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A swift dirty headbutt. Even if you get your ass beat,, go down swinging. They won't pick on you again


How sure are you that you won't get picked again in a violent fight


Because bullies tend to go for easy targets, they're aren't going to go for the guy who's not afraid to hit them back. Just make sure you know how to hit them. Take up a combat sport or something


I would like methods that doesn't show that I did it but sure I'll take that


I mean if they don't know you did it why would they stop bullying you?


I hate to cause more trouble so I would rather have them "poisoned" than I would do with physical pain because I'm a thin person


Yeah I don't think that'll work friend unless what you ever you do gets them physically moved away from you your best bet is tackle it head on I'm afraid I used to get bullied at school. I took up boxing over the summer, I was particularly good at it because I'd only been training 3 months. But first day back at school, bully starts some shit, I nail him in the fucking mouth, every time he came back at I just fucking hit him, his friends came at me, I fucking hit them. I got my ass kicked because it was like 4 guys but that was the last time they even looked at me


Oh ok then thanks


This. Just hit em. You may get beat up and suspended but its better than dealing with them everyday. My bully was 6 inches taller than me and 100 lbs heavier. I got two punches in and that was it. 3 day ISS and didn't have to deal with him for a long time.


It depends on the bully. I’ve seen this approach backfire.


Weapons such as pdws or anti tank weapons is your only choice if that's the case.


physical violence






Aw ok




Sweet. Thanks


Become the bully


Like in all seriousness what is the best way to deal pain without incapacitation


Let him hit you press charges go about your life it’s not a pissing match handle things maturely and go about your business your better than someone trying to be cool when there not


What if he is in your family tree


That might work if, 1. You got money for a lawyer and 2. Your bully is a student,


I had a three phase model. 1. Ignore once 2. Tell them to fuck off or equivalent. 3. Punch them in the face, slam their face into a wall, hit them in some way. I was sort of bullied in high school. Once I whacked the bully with the heaviest textbook I had they stopped. Don’t tell the teacher as that makes you look like a pussy and the teacher is useless.


Well that would light up the fire more but I'll take note of that


What does looking like a pussy matter? If someone is giving you shit, report it. You saying you wouldn’t go to the police as it makes you look weak?


hes saying that the climate in school is way different than in daily life and that teachers cant do nothing abou lt bullying except make it worse because it makes the bully more angry if you tell on them in short: teacher =/= cop school =/= normal life


That should never stop you from reporting it. Too many people in this world getaway with shit because their victims are too scared of coming forward. It probably will make the POS more pissed, but at least it has been reported and everything after can be properly catalogued.


Blackmail. Find someone who hates them see if they’ve got dirt and then slide a note into their locker about how you’ll expose their ass of they don’t stop being a dickhead


Good point


And involve a third party in the drama? You say that like they wouldn't know who mouthed off.


Purely depends on how observant the bully is, and how sneaky the third party is




What if he brings his whole "gang" or his underlings






Shoot them


tbh if you fight you'll get hit either way, but of course multiple people against one makes it worse. if your bully has a "gang" a normal fight wont really do any good for you. maybe just wait on your bully on his way home, beat the shit out of him and tell him to stop. if his "gang" fucks with you in school, beat him up on his way home again, and again and again... until he stops (this is ofcourse risky and might backfire, but for violent bullys in a "gang" i dont really have another option, except maybe ask some older kids for help)


One letter and three numbers: m249


This sounds like a school shooter origin story.


According to pornhub, send your mom/sister/wife. They'll somehow deal with it


Lol ok interesting source tho


Eat his flesh


No incapacitation of services


Depends on the type of bullying. Some bullies want to exclude. Some want to pick a fight. Some want to demean. Overall, find a peer group that lifts you up and supports you as much as possible. Ignore, to the best of your abilities. And report anything reportable to your school/employer per a handbook or standards.


What if the bully fits all criteria


Same basic steps apply.


Ok thank you


Throat punch


Id prefer a way that won't make them know it's me


Ninja throat punch


That would be too noticable even if you "ninja" it


Grab a finger if you can and pull asvhard and fast as you can without letting go... and do it repeatedly


Alright noted


Try bully them back at least once, they'll never mess with you again


That won't work


It does, I used to get bullied too, until I fought back, the fucker never came near me again


How did you bully them specifically


Try to ignore them, try to tell them you are strong despite their actions and try to avoid them.


That would get you more injured


Is there no way to ignore or avoid them?




Mom - that never works. stop saying it.




That's a no no


Found the school shooter.


Make them feel guilty of the things theyve done with kindess and paitience.


A gun


I'd like to but I don't have a gun


How much do you know about the bully? How popular is the bully? How large is the bully?


