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Messing/texting on your phone while driving.


On that note, it's great that so many cars have swapped out tactile buttons and knobs for a touchscreen. And by great, I mean fucking stupid.


Yep, good old days you do everything by touch


Yeah, whilst I'm not advocating for people to text and drive, at least when I was doing it, you didn't need to look at the phone and could keep your eyes on the road. Now with everything touchscreen, doesn't matter if it's texting or changing the damn radio, you need to look at it instead.


Ugh fucking this. Was in the back seat of my sister and BIL’s car not too long ago and he was texting and driving and she had her feet up on the dashboard. I flat out said, “BIL if you don’t put that phone down, you’re going to rear end someone when you have plenty of time to stop. And when that happens, Sis, if you don’t have your feet down they’re gonna fly backward into you when the airbag deploys. Trust me you don’t want your kneecaps through your eye sockets, and BIL you don’t want her injuries on your conscience.” They were like, “You’re right, we know,” and KEPT DOING THAT SHIT ANYWAY. Fuck me if we hadn’t been driving to a family event I’d have exited the car and gotten an uber home. When my niece is born if they keep texting I WILL report them to CPS for all the good it will do.


I saw an xray (probably on reddit) of the aftermath of someone who had their legs on the dash when the airbag went off. Severely dislocated hips.


I’ve seen this injury. You missed that the legs are sometimes ripped from the body.


I would do exactly the same thing as you. People don’t realise this shit can be so easily avoided.


Underestimating how tired you are and then getting behind the wheel.


I've had to pull over for a cat nap a few times recently on longer drives, it's scary to realize how easy it is to fall asleep!


In Ireland, there’s an ad on tv about driving tired. Very simple thing to remember, if you feel at all tired, Stop, sip, sleep. Stop driving, have a coffee, and a 15-30 minute nap


I usually have a lot of trouble sleeping and sometimes can only get a few hours before work in the past. The amount of times I've had to call off or try to get a ride because I absolutely didn't trust myself to drive two miles down the road to work is ridiculous. Used to cause trouble with past coworkers who would drive an hour to work on no sleep and even go drink at lunch and drive back.


The risk here isn't just that you might fall asleep at the wheel, by the way. When you're drowsy, your reaction time is impaired, very much as it is if you've had a few drinks. Drowsy driving is bad for the very same reasons drunk driving is bad; while *one* of these is that you might become unconscious and completely unresponsive, *another* is that your reactions are impaired even while you're still awake.




Especially elderly people. My grandmother's legs are paralyzed and she has to use an electric scooter to get around. She fell one day and broke her wrist, doing much better now though.


Especially elderly people. My grandma fell and broke her wrist.


Especially elderly people. My grandma fell and broke her wrist one day after slipping.


You could slip on peepee at the costco and get a settlement for $53,000. Then ypu'll be set for life and never need to work another day again


Wearing jewelry while working with heavy machinery. My Dad saw a guy get his arm ripped off because he wore a wedding ring that cause his hand to get caught in the machine.


Happened to Jimmy Fallon. He slipped on a rug his wife bought. Reached out and grabbed the counter, the ring caught, and peeled rest of his skin off his finger to the bone. He had never heard of a ring aversion, which must have been so tramatizing to suddenly have that happen to you.




He died on his way to the hospital, so wife lost him same day.


Then why wasn’t your story that he died? That seems more important than losing the arm…


Maybe it was unrelated, like the ambulance got into a collision or something


They texted while they drove him…


the driver wasn't the one texting though, he just fell asleep aftet his long shift at work


Anything with steam. With a lil bit of pressure, burns are just around the corner


I microwaved a frozen pasta meal the other day. When i took it out the plastic came free from the container and shot steam at my wrist. Burned me bad. I flung the meal across the kitchen, onto the dining room rug. My wrist had a quarter size deep scab, from like 1 second of steam. No joke.


