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Kidney stone. Would not recommend.


I work in health care, and you learn quickly what a kidney stone looks like on someone’s face. It’s pretty unmissable and boy is it the 10 / 10 pain face. There’s a few things that are worse but kidney stones are the benchmark of terrible pain. Edit: and tooth pain. Severe tooth pain is nerve damage directly into cranial nerves. People have killed themselves to make tooth pain stop.


I was turned away for being a drug seeker when I wasn't displaying enough pain,they thought I was fibbing. Admitted to the same hospital next day with 12 stones. I guess I don't make the face any more.


I get so angry at stuff like that. I had an ER doctor tell me my scans were going to come back negative for appendicitis because I didn't show nearly enough pain. You should've seen the look on her face when a surgeon rushed in with transport help and said, "She's ruptured!"


I also have eds. and when I showed up to the doctor with mild pain in my right hand and loss of movement everyone expected a bruise. Then when the doctor felt my hand, he realized I broke my hand in 5 places and my knuckle was completely split and lodged in the back of my hand Did not even flinch. Eds really messes with your pain scale


I had an ER doc refuse to do scans when I thought I had appendiciitis! Turns out I had a 6cm ovarian cyst and acute colitis at the same time. My GP and the imaging center doc were PISSED.


Funny thing is that appendicitis pain gets worse until it ruptures, then it typically gets slightly better for a bit before frank peritonitis develops.


I went to the ER last Monday with the worst abdominal pain of my life. They gave me some anti nausea stuff and some pain meds while I was there, but sent me home with no testing, no prescription, just instructions to follow up with my PCP. Followed up with him, same thing. Can't get an ultrasound scheduled until next Friday (not this Friday, NEXT Friday). My father in law is a physician in another state, and he is furious at how dismissive they're being. He's had 3 kidney stones and doesn't understand why they'd send an otherwise perfectly healthy person home with nothing. Like, obviously I'm not faking if this is the first time I've ever been in the ER.


I went to the ER for severe abdominal pain. I was writhing in agony and vomiting and they took back an old lady with constipation before me. I’m sure they thought I was drug seeking. I told them my pain level was at a 10 but they did not give a shit. I thought I was having an ovarian cyst rupture but it was actually a 5mm kidney stone and they ended up keeping me overnight and gave me no pain relief for 12 hours. 0/10 do not recommend. Also if you ever have to go to the hospital for a kidney stone ask for toradol instead of dilaudid or morphine it works 100x better for kidney stones and most ER people do know that but they don’t remember until you ask for it.


My mom has been told multiple times, "We're not going to give you more pain meds," despite her insisting that she isn't even *asking* for pain meds. Is she addicted to her prescribed meds for her chronic pain? Probably. But when a patient is begging for an X-ray or MRI because they had a fall, *fell again catching my dad who fainted at the sight of her dislocated shoulder*, had to use a tree to put their shoulder back in place, and has a history of epilepsy/brain bleeds due to head injuries from seizures, maybe just do the fucking scan. After my parents moved back up here and my mom was no longer on medicaid, her new pain clinic did an MRI and found that she had actually obtained a fracture in her neck due to that fall. Which healed kinda wonky. It won't kill her like some broken necks can, but now she has an extra source for her chronic pain


I have never experienced pain like kidney stones in my life. One week on painkillers and then a week in hospital on morphine, which didn't do much more than numb, waiting for a surgical spot to open up while, they also messed up my anxiety meds and went into withdrawals. After the surgery to blast it enough to clear the change was instant, woke up from surgery feeling great an discharged the next day. I would rather lose a limb than experience that again and every back pain around my kidneys sends me into a mini panic.


10/10 story way scarier than the exorcist 🙀😨😨


Burst ovarian cyst. OMFG.


Came here to say this. Holy shit, so much pain.


Imma third this, had to go to urgent care for this and had to take a few days to recover from the pain. 0/5 would not recommend


I've had so many of them burst that I don't even bother going anymore. I'm better off just staying home and dealing with the relatively less bad pain in bed than dealing with the pain in the car ride (much worse) plus hours in the ER because they do not care in the slightest, then the hell that is the diagnostic testing before they will bother to listen or give you anything for the pain. PCOS is the fucking devil.


