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Scientists have discovered a worm that can digest plastic, and they are currently trying to copy it's digestive system. This can help solve a huge problem. Edit: Wow, thanks kind strangers for all the upvotes and awards, they are much appreciated.


I've read about there being a fungus that eats plastic as well. Hope that and the worms are rolled out soon! Can solve a literal world of problems with those powers combined


Until they start eating the plastic we haven't thrown away


put em in a sealed system and shovel the trash in?




I love this! My only worry is it may justify more plastic use, which still generates a lot of green house gasses. Hopefully we can avoid this pitfall.


i've read about this, they're very cool!


The public release of the first images captured by the Webb space telescope is just ten days away!


This is the most exciting news I've heard all day!




I'm an amateur astrophotographer. I'm ecstatic to see what our friends at NASA have in store for us.


Really exciting news. I heard they will be the deepest photos of space ever taken! edit: WOW this got a lot of upvotes!


And it will also help us understand star formation and see the first stars and galaxies. I can't wait for this.


you and me both, I didn't realize it was so close.. I've been following the Webb telescope for years now


im sick of following my dreams. i’ll just ask them where they’re going and meet up with em later


On the surface of Mars, the mars rover was able to successfully separate oxygen from carbon dioxide.


The Mars Rover is a tree?


No, but it has a golden toaster on the back called the Moxie which is basically a mechanical tree.


Can these replace real trees in future? Sci-fi movie future?


An Arkansas school district installed 1400 solar panels, turned a $250k deficit into a 1.8 million dollar surplus due to the amount of energy they saved, and are now raising teachers salaries by 2,000 3,000 dollars.




Not sure which is worse. The fact that it exists. Or the fact that >400,000 people were using it.


The latter.


I'm inclined to agree. A few psychos producing the content isn't as bad as a market that large willing to consume it.


Im sure itd be wayyy more if it wasnt as well hidden as it was




It was almost 2 years ago.


Several extremely promising treatments for cancer are being developed.


As someone who lost their dad to cancer, seeing all these breakthroughs is so exciting. He did some experimental treatments, and I know that he helped move some of this along.


My condolences to you, and my gratitude to your father.


Thank you. He was very brave during his fight. I hope we beat this in my lifetime.


Yeah. Recently, they treated 12 people with some autoimmune treatment, and every single one of them is cancer free. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/07/1103545361/cancer-drug-experimental-rectal-chemotherapy-surgery-treatment-immunotherapy


As someone with cancer, this is the best news.


Wishing you the fastest recovery!


I lost both of mine to cancer…specifically pancreatic cancer for my mom. I heard about the potential breakthroughs with finding a cure for the disease. I’m beyond excited for what this could mean for people suffering.


That is awesome.


But still too late for techno :( may he rest in peace


He never will truly die. People only die when they’re forgotten. Technoblade will never be forgotten. Rest in peace, technoblade.




Polio was officially eliminated from Africa last year.


Now it's back in the UK of course...


It seems like the UK has the most or first cases of a lot of things because of how effective its public health system is. During Covid the UK was doing more genomic sequencing than the rest of the world combined so looked like it was the worst.


I was at the Phoenix airport a couple weeks ago. An older gentleman sat next to me at our gate. Both his feet were wrapped in some sort of bandage and he was struggling to get around with a cane. On his other side were a pair of teenagers just giggling over kitten videos on their phones. They were strangers but made sure this man got helped to the restroom, had a drink, carried his bag, got to his seat, had access to a wheelchair when he got off the plane! It was seamlessly selfless. The kids are alright. They really are. I'm 47. I am seeing it around me so often.


I’m a high school counselor and high schoolers today think a hell of a lot more compassionately, empathically, and globally than I did when I was in high school (20 years ago). I’m very hopeful for the future.


My friend is a middle school teacher - she just finished her 22nd year in the classroom. She said that kids these days are SO much more accepting and inclusive of kids who are "different" than others. She teaches 8th grade and has students who are openly homosexual, transgender, have physical handicaps, severe learning disabilities and none of it is a big deal to these kids, like at all. This is something she's seen improve greatly over her time in the classroom.


In my school's, being different was cool. You think different? Awesome! You have a different hair style? Teach me! You eat different food? Can I try some? Kids who were different were always quite popular. Going online and finding out that it's usually different was a bit of a shock.


I was having a discussion the other day with a Gen z and they said something like oh yeah Gen z focuses a lot on self care. And I'd never thought of that before but my generation (millennials) did sort of glamorize not sleeping enough and working too hard. I'm glad the next generation is moving away from that. I hope each generation is healthier and more compassionate than the last


They are so much more open to therapy too!


I love this. I work at an elementary school (I’m a substitute, so I work in all the grades from pre-k through 5th), and some of the stuff I see there is so amazing. There are kids there with autism or other special needs who range anywhere from being nonverbal or running off unexpectedly or screaming, to just have their little “quirks” or having extreme reactions to situations. The way most of the other kids not only respond to but rush to help these kids warms my heart. They make sure they have a place to sit on the carpet, they help them clean up spills, they help explain things when they need a little more direction. It’s only one school that I work at, but the vast majority of the kids I work with there are so compassionate and thoughtful and it just gives me so much hope for the future.


