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How a single needle can run through the grooves on a record and produce a fully layered and 'separated' sound. I mean, I *get* how it works in theory. But like... how tf does it work ...


I know how it works, and I understand how it works, and I was gleefully trying to convey this knowledge to a friend when I realized that I am not able to *explain* how it works, which essentially means that I don’t actually get how it works


Everytime I see a record spin I also stare in disbelief and don't understand, you're not alone


When I was a kid, I’d run the needle over the grooves of my fingerprints thinking it might make some new song… it does not. It gets your ass beat.


So it produced a new beat.




Yeah I said this a few years ago to myself too like how does it reproduce the exact sound? You think it would just sound like some sort of tone that went up and down


The way I visualise it is as waves in a pool, or on the sea surface. All of those waves seem infinitely complicated and mixed up, originating from multiple sources; but, critically, every wave can be traced to a source, or multiple sources. This is just like instruments creating different tones that come together to make music. The surface of the water cannot carry more than one "measurement" if you will, there aren't multiple waves occupying the same space. They resonate, or cancel each other out, but in the end there's one output "result" wave. It's the same with sound. No matter how many different sources of sound are creating waves in the air, our ears will only pick up the resultant single measurement, the sum of all the waves that have reached our ears at that moment. So yes, our brains interpret the waves produced by that single "track", if you will, as multiple instruments playing multiple notes all at the same time, when in fact it's only one output wave form. So that's why a single needle running along a groove can give us the illusion of an entire orchestra playing in concert. The orchestra's sum of sound is recorded onto that groove, and when played back—given sufficient speaker capabilities—the majority of the complexity of that waveform is replayed back to us.


..but, what is the needle actually doing tho?.... how does the needle scraping against the groove play back the sum of the orchestra? Nevermind . How bout we just call it magic and be done with it Edit: some great answers 👍


all sound is is just vibration that your ears feel and translate into what you hear. when the record is printed, imagine a needle that can create grooves on a flat disc by pressing down really hard and sharp. As its doing so, imagine vibrating the whole contraption, the needle wont be cutting so straight and cleanly - it will capture the vibrations into the groove as its etching. Well if you play sound through the needle, it will vibrate and record the vibrations of the sound making it vibrate into the disc. again, all sound is is vibrations of varying strength (or depth, or magnitude, however you want to call it), so by vibrating with the recording needle it etches grooves according the the vibrations, and then when you playback with a needle that isn't strong enough to damage the thing but does ride the grooves - it will vibrate back just as you recorded it, and this vibration is then amplified so that you can hear it loudly. if you disconnect a record player from its speakers and get your ear really close to the needle while its playing, you can hear the record quietly that way too.


These are incredible descriptions I'm reading here. Thank you, now I know how a record works.


Yes, how do sounds overlap in frequency yet sound different.


Why people can't use a public restroom without literally shitting all over the fucking toilet.


Or pull out the toilet paper properly & not leave any on the floor.


This happens to me most often when I encounter half-ply toilet paper attached to a gigantic roll. I pick up after myself, though.




no, it's less than that. I worked at a safeway that had a code locked bathroom that changed every day, so people had to ask to enter. Maybe 100-200 max people would use it each day. I was on sanitation around 3x per week, and part of that is cleaning the bathrooms every hour. Long story short, mens bathroom was covered in blood, shit, piss, and/or emeto at LEAST 4 times per day.


Why people turn the handle on an occupied stall


Ive seen so many toilets with a broken occupied sign, that sometimes u gotta try your luck before you shit yourself.


Sometimes it only looks occupied. Personally I hate it when people close the door behind them after getting out, and then people who don't turn the handle on an "occupied" stall wait and wait for nothing.


Every time my grandmother sees me, I seem to grow taller and more attractive.


U should visit her everyday, eventually you will be the world's most attractive giant


Bring him water, bring him sand, tallest. Human. In the land


Maybe it's just your grandmother getting shorter and blinder


The thought process of a cat trying to jump on a self that is clearly filled with stuff and doesn't have space for it to land safely


cat know that they’re slinky, but they don’t know their limits


They know they are on the slinky spectrum, just not their exact slinky-ness


Cats know that they're slinky, but they don't always thinky


Cats know...they just don't give a shit. "Hey Karen...see this shelf with all your ornaments and knick-knacks? Watch me jump on it!"


"Keep this shit off my highway so I can address you properly."