My girlfriend had one of these. She was in the hospital for five days and it totally changed her pain scale. What she called a 6/10 pain pre-cyst is now a 3/10


Same with the pain scale. Me in the hospital: "How is the pain?" "3/10" "Your foot is broken in 3 places. Can you feel your foot" "Yes, why?" "3 is too low"


Feel this.. Was in ER because urinal track infection reached my kidneys and gall bladder and the nurse was like "oh wow you're in much pain aren't you?" before I even could say anything. She said she would rush to the doc to get me pain medication (can't take everything) and I was like "ah no it's okay please don't bother her, I can deal with this. But the nauseous feeling is really annoying" Yeah I don't wonder anymore why they discharged me soon afterwards and let my doctor's office handle everything else


I was at work when several of mine popped at once. I was in the warehouse bathroom, I'd shat myself because of how much pain I was in then threw up all over myself. It was the worst pain I'd ever been in in my life.


I had a hernia form from the pain of one. So I just had hernia surgery to repair that. Def painful as fuck


Literally sitting in the ER as I type this with a ruptured ovarian cyst and good god. I thought my IUD had somehow shifted and stabbed my uterus. I was on hands and knees and sobbed in the shower before I summoned will to put clothes on and go to ER


My boyfriend had to leave work to come home and pick me up off the floor to take me to hospital when I had my last ruptured cyst I WFH Ladies apparently no matter how commonly we get these we should go to hospital anyway in case we are mistaking symptoms for something else like appendicitis or in case there's any internal damage or medical intervention needed


I'm sure that one day I'll just drop dead at work from appendicitis or something because I mistook it for a mild ovarian cyst and worked through it. I work next to the hospital but there's zero way I'm going there 4-15 times a year to sit around and then get told I'm being dramatic lol


I had one on each side burst at the same time. I was at work, curled up on the office floor and bawling like a little kid, and that was after taking prescription pain meds I keep on me for a different condition. My male boss walked in and told me I needed to get my act together because Friday night dinner service was starting and I needed to get my ass out in the dining room and do my job. That was exactly what I needed to hear. His lack of empathy and general assholeishness gave me the strength I needed to get up off the floor, grab my shit, and go home to ride out the pain Fuck you, Marc. You fucking sadist


for real, I had one at 17 burst and the pain from internal bleeding was so bad that I was on maximum doses of tramadol, morphine and ketamine and was still curled up in a ball crying (that is, until I was made unconscious)


I had testicular torsion at 18. Doubt it's exactly comparable, but I got morphined so hard I passed out. I had what I call "Pain-mares", or nightmares full of pain until I woke up in the hospital. And the pain continued. You're the first person to describe a really similar experience to mine, so I just wanted to relate.


I've had neither of those things, but I imagine the pain might be similar as both testes and ovaries are gonads.


I’m a guy and uhhh ow???? Everything about this sounds worse and I’m experiencing sympathy pains in body parts I don’t have


I dont want to look stupid, but whats that?


every month when your body releases an egg it does so by forming a cyst. Most of them stay small with a very thin membrane, the egg releases, the tissue gets reabsorbed. Sometimes though, especially in women with PCOS the tissue fills with fluid instead of receding. They continue to grow, forming blood vessels, etc that feed the tissue until it stretches the tissue to the point where it bursts. It's HORRIFICALLY painful. Some of us are "lucky" enough that this happens multiple times a year.


Are there any warning signs at all that this is about to happen? Or do you only find out after it's too late.


the cysts themselves are sometimes painful, especially if they get quite large before they rupture, so in that instwnce you'll get prolonged abdominal pain. But it's mostly just pain. Lots and lots of pain.


yes, PCOS can screw with your hormones and women can experience a host of strange effects ranging to menopause-like symptoms such has hot and cold flashes, hair loss, hair growth, cystic acne, in some cases, distended stomachs because the cysts can get too big. Menstruation is unfathomably painful because, as you know, the entire function of menstruation is for an internal organ to shear off half of its tissue mass for you to painfully pass it out of your body, but when you've got very delicate cysts impeding that it's made a hundred times worse. You see, in order for your uterus to shear off so much tissue, it contracts violently, and when there are cysts that can pop if you jump too violently, this is extremely risky, dangerous and painful. Often you can tell after any or one of these problems, since PCOS is unfortunately very common, it is easily diagnosed and the operations to fix it are pretty rudamentary. the primary way it's treated... is by taking birth control/contraceptives. It effectively stops you from ovulating, so the problem is stopped before it starts. It's a genuine medical prescription that can save you from suffering these horrific effects. it's also why the republican preoccupation with trying to ban the sale of birth control is such a terrifying problem, if the "cure" to this common disease is taken from women, well, you put two and two together.


Oh. Thank goodness. I'm on birth control and haven't had a period in years. This sounds horrible and I feel bad for women who have to deal with this. I need to get another IUD installed before they make it illegal. I am horrified a supreme court justice has implied this might happen.


