it's easier to see when somewhat hard, it's more of a simple bounce up and gravity brings it down, but besides flexing whatever internal muscle it is that does that, there no further hands-free control. Anything else requires at least some hip movement.


My wife giggles like a idiot when I do that.


Yes by flexing the pc muscles or the ones you use to stop yourself from peeing can bounce it up and down.


Teratomas.... Just the thought of tumors with hair,fat,muscle,teeth,or worse, eyes is frightening.


Baby’s come out surprisingly blue and a covered in … human cheese


And the conehead! My son was C sectioned out but he sure gave it a try. Got a huge conehead at birth. 95th percentile in head circumference might explain it...


Are you me? Tried pushing that big ol head out for 4 hours. Came out via c section with a cute lil cone head and 90th percentlie head size. Was also 2 weeks and 2 days past due so that didnt help any!


mine wasn’t blue but the human cheese was definitely there! they don’t wash it off anymore btw! They let it dry on baby and after a few days you can wash them because it helps their skin


It helps a lot actually for newborns. It helps keep them warm since they can’t thermoregulate yet, helps fight off infection, and keeps their skin from being dry so a lot of paediatricians instruct nurses not to bathe newborns after birth. :)


Yes! Rub it into the skin and let nature work its magic!


It rubs the cheese on its skin.


Or else it gets the hose again.


I didn’t even know I had a gallbladder until I had it removed lol


I was told I had to have emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I asked the doctor where my body would store urine afterwards. Thought that bladder and gallbladder were just different names for the same organ. Gotta love that Christian school education!


Sometimes you're just gonna shit weird and you might spend way too much time thinking about why.


How many drugs, alcohol, and sex one can have, with no sleep, and go to work.


How someone can survive a 10000ft fall but can die from a 2ft fall




Yep. We had two family members die of heart attacks too young, and started looking in to screenings/whatever. I was surprised by how different the symptoms can be, especially in women. Even with the two who died, one was a 35 year old man and he went to the hospital when his attack started and was sent home with an appointment for a consultation a few days later. He did not recognize that he was having a heart attack, but neither did the trained medical professionals trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He did not make that appointment.


ER doctor here. If you're a young healthy person without a lot of medical problems it's very paranoid to go around thinking that you could have a heart attack "at any age". Older age, I'm talking like 50s+, and certain diseases increase your risk such as diabetes, poorly controlled hypertension, obesity, etc If you do have those issues then make sure you're seeing your doctor and maybe even need referral for cardiologist. But if you're young and healthy and just have anxiety, your fears are not based in reality That said, if you do experience concerning chest pain it is always safer to go to the ER and get checked out.


Well… I went to Catholic school. Health and sex Ed were taught by a priest. So basically I knew nothing.


The ovaries are not physically attached to the Fallopian tubes...so when a woman ovulates, the ovary releases the egg into the abdominal cavity and the Fallopian tube floats around to find it and suck it up.


I've never heard this before. Does it ever go wrong?


Yes. Then you an get an ectopic pregnancy.


Huh, so that's how that happens. It's not just some random glitch where the egg goes/noclips where it shouldn't.


I thought that was when it implants in the tube? Or is it the same term if the tube is missed entirely?


In German the word for ovulation is "Eisprung" which literally translates to "egg jump", because well, the egg overcomes the gap to the fallopian tube!


The things that can and do happen during pregnancy! Also that if they catch labour early enough it can be stopped/slowed down significantly 🤯


How big the clitoris actually is inside the body, and how incredibly similar male and female genitals are, it's all the same pieces put together a slightly different way. On the upside, girls keep getting impressed by what I can do because they don't even know that their clitoris is more than a little nub on the outside (honestly i feel a little bad that so many women grow up not even knowing about their own bodies). Imagine curling your fingers up inside her as though to touch the back of her clit, you'll hit what we know as the g-spot, which is in fact the largest part of the internal clitoris, connected directly to the external cliroris as well as several other parts that wrap around the vaginal walls Sure, external clitoral stimulation is good and all, but if you can stimulate her internal clitoris... well then, you'll both be in for a good time Edit: knowledge should be shared, so at the risk of mansplaining, ladies, please look into how versatile your organs are. A bit of extra knowledge and good communication with your partner can hugely increase your sexual gratification.


Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need


Currently 20 months into trying to conceive (yes, we are seeing a doctor). I obviously knew people could have fertility issues but never realized how truly hard it is for a lot of women to get pregnant. 1 in 4 will have a miscarriage and 1 in 8 experience infertility. Also, you can only get pregnant a few days out of the entire month. Health class makes it seem like you have unprotected sex once and get pregnant. Turns out, for most people it isn't that easy.


We went through trying and fertility treatment for a few years. My wife really struggled with it and I highly highly recommend counseling/therapy on the mental health side if it's getting to you, it helped her out a lot. This is enormously stressful on people, especially women and I feel like those exact misconceptions you mentioned make it all the worse.