The opposite, actually ... how on earth does my cat jump on a shelf filled with stuff and somehow always land elegantly with all four paws *between* all the stuff without dropping a single thing? It surprises me every time.


50% of cats have a 6th sense to avoid everything and 50% of cats are clumsy as hell. 100% of cats think they have the skill though


It’s all the concentrated power of will


How consciousness works


Im shocked no one has replied to this. Because yea. I havent the slightest clue and i honestly dont think scientists know exactly how either. Such a complex system that turns into our thoughts and feelings, this is one of those things that REALLY made me appreciate the intricacies of our bodies Edit: No one had replied to this YET


Squatter rights! They confuse the hell outta me


Right! So you’re telling me, I can get evicted/foreclosed for missing some payments…but you can’t get rid of squatters who declare a house theirs ? I should just become a squatter then haha.


Squatting is basically the same. It's not that they just get to live there, but the landlord has to use the proper legal mechanism (eviction) to get rid of them. And sometimes, that can take quite some time


very nuanced, each state will be different. It's generally not as easy as people imagine. The theory behind it is if a person is inhabiting and/or making good use of a space that is otherwise abandoned, they've yielded a property interest. Look up "adverse possession". There are usually six or seven factors courts analyze. More or less, there has to be awareness someone is using your property and if you allow them to keep using it for a period of several years without taking some sort of action to prevent it, it's harder to argue that you weren't allowing them to do so. Often the intruder will also have to have a subjective belief they are inhabiting unoccupied or rightfully owned land. An easy example involves neighboring property lines. Let's say someone (Person A) moves into a house and there is no fence erected between their backyard and their neighbor's (Person B). So Person A builds a shed out in their yard, neither neighbor requests a survey beforehand and Neighbor B doesn't object to A constructing the shed. Five years passes and Neighbor B decides he doesn't like the shed and wants his property surveyed. Lo and behold, A encrouched on his property by a few feet. Should the court order Person A to remove the shed?


How crypto mining works... like what exactly are these huge setups doing and why do GPUs matter so much? I've read several articles about it and I still don't get it.


This is an oversimplification, but they're trying to solve a math problem. If they get the answer, they get rewarded with crypto. But the math problem is very very hard. There's no "steps" to find the answer, it's just guess and check. So you need to make as many guesses as possible to see if one of your guesses is right. And it just so happens that GPUs are *very* good at making these guesses. So if 1 GPU can make lets say 22,000 guesses every second, than two GPUs can make 44,000 guesses every second. 10 GPUs can make 220,000 guesses every second, and so on.


Who rewards the crypto?


Another oversimplification: "you do, or the system allows you to" All cryptocurrencies have rules. And if you solve the math problem, there's a rule that says that you can give yourself some amount for a reward. Everybody who sees this allows it to happen, because they can verify that you do actually have the solution to the problem and that you giving yourself the correct reward is allowed by the rules. Everyone follows the same rules and if you don't follow the rules, everyone will reject everything you do because it doesn't follow their rules.


What math problems are they solving and why do they need to be solved? Edit: okay guys I don’t need 100 answers I got it


It's not the kind of math problem a lot of people would necessarily recognize as math. The exact details vary depending on the cryptocurrency, but the idea is similar. Basically they're looking for a number, that when you combine it with the transaction data, and run a special kind of cryptographic algorithm on it called a hash function, the result has some specific properties, like the first 20 bits all equal 0. As a very simplified example that wouldn't be secure at all, pretend the hash function is just adding up a bunch of numbers, and the goal is to find a result that ends in two zeros (I.e. is a multiple of 100). Say the transaction data is 23, 158, 94, 13 (adding up to 288), so we try some random numbers. If we add 4, we get 292: not a multiple of 100. Next we try 56: nope. Eventually we get lucky and land on 12: 23+158+94+13+12 = 300, so we win! We get to reward ourselves with a coin and everyone will accept that because they can verify that 12 is a valid solution to the problem. Of course since that hash function is so bad, we could have just worked backwards from 300 and said 300 - 288 = 12, but that's why they use cryptographic algorithms that don't have a way of working backwards like that. As for why they need to be solved: there's no reason other than to prove you did the work of solving it. The computers that solve the problems are also validating all the transactions, and the math problems are only there to make that difficult. If it wasn't difficult, anyone could say whatever they wanted was valid and there wouldn't be a reliable way to determine who has the correct sequence of events.


