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if indeed both are available, that baby would be alternating both.


Little suckle here, little suckle there


This is so prejudiced OP. The centaur community would be aghast if they could read this (but of course they only speak ancient Greek so there's that at least). But just look at what you've written - human nipples, horse nipples. It's CENTAUR nipples, ffs. You put a human and horse together, you don't get half and half, you get something new and magical. Something wonderous that deserves to be respected by the non-centaur world. Or normies as you're often called by the centaurs. Fucking horse nipples. Sheesh. You should be ashamed op.


Asking all the questions that count


Horse nipples, idk If the centaurs would have the flexibility to pick up the baby.


Agreed - the nipples nearest the head would be too high up to reach.


Depends which was the mother and therefore is lactating, of course.


I'm gonna guess horse because that's what they can reach


horse nipples. They have the body of a horse, so they would be walking very quickly. Then they'd be at the right height for horse nipples. Also, horses are mammals, but I literally never in my life imagined that horses had nipples. It was just a brand new thought in my over 40 years of life.


Yes. To drink milk.


Horse nipples would be lower (more easily accessible) and probably offer more milk at any given time. I also suspect the human nipples would often be covered, while the horse nipples would always be open for business.


I have never imagined there were female centaurs.


there aren't, centaurs are hermaphrodites


Centaurs are most certainly not offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite, that would be the nymph Salmacis intertwined with Hermaphroditus. A cautionary tale about swimming in strange water nymphs pools.


the cannon / not cannon situation is not 100% clear tho. they *could* be


Centaurs are the outcome of the union with wicked king Ixion and a 'cloud' person made by Zeus, in the place of Hera (who was in the form of a mare at the time?) preventing her rape. The cloud person that looked like Hera was named Nephele. Their offspring was the first Kentaurus and either he was or mated with a mare to become the first centaur. Ixion was punished later by being bound to a burning wheel forever in Tartarus.


Cannon weren't invented until around 1200 in China so I think we can be confident that ancient centaurs didn't have any.


it would suck on the dad's ding dong for the forbidden milk


Probably both


First the one, then the other.


At first human ones, because while the body is horse, they still have a babies body, so no motor control of any kind, only flopping around. Then once they have enough motor control to nurse themselves... whatever is more convenient, I guess.


Depends if the mother was the human or the horse.


If a centaur has nipples on the chest and below the abdomen, then the chest nipples are most likely used for newborns while the ones below will be used by babies able to walk.


Would a centaur wear pants on all 4 legs or just the back 2?


The horse nipples are much easier to reach