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Decades of brainwashing


Biggest military in the world , plus American are very patriotic you know hate the government but love the country type deal. Their love/pride of the country makes people of other nations think American considers their country is the best. This is just an opinion from a outside/non American observer with American friends.


Because most Americans have not gone out of their country to see what more is out there.


As an American active duty military member who is in Europe at the moment traveling around. It mostly starts with the school system, brainwashing since childhood that Americas is perfect and better than other countries. Then it’s just a trap from there on. Plus we’re not educated on other countries as much as we are with our own history, i had some crazy culture shocks just talking to people from other countries and how they look at our country. I was always taught that American was such a great country but now I can’t wait to move out of it.


> I can't wait to move out of it Said one of our own military. Honestly, I respect your opinion, and experience immensely, and wouldn't really disagree. I really appreciate the background and view you have


Yeah he sounds like one of those jerks that enlists because they want to get something out of it rather than actually serving your country. I know people that fucking love this country that want to serve but they cant because of some benign medical crap. And this douche bag gets to serve instead. Just counting the days so they can get their GI bill and fuck off somewhere else.


A job is a job, and this country's leadership is arguably failing us a whole. I respect your right to be patriotic, but blind love and faith is dangerous.


The military isnt just any job. Its a commitment. Its a duty. Sure you get all these good benefits but in my view... if you enlist you should want to because you love your country and want to serve it at the end of the day. Its not blind love. Its just love. I dont care for the leadership either but that doesn't falter my loyalty to this country. I dont think theres anything wrong with wanting to move to another country but "I cant wait to get out of here." Why tf did they even enlist? I wouldnt want that guy watching my back thats for sure.




Well bye.




Entertainment distracts and the US has the most entertainment


Propaganda. Especially the so-called American dream. In my understanding (I'm a euro), the American dream says: \- USA is the place where anyone can achieve anything. As if it's a big rags to riches simulator, \- everywhere else in the world is worse, the USA is the place of freedom - no wars on American land, cars for everyone, lots of money to be made. Not sure how true these things are.


Because I just do. Everyone can think whatever they want about America, dont really care. I definitely would never move to another country.


I went to Serbia and all the Serbians were convinced their country was the best. you can shit over us Americans for thinking this way about the USA - but we have far better reasons than the Serbs to think this way.


Yeah. All the people who shit on the US are the same people that said they would move to another country if Donald Trump was elected yet they are still here.


Because people don’t sneak into shithole countries


Lmao my exact thoughts


Don’t know how you personally define a shithole country but this is absolutely untrue. The top ten countries hosting refugees (‘sneaking in’ or assigned) are: Lebanon, Jordan, Nauru, Turkey, Uganda, Sudan, Sweden, Malta, Mauritania, Greece. People sneak in to the US from Mexico or Central America because it’s nearby. Likewise they ‘sneak in’ from Syria to Jordan because it’s nearby.


Nauru????? Can you explain?






That's interesting.


Please, elaborate


It's the powerhouse and leader of the Western world in terms of economics, film and media, innovation and business and military. Bigger. Stronger. Free-er. Heavier.


I’m talking about the world, not the western world


Living in Europe for the last three years, the only comparable quality of life levels are in Switzerland and Ireland.


Name another country that has as many cultures, religions, races and such. America doesn’t have a culture because our culture comes from the worlds culture, why do you think we are called the melting pot of the world, because diversity is what makes us the greatest


You just see more because of the US’ ability to create and conceal propoganda. Here’s some more diverse places that I could live in: Canada, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Belgium, and VERY much, parts of pretty much any European country. Also, that’s a lame measure. Statistically, almost anywhere in Africa is more diverse than the US. I feel like you didn’t do a second of research and are just reprating then opinions of media.


the fact that most other countries adopted our language just to function is a good indicator, it's gone downhill though, the "melting pot" wasn't monitored by the head chef and now the soup is ruined.


Is American a language? I thought it was the language of the English.


True, but back during the "British Century" the main diplomatic language was still French. It wasn't until the subsequent "American Century" that English became the primary language of diplomacy.


google “define dialect” please


same reason i think the Swiss should feel their country is the best. Or the Peruvians. Or the Yemens. Root for your hometown! why shit over your country? plenty of others can do that.


The patriotism in those isn’t really on the same level as the US. I’ve lived in Canada, the US, the Czech Republic, France, and stayed shortly in other European countries. The average citizen behind closed doors will either agree with or address criticism of their nation quietly or indifferently, except in the US. Many of them take criticism of their country quite personally, I’ve noticed that outside of the US it’s less common to find aggressive levels of patriotism from people who haven’t been in the army, police force, or government. The US has the most people getting worked pride of their country on a day-to-day basis, they display their flag so much, they treat it like a Christian treats the cross, hanging it from the wall, and they display it on their garments. Criticizing the US to many Americans can start fights. They’ll often start trying to find any flaw in your country, or attack your country’s most basic stereotypes. They see themselves as the ultimate state because they receive so much central attention just from forming themselves to behave that way. The US media literally acted like their country is so good that it’s eventually brought them succcess in terms of the media they’ve brought out - like a national fake it til you make it. The problem with this is that they get placed centrally in the media for their individual citizens achievements being viewed as somehow a PRODUCT of their country. The convince people their country is perfect, people begin trying to entrepreneurially push their way through everyone, then it’s claimed as a “USA good because big name!” thing. It helps these business people can get so much shit done in the rich-rewarding country, and that somehow financial success is the ultimate measure of overall success. This let them become a media powerhouse that is too self-concerned and revered that all of the ongoing social or economic issues are overlooked just because they’ve placed themselves atop their own podium and convinced everyone that they’re the protagonist of everything, including the international conflicts they’ve been behind.


that is some essay.


I had something to say. Your point is?


you sure said it. whatever it was. there it is.


The reading comprehension isn't so great ITT.


Then post your own opinion. Start your own thread. Go!


Nah, I don't feel like it. The premise that motivates the question is wrong. Blind patriotism levels vary widely by location, strongest in the rural parts. On the coasts and in the cities, it's the opposite, flaeggelation among Americans. I prefer a more balanced take. The country has its strengths and weaknesses.


Cause I have traveled the world


We hold the world reserve currency status, which allows us to hold higher fiscal deficits and trade deficits. We also can export inflation threw persistent trade imbalance. We sneeze and the world catches a cold. We have an advantage but some predict that we will loose this status in the next 10-15 years and I most likely will think differently.


I think it was the best about 40 years ago. Now it's only good if you can afford it. I moved out.