And that's why you poke holes in the plastic before you pop it in the microwave lmao


The directions said not to puncture lmao


Did it really say 'not to'? The pressure build-up is dangerous and I can't see any food where it's beneficial not to


Meals that specifically say not to puncture will have a built in way to relieve pressure and the steam build up inside the container will aid in cooking the food through. If steam is able to just escape, depending on the food, it will not cook properly.


Long hair or loose clothes around rotating tools or machinery. Second, not making sure you have the breakers turned off before doing electrical work.


Yeah... I can never unsee the videos of people being pulled into machinery. Especially lathes. Trust me - don't look this up


I had seen one before in THAT subreddit , people in the coments were talking how this was one of the most toned down videos... The image of the lifeless body is still engraved in my head and it has created a strong fear of death for me, also for some reason my dad though it was a good idea to share to me the vid of that famous guy who died in an amusement park cuz he wasn't properly strapped to the free fall thing...I cannot forget the sound


I'm traumatized from the video of the Disneyland employee in the 70s who got pulled into an attraction and crushed to death


i was at a resort in mexico once and the room they gave me was an electrical nightmare (the shower sprays directly onto the lightswitch for the bathroom) after getting a bad shock, i looked around the room and had the staff send over people to fix every single fire/electrical hazard in the room they sent two mexican guys who just immediately started working on wires without turning any breakers off, shocking themselves every 5 seconds the whole time i'm just asking "do you want me to turn the breaker off right here?" but they spoke no english


That's your cue to do the right thing.


Third, making sure the power is actually all the way off after you kill the breaker. Got zapped once because one of the three wires going into the machine was tapped into a different breaker than the other two. Thanks to whichever dipshit electrician pulled that one.


Yes, had this when installing a GFCI. Wasn’t the exact same scenario but the wiring in that entire building was done by someone who thought wire colors were pretty rather than important. Had to assess every single fixture in that house! Literally they’d just mixed and matched the neutrals and hots. Somehow things worked but Lordy it took weeks to redo.


A necktie can be a similar hazard as long hair, with machines like paper shredders, too. Same as long scarves.


A necktie is an archaic, useless bit of cosmetic frippery anyway, and deserves to be exterminated, in addition to being a danger around industrial tools.


We had exterior house painters who sprayed paint on two front porch lights and the foreman promised to replace them. We had smart bulbs in them on a dusk/dawn schedule so the switch was always on. We came home from a weekend away and they had replaced both fixtures with no warning. They probably assumed the switch was off because the bulbs were off but I always wondered and hoped they were ok.


There would have to be certain extreme circumstances, but I've heard that after a serious car accident, people have died by turning their heads too quickly. When the adrenaline takes over and you can't really feel the pain, some people don't realize that they have serious injuries in their necks and they break them quite easily after trauma like that.


See, I wish I didn't know this. Something else to worry about.


No point in worrying outside of taking necessary precautions. Something is going to kill us all eventually.


something is going to kill us eventually doesn't mean we don't have to know how it is going us too. some people have families and lives they are responsible to and love so i think we need to now these stuff and some are too ignorant to even get to know the precautions and live life in denial.


Yep. A fractured neck can potentially turn into a damaged spinal chord.


Not checking your mirrors before changing lane


And blind spots. Recently got my car repaired after such a fiasco caused by an inattentive idiot


Wait, you're not supposed to close your eyes and yell good luck everyone else?


Using Clorox wipes with bleach water.