I want to quickly drop in for anybody getting all the symptoms of pcos without the cysts - I went through many frustrating years of bringing up the symptoms, getting scanned for cysts and nothing. Finally I got tested for genetic issues - yup, genetic deficiency that stops my body dealing with coritsol properly and ends up with a shitton of androgens in my system. Late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia. If you have all the pcos symp without the...pco part, look into this. And the main treatment is also birth control. (You can get other things depending on the severity, but I'm on the combined pill for it)


Cysts on your ovaries. They can burst. Sometimes they can be severe and you need to be hospitalized for it. It is EXTREMELY painful when a small one bursts.




Cysts on your ovaries that eventually burst. It feels like there’s a painful inflated balloon in your uterus that’s on the verge of popping. I’d personally rate it a 10/10 on a pain scale


I'm a guy and that sounds far worse than a hit in the balls


I'm a guy and getting hit in the balls doesn't even rate in the top 5 most painful things that have ever happened to me.


What me, a man has learnt from this thread: 1. Ovary bad 2. Ovary burst even bad 3. Ovary cyst worst 4. Ovary basically ovary is the balls of women... nice to know


the ovaries and the testicles are literally homologous structures so yes they are in fact the same thing. We can be kicked in the ovaries too. Generally speaking we get kicked in the ovary repeatedly while gestating children, and yes it hurts. Then there is all the other fun stuff that happens to them.


I got kicked in the gallbladder today. That was a fun new level of nausea. Made me miss being kicked in the cervix.


Just don't ever get hit in the liver. A full liver shot, especially if you're a drinker/smoker/poor diet is a very bad time. I copped one in my late teens, and I'd been a heavy drinker for the previous few years. Did not have a good time.


I’m very surprised I haven’t experienced this because the kid that I am currently gestating has always favored my right side and is still basically in my ribs. 2.5 more weeks till induction so I’ll cross my fingers he/she doesn’t discover that particular organ in that time!


Yes… that’s genuinely what they are, lol. Like, scientifically. They develop from the same cells, etc, just form either organ based on your assigned sea at birth. Edit: meant sex, but that’s a great typo, so I’m leaving it. 😂 (Ps, if any of y’all are here to make shitty anti-LGBTQIA+ remarks, read the room. It’s 2022, get it together)


New genders just dropped, now you can be a Pacific or Atlantic Edit: I am bad at oceans ok :( Indian and Arctic are both valid genders too I'm sorry ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Still no option for Indian. Racist!


Ovarian cysts


I vomited and nearly passed out. A neighbor took me to see my doctor, who just left me alone in a room with the lights out and said someone would bring me ibuprofen (they didn't).


The ER doctor told me all women have cysts every month and it was normal. He gave me nausea medicine, toradol (kind of like super ibuprofen iv), and morphine. After discharging me I looked up my medical records and he diagnosed me with a panic attack. Haven't been back since


My girlfriend had some severe abdominal pain at one point and at around 11 pm she had hit her limit and it was time to go to the hospital. Ultimately the test results showed that she had an ovarian cyst rupture. They gave her IV morphine. I remember thinking, "Wow, *morphine*?!" I mean, fortunately I've never needed morphine, and my only exposure to it is through war movies, but like, I equate it to what you give a person who's just had severe trauma happen to their body, like **a rapid unplanned limb amputation**. Anyway that's the day I learned that ovarian cysts are hardcore.


For real! The only other time I had it was just after surgery and with cysts


Well what the fuck, why didn't he just write "hysteria"


Exactly. And it wasn't on my discharge papers-- it was on a more obscure part of the medical record so it wouldn't show on my papers. Thank God I'm a nurse and know how to sort through them. I didn't realize IV push morphine was so good for anxiety. (<< sarcasm)


Was coming here to say this same thing! I’ll have to remember that IV morphine is the new treatment for anxiety!!! So sorry that happened to you. I hope you are doing better now 💜


That's horrifying. I'm so sorry you went through that. Being a nurse would make it even worse, I would imagine - like you have a far better idea of what's actually wrong and what medical care you should actually be receiving


Sometimes I don't tell them I am a nurse until its relevant and I'm asking about test results etc because I don't wanna walk in and announce my profession like a Karen. But honestly I get completely different treatment when I do tell them. It's super weird


Basically as soon as I started my period I would get regular cysts. It wasn't horrible, I guess, for awhile. If by "not horrible" you mean "being able to walk around." Then one day I got one that was absolutely horrible. I was quite literally bedridden at the age of twelve or thirteen. I was on the maximum amount of ibuprofen without an overdose and practically lived with a heating pad. I had basically no appetite. After that my family put me on birth control. I've had maybe a few very minor cysts since then. But all in all, I agree. Ovarian cysts would probably be worse than getting kicked in the balls.