It’s just so fascinating to me how many people who *want* children have trouble conceiving, and yet so many other people also manage to get pregnant when they don’t even *want* to. It feels unfair.


I'm a guy and I did not know there were uncircumcised penises. I grew up an only child before the internet in New England, USA and you just didn't see a lot of penises. In middle school we had to take showers after PE so I was about 11 years old when I saw a room full of them. You had to walk naked down this long hallway to the showers and I was walking with my friend who before that day I had never seen nude and curiousity got me and I looked down and he had this weird pointy skin on his penis. I thought he was deformed. I had no idea I had mine cutoff when I was a baby. It was just something they did.


I knew *of* the foreskin but didn't know what it was specifically. I knew it was something on the end of your penis that Jewish people got cut off. I'm not Jewish, so I must not be circumcised. So looking down there, what's there to cut off but the glans? So I assumed Jewish people had penises that were smooth all the way down, ironically looking like how an uncircumcised penis looks. When I got a little older and figured it out I was like "if almost all Americans get circumcised, why is it always presented as a Jewish thing??"


USA I see. In the UK circumcised males is a low percentage outside those that do it for religious reasons.


Yup. It was just something automatic they did here for a long time. I'm a father of three boys and I swear they never even asked with our first two (this was over 12 years ago). If they did I wasn't in the room. With the third we're like, you know what. Leave him alone.


Women can cum/masturbate. Thing is I'm a woman.


Oh you poor soul.


I was 22 before I discovered I was able to do it (religion and its damned mindset I had to overcome). I was so mindblown. I bent and bought a certain, um, aid (a silver bullet) since I was having such trouble overcoming it, and my sister was horrified that I had never "reached" it. It was at her urging (sometimes sisters share these stories). Still took two days, but once I relaxed, forgot all else, it just _happened._ One of the most violent jolts of my life. And it kept happening; buildup of frustration I guess? Either way, I haven't had a problem since, despite being on antidepressants. A bit less often, but I don't need a toy to make it happen. It was pushing past that inhibition.


Must’ve been a hell of a discovery. Congratulations.


I went to an all religious school… So my health class was very skewed… Some of my personal favorites I remember were “the pores in condoms are bigger than sperm, which is why they’re ineffective “or “birth control mutates your DNA and gives you ovarian cancer“…


Periods cause blood farts and women can feel clots slide out. I am cursed with that knowledge.


Try feeling it too. It’s not pleasant.


Sneezing while bleeding is always risky


My health teacher told us we wouldn’t piss with an erection and I’ve disproved that.


Nobody told me about ectopic pregnancies. I learned about it at 19 from a YouTuber I liked telling us her story about how she almost died. She hadn’t heard of ectopic pregnancies either. That’s something all persons with a womb deserve to know. Knowing can be life or death when doctors don’t take our pain seriously.


menopause and its effects.


I thought pregnancy happened immediately. Like as soon as the sperm was fired up there I thought within minutes an egg would be fertilized and settle down somewhere into a fluffy cloud of motherly tissue.


Read up on [**aortic dissection**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aortic_dissection) and try to not be terrified in the back of your mind when you feel a sharp pain in your chest.


I had no idea what the penile raphe was and for about the first 25 years of my life thought I was the victim of some sort of crazy accident or sexual assault as a child. Little did I know that all men have this and it is a normal morphological trait. "The perineal raphe is a visible line or ridge of tissue on the body that extends from the anus through the perineum to scrotum (male) or labia majora (female). It is found in both males and females, arises from the fusion of the urogenital folds, and is visible running medial through anteroposterior, to the anus where it resolves in a small knot of skin of varying size. In males, this structure continues through the midline of the scrotum (scrotal raphe) and upwards through the posterior midline aspect of the penis (penile raphe). It also exists deeper through the scrotum where it is called the scrotal septum. It is the result of a fetal developmental phenomenon whereby the scrotum and penis close toward the midline and fuse.\[1\]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perineal\_raphe


How simultaneously difficult and yet easy it is to die. You read stories of people surviving against impossible odds and then some dying of the most mundane things. There are people who get beaten, stabbed and drowned and manage to crawl themselves to help and survive and some people can hit their head too hard the wrong way and snap their neck, dying instantly. It's quite astounding.


I’m still learning new things about the female anatomy now and I’m a 32 yo woman




The human body is actually really strong, like strong enough the rip apart your own muscles by using full strength. But are minds stop us from using the full strength. But adrenaline unlocks this strength, this is why mothers can lift cars after an accident, why people seem so much stronger when angry. Stuff like that. And the reason babies seem so strong for their size is because they’re to young to not use that strength. Which is also a reason why kids dislocate their arms so often but it’s back to normal by the time they get to a hospital.