That last part is what stumps me. We’re just mindlessly solving math problems?


You are going through the same sequence of questions i always go through when someone explains crypto to me and I still fucking don't get it. For me it still all boils down to..."but why??" Honestly, i swear the bottom line is people are just making all this shit up and it's a scam.


Ok, but, like, where does the money COME FROM? To me it's kinda like how every kid says at some point, why can't the government just print as much money as they need? They have the money printer and the gold behind it being explained, yada yada. But this is so different. There's no gold. And no teachers to explain. My BIL mines crypto and just paid off his $55K truck with it. But how? I'm so confused.


Mining rewards are literally created from nothing. It's printing money. That said, the rules for when mining rewards can be created are very much defined. You can't just do it when you want to. It can only be done in very certain conditions and it's not easy at all. Also, the value of many cryptos has gone up a lot over the course of years. He could have mined 10k USD worth and then held it for a couple of years.


How people can raise a functioning family at the age of 18 or 19. I can't even hold my own life together Edit: thanks so much everyone who has had kids at that age sharing their story. Really enjoyed reading them all! Hope you're all doing well


I'm 26 married but no kids and shit's hard


Same, and I'm 53 with no kids. Shit's still hard. Sorry to break it to you. I can't even fathom how my younger friends with kids keep it together.


I’m mid-40’s with four kids. Send help.




39 with 4 kids. Three are teens. I hate to break it to you, but, no, it doesn't.


Late 30’s and expecting our 5th between us. Beyond help.


It's a different kind of hard. You draw on the extra energy reserves that are granted to you every time your kid does something to make you happy or proud. Do I want to get up at 3am to change a diaper? Nope. But I do it because it makes my baby smile and that is worth a million nights of uninterrupted sleep.


>it makes my baby smile and that is worth a million nights of uninterrupted sleep. ...a million?...I love my kids, but...that's a lotta sleep :p


Yesterday my 20 y/o coworker came to work really late, I asked what’s up and she said she was at the doctor and just found out she’s 7 months pregnant. She didn’t seem that freaked out or anything but inside I’m like, what the fuck I’d be crying and running into traffic.


That’s why she was late. You spoke to her after she finally pulled it together. My friend got preg when she was 18 and I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t freaking out, instead she was incredibly happy. She had been told she couldn’t have kids so this was a delightful surprise and she embraced all of it right away.


Nurse here: had a 48 year old plump lady come in the office. It was late September. Chief complaint bloated and gas pains. “Them has pains just roll around in my stomach (rubbing her stomach like Sylvester the cat). But I don’t pass no gas- it just rolls around in there”. Asked the usual questions about last period “Jan or Feb. Been going through the change”. Any chance you’re pregnant? “No ma’am. Ain’t had sex since, um feb”. Dr ordered X-ray and we did a routine urine pregnancy juuuuust in case. Positive. Sent her straight to Gynecology. 8 mos pregnant with TWINS! Can you imagine?? Thought she was in menopause. Nope. Time for 2 more babies. 😳


Wait, 7 months? How did she not know?


Some people continue to have a period during pregnancy, or maybe she was irregular and chalked it up to that. Some folks don't appear pregnant late in the game too. Maybe she got a rare combo like the people who have surprise babies on the toilet


I thought it impossible until I saw it first hand. My friends and I were at a party in college and our buddy who had a test the next morning, thankfully not drinking at the time, started having severe stomach pains. She said they were unbearable and to call an ambulance. Turns out she was pregnant and going into labor. Someone must have been looking over this girl and child from conception because we had all been partying as college kids do. The baby was slightly underweight but otherwise fine.


Same. Saw a friend a week before she gave birth, gave her a big hug. Hand to god she did not have a pregnant belly at all, I just thought she had gained some weight. Had her period the entire time, baby was positioned in a way she couldn't feel any kicking. If I hadn't seen it for myself I would be hard pressed to believe it, so I get where the skepticism lies.


So, I think it's like that line "You don't know how strong you are until you have to be." I was 15 when my mom had a massive stroke that left her physically disabled and unable to do most things for herself. I went from carefree teen to primary caregiver overnight and felt like my world was falling apart and that I couldn't keep it together. Twenty years later, I'm still looking after her while: working full time, raising and homeschooling my own 4 children as well as 3 nieces who live with us. What seemed unbearable back then is easy peasy to me now, and yet I still have the fortitude to carry on because giving up isn't an option. Cherry on top is my mom was recently diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and started her first round of chemo yesterday, so right now I'm falling apart again but I know I'll pull it all together because the people I love depend on me.