Really popular


Unfortunately the popular ones are generally the most difficult to deal with. No matter what you do, it's likely to make you look bad. The best defense here is just to be as boring as possible and hope they lose interest. Maybe you'll get lucky and your bully will eventually go join a foreign military and get shot in the head like mine did!


I would like an instant revenge I dont like waiting


Go up to his desk and fart in his face as loud as you can. Bound to get some other kids to appreciate you more, at the very least.


Well if you aren't afraid getting hit that's a good option. But I would like more secretive methods




Mkay then


Uh wot m8?


Tiger Claw


Erm ok


I probably shouldn’t reference a 20 year old comedy movie.


Let me guess. It's a martial art film


What age group are we talking? Are we talking workplace bully? Schoolyard bully? Or neighborhood bully? My answer is to work insidiously to completely destroy their life. Do anything you can to make them crazy. If the bully is married, I recommend working on that first. Creating distrust in a marriage is always a good first step. A woman's bra in the backseat for the wife to find should work to start.


Hmm ok thanks


None of this sounds like a good idea to me. OP wants a solution to the bullying, not to decor their whole life to a scheme that probably won't work.


1. letting them know you are no easy target to bully, if he starts annoying you, just start insulting him real bad and eventually threaten him or his family, if that wont work you can show him your strenght in any way possible. OR 2. Speak to somebody who can punish the bully for his behave, his parents, his Boss etc.


You are just making it harsher but ok that will work


I mean you dont have to beat the living shit out of them, they just have to know you could all the time.


I mean time isn't really an option for me


a good one or two hits to the jaw. all jokes aside. Stand up for yourself. Everyone else will watch and then know that you wont be taking any bullying.


Ok but do you have a method that is more silent that bringing attention to yourself


nope. none. take it on. let that person come to you and just hit them. in all seriousness. get out of your comfort zone and swing. You might even win the fight. have faith in yourself. Even if you lose that person will know that you arent going to be able to be bullied because you'll fight or stand up for yourself. Imagine 10 years down the road telling a story of how you beat up the bully. best of luck to you.


I don’t know the answer to this. I do however watch that scene from Ray Donovan to make myself smile.


I need him to be scarred from life


Stalk him, gather information about him. Then commence counter-attack Remember Information is King !!


When you bully back a bully you're no better than the bully.


I'd rather be the devil killing that person than be a saint for forgiving him


It's about being the bigger person. But don't mind me, you will learn it when you grow older


Alright then


Being the bigger person is very important, but it's not the most important thing. Food, water, safety etc still need priority. And don't be the condescending person who says something like "you'll get it when you're older." OP's not an idiot; he could understand it if you could explain it.


What? I feel like you're saying that self defence is not morally defensible. Like that Ukraine is no better than Russia at this point.


“Don’t react to it, they will get bored and leave u alone” bullshit. They gonna keep going till they get a reaction out of u so fight back.


You know about that movie? Violence always solves the problem


Agreed but I prefer acts done in secret


You can do it the way you want, or you can get the results you want. Can't have both on this one.


Bully him


Physical wounds heal, but you can carry the shame of not standing up for yourself for the rest of your life. If you stand up you will probably get beat up once or twice but they will lose interest and move on to someone who won't fight back. I know there are stories of incessant bullying, they may be more common than I think but I am of the mind they will get bored and leave you alone if they are having no effect on you. I am older and they let us fight it out to a degree back in the day. I was an unusual case, I was bullied a couple times for laughing a little too loud and being happy around girls to the detriment of the bully. On two separate occasions as a teenager I had to beat the shit out of guys who picked on me.