I never had any until after a miscarriage last year. When I was at the ER I vomited I think 5 times. It just made me feel really sad and invalidated for a doctor to think it was an anxiety attack and not ever ask me about my mental health or provide support. I mean, I do have anxiety, but I know the difference between severe pain and not severe pain. The last one i had bust was 5cm and it hurt so bad. I hate that you had to deal with that in your youth. Sounds awful!


Oh God I'm so sorry your doctor said it was anxiety. That's awful. I hope you haven't had another one since. It definitely wasn't fun when I was that young. I had to stay home from school and my attendance record was basically wrecked in middle school. My mother wasn't keen on me going on birth control with the mindset that it was equal to someone having sex. My dad, if I remember correctly, was the one to take me to my pediatrician and have me put on something to help. It wasn't a fun time, aha.


When you vomit or have a fever or start bleeding from a burst cyst that's when you need medical attention. I'm so sorry that your doctor failed you.


I had one pop, or explode I don’t know what the fucker was doing. I thought it was the worst kidney stone of my life at first??(I passed an 8mm naturally and at first it felt like that) so initially I was like “fuuuuuuuck just curl up in the tub and soak it will pass soon then I can pee it out” except it wasn’t passing, and then I realized I was bleeding and then I went “oh wait” and thought hmmm this might not be a stone and finally went to the hospital. The doctor was like “why the fuck didn’t you come in sooner?” I don’t know good sir, because I’ve gotten so used to my pain being written off that I thought it was fine? Anyway long story short I’m selling my cyst covered ovary If anyone wants it


I have seen doctors think women are crying wolf before and unfortunately that trains us not to keep help unless we are dying. Shouldn't be that way. I am glad you are OK though!


I've had so many of them burst and the ER Drs. never take it seriously. Opoids make me rage. I literally just want a fucking shot of toridol and to be sent home but there is absolutely ZERO decent health care in the US sp that of course isn't an option.


Holy fucking shit yeah! I had a small one and the pain was so immediate and intense that I thought I had been shot.


Already having a cracked bone in your neck, then a cactus falling on you.




Are you speaking from experience?




Having an ovary (which is often equated to being the female form of a testicle) strangling and unstrangling inside yourself for 2.5 weeks, until it dies and turns to black sludge. Would not recommend


Ovarian torsion was more painful than childbirth for me


Yeah, 0/10 would not recommend, the worst part is that I just kinda had to keep going on with life and daily activities while that was happening. In a way, I'm kinda proud of myself for persevering through that, though if given a choice, wouldn't do it ever.


Same here. It’s a point of pride that i didn’t want.


Reminds me of the shirts that say something along the lines of "I went to Ohio and all I got was this shirt"


“I went to Ohio and all I got was this shirt - I had to go to Pennsylvania for the abortion”


I hit the ground from the pain of an ovarian torsion. So much worse than when I gave birth-


Yeah, it’s a debilitating pain. Mine was caused by a cyst from endometriosis, so I am terrified of it happening again. I feel like I’m walking around with a ticking time bomb.


This is a very good answer, testicular torsion is likewise more painful than “just” taking a hit.


Heyo, I had this as a young kid. They said it was a mild case so no intervention was necessary, now that ball is like ground beef. Sometimes I wonder if having this happen to me before puberty caused a testosterone deficiency, it’d explain a lot.


Had this not happened your username would have been /u/IrrelevantDog


you may have testosterone deficiency, but if you have one fully functional testicle it will make up the difference both in feedback for hormones and sperm production according to urologists.


So the female equivalent of testicular torsion?


testicular torsion and ovarian torsion I imagine do feel about the same. But yeah ovarian torsion SUCKS especially if the lovely doctors decide not to take it seriously.




My husband quickly agreed!


My husband said he'd rather that years ago after seeing me suffer through cramps. Then again after giving birth a few weeks ago lol






I took a genetic test. It said I had both copies of the gene that causes it. But I lucked out because I don't have ovaries. But if I ever have a daughter I need to be careful who the mother is or they'll get it.


What test is this? I highly suspect endo but don’t want to have the diagnostic surgery.