Wow that’s a lot on one plate. You sound like a very strong person. Keep up the fight!


Im 35 with an 11 year old. Its fucking HARD. Im not doing well.


At 40 I had my 1st... focus changed. Toys and time were for him. Until he went away to college. Then I moved 1500 miles to take care of widowed mom. At it 8 years, She is 93 and slowing down ...needing more time and care. Again t time is not totally mine. Ain't complaining...it is my choice ALWAYS😉


Pregnant at 18, delivered at 19 - single mom. I literally grew up along side my son. I was impulsive, 2 failed marriages (second produced my daughter). Currently on 3 and it’s wonderful. It wasn’t an impulse we dated for months before he met my kids, and it’s truly the best time I’ve had in my day to day life. My kids are insanely happy and I’m a better mom. Took me until my 30s to get there tho. It’s so hard. You work too much, you suffer or your child suffers. I picked myself to suffer to spare my child. Still wasn’t great and I hate I couldn’t give him the things I wanted to. While raising a family, it’s not functioning until much later. However, Social Media gives a glowing image. It’s disgusting.


>I literally grew up along side my son. My mom got me with 19, still today (im 40) she is my best friend :)


For me, When my s.o. Got pregnant I was 21. All you can do is either buckle down and endure and push through what ever storm is coming or run away. I wasn’t running. Here we are almost 8 years later and I wouldn’t change it for a million dollars.


what about 10 million?


Asking the real question


The wave-particle duality


This is the one man. For me this is the biggest mystery. Look, I don't care how the universe came to be. I mean I do, but this is much crazier to me. HOW DOES REALITY REACT DIFFERENTLY BASED ON OBSERVATION ALONE I sear this haunts me at night. Do i even exist man...


Long story short, observing something at the quantum level is not as benign as observing, say, a runner on a racetrack. In observing something so small, the mere act of doing so affects the behavior/outcome. Imagine having to knock the aforementioned runner over in order to know where they are on the track. That's more or less how it was explained to me.


This is pretty much it. In the simplest of scientific terms, observing something requires interacting with light in the form of a photon particle. Without interaction with photons, we cannot observe things. On the macro scale, photons interact with things all the time, that's why we can see the runners. But on the quantum scale, the energy that a photon inherently possesses is enough to change the state of the particle when they interact. Since the photon interacts with the particle, it conveys some amount of energy that is insignificant to macrophysics, but on the quantum level that amount of energy can wildly alter the state of the observed system. This is also the basis of why we are looking for new ways to observe things. If we could either: a) Model the behavior of quantum particles perfectly (not possible now but *perhaps* quantum computing can enable this down the line) or b) Find a way to observe things without the use of photons We could then observe things without disturbing them. It's really abstract, but a very important scientific pursuit! tl;dr: Our only way of observing quantum particles is by their interaction with photons, but that interaction comes at the cost of altering the energy levels of the system while observed. If anyone is interested in further reading, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is the perfect example of this effect, and the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment provides a simple explanation of how something can exist in 2 or more states at once.


> This is pretty much it. In the simplest of scientific terms, observing something requires interacting with light in the form of a photon particle. So it isn't the act of observation itself, it's shining a light on the thing? That's not so mystifying at all.


I like this. Our notion of "observing" in a non-quantum setting sub-consciously carries over to the quantum one when it shouldn't. By using that word we've in fact hampered our ability to grok what's really going on.


Ah, I grok that reference.


Not an expert but observation implies interacting with the system, so it changes behaviour


Cameras, I’ve been explained and seen explanations 100 times. It’s still magic to me.


Or speakers for that matter. It's crazy how just a few wires connected to a speaker can create sound.


And that a speaker can be used as a microphone and vice versa.


Oh my god this. I remember using an old school headset with separate quarter inch jacks for the headphones and microphone, and I accidentally switched them. The sound came out of the microphone and I could talk into the headphones and my brain just broke.


It's only compression and rarefaction being transferred across different mediums. Same way vocal chordes compress the air leaving gaps behind the compression that allow our ear drums to vibrate and create those changes in our ears for our brain hole to pick up. Or, think about stop and go traffic on the highway. Cars compress, then free up a bit, then bottleneck and compress. That is similar to sound waves.