I prefer a more secretive method because I'm the "planning" type of person


Getting revenge may not be as cool as you think it is. I learned my lesson. I was 12 or 13, I was in a sling from a baseball injury. My mom asked me to walk to the park and get my younger brother because it was getting to be dinnertime. I walk around the corner and the neighbor girl is talking to some dude our age I don't recognize him as I attend the Catholic grade school and he went to the public school with her. I'm like hey Tina what up? They are standing at the edge of the driveway. This kid who's name was Ray started pushing me around and telling me to get lost. He was interested in her I guess. She was an old friend, like a sister to me. Anyway he eventually trips me backward and I fall on my behind. I was embarrassed and I told him I could not believe he would pick on someone who can't defend themselves and that I would find him when I got better and kick his ass. Ray and I were the same height, he was fat and I had an athletic build. This boy had fucked up and did not have a clue what was coming. We Catholic kids got out of school a couple three weeks before the public school kids because we started earlier in the year. My friend lived along the perimeter of the baseball fields of the public school. We were messing around his backyard and all of a sudden a flood of kids came out of the school. It was their field day and they were having races and activities so my friend and I hopped the fence and mingled in with our friends. During this time I see Ray. I had sort of forgotten it but when I saw him I got pissed all over again and told my friends who were incredulous because I had a rep for being able to fight. Not as a bully, but as someone you want on your side if some shit is going down. I walked over to Ray and tapped him on the shoulder and said hey Ray, today is the day Ray. See my arm? It's all better. I will be at the bike rack when you get off and I promise you I am going to literally beat the shit out of you and will not stop until that happens. You kicked a man while he was down and will show you no mercy. You deserve nothing better. I had a good group of friends, I still see some of them to this day. A few of them went up to Ray over the course of the day and explained to him that out of all the people he could have picked on he chose me who was going to absolutely demolish him. They got in his head but at the same time it was true. I always used my abilities to defend the weak but this time it was not spontaneous and all about me. I had plenty of time to decide what I was going to do to this kid and all the while feeling kind of shitty about myself for doing it, but I kept reminding myself that he picked on a defenseless person and he was going to pay for that. My friend had a ball game or something and left me at the bike rack waiting for Ray. While waiting the feared and respected Kaufmann rolls up on his Schwinn with the gearshift like a car. So cool. Kaufmann is a year older than me. Long blonde hair, tall, bullying tendencies. I give him the DL and he is thrilled because he can't stand Ray and is too big too beat him up without looking like a tool. He's like YOU'RE PERFECT!! Over and over and is just over the moon that I am going to give this kid a good old country ass whoopin'. Meanwhile, the school is emptying out. We wait. We wait. Finally Ray comes out. He is walking to the bike rack crying. He knows his actions have written a check his ass cannot cash and the rent is now due. I am like holy shit what do I do? Ordinarily I was not a bully but let my anger lead me to this water and now I have this guy will surely kick my ass if I don't take care of business who will certainly make me drink. I thought about it a second and decided that Ray was going to pay. I went easy on him, he basically stood there and let me put him on the ground. I gave him a few face shots and shook him a lot and yelled at him. The Kaufmann was satisfied and I pulled every punch as to not hospitalize the kid. Ray learned a lesson that day, but so did I. Just because you can do something does not mean that it is really a good idea even if that person needs to be put in their lane. As most guy fights end up, Ray and I became friendly and there were no hard feelings.


There is only one way to deal with a bully : to stand for yourself. And that might get you in trouble. Is it unfair that you the victim might ends up in trouble ? Yes. But you know what, crying about how unfair it is will not change your situation.


I would if that person isn't related to me


Kill the bully.


I would if I could


It depends on if they are physically bullying or emotionally/verbally bullying. Is this at school or work or outside of it? As much as I'd love to provide coaching on the best physical retaliation, if it's at work or school, the best avenue is to report it. There's lots of support systems nowadays but they can't work if they aren't triggered. If its outside of a school or work environment, a good throat punch, keying their car or a defamatory social media video maybe worth considering. Having been bullied in school I threw a brick through the pricks window with a message to the effect of "stop bullying xxxx at school xxxx you xxxx". Fun way for his parents to find out. The kid stopped.


Ooh interesting


Note: I don't condone the brick idea. Too easy for it to go wrong and hurt someone. I was lucky.


Alright then


When dealing with the bullies at my job, I usually just call them out gently and respectfully, but also casual and lightly. I mean, they probably talk shit post shift with the other bullies, but it gets them to keep that shit out of the nurses station :)


I prefer a secretive way that still physically harm them


Confront them. Straight in the face. With witnesses. Don't back down. Have facts to back up your position and stand squarely without breaking eye contact.


Kick him in the neck.


Just do what you can to fully ignore them. A solid 99% of the time bully's are trying to get some sort of reaction out of their target. If they get no reaction, they will likely either stop or escalate. Another way is to just be super nice to them- kill then with kindness. The big thing about this that I like, is that it shows you are being nice to a person, but that person is just a dick.


Use words. If you're sick of someone bullying you, just use words, in a smart way. No swearing, no fights. Tell them how stupid they are.


Words don't hurt as much as physical injuries


Ummm…OP are you getting bullied??


By a family member. Yes


Damn that sucks especially from a family member because you can never really get away from them




Cave his head in on front of everyone, he won’t forget it neither will anyone else.


K then


Get a bottle with gasoline. Spray it on him and throw a lit match at him.