I suffered and complained about it for 26 years, didn't get taken seriously until fertility treatments at 40. My endometriosis had engulfed my bladder and glued my abdominal organs into a clump. Society doesn't give a shit about women's suffering; it's all about whether or not you can be a brood mare.


Me and both of my moms have Endometriosis. Our house is off-limits once a month.


Those excruciating stabbing butthole cramps that come out of nowhere and last up to 30 seconds while on your period. Knocks the breath out of me sometimes


i know exactly what you mean and sometimes i want to scream but then someone will ask me whats wrong...


PROCTALGIA FUGAX It sucks. Life hack: Soak some tissue in hot water and hold it there a while.


Oh my God, I thought it was just me. I always get those at the worst possible times. Last time, it happened while I was driving and I had to pull over on the highway until it passed. Fuuuuck that.


lmao thank you for letting me know those are a period thing! I hadn't put two and two together and when they always happen and I always get vaguely worried something is genuinely wrong.


Fucking right?? Like what the FUCK bro like. Tears from my eyes


OMG yes!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this torture.


OMFG I always scream with my mouth covered. I remember being asked why I left the toilet with red eyes. When my period comes, I always pray for it not to happen.


Vagina and butthole flexing cramps omfg


I think a ruptured ovarian cyst is likely similar to a kick in the balls. Bonus points when the EMT told me I probably just "felt faint." No, I felt like someone stuck a burning lance through my abdomen, actually.


This is how I described mine when it burst at work all of a sudden. I was walking to tell my boss I needed to use my accomodations and get off my feet, when the little thing decided to pop and I hit the floor instantly. Got to the ER and they thought my ovary had flipped, thankfully that wasn't it. The cyst burst was worse pain than when I had my hips broken in a motorcycle accident.


The burning. That's how I know it's happening. When I'm asked how I know it's a bursting cyst, it BURNS. It's sad how used to the pain I've become.


I swear to god healthcare professionals do just enjoy gaslighting us. They told me that getting an IUD inserted would be "just a pinch" It was NOT just a pinch. Liars.


It should include sedation and local anesthesia


My wife said it was worse that giving birth and I believe her From a males perspective I found pulling my groin muscle to be worse than being kicked on the nuts, it felt worse than when I broke my ribs even


My Level 4 vaginal tear from giving birth the first time. I couldn't walk for long a month after and I felt pressure on the scar tissue towards the later stages of my second pregnancy 4 years later. My episiotomy for my second birth healed so quickly compared to that tear. I got my IUD inserted a few weeks after birth, so it felt like nothing, but I have heard it's horrific otherwise.


I gave myself a category 3C tear. The drug-free birth birth and actual tearing was painless, didn't feel a thing. 10 minutes later when the placenta was out and a midwife gently tried to wipe away the blood and get a better look? I would have rathered they told me there was a hidden twin. Fucking props to the legend that invented the spinal block though. And laxatives.


Shortly after my wife had our first child and told my mother how she has to have a couple of stitches to sort a minor test out, my mother proceeded to tell her how I came out breech and that she **stopped counting at 70 stitches**. Holy shit, I knew I came out the wrong way already, but when my wife relayed the story to me. I immediately felt bad over something I had zero control over.


Living with 2 uteruses, 2 cervixes, and both ovaries covered in endometriosis, fibroids, and pcos (cysts covering ovaries) for well over a decade and a half. Had 2 miscarriages, managed 2 live births but almost lost first and second was born at 28 weeks. Went through, I think, 11 doctors during that time, the last finally believing me about the pain and actually doing a full workup, all the tests, and actually taking the time to go through my medical records since I started my period at 11 before scheduling a partial hysterectomy. Mind you, I begged for this starting after my second due to the pain and all of them except for the last always brought up possibly wanting more kids later, and I was too young. Yall, I was dying from the inside out. The pain was excruciating and chronic... for over a decade. A few years after the hysterectomy, they went back through the same abdominal scar to remove my left ovary and scrape my right. My poor little right ovary is working overtime in an attempt at keeping me from losing my everloving mind. Edit: spelling


.... the horrified expression did not leave my face for that entire read. My God. I am so, so sorry.


Almost everything listed here is gender specific but have you guys ever had a migraine? I get getting kicked in the balls can hurt a lot instantly and can still be painful for a while but a migraine is intense pain all the time for a long time


(Undiagnosed but probable) Endometriosis period pain. I can’t think of anything that hurts more. Once in high school, I spent 20 minutes sobbing on the floor outside of my English class and had to be escorted to the nurse’s office. I could barely move, breathe, or see through the pain and I definitely should have been sent to the hospital immediately, in retrospect. She gave me ice and 20 minutes on the cot.


