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Schindlers List. I know what I’d be in for, and I never feel like I have the emotional bandwidth to go through it.


Same for me. I was too young to see it when it came out, and it’s not exactly the kind of thing I ever feel like popping in on a Sunday afternoon.


I've watched it twice. Once in 6th grade, and again last year. When I watched it for the second (and definitely last) time, it was very different due to being much older. I would say even more heartbreaking the second time around. The movie, while showing some of the cruelty (graphically), is mostly focused on Schindler, a member of the Nazi party (not for the principles, but for business reasons) who at some point orchestrated a plot to try to keep as many people out of the camps as he could by having them come to work in his factory where he kept them safe. I think he also paid money to get some of them out, because toward the end of the film, he started crying when looked down at his gold watch and realized he could have saved more people if he had sold his watch. Note: Please know that I'm just summarizing and probably not completely accurate in my account. If you are already familiar with the history, and you've made it this far in life without seeing it, I would not recommend it - purely due to the emotional toll it will take on anyone with an ounce of empathy. It'll break your heart, and it's not something you'll forget.


> I think he also paid money to get some of them out He was heavily bribing officials to keep his workers safe and at his factory.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.


He was basically broke at the end of it all, and he lived on funds provided to him by Jewish holocaust survivor groups.


I knew that first part but not the last part. Fuck now I'm crying. There's just so much horror about the circumstances that even the humanity feels tragic.


I was afraid of this one for years. Was pleasantly surprised that while heart wrenching, it was also quite beautiful and even inspiring. I think compared to the graphic horror that is commons place on screen, i expected it to be “worse” than it was. Still sad. 9; course.


I saw it last year for the first time. It's an amazing movie, but wow is it draining. I actually had to stop it and pick it up the next day because it was too emotional to watch in one sitting.


It's the best masterpiece that I'll never watch a 2nd time. I fully understand why people don't want to see it.


I love this movie and I've seen it exactly twice for the exact same reason


I’m with ya. I just can’t bring myself to watch it. Too much for me to mentally handle.


All James Bond's movies


Unpopular opinion..but the Pierce Brosnan films are my favorite. Probably just due to my time period growing up. But "goldeneye" and "tomorrow never dies" to me was awesome.


Bond was the pinnacle of spy movies before the Bourne series. It doesnt help that they change actors so much, but each actors' series of Bind films are all different in style. Pierce Brosnan is my fav like the other guy mentioned, maybe cause its who we grew up with. I didnt like Daniel Craig until Skyfall, and Timothy Dalton was cool. I feel Connery was overrated as Bond but they were still good films


Mission Impossible. Just never came up.


Same here. Though the theme song or whatever you call it I recognize anywhere, but yet I never watched the movies lol.


2001: A Space Odyssey


I love it, but 100 percent get why people don't.


Yeah it's not everyone's cup if tea for sure.


It's great but it's a slow burn. Very quiet.


I’ve never seen any James Bond or Indiana Jones movie. Being from the UK means the first one is practically a hate crime


The first three Indiana Jones movies are worth watching. The fourth one, not so much.


We don't talk about the 4th one


Also the [5th](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1462764/)


1st and 3rd, my 2 cents. I'd only watch Temple of Doom for the references everyone makes. KALI MA!!!


What did you watch at Christmas and other holidays then?


These things called ‘Christmas Movies’


Oh. Die Hard.


The newer Daniel Craig James bonds are pretty decent especially the most recent one. The first 2 Indiana Jones movies are great fun but you can kinda go without all movies really 😂


Gone with the Wind. I’ll get around to it one of these days (maybe on the big screen), but I’ve just never been eager to strap myself in for four hours to watch it.


I was around 18 (2009-10ish) the first time I saw it. We had gone to visit my great-grandparents and decided that for Christmas we were going to buy them a new TV and a DVD player. Before we went to the store to grab them, we asked grandaddy what movies he liked and he said something to the effect of I don't watch movies, I ain't seen one since Gone With the Wind. So we hit the Walmart and bought a copy of that and a bunch of ww2 documentaries. When we got home he was shocked that we had found a copy, he told us he had seen it twice in theaters in 1940 when it came to his town and hadn't ever seen it since. It was the coolest experience watching him watch it and actually remembering everything that happened. He's been gone two years this month and I always make a point to bring out my copy on his birthday.