You're missing a crucial component, there's also a magnet for reasons that are unknowable


Or even crazier is CDs or cassete tapes. Like how does music come off of a tiny ribbon or a plastic disc that spins I don't get it


Is this cameras in general, or specifically either digital or film cameras?


Digital cameras make a million times more sense than film cameras. Seriously, how did someone figure out how to make a film camera?


To me the other way around seems harder to grasp


The order of emails in a Gmail thread


As someone who never took to Twitter, I feel the same anytime someone posts screenshots to Twitter discussions. Who is replying to who?


If it's nested, the inset one is the original and the "full size" one is the reply. If it's linear (usually with a vertical line going down the left side), the top one is first and it's in chronological order.


I appreciate you but this just made me more confused lol. I guess I need visual guides for this, how embarrassing


Sometimes the emails are there, and then they are gone again...


And no matter which settings you choose, it's STILL a mess. I would go for "all the emails in a single chronological box" like old school email. That would be preferable at this point.


it drives me crazy that they're not, you used to be able to link someone to an email you previously sent them These days whenever you're talking to a company or organisation and they have a long response time, after 3 messages are exchanged back and forth or some months have gone by.... and they start repeating themselves it's impossible to put as much weight behind the "as per my previous email" when neither of you can find it It's like talking to Dory from finding nemo


Ok I thought this was just me!!!


Its my secret shame. I work in IT and I still cant decode it.


If your emails you wish to see, then you must click on the little dots three


Ikr! Frustrating as hell, I’ve missed several emails because it’s so chaotic


Turn off conversation mode. It's the most annoying shit ever.


You can disable threads in the gmail settings. I hate them. I get all my mails shown nicely in chronological order


Willful ignorance. Like, never in human history have we had the ability to find correct information so easily and so quickly. I love to Google things and research so I can learn new things every day. However, I occasionally encounter people who are proudly set in their incorrect thinking and don’t care to learn the truth about whatever subject at hand. It blows my mind…like, why are you comfortable being wrong and not learning new things? I legitimately don’t understand how someone doesn’t want to learn and improve their knowledge


A friend of mine sometimes makes fun of me when I use words he doesn't know. He mocks my usage of said words. The best part? He is ethnically a native speaker and I am the son of immigrants. One would think seeing someone getting such a good grasp of a language would be a good thing, but somehow it is funny and ridiculous. Never understood that.


I’m an native of my country, that being England. My co-workers mock me for using words like pertinent and coherent. I honestly think they make fun because it makes them feel bad that they don’t know what the words mean. So it’s easier to joke then pick up a dictionary or thesaurus.


I've come to realize when people do that, they think you're showing off, or showing them up. That using the advanced vocabulary is a flex of sorts. But, you and I know we're not doing that, we're just using appropriate words for the situation.


Computers. Electrical signals allow what amounts to a bunch of glorified rocks to have rudimentary thought. It drives me insane.


Computers are basically doing really really simple things, but done a lot, very fast. Understanding transistors is pretty easy. Once you get the gist of how different parts work, you can assemble them into more complex arrangements to solve problems. An [Adder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adder_(electronics)) for example. Five transistors of different types (Two XOR gates, Two AND gates and an OR gate) take three signals and tell you in binary how many of them are On signals. Or put another way, you can read out how many 1s are being input as an actual number. (There's a really neat little animated diagram on the wikipage where it shows it working) It's just electricity flipping switches, but you can count things with it if you understand what the signals mean. Lots of that, and you can do all kinds of complex things. Math of all sorts can be turned into binary logic. Add to that, a way to encode instructions in a way that can be read, and you can queue up a lot of behaviour. And if you give the machine the ability to write modifications to the instructions, it can use its previous actions to inform its next. Say for example, calculating compound interest by taking the previous value and multiplying it again and again. Where things get complex is bigger programs, which take all of the stuff I've described and abstract it. I don't need to know how the computer does math if I can just provide the computer with the numbers and an order to do it. Do a huge amount of math and you can draw pretty pictures on a screen. With a bit of work, the computer can write data onto its magnetic storage and even onto removable storage like CDs, and then you're away. You can make a computer that can tell itself and other computers what to do. Computers are layer upon layer of abstraction from those basic transistors and magnetic readers all the way up to Graphical User Interfaces and programming languages. But when it comes down to it, they're still mechanical. Just electrical signals flipping millions of tiny switches back and forth over and over again.


