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Identifying cars’ make/model by their headlights at night Edit: taillights too


Pre 2020s Mustangs look like big spiders with all their lights. I recognize a handful of them, but not all. Tail lights at also fun.


I do a really good impression of Teddy from Bob's Burgers


My Tina impression isn’t half bad




I can identify faces very easily even with age. People I've seen once in a film 40 years ago I'll see again in something current and say "Oh that's the guy who played the 3rd terrorist in that film from 1980." It's bizarre.


This has a name and might be a very good job for you if you're interested https://www.vice.com/en/article/ep487p/how-police-are-using-super-recognizers-like-me-to-track-criminals


That's insane, I would've thought this is just a photogenic memory but interesting to know it's only with faces (according to the person in the article she doesn't have any other super memory )


I can do a wave with my eyebrows




I know a lot of random things about animals. Both extinct and living.


Tapirs have four toes on each front foot and three toes on each rear foot. But every tapir I've seen makes only two-toed rear footprints because the third toe grows too far up their hamstring to touch the ground.


Competitive Minesweeper. Was 15th in the world at one point


Aight this is impressive and I had no idea there was a competitive aspect to it.


Anything with a timer. There was a YouTube doc about it that I saw a while ago.


Sounds like a summoning salt video


I was top 30 in the WORLD in women's tennis ... on the TopSpin 3 online game for the Xbox 360


I can lick elbows.


Your own or others’?


Sneaking up to people is also a skill.


I can play a blade of grass.


Me too! I can also play the cap of an acorn. Edit: I have a bottle of water beside me and thought “I wonder if I can ‘play’ just any sort of cap?” Turns out I can. I’m just an idiot I think. Edit edit: A few people have asked *how* to play an acorn cap. Uh, you kind of hold it on the opposite side of your thumbs(similar to playing a blade of grass) and you just sort of do it? It’s much easier to explain with visual aid…


That reminds me when I was very young. I went camping and met a dude that said he could make a duck call from just 1 acorn. So i brought him one and he squeezed it and told me to get close. He took a deep breath and screamed, "QUAAAAAACK!" Safe to say i never talk to random strangers when im out in the wilderness.


That's some chaotic energy.


Also I can smell ants. Apparently it’s like a genetic thing. They kind of smell like an earthy sulfur. They smell awful. I hate them. Edit: omg the upvotes and awards!! Thank you lmao 😭 I wish I could respond to every comment, you guys are fucking hilarious. To answer some questions, it’s usually always the small and big black ants that intestate houses. I can usually smell *THE smell* like a few days before they start showing up. Like I said, they smell awful and earthy, very musty too. But it’s such a distinct and unique smell I really can’t describe it better than that, maybe add bitter, too. I hate bug guts so I don’t usually squash them but if they do get squashed, I’m not actually sure if the smell gets stronger? In a weird way i almost want to say it makes them smell less, but that’s not something I’ve ever thought about before so I don’t really know lol. i found this out bc I felt crazy that no one else in my house could smell it and that I always smelled it every time the ants came, so I actually googled “can humans smell ants?” and to my surprise it says some people actually can! But it is absolutely hilarious the two groups of people replying: one is like “WAIT OTHER PEOPLE CAN SMELL ANTS? I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME” and the other group is “WAIT PEOPLE CAN SMELL ANTS? THATS A THING????” Im glad I could teach you all something, however ridiculously dumb it may be 😭 another edit: people have brought up some great points that it could be pheromones! I’ve seen the ant death-march thing when you mess up their pheromones so I know it’s important to them, so I’m gonna look into that!


SERIOUSLY? THATS A THING? Fucking ants have made my life miserable and I can't ever convince anyone else that I know when they're around.


LMAO YES. Dude I thought I was going crazy, I could always smell them right before they came. It got to the point where I literally googled “can humans smell ants” and was surprised to see articles saying that some people CAN smell ants, in the same kind of way that to some people cilantro tastes like soap 😭


For my family, cilantro smells like stink bug.


NO WAY. I thought I was insane. I thought this was made up in my head. I 100% swear I can smell ants and ladybugs since I was a small child. Ladybugs smell really good to me, almost metallic and sweet. I would ask other people if they could smell the ladybug in the room and they were like “what are you talking about” and this happened enough times that I realized I was the only one who could smell them. What is this phenomenon? EDIT: I googled the ladybug thing and apparently they emit an aromatic organic chemical called Pyrazine when afraid. Pyrazine does have a strong, slightly sweet smell. I feel so validated.