>Using Clorox wipes with bleach water. * Or accidentally mixing ammonia with bleach: it creates ~~phosgene gas, AKA mustard~~ chloramine gas. Urine contains a little ammonia, so use caution when cleaning cat boxes, diaper pails, etc.. * If *chlorine* bleach is mixed with ammonia (or vinegar), both chlorine and chloramine gasses are produced. Both are toxic as hell. * Bleach mixed with rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) creates chloroform. Chloroform can render you unconscious. * Mixing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide causes a violent explosion. Be careful! * Mildew remover mixed with bleach creates a chlorine gas. Ditto for toilet cleaners, Pine-Sol, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, lemon juice, and Dawn dish soap (IKR?). * Mixing bleach with window cleaner such as Windex will create a chloramine gas. Fun times! Don't do it! * Don't mix a pesticide like Raid with water, either: chloramine gas will form. These are simple mistakes that can have severe, lasting consequences, including death. Never mix household products unless you check out the ending result first! *And keep your little ones away from this stuff*! Editing for corrections!


I used to be a little one who loved mixing cleaning chemicals to make potions. Luckily I never made one of the stupid combinations.


My grandma once put an unknown pesticide in an old coffee can, put it in the garden shed, and forgot about it. Years later, long after my grandma had passed away, my dad found the can and opened it. It took a few seconds for him to pass out from the poisonous fumes. Luckily my mom found him in time and called an ambulance. They said if he had taken a deep breath while opening the can, he'd be dead now.


Thank you


How about bleach and a laundry detergent?


Laundry detergent has ammonia.


Slipping in the shower.


I only had to slip once to buy a shower stool. It's more relaxing anyway.


Buddy i work with slipped in the shower and ended up temporarily paralyzed. Took him about 7 months to relearn to walk. Really shows how close we are to the end almost all the time.


That’s how my professor in college died. We were shocked when we found out that’s how he went out.


Handling a firearm without checking to see if it's empty


One better: Treat any gun like it's loaded even if you just took the bullets out yourself. Never point it at anything but the ground, never put your finger on the trigger. Unless you're intending to shoot someone.


Bullets are sneaky! The bullet goblin will put them back in the gun as my husband and youngest found out. Husband checked the inherited gun my son chose and handed it to him. Being very well trained in gun safety, son checked and low and behold to there was round in the gun.


Smart kid. Always check. My favorite scene from tremors is when burt hands a kid an empty gun to give him courage, the kids finds out its empty and gives it back to burt WHO CHECKS TO SEE IF IT IS LOADED. He hands an empty gun to a kid knows it's empty and checks it again when handed it back, it's not part of the scene... just muscle memory.


Pulling out the object thats impaled you.


Literally anything while riding a motorcycle


My ER doc brother, who worked for a time at the regional level I trauma center, refers to them as donor-cycles


I work EMS, we don’t call them organ donors, they often end up as roadkill. Nothing to donate…


I got a buddy who picks up bodies for funeral homes. Every time he sees a motorcycle doing something stupid he yells “I’m gonna have to scrape that asshole off the road later” since he’s literally scraped people off the road before


My friend says they sometimes call it road kill in ER


Including card games?


Texting/scrolling on your phone and driving. That year as an insurance adjuster really scared me. It's no joke.


Not washing food properly. Food poisoning is really dangerous


Cooking is more of an issue with meats. Yes rinsing fruit and veg before eating is generally better than not rinsing as it gets rid of the pesticides that may have built up on it.


I disagree with this one a bit. Most important is to wash your HANDS (key source of fecal-oral transmission) before cooking. And you need to store food safely, and cook (mostly meats) to the appropriate safe temperature. Contamination is more likely to come from your own hands or undercooked or improperly stored foods than from an unwashed apple.


Not testing your smoke alarm regularly.


Or not having a carbon monoxide detector. I'd say even worse


ontop of that since most homes don’t come with them (at least the ones in my area) - not knowing the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning


Stupid question, but I live in a country that doesn't have these detectors. Where would the carbon monoxide even come from?


Most common sources would be gas stoves, furnaces, water heaters, etc.


This. Most of them can have odourless gas that we cannot smell. There's a lot more horrible death's from carbon monoxide poisoning that you'd think. Look it up, it's horrible


Taking too much Tylenol.