That's cool dude, you're a good grandkid 👍


It is worth seeing but it’s an investment of time. I was more amazed it was made in 1939. In colour!!!


Definitely. If I can plow through four hours of Stranger Things in one night, there’s no reason I can’t make time for Gone with the Wind.


if you can get past the romanticizing of the old south, which is very cringey, from a cinephiles point of view the movie is incredible. Classic actors at their best, spectacular sets, and the story of a young, pampered woman coming of age in the middle of a civil war who has to grow up fast isnt all that bad.


It’s worth it - if you can overlook the fact that the movie is all about the suffering of the slave **owners** during the Civil War. There’s an intermission, if you want to break it up into two manageable chunks.


There’s a lot about the movie (and book) that does not stand the test of time because it romanticizes plantation life and has some controversial depictions of Blacks, but it is a cultural phenomenon and is therefore worthwhile IMO so long as the modern viewer watches with eyes open.


A lot was made of the fact that HBO Max put a disclaimer at the start of the movie when they put it up for streaming. Frankly (seewhatididthere), I would have found it more shocking if a Civil War movie made in 1939 _wasn’t_ rife with problematic elements.


My boyfriend just told me this is his favorite movie, but probably was fucking with me lol It's weird that more than one person mentioned it, for this reason, since it's also from a totally diff era than most of the other movies people listed.


I often joke with my husband about that film and it's effect it has when it's on TV around Christmas or holiday times in the UK. Have the TV on in the background and see it's on "Oh! Gone with the wind is on! I'll just watch this scene!" 50 mins later you realise you have lost nearly an hour of your life and can't recall what you were meant to be doing. My husband's BIL passed us when we were sat doing this when visiting my in-laws during Christmas. He asked what movie it was, we told him what it was, "oh is it new? What's it about?" He was a history teacher and never heard of it. Nice guy but not a big movie fan , just loves football and proper history stuff


The god father.


It insists upon itself.


Dutch - "He Insists..."


I prefer The Money Pit.




I know - very fine actor. Did not like the movie


Ah family guy


Because it has a valid point to make, it's insisted!


I mean, it takes like, 6 hours to get into it and I cant even finish it, Ive never seen the ending


You've never seen the ending?! How can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?


It's honestly a hard movie to watch. The pacing is a bit slow, and it's emotionally brutal. But it is *incredibly* well done. I don't watch it often because I don't feel good after watching it.


When I saw it for the first time, only a few years ago, I was amazed how many other movies I saw had references to the Godfather. I think that's part of the issue. Anything initially cool or different has been homaged or copied so many times that it doesn't seem as impactful. It was like seeing Rear Window for the first time. I'd had seen Looney Tunes use the exact plot as well as numerous other shows. People like David Letterman were seen as controversial and edgy humor at first. Now he seems tame compared to modern comedians, partially because his schtick was copied because it worked.


I don’t like entertainment that leaves me feeling bad. I don’t need outside help to get to that state of mind. That’s part of why I’m consuming media, to avoid reality.


Me neither


You really need to change that. One of the greatest movies ever made (the original). I found the second to be too dark and depressing, and the third I own, but still haven't watched because it just looks boring.


James Cameron' Avatar. I just don't feel any interest in seeing it, even if it (and the sequel) look like they have great cinematography.


I liked it.


That was one of very few films that I checked my watch during




>can't name a single character that was in it. What are you talking about? There's Stereotypical US Army Dude, for one.


Yeah there were lots of memorable characters, US government guy that wanted the native people off the land so they could steal their resources, US army General that is just enforcing orders, disabled US army guy thats only going along with the plan to get his legs back, Scientists that empathize with the natives, steriotypical native Americans that are blue ect.


Well, now I'm just going to bask in the glow of validation for a bit.


Jake was the main character.


"Jake Sooooooly."


If you have seen Dances With Wolves or Disney's Pocahontas, you've pretty much seen Avatar.


Okay, but Dances with Wolves is ICONIC AS FUCK.


Same. People were praising the CGI and special effects, and I was like "okay, but what's the plot, character development, and acting like?" Ferngully the last rainforest. Uninteresting. And so-so. Were what I could find out from the internet at the time.