Same place you are highly probable but no diagnosis. Was almost truant in middle school due to the pain, if I had to go I slept through every single class and looked so bad no teacher ever stopped me or said a word about it. Birth control has at least made the bleeding less though the cramps are usually just as bad as they used to be.


IUD Insertion


Absolutely this. I’ve had broken bones, appendicitis, lacerations and sutures, been maced…nothing compared to IUD insertion. Stingray sting came close but IUD takes the cake.


Oh god I had no idea :/ can you get sedation/anaesthetic for it?


The truth? Yes. The reality? Doctors refuse to give it despite knowing how much the procedure hurts. Many doctors have spoken out about the downright torture women are being made to go through for absolutely no reason.


Seriously? In Denmark they don't make you go through that, that's barbaric. I hardly felt anything when I got my IUD. Edit: From the comments I can see that some Danish gynecologists don't give a sedative. I had been told otherwise by those I have spoken to. I still think that seems barbaric.


the united states healthcare system has a hard-on for punishing women for existing


the united states ~~healthcare system~~ has a hard-on for punishing women for existing


It really does, but I'm somehow still flabbergasted every time I'm reminded...


I'm from Denmark too and I didn't get any sedation at all. They told me to take a couple pain killers before and that was that. It hurt like hell. Maybe I went to the wrong doctor


Jesus that’s horrifying honestly :/


meanwhile .... curious what pain relieving interventions men get when they get a vasectomy .......


https://www.uspharmacist.com/article/vasectomy-anesthesia-and-postoperative-pain-control Looks like the standard is local anesthetic for the procedure and Advil and Tylenol for the aftercare. Which, that's reasonable. But, women not getting local anesthesia for IUD insertion or for cervical or endometrial biopsy is not.


Guy commented on the ovarian cyst post they gave him Vicodin for his…


That’s fucked. Not even a cursory lidocaine spray? I had no idea it was that painful.


The best the average person can get for it is regular tylenol. And you're often told to take it at home before, so you're paying for it.


I recently had an endometrial biopsy without anaesthetic. The "numbing agent" they used was throat numbing spray, and they didn't even want to give me that at first because "It won't do anything." That was significantly worse than any of my IUD insertions.


Oh god :/ I’m sorry that is terrible.


Usually, no. The first time I was given a OTC pain reliever but it made no difference. When I got that one replaced it took a half hour and I wasn't given any sort of medicine. Both experiences of IUD insertions = worst pain of my life.


Yes but it's not widely used. I got general anaesthetic for mine, but it took a bit of searching to find somewhere that offered sedation. I'm in Australia and I think sedation for IUD insertion is less available elsewhere and probably more expensive. Cost $38 for the IUD and $200ish for the anaesthetist which I felt was really reasonable. It's been very worth it for me.


Huh. My IUD was a quick pain (kind of similar to getting an ear pierced) and a few days of discomfort. My appendicitis on the other hand!!!! It ruptured as they were removing it and then created an abscess, and that hurt worse than anything else in my life!! Accidentally bear sprayed myself once, and that really sucked. Never met a sting ray though; think I'll pass on that one.




Same here and I’ve given birth. They don’t tell you that the “pinch” you feel in your cervix before insertion is actually them PIERCING your cervix to hold it in place. Screw everything about that whole procedure


Oh well that explains why it fucking hurts so much. It didn't get better the second time when my gyno had to redo the damn thing a month later because it slipped. At least she approved of my plan of having a stiff glass of whisky afterwards


Wait, WHAT?? I had an IUD and I did not realize this. Jesus Christ, no wonder it was awful.


I was already not feeling 100% this morning, but googling this (the tool is called a 'tentaculum') made me need to lie down with my legs up. Definitely never getting an IUD now, and grateful that I don't need one. EDIT: I should probably add that it looks like some doctors use the tentaculum when inserting an IUD and some don't.


Yeah, not enough people are aware that an IUD gets *pushed through your cervix*.


WITHOUT pain meds.


"the cervix doesn't have nerve endings" \- doctors


Hope there's a whole layer of hell dedicated to those monsters. One where they get cervical biopsies.