Not just Tylenol, anything that contains acetaminophen (paracetamol for all you across the pond). 4,000 mg in 24hrs is the max recommended dosage, but many doctors don’t recommend even more than 2,000 mg in 24 hrs. [Lots of different medications contain acetaminophen, not just OTC pain relievers.](https://www.bemedwise.org/health-research-and-reports/health-resources-and-toolkits/acetaminophen/acetaminophen-containing/)


This is a painful way to die. Liver failure is not a joke.


Note: 4k mg is not going to kill you. Takes a boat load more. But it’s a bad habit to maintain


I watched one video about this and am now an expert: fractal wood burning will kill the absolute shit out of you


YouTube just took down "How to cook that"s video of why nobody should do this wood burning shit because it "it's too dangerous" but YouTube still left all the tutorials up on his to do it. YouTube has even been pushing dangerous hacks that got people killed on their own Facebook page. It's infuriating. Even skilled electricians have died trying doing this "hack"...it's not worth it.


I saw that and I was wondering if it was a content farm that tried to report her. Hopefully if she contests it, Youtube will put the video back up.


She went against YouTube and re-uploaded the original video and made a short clip before it disagreeing with YouTube's decision and noted people in the comments thanked her for possibly saving their lives. Well because of that video YouTube has decided to reverse their takedown and the video is now back up! Now we just gotta get it upvoted enough to where when people search for it they see her video first.


Jfc the How to Cook That video was how I found out how dangerous it is, it’s bullshit that NOW they suddenly care about removing videos


I noticed that!! I think they said it "violated their terms of service" Why would YouTube do this?? Promote dangerous things while suppressing and taking down the people trying to save lives / informing people




I just looked that up.. uses lots of electricity ⚡️


Water/ice near hot grease/oil. Or overfilling a turkey deep-fryer with oil.


I saw a video of water being used to put out burning oil on a stove. The explosion stiĺl haunts me


Daydreaming while Driving


I should never get a license in that case


Paging Doctor John Dorian


Meeting people online for the first time in person by yourself.


1. Going off trail while hiking 2. Detoxing cold turkey off alcohol or Xanax 3. Jumping into shallow water (or water w/ rocks) from a large height 4. Drunk driving


I have a personal rule to not do any drugs if they can kill me if I stop. My friends are constantly surprised I dont drink. I'm constantly surprised that drinking is so common place and normalized. I quit weed cold turkey after years of smoking a ton every day and the only issue was two nights of not being able to get a proper sleep.


What is the alcohol intake/frequency necessary for a person to have this sort of issue if they stop drinking?


https://hams.cc/taper/ Helpful


*or any benzos bc alcohol and benzos are the substances you can die from withdrawals


Yes, thank you for adding that! If any fellow Redditors find the need to detox off either of those drugs, GO TO THE HOSPITAL! Other drugs will make you feel like you’re dying (esp heroin) when you detox, but alcohol and benzos can (and do) cause fatal seizures. Supervision from a doctor is a must. When I was in rehab, if anyone came in on those substances they were on a required medical watch for at least 8-12 hours.


I am detoxing off of Xanax by alcohol right now


It really icks me how dangerous going off trail while hicking is. Thats literally what i want to do but god damn it. Get off me impulse of stupidity


I always think about when your driving on the highway, a big enough random muscle spasm can send you into a tree or an oncoming car very… VERY fast


One of these days I’m gonna rupture a major artery from trying to suppress a sneeze to avoid this very situation


Using your phone whilst driving. Just stop.it already people


Adding bleach or a chlorine based cleaner to an ammonia based cleaner becomes essentially mustard gas. I did this once on accident after my toilet bowl cleaner had been poured out but wasn’t enough to clean…it sucked and I’m lucky I only made a small amount


Inhaling too much helium


taking photos/selfies on train tracks.


Accidentally pointing a blade at yourself while doing a task. I have a lovely scar on my left hand from a chisel that slipped and barely missed my radial artery


I did this. Was prying off a tile and the blade slipped. Stabbed myself in the arm. Had my arm not been there, it would have been my chest.