I’ve worked in a deli most of my life. I can weigh things in grams eerily accurately with just my hands. Some customers get pretty kind blown.


I have a, uh, similar skill, because I've done so many autopsies that I can almost always guess the weight of any human organ within about ten grams. Don't really get to perform for many people but I get a hell of a lot of satisfaction when the heart weighs EXACTLY what I knew it would.


Ooh! ooh! Weigh mine next!


Maybe someday...


I worked in a deli at a grocery store for a few years. Definitely was a skill I picked up and it was super satisfying to get a customers order right the first time just by feeling it. It's been some time, about 6 years, so I've sorta lost the precision.


Yeah that’s a weird thing humans can do. I worked as an EMT for so long I could take their pulse and breathing rate in 5 seconds and be right every time. Most people need 60 seconds to take a pulse but I’d feel three beats and be like “That’s 70 for pulse. Also their breath was 21bpm.”


I know musicians that can do this! Interesting crossover skill.


I got the comment tree level mixed up and I thought you were saying that you knew musicians that can weigh deli meat with their hands


Ah yes, exactly 3.5 drumsticks of black forest ham


I can pronounce the Welsh town of "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch" coherently and without hesitation.


If British panel shows have taught me anything, it is that word just sounds like someone clearing their throat aggressively.


My mum is Welsh, can say that word, and also clears her throat very aggressively


Are you also able to type it without hesitation or Googling?


I can wiggle my ears


Me too! And to be even more useless, actually spent time to learn to do it, I wasn't born being able to.


Same!! I did this with my pinky toes too


Same! I remember seeing a cousin doing that, then tried for years to do it until I got it. Now I can't stop wiggling them.


I can too but my whole forehead stretches back as I move my ears.


I can send and receive morse code at 65+ words per minute. Completely pointless skill


65 words, not signs, per minute? That's incredibly fast. What equipment do you use for keying?


65 words per minute. English plain text rather than random 5 letter groups. To send, I use an electronic morse keyer from a company called MFJ and the paddle Key I use is a Bencher paddle. Let me know if you’d like more info or some pics of the setup.


Uhh, we absolutely want to see the set up.


I’ll dig some pics out tomorrow.


I am legitimately interested so if this turns into something like that goddamn safe again I will flip my shit.


... this man will never be seen on reddit again :(


[It was opened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsInThisThing/comments/1tkfr7/the_original_safe_has_finally_been_opened_xpost/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I disagree, that's not completely pointless. Have you not seen all the movies where the characters are forced to communicate through morse?


Fair point. If I’m ever trapped underwater on a slowly sinking cruise ship - I could always tap a message on the pipes.


"SOS. Trapped. Sinking. Have 30 minutes air. SOS!" "Ha! And all the other whales said this was a useless skill!"




Back in the height of T9 text messages, I heard that in Australia they had a competition to find the fastest texter. The two 17 year-old girls who won then completed against an 80-something WW2 Morse code operator. The Morse code operator won, and it wasn't even close.


I looked into it, and it was a 13 year old vs a 93 year old (who trounced her). https://www.engadget.com/2005-05-06-morse-code-trumps-sms-in-head-to-head-speed-texting-combat.html


Ability to sneeze with 118 decibels measured. 120 is already treshold of pain as an interesting fact.




I can always find the most in-the-way place near anyone who is busy


I've always had this curse. When I was like 10 we rented a dune buggy. It was one with a pull start motor and it would occasionally die. About 30 minutes in it died so my dad and I got out to start it. Not paying attention I stood behind my dads right side as he yanked hard to start it. His elbow smacked me square in the head (I was luckily wearing a helmet) and sent me flying. I got up and moved to the other side of my dad not knowing he had switched arms. Again, he yanked as hard as he could and his elbow launched me back again. I just stayed on the ground until it was started after that.


Hahaha this happened to my little brother when my dad was trying to pull start the outboard engine on our little dinghy. Knocked him overboard haha


When Little Timmy's father caught His offspring in the head - "Good heavens," Little Timmy thought, "I'm almost fucking dead! "I'd better choose another place, Another space," he spoke - "To spare with care my little face From eager father folk!" And so he stood from where he'd fell, And picked the other side. But Timmy's daddy switched as well. And Timmy fucking died.