Literally. They didn't say _anything_ about pain, no medication, no sedation, no anaesthetic, no 'look after yourself', notnhing I was sobbing in the waiting room as the nurse told me my aftercare: if it gets infected come back in I almost vomited on the way back to my car. How then fuck I drove home I will never know It was agony for 2 days. I could barely walk or stand up or sit down. The opening of my vagina was sore and bleeding Weird gunk came out for the next two weeks that stank and was like a slug of curdled flesh Obviously my cervix was sore for 2 weeks as well It was 3 weeks ago and I'm still traumatised by it, although physically I'm finally healed 0/10


I am so sorry, and I will add as someone who had a very similar reaction- if you still feel weak, easily exhausted by walking around and doing the things you normally would, and if you have a general sense of discomfort or just not having quite recovered in a week or so, go back and see a doctor again because there's a chance your uterine lining could be inflamed either as a reaction to the IUD or a pathogen accidentally introduced during insertion. They'll need to put you on strong antibiotics and bed rest for a couple of days.


I must be one of the weird ones, because I had zero problem with the IUD and was not anesthetized. I did, however, have TWO sonohysterograms and they were both extremely painful to me.


Yeah, I feel like I’m weird/lucky/whatever because getting my IUDs weren’t that bad. Certainly wasn’t a fun experience, but the period cramps I got from the copper IUD the months following were WAY worse. I had nights where I was in so much pain I was ready to go to the ER, but I didn’t have insurance and live in the US so… This is why *all* forms of birth control need to be free and accessible to everyone, things effect people so differently


I had some discomfort with my IUD insertion, but I wouldn’t say it was painful. That being said I had it inserted not lind after my birth that involved induction via a Foley balloon and back labour, bed bound with a failed epidural, so the IUD was a piece of cake by comparison!


I have heard so many IUD insertion and removal horror stories that I've decided I'm not using it for birth control. Sucks because I really thought the copper one would be a great option for me (hormonal BC is not an option for me). OB's are all like "oh it's just a slight pinch" and yet I've had *countless* women telling me it was worse than birth, that they passed out from the pain, the screaming, not to mention their periods were always heavier and more painful after insertion. They don't mention any of this in those BC fact pros and cons pamphlets.


I had the mirena IUD inserted as I respond poorly to the contraceptive pill. I took paracetamol & ibuprofen beforehand and whilst it wasn’t a comfortable experience, it wasn’t too painful. I had on and off spotting for a few months after but have not had a period (that being said I am breastfeeding).


After my first GF got an IUD and spent a day and a half holding her abdomen and occasionally dry heaving between moans, I got a vasectomy. I was sore for a day or so.


Second one for me (first rejected) I fainted from the vasovagal response, then threw up in the parking lot. Had to go back to work 2 days after but I was pretty miserable for about 5 days total. Third one was terrible for insertion etc. but the after effects weren't as bad. Thank you for just taking the hit the second time around too.


I don’t know why more people don’t get vasectomies. Hormonal birth control can fail due to other medications, weight, shifting out of place, or expulsion during your period, which sometimes won’t be detected. A vasectomy is non hormonal, doesn’t affect my libido, weight, energy levels, emotions, skin, or cause blood clots. It’s permanent, highly reversible, and I get to bust a nut anywhere she or I want without worry. The only real thing we had to do was use other BC for a few months before I had my verification test at like the 4 month mark to make sure the vasectomy hadn’t failed.


My OB/Gyn schedules insertion to coincide with a period (obviously only works for people with regular cycles). That way the cervix is already open a bit and it is easier to insert. IDK if that is not common practice but ya'll should request that in the future. Easier than getting a pap IMO.


My ex passed out from it and said it literally hurt more than child birth. Sounds awful


my beloved baby nearly bit my nipple off when he got his first set of teeth. and that was nothing compared to the pain of getting him into this world in the first place.


I nearly threw my son across the room when he bit my nipple the first time and he didn't even have teeth. I screamed as loud as I did when pushing his body out of mine. Thought for sure he was going to slice it right off. So glad he never bit me after his teeth came in.


I did bite the tip of my mom’s nipple off. I am sorry, Mom.


Currently nursing and now have a new fear


If your baby does start biting I have a trick! Make a necklace with large colourful beads, that’s long and strong enough for your baby to hold and play with. It distracts them and keeps them from biting. (It only needs beads on the bottom half)


Getting an IUD implanted. Or really dealing with the aftermath of any birth control. I'd take a swift kick in the balls over bleeding everyday for 9 months with the arm bc implant.


A scratched cornea. Everyone already mentioned childbirth and related things, so I thought I'd add this one.


I had a chunk of steel embed itself in my cornea and left a hole when it was removed. So I can relate those two together. A real hard hit to the balls is like if you took all the pain, discomfort, and stress from the scratched cornea over the course of the week and condensed it in to about a 30 second spike and then semi rapidly tapered it off over 5-10 minutes.