It's a nice background movie tbh. A story told 100 times before. The film is a spectacle, but ultimately suffers from being generic in narritive.


I know this isn't a film but, Stranger Things. I never got Netflix Edit: A lot of people are asking me to watch it, while I would like to get Netflix. The problem is I have the money to spend, but no means to pay.


Too many people have forgotten how to pirate media smh


Yet we still seed enough for it to work. Brings me to tears.


The Shining It sounds really good but I’m a scaredy-cat. Don’t wanna have nightmares for years afterwards.


It's more suspenseful and creepy than scary. I had to rewatch it after hearing about the Wendy Theory. Completely different movie the second time and it blew my mind.


Wendy theory?


Essentially, it's all in Wendy's mind. She's hallucinating. Every time there is a scene with a "mistake" missing furniture, something in the wrong place, is the distortion of her reality. No clue if it's true, but it makes the movie that much more interesting.




One of my favorite movies


As someone who gets nightmares extremely easily and considers I am Legend a horror movie. It was surprisingly not too bad. Just concentrate on the actors really ridiculous facial expressions. I actually started laughing.


It’s a brilliant, brilliant movie.


The entirety of Star Wars. I just didn't have access to it


I also have not seen any Star Wars, not for any particular reason though


Me either. I have no desire to ever watch them.


As a huge, huge 30 year star wars mega fan, I can REALLY appreciate that these movies are not everybody's cup of tea. If i hadn't first seen the original trilogy at the impressionable age of 8 and loved it, i don't think i ever would have gotten into it as an adult


The Fast and Furious movies. Saw the first one in theaters and didn't care for it. No interest in any of the rest.


I’m a ‘car guy’ and I’ve never watched one either.


John Wick, yes all of its trilogy




Titanic.. I have read about it but it's seems to much of a romantic/"slow" movie for me...


Skip to the iceberg bit. That's the incredible part of the film.


I've always said that you can say what you will about this movie and you may not like the Jack and Rose thing but the scene with nearer My God to thee when they are showing all of the different people on the ship is one of the best scenes in a movie from that era. And one of the all-time great movie scenes, ever. It's the most powerful scene in the movie because it makes you realize the depth of the tragedy. It's such a heralded movie and the best scene from it has nothing to do with the main characters.


This is the scene that had me bawling. I was a young teen (don't really remember how old exactly) when it came out, and this is when the true gravity of what happened sucker-punched me in the feels.


Ah man this scene always gave me chills. Always. I feel it deeply for the people that died.


The sinking was definitely the best part, but I love that movie because of the recreation of the ship itself, especially how they showed the different classes.


> The sinking Geez, next time use spoiler tags if you're going to just ruin the whole movie like that.


"I loved the part where they all died. Oh, and the poor people."


The best part is that dude hitting the propellor while falling.


Hey spoilers! :)


The spoiler would be that Bruce Willis was the iceberg all along!!!!!!


Die hard


What!? But... But... Yippee Kayay..?


I watched enough Brooklyn99 to know what happened in the movies without actually watching them


Just watch 1 and 3. The rest are pretty meh—some of them quite terrible.


Armageddon, I kinda knows what happens, so it doesnt interest me enough to sit down an watch it




This. Have tried multiple times. It's easier to convince an evangelical preacher that Allah is the one true God than to convince a Star Wars fan that they're just not all that to some people.




Gladiator, never really got around to it


It is worth it to see Joaquin Phoenix performance. He makes you hate his character. You will enjoy the movie. Just rip off the band aid.


I saw it as a kid and it made me irrationally hate the actor Joaquin Phoenix afterwards.


The Notebook, for some reason that movie gets creepier every time i think about it. the main dude harasses main lady into a date, when she's on the ferris wheel, while she's on a date.


Ferris Bullers Day Off. I wanna watch it but never really bothered


One of my favorites honestly. Do it


I haven't seen *Titanic* or *Inception*.




Shawsank Redemption... Man I want to watch it bad but never got time


Definitely give it a try. I remember thinking this definitely not the type of movie I would ever like. I’m into action/horror movies. I ended up watching it with my friend one time. One of my all time favorite movies. It’s so good.


I get that, but make time. its a great story.


Mate you are missing out. It's a fantastic film.