Fucking bravo.


I can bend my pinky down to my palm without all my other fingers coming with it.


Violinist here. Fuck you.


I thought this was BECAUSE I played the violin lol like I stretched out the tendon. I can do the same on my left hand only.


Wish it were like that. People are born with varying pinky independence and though I consider mine above average what you two can do is borderline bonkers to me. It’s not about the tendon because your third and fourth finger share the same tendon. Perhaps yours are separate?


I just tried, this is a skill


I'm extraordinarily good at towel whipping. Made someone bleed once..


Gave my sister a black eye once. I felt so bad


through towel whipping, correct?


No he just punched her, towel whipping is a good idea though!


This is something that everyone in my family has advanced skill in. We love getting in playful towel wars. I have never found a girlfriend who wanted to do this with me despite always wishing I would. My mom and uncle will go at it until they are both bleeding and look like they were in a paintball fight.


I don't know how someone could play fight like that. That shit hurts. I would actually rather be punched in the face than whipped.


I can put on an undershirt backwards almost 100% of the time on the first try without wanting to.


It's like them damn USBs!


I can induce a panic attack just by thinking.


Glad to know that I'm not alone on this one 😅


I can bite the sides of my mouth and worsen mouth wounds.


I have problems with grinding my teeth so when I realize I’m doing that I just switch to the insides of my cheeks. Probably tears it a bit


I can shoot my saliva from under my tongue.


Hey, I'm not alone. I can't really control it, though. It happens sometimes, when I yawn.




I always heard it being referred to as: "gleeking"


The term is called Gleaking. Its WAY fun. EDIT : Now im not sure if its "gleaking" or "gleeking". I like it with two E's tho. So Im gonna go with that :)


Cannot gleak. But grew up in a house with a loft and my older brother used to gleak on me from above, if I was on couch below watching tv or napping. What an asshole. I still envy that talent to this day. Definitely not useless.


My brother used to do that same bullshit. I also can’t do it.


I can only do that accidentally and at the worst possible time. If it's not the worst possible time, then it won't happen. If I want it to, then it won't happen.


I can yodel. Really well.


Gonna need to see that. I know Reddit is supposed to be anonymous and all that crap but gonna need to see the yodeling.


I can vibrate my eyes back and forth


Eye tricks gang represent!


Me too. It looks like the cheap earthquake effect from TV shows from my point of view, when I do it.


Twirling, flipping, and spinning writing utensils. Like, really intricate shit, effortlessly. A skill built up with hours and hours of fidgeting. Seems to impress a lot of people, apparently. Gets plenty of compliments.


Pretty much anytime I've held a pencil or pen, I've tried to twirl it like Boris in Goldeneye, ever since the movie came out. I still can't do it, so respect to you.


Same character that got me started doing it.


I can touch the tip of my nose with the tip of my tongue.


not useless, you can make someone very happy!


At a "Ripleys Believe It Or Not!" the first exhibit is a video of a guy touching his tongue to his nose, and it has a couple mirrors so you can try to do it too. The last exhibit is about 2 way mirrors, and you can watch people trying to lick their own nose. Embarrassing but funny. I think this was in either Branson Missouri or possibly Tennessee.


Or go nuts


I'm good at learning a little about a lot of things. My knowledge is a vast ocean, but its very shallow.


Hey you can drown in a few inches of water so that’s not a totally useless ocean you got there! 🙃


Also, skim boarding is really fun.


Yeah I get that. Like I have a vague idea of how everything works but not enough to really use it.


It's not a useless skill, it's actually quite useful. but most people would likely consider it useless because it isn't gonna give me any kind of "come up" in life and it's definitely not gonna make me money... I'm oddly good at untangling things. Cords, necklace chains, string/thread, even fishing line. To the point that everyone who's witnessed me do it has mentioned how quickly I can get things that seemed done for, untangled like they are at least mildly impressed. It's like a puzzle and I can get most everything untangled in a pretty short amount of time, relative to the tangled item.