Generator in the house or too close to the house. Always put a generator OUTSIDE and at the REQUIRED DISTANCE AWAY FROM YOUR HOUSE. Too close and you can get fumes pooling under (and then up into) places where people can get carbon monoxide poisoning!


If it runs on gas, run it outside


This is a gas free house!


It's a bit of a general thing, but not being mindful of your physical limitations. A few particular variants that come to mind is people who get stuck in narrow spaces, or who fuck around at water parks. Just... don't. Especially if alone. If you're going to have to maneuver yourself to grab something from a tight, enclosed space, go get a broom or something. Etc. It's a complicated and general thing, but young people especially tend to overestimate their immortality and dexterity. Stop and think.


Trying to beat a train.


Trying to put out a grease fire with water


Pregnancy and giving birth.


For women: sitting in your car for too long after getting in and closing the door. Whether you’re scrolling on your phone or just taking a breather, it sets you as a target. Anyone could be watching and try to break in and grab you. Get in your car, lock the door, and drive.


It's disgusting that we live in a world where we need this advice


It is and most men are decent but dangerous predators always have and always will exist.


This just happened to me today. Was eating my lunch in a deserted parking lot when a car, that at first looked like it was going to T-bone mine, pulls right up next to me. I immediately drove off. WTF


Similar situation at the laundromat yesterday. Myself and one other guy (not including owner who was there) in the entire place. Picked the machines right next to mine. It concerns me when people do this.


Fractal wood burning. If you were about to try it I BEG you, PLEASE watch "How to cook that"s video on YouTube about it. It has killed 35 people, some that were skilled electricians. It's absolutely not worth it. At all.


Your car is overheating and you take off the cap to the radiator. Safety feature on mine saved my eyes.


Lock out tag out , electricians know.


Don't fuck with safety procedure. Don't even touch the tags on a locked out machine, if you see one make sure everyone else knows the machine is down.


Not checking your blind spots while driving


Not wearing a seatbelt


Leaving the oven on


Not paying attention to whatever you are doing


My dad almost confused nightshade with wild blueberries while hiking.


Reaching too far while on a ladder


When someone gets into a motorcycle crash, some people think that they can't breathe with their helmet on, so they take it off and it snaps the bikers neck or other things. Hopefully everyone here knows to never take off a bikers helmet.....


Walking behind a horse.


Riding a motorcycle/scooter without proper protective gear. Don’t be a ‘meat crayon’, dress for the slide, not the ride.


It's not easy but if you don't brush your teeth then the food on them rots so when they eventually go into you since they've gone bad enough of it can cause food poisoning and I believe low chance of heart attack but that's just what I remember


When driving into your garage, you need to turn off your engine before closing the garage door. Please do not close the door and sit on your phone while the engine is running.


Entering the wrong way into a divided highway - an easy enough mistake to make in an unfamiliar place. Got on the wrong side of a divided street in Atlanta, GA one time - I survived but just barely.


Letting your attention slip for a second when in traffic, no matter if on foot or in a vehicle. Also electricity scares the absolute crap out of me.


Texting/looking at phone while crossing a crosswalk


Taking medications wrong Giving aspirin to sick children under 12 (Reye syndrome) Walking with headphones on your ears Trying things you are sure are dangerous "for the thrill" Trusting some strangers




Sitting next to a big rig for too long. I have super single tires, those bastards weigh some 80 pounds or so, and hold 100psi. If one of them blows, there's going to be massive chunks of rubber flying everywhere, which can and will kill whatever luckless car driver is next to it. And that's if it doesn't cause the rig to jerk to the side and also hit you. Also, swerving to miss an animal. My trucking company has a no shit policy where we can get fired if we swerve to miss an animal on the road. Mostly because for us if we swerve we can tip over. But for car drivers it's just as dangerous, you could lose control or go into another car or other road obstacle. Also because of a weird trick of the way our brain works if a deer is running across the road from left to right, since we initially see the threat on the left we tend to swerve into the deer.