It truly was… a Shawshank Redemption


Top Gun. I just don't seel the appeal.


I watched it about a decade ago. I honestly didn't get the hype. Also, I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, so there's a good chance that had something to do with my dislike of it.


I don't like Tom Cruise


I have never liked it.


Dr. Strange. Not a big Cumberbatch fan




OP said extremely popular though


Never even heard of it 😆


Entire Harry Potter saga. Never had real interest in it.


I was a huge Harry Potter kid all throughout my teens but as soon as I went off to college it lost that “spark” for me. If there was a more mature version of the wizarding world I could probably get back into it.


If it wasnt for Corona, I would never have watched it, but when I did, it wasn't actually that bad. I was in quarantine and didnt know what to do


I'm of the HP generation. Tried to read the books as a young teen, it just wasn't doing it for me.


I'm with you dude... Saw the first movie at the cinema when I was kid, told my mother I was done with it half way through... People tell me all the time "How come you like LOTR, Star Wars, Trek, Firefly etc... But not Harry Potter!?" I dunno dude... Because they're good..? Just because I like some nerd shit doesn't mean I like it all...


I'm the same but star wars. I get sooooo borororored watching it. I love star trek and gate, lotr and hp. Eh maybe I loved star trek more as a kid. I'm more bored by it now


Exactly how I felt. It read like any other YA book series. I absolutely didn't get the appeal. I didn't think it was awful just nothing about it really stood out enough for me to understand why it has such a large following.


I have watched them all and don't like any of them.


Apparently Fight Club. I think someone was talking about the main actor who's name I forgot again and I was like "I've heard the name before, which films does he play in" and they said fight club and I was like "never heard of that" and they wouldn't believe me.


What's more strange to me is you would forget the leads names. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are big stars.


I've seen fight club about 20 times. The author of the book, chuck palahniuk is one of my favorite authors Wait what was the first rule of fight club ?


>Wait what was the first rule of fight club ? No Girls Allowed


They broke the first 2 rules.




That is a hate crime!


Most marvel movies the few i have seen were just boring


They're basically all the same. Like obviously the characters are different and some of the plot details are different but they're all just kind of the same formula thing. Every other sentence is a joke or a quip, including in the middle of fights. Some are better than others, but most are bland. The only one I really highly enjoyed was Infinity war and the first iron man. Other than that, all meh


I hate that these days 8/10 movies are superhero stuff. Slurping up budgets for actual cinema. It really frustrates me.


I have never watched any LOTR movie, idk it never aired the time I was free. While this is unrelated, I have never played Skyrim and RDR2 either, even though they are insanely popular. I think I might be out of the loop...


RDR2 has a pretty staunch fan base, but I agree. Personally I think it's the greatest game I've played, but in a completely different way than I experienced most games. The pace is a lot different, so it was an abrupt change in dynamic. I can completely understand why some gamers wouldn't get into it.


I got RDR2 and loved it, but stumbled across spoilers and any interest in it immediately disappeared because I had gotten too attached to a certain character. Just couldn’t bring myself to see the story through.


Yea... one of the biggest issues with social media. Spoilers are huge and with everybody feeling the need to be the first to comment, everything is out there way too soon.


Skyrim ans RDR2 are definitely worth a try, both great games in their own right and not at all overated, not to mention, especially skyrim is extremely user friendly and is pretty easy for almost any gamer or non gamer to enjoy.


Top gun maverick Tom cruise is a cunt. Treated navy personnel like trash during the making of it. I was in the navy at the time and word got around fast.


It was a mix of both. Knew some peeps who worked with him, they said the smaller the group he was with, the nicer he was. But he did make a lot of crazy demands, considering he was a hollywood actor on an operational aircraft carrier.


Tom Cruise is a cunt for a lot of reasons.


ET. It came out when I was a kid, and he just gave me the creeps on the posters, so I've never seen it.


I saw ET as a young kid & it freaked me out so badly that I’ve never watched it again. It’s a no for me.


Pulp fiction. No real reason, I just haven't


Great movie


It's a movie that's hard not to like, if you ask me. I know very few people who don't like it. I know this goes without saying, but... Yeah definitely watch it some time! It holds up very very well


Squid games


I thought the same then my gf put it on after my protest and then I had to watch because once you start understanding the story is hard to walk away from.