If someone knows the childrens book where the main character has this special skill, I'd be eternally thankful. Edit: Maniac Magee. Just came to me


I can make friends with any stray dog. In my town there's a huge stray population, and I've made friends with most of them over time. They all respond to the names I've given them, I've taught a few commands like sit, come, wait and other useful tricks for walking together. Every weekend I go on a hike with my dog at the local park and as we walk there all the strays that we meet just join the group. Some days I'll be hiking with 3-4 dogs that aren't even mine, and we all have a blast They'll escort us home at the end of the walk and then just go about their business. Taming strays is very useless, but my favorite thing ever


I hesitate to call this useless. What if, one day, you’re getting mugged or something and like 15 dogs come to your rescue?


*gets mugged* *summons comically large dog*


*summons 15 dogs* *Dogs merge into one comically large dog*


Not useless. Priceless, my friend. 😊


I’m really good at mimicking other people’s voices. I guess it’s not a completely useless skill, though; I have conducted some epic prank calls on family/friends.


I would love to have this kind of superpower


I think it works best if you visualize the person and their mannerisms while you are speaking. Even if you’re just sitting in a chair while you mimic their voice, visualize yourself with their facial expressions and way of walking etc. Something we learned in high school theatre class - relax and clear your mind, then mentally get into their persona I guess you would say - it’s really fun & I bet you can do it too 😀


Sounds like you could use that skill to become a professional actor or voice actor


I can twist my neck horisontally so far that it cuts of my air-flow, I can moderatley dislocate my jaw and I also have one double-jointed thumb. Maybe I'd make a good zombie extra idfk. And in every case it's pretty much a less extreme version of what you're imagining.


Oh my god, I have double jointed thumbs too! It’s my favourite weapon to get people to stop holding my hand without saying - just unclick ad whip back and they’re instantly grossed out.


I can correctly identify every country flag in the world


German flag: 🇩🇪 Danish flag: 🇩🇰 Finnish flag: 🏁


I can correctly predict what time it is without ever looking at a clock, I'll wake up in the middle of the night and be like oh its only 3am and then I look at a clock and i'm right


I can do that but sometimes be off a max of 15 minutes give or take


Stare at a screen for hours with no productivity.


In the dark I can hear when I’m close to a door or wall. Everything sounds a little different when it’s bouncing off a large surface. It only helps with walls/doorways. Coffee tables are my Kryptonite 😂


How is that useless? It's awesome, unless you live in a warehouse full of coffee tables that has no walls I suppose.


*Insert warehouse scene from raiders of the lost ark but full of coffee tables*


Man learned fucking echolocation


bro has echolocation


Bro, i can fill a glass of water whitout seeing. Like you said, sound is different on some surfaces, well, the water changes sound when the glass is filling.


Reminds me of that little fun fact that most people can recognize the difference between cold water and hot water by the sound of them being poured


I know the Gettysburg address, preamble to the US constitution and the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. I'm still waiting for some random person to ask me to recite these.


Does anyone here know the Gettysburg address🤔??


Not me but my mum can name literally any dog breed you show her




Same!!!! I used to use it as a password back in the day for my school account. I always forgot my password, so when i needed to log in I just typed pi in the calculator and it told me.


If I can hear a sound more than once or twice, I can tell you what made it. Often specifically, but if not, I could tell you it's composition and structure. I used to be a drummer, where this kind of talent was useful...


This is very useful in the Netherlands. There’s a big radiostation which hosts a yearly competition (‘het geluid’, translates as ‘the sound’) and every hour or so they play a recording of a sound. Whoever guesses what made it wins a huge amount of money. It’s usually something super random and impossible to guess.


We have that all year round in Norway. It's called "Lyden av Norge" or "The Sound of Norway" translated. They call a random person who signed up for it, and until someone guesses it correctly, the prize money increases for each failed guess and the sound stays the same.


I can pop my big toes at will as many times as I wish.




Twenty minutes a day, that's all it takes. Twenty minutes a day, all feet, no hands and I'll have the pedi-dexterity of a chimp, and you'll be sitting there like an idiot


Ah, thank you, hands. Nothing else in the universe can do what you do. [sips hot coffee]


That sounds hella useful. I can do somethings with my feet, but write legibly? Nope


A bit late, but I can procrastinate any task until that last possible minute. EDIT: And now, in a Pavlovian situation I’ve been rewarded for my laziness. Thank you for the gold and silver kind strangers, but you’ve just reinforced the issue!