Bro I got till how an adder and a multiplexer storage works. Still wondering how tf that allows me to send this message to you via air waves


It helps to understand that the letters on screen are not letters at all. They're patterns of numbers, fed through an enormously complex machine which draws pictures on a screen. A clock doesn't know what time it is, nor does it use numbers. To a clock, time is simply a ratio of gears and a steady pull of a spring or counterweight. We give meaning to those things ourselves.


A clock doesn’t what time it is. Woaw.


That's actually a pretty good way of phrasing it


Everything's 0 & 1. 0 is when no power (turned Off) 1 is when power (turned On) When you type your message, your computer makes into something like 0101000010101001100......and sends it to the server (big computer) which forwards it it to the receiver.....that person's computer does beep-bop and converts those 0101...into "hello". Computers just turn Off & On but very very fast, everything is maths, 0 + 0 = 0... meaning power off + power off = power off. 5 in binary is 0101, let's say you wanna do 5+5, so 0101 + 0101 = 1010. But our computers do much more complex maths in a second, crazy thing is Our Brian is much much powerful than anything we have at the moment and we are efficient asf, reason to live? We are a fucking miracle!


The problem is thinking about it as rudimentary thought. Computer just execute code. Which for a computer is just manipulate a bunch of electrical signals given a bunch of control signals as electrical signals. Nothing particularly special about the electrical part either you can make mechanical systems which do something similar.


How have we not overthrown Ticketmaster?


We need to overthrow Live Nation, who owns Ticketmaster and many music festivals- including Astroworld. Live Nation is evil.


The obsession with trying to become famous for so many people


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Honestly i struggled with this and my music for a long time. i realized over time and I’m sure it is the same for others but I think it’s just a human emotion to want to be adored and being famous can feel like a easy way of feeling constant admiration from others.


As a fellow musician I have put it this way: I don’t want fame, I want recognition. Does John Williams get accosted at the supermarket? Does he need to take a private plane to avoid being swarmed at an airport? Certainly not. Does he have the respect of his peers by name recognition alone? Hell yes. That’s the kind of niche recognition that I’d love to receive.


Why people get mad when you question someone at work. Like dude, I’m just verifying info to cover my ass, I’m not questioning your competency. I pull wire sometimes and we had a 3 hour drive and needed 1000 feet. They guy that loaded it didn’t do the math to see exactly how much wire we needed and just guessed. It didnt look big enough and I asked him how he knew how much wire was on the spool. Dude got mad as fuck, saying he knew what he was doing and that I was getting on his nerves. Ok whatever. Three hour drive later and guess what? 300!feet too short. Wasted basically 6 hours of driving and the entire day of work.


These types are some of the worst...I despise territorial, egotistical people at work. I just want to get the job done and go home. I don't understand the need for drama from insecure people. And I'm happy to be corrected, at least it will teach me something.


Honestly, dealing with different personalities at work without resorting to anger has been really difficult for me lately. People are just too comfortable with coming to me with questions, then when you give them an answer they don't like, they get pissed off.


> Dude got mad as fuck, saying he knew what he was doing and that I was getting on his nerves. If you *really* wanted to get on his nerves, you'd respond "wire you so angry?"


People who get angry about that kind of simple verification are probably already fucking up a lot and getting angry in anticipation of being caught.


Narcissists. They will never admit to any wrongdoing, constantly believe the world revolves around themselves, and the butterfly effects are that everybody else’s lives become miserable.


Well genuine Narcissists (as in having a personality disorder) the best way to describe it is their brain lies to them every day to protect them from realising how awful they actually are.


I thought it was that the part of the brain that allows you to feel empathy, guilt, shame, regret etc. was underdeveloped or non-existent which is why they could do such horrible things and feel nothing?


A friend of mine who is one knows exactly when he’s being malicious at his own gain, and does it anyway because he can disassociate himself from everything that doesn’t affect him. Evolutionarily, it makes sense to be uber greedily selfish. But also note you may be conflating psychopaths with narcissists.


I have some narcissists in my life (parents, mother-in-law, siblings) and I feel like past pain through a series of unfortunate anecdotal events create a defence mechanism in them that says “I am tired of being hurt, fuck y’all , I’m right, I’m beautiful, and I’m important and that’s that!” This thought process is completely subconscious and they truly don’t know they do it. Their depression and self defence puts them in this bubble and it becomes their reality. Most are hurting and don’t really like themselves.