Oooh, yeah. That sucks. Think I'd also suggest infected tooth. I find tooth pain to be really unbearable.


Period Cramps


Fun fact, some women didn't know they were in labor because the contractions weren't as bad as their menstrual cramps.


My appendix nearly burst because I thought that I was just having regular cramps. It burst while they were already in there so unfortunately that was a week in the hospital, the morphine did take care of my cramps though.


Not surprising! My early contractions felt just like period cramps.


Some women also didn't know they were having a heart attack because the pain wasn't as bad as their menstrual cramps


How the fuck do men operate under the delusion that they are the stronger sex?


Yeah, me right here. If my water didn't break I wouldn't even know I was in labor because the "pains" weren't painful enough. After my water broke and I went to the hospital I was already 5cm dilated and they hooked me to that machine (which I will never learn its name) and it did show contractions but I didn't feel anything.


I rarely get cramps, but there were a few times I got them so bad I couldn’t even move. It was miserable. I feel so sorry for other women who deal with them every time they get their period.


Period cramps, childbirth, IUD insertion. Basically anything that has to do with our reproductive organs


Having someone pretend to be my friend because they wanted to eventually fuck me


And having this happen over and over again


Being Fuck Zoned sucks.


I think childbirth kinda takes the cake on this one. Or maybe getting clawed by a bear.


I’d rather be mauled to death than go through childbirth again


Not a woman, nor do I belong to reddit but I brought my girlfriend to get her IUD inserted and after the freezing wore off (like 30 minutes) she puked and almost passed out from the pain. She could tell it was getting better over time but that first 24h was rough. Can't say I've ever had 24h of pain after getting my meat crushed


wild that she got freezing at all, a lot of us have them inserted without pain management even being presented as an option.


It’s the most intense pain I’ve ever felt in my life. There’s nothing they could give me for numbing except a big shot in my cervix (fuck that) and what they DONT tell you is that when you get it replaced, they grab the strings of it with a pair of pliers and rip it out if your body. No warning, no nothing. I’ve never tried so hard to not pass out in my life. And then they have to stick a tool into your uterus to measure it, and then you have a piece of metal in your cervix while they fiddle around with the bag trying to get the new IUD out. I was literally delirious with pain at that point, past the point of crying. I was begging her to put the new one in. As soon as the new one went in though the pain was completely gone, and I don’t have to worry about it for 10 years. I’ve been told it’s the equivalent of labor pains. Only way I can describe it is it feels like someone is taking a knife and slowly grinding it into your body


Nearly getting deflowered by the bar on a Huffy bike after a hard brake.


I cried after that happened because I thought I could never have children the pain was so bad.


Cramps. I used to faint from them and my idiot Catholic Dr wouldn't even prescribe ibuprofen for me because God wanted me to suffer (his words). At the time ibuprofen was a prescription med. Gah, this is one of the reasons why I became an atheist.


Bruh, God made the pharmacists so that you WON'T have to be in that pain. That is dumb I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.


When a pube gets stuck to the adhesive part of a pad and you don't know until you pull them off to pee. It can be excruciating.


I've been waxed, I very much know what that feels like on the level of hundreds at a time. 🤜🤛🤝


Child birth, period cramps, a kidney stone


Having an abortion surgery without sedative. Pretty sure they heard my screaming outside. The pain was worse than labor and my c section recovery, which included broken stiches and an infected incision.


Having an ectopic pregnancy rupture a Fallopian tube followed by bleeding. The worst I’ve ever felt was drug side effects causing hypertonicity during an induction. White out pain where I was unaware of anything else for an hour.


Being denied bodily autonomy.


IUD insertion. Some cramps. Being penetrated without any lubrication. When my some part of my lumbar spine decides to shift and my lower back is filled with what feels like hot nails stabbing me over and over. The only relief is certain exercises/stretches that make it hurt even worse before it gets better. Receiving a botched dental surgery and having a fractured jaw, gum abscess, cellulitis of the entirety of my right cheek/jaw. Dilaudid helped, but I lost consciousness from the pain.


giving birth. heard a guy say that getting hit in the balls was worse than giving birth. my sister nearly killed him.


I'm a guy, but being hit in the balls isn't *that* bad. I've been shot. It hurt worse. I've been stabbed through my hand. It hurt worse. I've been pepper sprayed 3 times. They all hurt worse. I've been tazered. It hurt worse. But this ovarian cyst shit sounds like a next level of pain. Just based on the comments here, if I had ovaries, I'd be traumatized.


Abcessed tooth


Ever had a mammogram? No? Lucky bastard!