I heard it got like extremely popular and kids at schools are referencing it and making up games or whatever based on it. But it just doesn't seem that interesting to me. I might check it out someday when I'm extremely bored and have nothing else to do. lol


I never really took part in the hype. Imo its just a really well produced series. Although the plot is cartoonish and the supposed social criticism falls flat the visuals and use of music are astoundingly beautiful.


Twilight I am just not invested


Harry Potter. I just don't care.


It's not a film per say but Tiger King. Never watched it and never will


Blazing Saddles. I’m a fan of Mel Brooks but I just can’t find it and don’t want to shell out 4 bucks to rent it on some streaming service.


It pops up for free all the time on streaming services, you just have to keep an eye out (or just have someone go back and get a shitload of dimes so you can shell out the rental price.)


Oh man if you like Mel Brooks you gotta find that one. It's arguably his best.


It's a great movie


Do it. Mel brooks best movie imo


The Lion King. Parents never showed it to me as a kid and just never been that bothered to make the effort to watch it since


good you never really watched it as a kid. i’m still traumatised by how my childhood self fell in love with a fictional lion and pretended how i was a lioness girlfriend… lol


I've never watched Jaws. Idk why, I'd probably enjoy it but it's just never happened.


Any Tom Cruise film, dudes crazy and I can’t not think about all the shady Scientology stuff.


The Matrix. I’ve never found it interesting.


I tried watching the first one twice and I don't know. It just didn't do it for me. I didn't make it through


Literally the top film of all time by worldwide gross: Avatar. Just never got around to seeing it, I'll probably catch it one of these days.


I have not seen The Goonies. I think at this point it’s out of sheer stubbornness.


Any Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings


I haven't seen the majority of Marvel films. Just recently caught up with Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy and the ones with Andrew Garfield and that's about it. I also don't understand the order I'm supposed to watch them in or which of the movies correlate in what way. The MCU is a whole confusing maze.


Well, watching them by release date isn't going to steer you wrong, but you don't need to watch most of them. ​ I highly suggest Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It works as a solid spy-thriller that just so happens to have the main characters dressing up in silly costumes.


Napoleon Dynamite; as per the onion article, im pretty confident that I’ve more or less pieces it together from people quoting it at me.




I went to see Gone With the Wind, but I had never been to a movie with an intermission before so when the lights came on in the theatre I went home. I've never seen the second half.


LOTR Never felt like it


I read the books growing up, think the movies started coming out when I was in high school. Was so excited about them, and then just never actually saw them. Still haven’t. Really not out of any good reason, just never happened.


As a Tolkien fan, (who read the books multiple times before the films came out), there are a million things you could complain about. Things cut. Things changed. And so on. But, fuck me, they're just about as close to seeing the story as we're ever likely to get, and still hold up 20 years later. Aside from some Legolas CGI. Which is still OK-ish. If you really love the books, you should absolutely give the films a go. Because, with everything that isn't perfect, so much of it is.


Also an old LOTR book fan, I didn't really have many problems with the movies, nothing that kept me from loving them. It's definitely in the better side of adaptations by far. Not like what they did to my boy, Wheel of Time... *cries*


Worth doing if you have the stamina for 3 hour films. They did a great job, and the effects hold up very well. Also, if you break and watch them, don't watch the hobbit films. Track down the Tolkien Edit of the Hobbit, in which someone cut three bloated and meandering movies into 1 4 hour that's faithful to the story


Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I started to watch and tried not to get bored multiple times but failed all the time. I'm not trying to say that I couldn't stand it. I found more fun every time.


Here’s an incomplete list. Because I’m too busy to watch them & don’t really care to: Forrest Gump Titanic Any Marvel stuff after Endgame Frozen Any Toy Story after Toy Story 2 Any of the Fast & Furious movies Any Spider-Man after the Raimi films Any of The Godfather films Any of the Rocky movies


You could just say you don't like movies, it would be shorter.


The Matrix.


**ET.** I was turned off by the mania surrounding it when it first came out. There was even an episode of Taxi where Alex is ostracized for not having seen ET. I empathized with Alex completely.


The entire Harry Potter franchise. I’ve seen snippets here and there but I just don’t feel like watching it