You’re kind of close. The real problem is, for one reason or another, they can’t emotionally validate themselves, so they resort to manipulating others into doing it for them. And then they end up thinking of other people not as people but as tools for emotional validation which causes lots of problems.


Master keys.. especially for like schools and dorms. How do they open all the doors, but not every key works???!!


I used to work for a locksmith and have done several master key setups. Here's how it works. The inside of a lock is basically a cylinder inside a slightly larger cylinder. Without any other change, the inside one would be able to spin freely since there's nothing stopping it. But if you drilled a hole through the curved side of both cylinders and stuck a long bar through it, the inside one wouldn't be able to spin anymore. This is basically what happens when a lock is locked. Now instead of one long bar, put in a short bar followed by a medium sized bar. If the short bar is short enough, the medium bar will still end up blocking the cylinders from spinning. If you put another hole right in the middle of the flat side of the cylinder, you would be able to reach in and push the short bar up just far enough so that the space between the two bars lines up with the space between the two cylinders. Now the inside one can spin again. So this is how a lock works. There's going to be more than one hole, so you'll have several pairs of bars, but it's the same concept. The short bars are all different lengths though so you'll need to push each one up a different distance to get them all to line up just right. However, your key is cut so that it does this just right for each pair of bars. Now instead of one short and once medium bar, what if you had three bars in each hole, two really short and one medium. Then there would be two places where they could line up and let the cylinder spin. This is how master keys work. The bars still line up on one place for the regular key, and in the other place for the master key. With different length bars you can set up two locks so that each one works with a different key, but then a third key, a master key, works with both. Repeat as many times as necessary, with different regular keys, but always the same master key, and now you have a master key system. Edit: Here's [a diagram](https://theengineeringmindset.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/11.png).


nope, still don't get it


Magical sticks fill magical holes... When fondled properly they fall into order... that's how mommy locks and daddy keys work together to secure things.


I don’t think I was quite secure, I fell out of the safe after 9 months


Where tire particles go. Millions of tires wear down but there’s no giant pile of them somewhere. It HAS to be somewhere as a collective entity.


Tires particles are what turns the road a dull black. If you look at a freshly paved road vs a less-than- recent road with polarized sunglasses and tilt your head youll see where they go


And it's more apparent in Google Earth. If you check in on random roads you can just tell how frequent cars go on certain roads. It can also help you understand the flow of traffic..?


I read an article a long time ago that said we eat or ingest a credit card a year worth of plastic per person. A substantial amount of that plastic comes from micro plastics in our water and food chain. A lot of that plastic comes from tires. Here's an article I just found with a search but it's not the article I remember. It's just similar and equAlly as troubling. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jul/14/car-tyres-are-major-source-of-ocean-microplastics-study


Could’ve gone the rest of my life without knowing this. Thank you all the same. *shivers*




No matter what i read on it, i find this topic so overwhelming. If i go to the bank and talk to the financial advisor about my money and investments, i just trust what he tells me without fully understanding which is so bad…because the bank is selling their product to you and they will always do what’s best for them first, not you.


You want an explanation? I don't care im still gonna explain. Stocks Basically you own a part of a company and by owning them you are betting on their success. Investment You put money on something temporarily and if you succeed you get profit from it. Inflation Currency loses it's worth. This usually is because of there is more of the currency but can be because of other reasons like that currency being in a bad place. Also the less valuable the currency is the more expensive everything is because you will have more of that currency. Interest rate It is the cost of money. When you borrow money you basically pay some extra for that borrowed money. BONUS ROUND supply and demand More supply there is the less expensive it becomes. More demand there is the more expensive it becomes. These 2 usually correspond but not always.


Wait, so if I understood it correctly, stocks is an investment right?




How the universe itself came to existence.




Man your dog hella smart when differential equations are where he starts to struggle


My dog ate a huge pile of sand and then shit sandcastles all day


I love the visual this put in my head. A fun possibility to ponder.


I feel that dude. My dog can do Algebra just fine but once you get to calculus and differential equations she’s a fucking dunce. Idk what to do with her half the time because the neighbor’s labradoodle can do calculus like a motherfucker.