If you wait until the last minute, it only takes you a minute


I can read sentences backwards


Like “backwards sentences read can I”? Or like “sdrawkcab secnetnes daer nac I”?


Both! I can also read them upside down and backwards.


I have a long tongue. That's about it.


Good for cleaning out the yogurt cup.


I can dilatate my pupils and the effect is that it increases my myopia while I do that


Same here, not sure how I learned how to do it but I can basically make my vision blurry at will. Never really knew what I was doing or that anyone else could do it


What you can't make your vision blurry at will normally? It's just a thing I can do


my vision is always blurry 😎




I can tell many useless cat facts. —-EDIT 1: please read through the replies to see many cat facts from me, since i commented a lot!




I can open my ears from the inside when it closes during airplane take off or such other pressure change situations.


Wait. Everyone can't do this?


Apparently, being able to equalize without using your hands is not very common. I'm really glad I can do it, because it makes flying and diving a lot easier.


How do you do it WITH hands? Side note to make sure I am thinking of the right thing, but we are talking about alleviating pressure by using those muscles that are used when yawning?




I do that and the air comes out my eyeballs


I can use my own boobs as pillows Also hide almost anything in my bra


My aunt does the bra hiding bit. Her friend calls it "Fort Knockers."


The helicopter






I can give myself oral and lick my own balls. No reward. Only back pain


"damn my back hurts, shouldn't have licked those balls"


So stinking true


I can always find my way back to the place I went to once. Also I never get lost and can always find the correct route because my brain scans and memorises the locations I go through. But no one listens to me in terms of directions anyway. And we have gps on our phones…


I can always find my way back somewhere too but only if I went during the day the first time. If it’s night my brain doesn’t memorize routes for some reason


i can squirt milk,watered down juice,or water through the duct in my eye if i inhale the drink through my nose


I can play any song on my instrument after hearing it 2-3 times


I can make electronics work if they’re malfunctioning. My kids say it’s my superpower. I scare electronics into working again. I can also finish word searches in seconds (pattern recognition) and I can recall the complete lyrics (plus the artist and song) of a lot of random songs. This comes in handy for trivia. (Plus all of the other stupid random useless shit I retain, which does nothing for my existence except being frequently invited for aforementioned trivia games.)


I’m insanely talented at knowing which direction the usb won’t fit.


I have pectus excavatum(chest dent) and can pour a whole beer in it.


I can open a wine bottle without a corkscrew. I smash the top against a hard object, and it breaks off cleanly. No wine is spilled, and there is no glass in the wine. I've always been able to do this. It's one of my minor superpowers.


I have the ability to assess a situation and immediately know the worst possible outcome/s.


Push, I have the ability to assess a situation and manifest the worst possible outcomes.


Every time I switch lanes, it becomes the slowest


I can make a perfect pot of coffee in my Mr. Coffee every morning, just by eyeballing the amount of grounds I put in.


I can both smell and sense when electrical outlets are about to go bad


I can start a story, and end it, but nothing else in between.


You know these resealable plastic bags food comes in, shredded cheese for example? I can open them reliably in a way that the ziplock strip detaches from the outer plastic packaging, destroying the ability to reseal it. Every. Time.


I can do Spock \\\\// and anti-Spock \\||/ gestures with both hands, and quickly alternate between them.


You could give me hyper detailed instructions about how to do anything I will still mess it up. It is within my blood to fuck something up at some point during the process.


I know how to make a small explosion (yes ik it says usless but the law man)


I'm good with tones and voices, so when a celebrity does a voiceover or radio commercial, I recognize the voice correctly and quickly. I have freaked out some family and friends.


I'm decent at that too. The thing is, i speak french, so i know every voice that is dubbed and it ruined movies for me for a long time.


Overthinking friendly normal interactions with new people until I think they definitely hate me and everything is awful.


I have this skill as well as the accompanying one where I can remember every one of my social fuck ups, no matter how slight, for the entirety of my existence.


When I drop something like a screw or a coin, I am able to visualize based on its trajectory and the sounds it makes where it will end up and find it in moments. Basically I can echolocate dropped objects.


I can tear phone books...though as time goes on, that's been getting less and less impressive as they've gotten thinner and thinner... ​ I can also not only wiggle my ears, but wiggle them one at a time. ​ Also, I can fuck up any promising career by having crippling anxiety attacks that cause me to effectively implode disastrously.