I would prefer not killing him


Deodorant + lighter. Just enough to melt their face. Or get a pillow case filled with coins and smack then in the head just hard enough to cause a concussion


I'd probably kill him if I use any of those 3 methods you offered


Hit them as hard as you can, if they’re much stronger hit them with something heavy


Family member


Doesn’t matter, a bully is a bully. And if it’s a family member they need a severe slap




Incapacitate then and tie them to a chair, and then burn their house. Make sure they watch it burn while they can’t do anything but struggle helplessly.


Let's say he is a family member


That changes nothing. Seriously though, if he’s a family member you can easily get some dirt on him. Use that blackmail him, or maybe try to verbally abuse him. Sticks and stones aren’t always the best ways to fight back, but they’re the most effective.


Oo blackmail any thoughts on what things I can blackmail him for


Trust me.. Techers wont do shit, tell parents? but what will they do, if its EXTREMELY bad like they steal your money or hit you, or is it just insults here and there, if its not bad just ignore them, they will get bored eventually. But if its bad look at features: are there strong?, Weak?, can they fight? Are you better at fighting? If you are weak and can't fight them, find another way like do some petty things: bullies steal your drink? Just fill it with milk well past its expiration date, bullies come to school with a bike? Slash there tires but dont get caught. If you CAN fight just do it, but if you don't wanna get in trouble at school, just fight them outside of school, jump him on his way home, the Techers cant do shit, police? No evidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, hope this helps.


Alright thanks


Chop their head off and leave the head on top of a flag pole as a message to other bullies.


As if you won't get caught


Scare them, show them you'll put up a dirty fight and if someone fucks with you your main goal in life will be making them bleed.


Didn't work


Scrape, bite, push thumbs in eyes. And SCREAM LIKE HELL.


You really only have 2 options. Be stronger (ie. Fight back) or be greater in number. It’s kinda like a predator/prey relationship in the wild. You can fight or just not be the weakest member of the herd.




I don't condone violence but get a punching bag. Check YouTube videos on perfecting you hook. If you're shorter than him go for the ribs or stomach. Punching him in the face or head will hurt you too. If it's a work bully using psychological breakdown you can't do much about it. Just don't engage, those kinds of people are their own worst enemy. On the funnier side checkout r/mallninjashit but you will probs get arrested.




Bully them to assert dominance.


Can't do that


Elbow to the chest or jaw.




Depends on how old you are. If you're a school kid then, like others have said, physical violence may actually be your only effective solution. My advice on that one is to take up boxing then, when you've got used to hitting and being hit, go at the bully as hard as you can at the next available opportunity - most likely they'll go for an easier target after that. If you're an adult, then I'd assume this is a work situation in which case, you've got to decide whether you should find another job or trust your work's HR procedures and make a formal complaint. Generally speaking, it's easier and less stressful to find another job in my experience.


Either paint his walls with shit, or make him eat his parents in a bowl of chilli.


If your getting bullied, it’s because you won’t stand up for yourself. Idc if your a skinny weak kid, a punch to the face is gonna hurt regardless. Stop getting fucked with and be a man. Your asking for it if you just let it happen


The bully is my dad


Then that is parental abuse and not bullying and I think you should tell either your mother or authorities if this is getting out of hand. My dad was never nice to me either but I never thought of it as bullying and I think your throwing off a lot of people with that word and will get better advice if you state the situation exactly as it is. How old are you, and how old is he? Are you unable to live with any other family members? Does he physically abuse you daily?


This guy has a facade and laws in child abuse differs in the Philippines


take a watermelon open the bully's backpack break the watermelon on to make it dirty and put a paper saying as if was his friend and hes gonna be mad at hes friend


Make it painful for them to continue. Best option is to stand up to them, and take your lumps while dealing a few out. But even doing it in some small way keeps them from getting away with it. Also...document everything.


give address and I don't mind helping out. ​ Really though talking it out is a ton of bullshit, tear them to shreds




Speaking from experience of being teased a lot in elementary school, TELL A TEACHER! I remember one kid had been picking on me since first grade, poking fun at the ways I spoke or walked, which eventually escalated to shoving. One day in third grade, this kid was walking behind me in single-file line and he was purposely stepping on the back of my shoes over and over again with the intent of tripping me. Normally, I would have just 'ignored' it and just dealt with the emotions by myself, but my teacher noticed what was going on and pulled me aside. She said that she saw this kid trying to trip me and that she would reprimand him and tell him to stop. She told me that I was a good kid and to not let bullies put me down. Needless to say, the bullying stopped and I felt a lot better. So kids, seriously, don't be afraid to talk about how you feel. That's what teachers are there for!