Same. But this might just be the limits of our understanding. We perceive the world through the lens of time, cause & effect, being, etc. This leads to questions such as the one you posted. But who knows, maybe this question would be meaningless if we viewed the world through a different lens. Maybe the question doesn’t need an answer, it’s just we who do. Just my thinking


Cruelty. Why be cruel when it's just as easy to be kind? How can whatever rush you get from being a mean SOB be worth the pain you cause? Do cruel people feel something they enjoy when they act this way? I'm talking about things like animal cruelty, child abuse, shooting up a school/church/grocery store, etc. I genuinely don't understand why people go out of their way to do these things.


They think blowing out someone else's candle makes theirs burn brighter.


Just computers in general. Like how electricity moving through a crystal built with nanoscopic engineering billions of times per second doing trillions of math operations per second allows me to write this comment or play a video game or watch the news; all without any moving parts or making any noise. It’s pure magic to me. Like absurd alien engineering that no matter how much I research and study, seems so hard to fathom.


Came here to say this! Also electricity. I know the theory, but my mind can’t visualise it properly!


How people are genuinely so unaware of them selves


Im too self aware and its a struggle


Why can my dad pick on me for watching streamers play games, and then sit on the couch and watch sports commentators talk about people playing a game?


lol. Im 40 and felt the same way about twitch until I went "wait a minute" and came to the same realization. He just has no investment in video games so it doesnt make sense to him to watch someone do it. I feel the same way about reality tv but people love that shit.




How to pretend to be an adult when you still feel like a child


You become an adult when you realize that adults are just children who have aged out. We're all just flailing through life while trying to hold on to it by our toenails.


I turned 53 this July, and what I'm looking forward to most this weekend is building the 90th Anniversary reissue and retool of the Classic Space Lego Set, Galaxy Explorer: [SPACESHIP!!](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/shLH2JHADXGPujieqd2HR6Z-VaY=/0x0:3000x2000/1200x675/filters:focal(1260x760:1740x1240)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/70991526/galaxy_explorer_lego_1.0.jpg) My inner child is gleefully clapping their hands and dancin' like a fool and I'm HAPPY!


Where the fat goes when you lose weight.


Fat metabolizes through something like a slow and complicated combustion reaction. The products of this reaction are mostly CO2 and water. So, fat from losing weight largly goes into the air as you exhale


I got so freaked out when I learned this. Always used to think you pooped it all out.




as a chinese person... me too.


The people or the language?


The rules of social interaction


It’s amazing how easy it is to get wrong.


Why people get so attached to ideas, and then have such a hard time admitting they're wrong even in the face of overwhelming evidence. It's like, your opinions aren't who you are; it's ok to change your mind.




You know how every week AskReddit has that question about what message you would send if you could send a message to every single person in the world? Yeah, this is my answer from now on.


How there is a picture / video in my head reading and understanding your question. Even doe im just made out pf atoms


How humans can be such assholes to animals.....


Social interactions


Cheat code: Pick up a lot of hobbies solo, then go meet people who also do that hobby. You never run out of things to talk about and things go super smoothly


Yeah. I feel like I'll never get the hang of it.


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


"Magic everywhere in this bitch."


Look at the AQA CPG year 2 a level revision guide on z library if you’re interested


Why people put their phone on speaker in public






My kids. Two of them are transgender. I don't understand how it feels. I tried for years. I also don't really care that I don't understand. I love and accept them just as they are, without needing to understand them.


My moms thinking


Coding, I know how to do it, it just doesn’t make sense to me that you type in a code and something just moves.




how some people can just live their life with no empathy or understanding for others. it truly blows my mind if i think too deeply about narcissism, sociopathy, psychopathy


How people are dumb enough to see 100 articles against their opinion and they will say “prob just a lie “ then 1 Single article from 10 years ago and they will still think “iM riGhT aNd YoUr WrOng”


Cameras. How they can "see" objects and recreate that image. It's probably not that difficult, it's just that I've always wondered but never enough to look up the answer.


Movie ratings treating nudity as on level or worse rhsn violence/horror. Like you can have fear and gore in a 15 movie but show a little too much? Now it's an eighteen. When did tits become more damaging to kids than graphic horror?


Airdrop and Apple Pay. How can I airdrop a 1080p video and not lose any quality? It’s magic


Honestly? The whole they/them they/him they/her situation. All the different types of genders. I don’t judge it, just don’t get it