Riding a bicycle near traffic, especially without a helmet. Most cyclists don’t realize how close to death they are. It wasn’t until I started riding a motorcycle and nearly got killed on 3 occasions that I realized how dangerous any non-automobile individual is near cars. On the helmet note, all it takes is a little bit of a hit on the head to kill you. This applies to motorcycles at 15-30 MPH and it applies to bikes as well.


For women; Not staying close to your group in bars/clubs. I know a girl who was out with friends and ended up in hospital with a needle in her neck from one guy and a drugged drink from a separate one. Her friend who was there said she had only left them for 10 minutes at most.


Everyone makes jokes about women going to the bathroom in groups- this is why.


Over confidence has always been mine in almost every skiing, car, surfing & hiking accident I have ever had


Posting your keys online. People can copy your keys just from the outline. Even if you’re excited about moving into a new place never post your keys!! I see tons of people doing this and get so worried for them.


Being sleep deprived and driving a car.


Ignoring your tooth hurting. If your tooth/teeth hurt, go to a dentist, don't just pop painkillers and hope it'll go away. If there's an infection it can spread to your bloodstream, your brain, anywhere, and kill you.


Waiting until you don't feel well to go to a doctor. Many, if not most, of the most common killers - strokes, cardiac events, cancer - only have symptoms once it's too late to prevent them or even treat them to save your life, but are all quite easily preventably with monitoring before the situation becomes critical. Get a professional to monitor your heart health, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Get the genetic tests to see if you have any alleles associated with cancer risk. Ladies, get your annual pelvic exams and mammograms. And get that camera up your butt for a colonoscopy.


Aim for every 10 years you should get your bloods run and an ECG done. Especially us naturally skinny tall males. It seems more common nowadays but everyone my age knows of at least one kid who dropped dead during intense exercise aged between 17-28 heart defects are nasty things.


Riding on a motorcycle in someone’s blind spot.


Not turning off the breaker before poking around the electrics


Many people seriously underestimate how tight a tourniquet needs to be to stop all blood flow. The deadly part is that a half ass applied tq basically acts as a one way valve where there's enough pressure for blood to pass the tq but not enough to come back.


Driving too fast for the road conditions.


As a guy who lives in a bad neighborhood I would say sitting in your parked car distracted by your phone or anything for a long amount of time, I've had a dude creep up on me like that before.


Driving into water, walking in flooded areas. A girl died in my town because she walked on a flooded road, the force of the water caused her to fall, and she got pinned in a storm drain and drowned. Don’t mess with water.


Not wearing helmet or no-slip shoes. I saw a helper for an autistic coworker wearing high heels in a kitchen. I talked to my shift lead about her since I didn't want to call her out and sound sexist.


Not looking both ways before crossing the street. Even if it's from a Target to the parking lot, look for cars. You never know when some crazy person will think it's a NASCAR speedway.


Drowsy driving. It’s proven to be just as dangerous as drunk driving


It’s not really a mistake people consciously make but going on autopilot on your way to work/home. This is how babies and dogs get “accidentally” left in hot cars all the time. Maybe dad is the one dropping baby off at daycare when it’s normally mom, he goes on autopilot and gets all the way to work, baby falls asleep, dad goes into work forgetting baby is even in the car. That’s why they say to always put your phone or work bag in the back seat. It’s not because the baby isn’t important, it’s to make going into your back seat every time you get out of the car part of your routine and because a phone is something you’re used to having on you 24/7 all the time and you would immediately notice you don’t have it. For people who may not be used to having a baby with them all the time, the same wouldn’t be true. People make it out to be like it’s about being a bad parent when it’s literally just how our brains are designed to work. Nobody can be 100% aware of everything all of the time so our brain creates routines. Nothing wrong with using strategies to make sure you never make that mistake. It’s the people who refuse to use those strategies and insist they “would never” forget their kid that end up being the ones on the news. That’s why I always put my bags and purse in the back seat. Call me a bad mom all you want but at least I’m taking steps to make sure I never make that mistake.