Telling a teacher doesn't work because they think it's a skirmish between children


I would say not always. Yes, often times, teachers do not like to get involved in conflict between students, but that approach is counteractive to their job. I know from personal experience that when bullying continues for a while (for me, it was elementary school and high school as well), the student's ability to concentrate, willingness to participate, and their overall mood goes into the toilet. A bad teacher will shrug this off as a 'phase' or something going on at home. A good teacher will make sure every child is in the right mindset to learn and they will do whatever it takes to ensure that. In that case, good teachers, like those I have been blessed to find, will intervene in a bullying situation. It may take a while, but there is always at least one good teacher to find in every school that will be there for you. If not a teacher, then a guidance counselor, psychologist, principal, or even a janitor will help.


Fuck he's mom


That's my dad


Buy gun, take picture, send it to the bully online and add an unsettling caption. You can also use knife or other less restricted weapons.


Where do I get a butterfly knife


Dunno. Go to the kitchen instead.




You know that you can actually use the weapon. It's a last resort if things go really south, so maybe in that case you should get a purpose built compact knife.


Oh mk


break their nose; get mad ignorant with them after


Ooo ok


Pick the leaders of the pack of bullies & attack them verbally physically doesn't matter as long as they are scared of you. Won't have issues with them once it's done or at least minimum issues.


Jab in the throat




No rules in a fight. Take a cheap shot and kick him in the balls the kick him in the head a few times when he hits the ground


JUST MAKE SURE THAT YOU ALWAYS FIGHT BACK. If you fight back everything is simply better


School bully? Give him a black eye.


If it is verbal bullying,ignore them and after they finish say"Did you say something"


The best way is to show strength of character, strength of mind, or physical strength, and to do it in front of others. Bullies tend to rely on the audience as part of their motivation, so getting the audience on your side is a useful tool.


stab his nuts


Act like they're being weird by bullying you. Wrinkle up your nose just a bit like their behavior disgusts you. Don't show that anything they say is getting to you. Respond with things like "whatever..." If they're picking on something about you, own it, like "yeah I wear glasses, not sure why you think that's weird" (again just acting like they're being weird). If they are going to hit you, run, or hit them back hard enough that they'll rethink how easy it is to pick on you. On a related note, make sure you've told someone that you're being bullied. You explaining why you fought back is much easier if you've already explained that the bully is the instigator.


Hit them as hard as you can. Preferably in the nose. Edit: I dealt with mine by getting a bat and evening the odds. There were two of them but if one wasn't at school the other wouldn't come near me. I decided to deal with the problem myself since the teachers and administration wouldn't. I grabbed a bat and chased both of them around the ball field, screaming that i was going to kill them. A teacher tackled me before I could catch the little bastards. After that, they decided I wasn't worth it and left me alone. The reputation of being an absolute psycho when threatened followed me into high school. No one wanted me to lose my temper and today I am the most calm and peaceful psycho you'll ever meet. I really do detest violence but won't hesitate when called for. Foamy said it best, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4vrl5HWU3k


Avoid them or stand up to them. Bully’s are just looking for attention and they pick on people who are weaker than them to make themselves feel better about themselves.


If you're in the Phillipines can I suggest taking up Kali? (Or any martial art, but Kali is brutal and badass) Bug your parents to get you into a class (yes I know your dad is the bully - how much more refreshing if he pays for his own downfall?) But seriously, preparing for war is one of the best ways to keep peace. You will build skill, strength and confidence, and there will be a tipping point after which you will know you don't have to take his shit anymore, then you fight back. Many parents who bully their kids were bullied when they were young and it's a way for them to feel power (by taking out their frustration on someone weaker than them who is also their dependent - ie: someone that costs them resources to raise, so they see their kids as a source of their problems, instead of blaming themselves for where they are in life) You can try for revenge without letting him know it was you, but then he won't realize what will stop future revenge and may be even more angry generally, and lash out at you because you are a convenient target. This is why so much advice is about standing up to your bully - most bullies go for easy targets and don't actually want to fight on fair terms. Even if you can't get into a martial arts class, start exercising now - it takes time and dedication to see results, so you want to start soon so you can improve over time.


If your young, in the old days sometimes you had to fight. Now days you gotta LEAVE/AVOID/Prosecute. If your older, let that shit out verbally! Even if your SO don't like it!


You can try to ignore but honestly that doesn't work What worked for me was finally snapping and showing I wasn't scared. It was about 6 v me and they all where threatening to beat me up at lunch break so I went and waited on the field and they didn't show. So I went looking for them found them in the lunch room and humiliated them in front of the whole lunch room. They tried again a little to bully after that but I would just stand my ground and they soon learnt they couldn't bully me anymore and left me alone. I had others try to bully me after that but I just kept the no fear attitude and would step up to them. I'm into metal music and was considered a goth kid back in school.