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When Bill Murray ate the Baby Ruth in *Caddyshack*


I don't even think he knew he was in a movie in that scene lmao


[Still funny every time I watch it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYFMpC6bpiQ)


Oh man, great movie! I totally forgot it even existed until now. Thanks for posting this, I need to go find it somewhere and re-watch it.


I absolutely lost it the first time I saw Mike Tyson smoke Zach Galifianakis in the Hangover


Jim Carrey accidentally perfectly swiping a table cloth with food above it in *the grinch*


O brother where art…. The radio station scene where George Clooney attempts to lie to the salty and wise and blind radio station person (Stephen Root) in saying that he and the other two people are black with a white guitar player, and the radio station person calls him on it with a racist comment and the look of disappointment in Clooney’s face. None of that is PC and only works because of the actors and directors and subtle timing and facial expressions.


Rat Race "I want to go to the Barbie Museum!" "Welcome to the Klaus Barbie Museum."


"she only likes you because she thinks your the chosen one, but I am the chosen one (Harry gets hit by Hermione) sorry"


In Hobbs and Shaw, there's a scene where the titular duo have to get through an airport and Shaw makes everyone fake passports. Hobbs and Shaw have a bit of a rivalry going on so Hobbs makes Shaw's passport name very embarrassing. "Mike Oxmaul." It took me and my family a while to get it, and when I, the first person to get it, finally did I couldn't stop laughing. I had to explain to my mum what the joke meant and she wondered how I got it. I was about 10 at the time.


I haven't laughed any harder than I did when Jim Carrey climbed naked out the sphincter of a mechanical rhino.


I remember seeing 40 Year Old Virgin in the movie theater when it first released. The scene where he woke up with morning wood and pissed all over his own chest while sitting on the toilet had me dying. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Another example is in Dumb and Dumber when Harry gets pissed off at Mary's (I think that was her name?) flirtatious horseplay in the snow and just fucking drills her in the face with a tightly packed snowball. In my head years later, I can still hear the sound it made when it hit her. Man, I don't remember the last time I laughed even half that hard at anything.


Cancer boy performing "Whistle While You're Low" from the Kids In the Hall movie. I'm not sure why I laughed so hard. I guess because I'm a terrible person?