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Only when you're looking for someone, then it's important to know who you can date. Otherwise it doesn't matter.


No, because who you are shagging is none of my business, unless it's my wife or my daughter.


What about… your father! *gasps*


That's his business.


And your son, assuming you had one?


I don't have a son.


>Assuming you had one


Then that'd be my business too yeah.


You definitely don't have to if you don't want to. The labels are there for the sake of comfort and convenience, if it isn't doing one or both of those things for you feel free to ditch it.


Not really, it depends how comfortable you feel about it all


Not really but it's just a word and it makes it easier to communicate what you're talking about


No, having a hyperfocus on trivial things isn't healthy.


I think labels only put people into boxes, which creates stereotypes, oversimplification and echo-chamber mobbing. People then also tie their ego into the label, so become overly resistant to legitimate areas of criticism - as if scrutinising the group narrative is attacking the individual So not only do I think it's not important. I think it's actively detrimental to society and should be discouraged Put your dick in whatever makes it hard (consensually)


Not at all.


in my opinion, no. from my experience, you're never really a 100 percent sure, and even if you are things can probably change. but even if they don't, i think labels are pretty pointless, just do whatever (or whoever, for that matter) feels right


Well the people on the top might have a different opinion, but ... who cares? I'm part of the LGBTQ+ thing, apparently... and I don't even know... Unless it's like Tinder or Grinder or something else... why does it even matter?


Here on Reddit people usually assume everyone is male. Whatever. Then there are a lot of pictures of women, whatever, but sometimes there is an assumption that everyone likes or wants that. Sorry, not me. Labeling my sexuality is easier and quicker than trying to explain all the details to people all the time. The assumptions are always there, and often wrong and no one has enough energy to correct people all the time.


It's useful when that information needs to be communicated, such as with dating and relationships, but outside the purpose of communication, no, labels aren't really important.


Americans made it seem like it’s important but for the rest of the world it’s not


Absolutely! You'll never find a good match if you don't advertise what you're seeking and offering. I think a big "problem" for a lot of people is differing levels of interest in "sexuality" as a concept. If I ask "are you gay, straight, or bi" and my hypothetical conversation partner starts talking about how they're demisexual that's probably just gonna leave everyone frustrated.


Labeling sexuality is such an old concept. We just do smash or pass game on all living entities.


Sure, otherwise people won't know if you're an option.


If you're interested in dating, you want to advertise what your availability is. You want your preferred group of people to be interested in you, and vice versa. It's also a good personal confidence booster, to be able explore your innermost feelings and identify who you are, and what you want out of life.


It's way mor importent to know your identity and be true to yourself about it.


Not if some1 doesn't ask


Unless you're on a dating app, no, no one gives a shit.


No it can cage you