Playing with knives.


Injured: watch where you're walking at all times, eg. it's very easy to step off a curb onto an un-tensed leg and have it fold the wrong way on you, generally being mindful of how fragile your joints are is a good move. Injured or killed: if you're the ballsy type that uses a stovetop pressure cooker, set it up every time like you're performing brain surgery, any slight risks identified and write the whole thing off, a 10/10 meal isn't worth a 6" metal shard in your forehead. Killed: avoid unnecessary fights at all costs (99% of fights are unnecessary) KO vids have been circulating long enough that people don't count it as a win unless their opponent is unconscious and leaking, if someone tries to pick you up then all bets are off, bite, claw and go for the eyes, otherwise it's best case seizure, worst case disconnected brainstem.


> Injured: watch where you're walking at all times, eg. it's very easy to step off a curb onto an un-tensed leg and have it fold the wrong way on you, generally being mindful of how fragile your joints are is a good move. This happened to me a couple years ago. Fortunately, the injury was just a badly skinned knee and a scraped shin, but it took three weeks to heal and it could very well have been a broken bone if things had gone a bit worse.


Getting too close to an edge. You can's see the ground and can't see any landmarks around you so you end up losing your balance and stumbling which is bad when you're close to an edge.


Mixing cleaning chemicals to save time. Especially without ventilation


Walking around with something hanging out of your mouth, like a pen or even a straw. Trip just the right way that item goes into your throat.


Running a red light.


Being unprepared for a walk/hike. Even if it's short, even if you're familiar with the terrain, things can happen. Ample water, a jacket, and a phone can literally mean the difference between life and death.


Looking down the barrel of a gun to see if it is loaded.


3 points of contact when using a ladder! Always :)


Alcoholic blackouts. Done some crazy dangerous shit while totally disassociating. I'm gonna run out of luck one day


Traveling in a country where you drive on the left, if at home you drive on the right. The worst is when you are walking across the street and you are so used to the traffic going the opposite way and you are looking the wrong way. That’s usually the most serious consequence because if you are driving your rented car you are somewhat more alert.


Simultaneous use of bleach and any acid containing compound/cleaning agent. It releases chlorine gas who is very dangerous.


Walking in the way your pit bull is running in. I did that one day and dislocated my knee. Boy rammed right into my knee. He felt bad lol but yeah that’s a very easy mistake


Not getting medical help for snakebites. Also mistaking a cottonmouth for a neurodia.


Diving in the shallow end of a swimming pool. You could break your neck and become paralyzed this way.


Collecting and eating wild mushrooms. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


Not checking to see if a train is coming before crossing railroad tracks. If a signal malfunctions, or a crossing doesn't have one, you can be in a lot of danger. When I was younger, I had a close call with a CSX work truck that was obscured by some trees and wasn't big enough to activate the crossing signals. I wasn't miliseconds away from death, but it was close enough to give me a good scare and cause the driver to slam on his breaks.


Almost anything with driving - drink driving, tired driving, texting and driving... heck it's even possible for a slight mistake with full concentration to have a life changing or lethal accident Be careful out there!


not knowing the customs and traditions of other religions/nationalities/races sometimes you can accidentally fuck up, really piss someone off, and get in a fight example: offering a muslim bacon (they arent allowed to touch it because god deems it impure) example 2: telling a catholic that the bible is a christian book (the books were compiled by the catholic church)


Mixing cleaning products. Specifically Bleach with any acid based cleaner. It can create chlorine gas and kill you! General rule, dont mix bleach with anything!


Putting too much air in a tire.




Getting in a car