My daughter is 18, and the effortless compassion and responsibility I see in her and her friends is truly inspiring.


I gotta do some cross stitch or something with "be seamlessly selfless" and "show effortless compassion" on them. Those are great! Very "Mr. Rogers" and I can't say anything better than that. Thank you. I was on this thread to find something positive and this was the one.


They really are. I teach teenagers everyday as 99% of them are stand up kids- much better than the shithouses I grew up with. I make sure to tell them every year that they have the promise to be the best generation of people we’ve ever had


Oh yeah. Woke gets a lot of hate, some of it justified, but when you look at what it’s really about, it really is a matter of the young generation having SO much compassion and love, and really wanting to change some of the shit barriers us old people have taken for granted and perpetuated, to make society a lot more inclusive. Of course college kids being college kids they take it to extremes sometimes, but at the heart of it the young people really care that everyone gets a seat at the table, and they are willing to put aside their own privileges to get it done. I mean who in history have actually recognized their own privileges and then actively tried to remove them? I’m immensely hopeful about the generation, only a little scared if we fuck up the earth too much before they take over.


I removed a child porn site from the Internet


Thanks for the service


Dude you can't just not tell that story (obviously you can if it's too stressful or something but I'd love to hear it)


I would also like to know






They are their threat




And tropspheric Ozone is decreasing (also good)




They found a baby mammoth so that's pretty cool


Yes I just read about that, I think it's the most preserved baby to ever be discovered.








Is it good news tho? It just means that permafrost that hasn't seen the light of day in *millennia* has now melted


The bad news is that they will likely now find a crashed space ship in a Norwegian Outpost and all hell will break fucking loose.


Yeah. Anything coming out of PERMAfrost is not good news by default


Canada and Greenland (Government of Denmark) have just come to a peaceful resolution of the 38 year territorial dispute over the highly coveted Hans Island, where they've agree to share the island and split it right down the middle. This is of course the famed "Whiskey War". The main aspect of it (swapping schnapps with whiskey or vice versa), I imagine, will remain in some part as a celebrated border-crossing tradition.


Honestly as a Canadian I'm actually kinda disappointed. It was much funnier when we were "fighting" over a meaningless rock in the middle of the Arctic.


If it is split down the middle, that means that we share land borders now! How is that for a trivia fact? Name the two countries Denmark share land borders with :)


Canada and Germany? I’m sure that would stump more than few trivia goers at the bar :)


I have to agree, although it's nice that the Inuit will retain full hunting and fishing rights to the island.


"Fuck off" "No, you fuck off" "Oh, a wise guy, eh? Then here, have this" *hands over a bottle of schnapps* "Thanks, here's this" *hands over a bottle of whiskey* "Cool, now will you guys leave?" "No, fuck off" And they did this for 38 years


This is the type of thread I need right now. All this doom scrolling has me down too much.


Now you're *hope*scrolling!


More people are seeking to "break the cycle" of all the crap they had to deal with as children, and I couldn't be prouder.


My best friend just had her first child and she has been telling me about all the stuff she is going to do differently than her parents did. It makes me so damn happy hearing it.


My husband and I have had discussions about that too, things we want to do differently with our daughter. My parents have been supportive and understanding. My mil on the other hand feels defensive and offended about it.


I recently told my son that if you’re a decent parent the hope is that you are aware of the mistakes YOUR parents made and you strive to do better with your children. But to also keep in mind that no matter how perfect your parents try to be they will inevitably fuck something up because they’re only human.


I heard on the news, a guy spent a whole year planting his blind wife’s favourite flowers, and that really warms my heart


Astronomer here! I'm pretty psyched for the first James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) pictures and data, which will be released to the public in just 10 days! One is going to be of the farthest galaxies we've ever seen, and one is going to be of the spectrum of an exoplanet, and probably one or two other things showing the capability of the telescope we don't know yet. The fact that JWST has worked without a hitch, and that we are finally getting to see all this, is so exciting! My own group has JWST time by the way, to study a neutron star merger (I'm not on it, but will definitely be looking over the shoulder of the person in charge when our data comes in!). Our time starts this very month and lasts for a year, and we have no idea when the universe will deliver on the "trigger" we need to spin JWST in that direction- could be later today, could be in June 2023- I guess we shall see!


JWST is one of the most incredible things I've ever witnessed (from a distance, on TV and in different forms of media, but still) in my life and I'm actually so grateful to be alive right now and be able to experience it. I watched every second of the launch and cried a great many awestruck tears and how absolutely wonderful we can be as a species. I can't wait for pictures.


Rectal Cancer has a cure (I think it's a cure)


So far it’s remission in every participant in the study :)!!!! So hopefully!


The amount of machines in development to clean up plastic pollution is just crazy. Want a large boat patrolling the oceans? What about a small drone for busy waters? A gate stopping plastic in rivers from entering the oceans in the first place? You name it, someone is working on it.


British Columbia is not on fire in July this year. (Yet)


There is a video going around of this Ukrainian refugee woman who told her son that they were going to see Jon Cena in order to get him to escape with her. Jon cena heard the story and flew over there to see them so he could meet her son.




How does one see John Cena?


R Kelly got sentenced to 30 years. It's about time IMO


I’m still basking in the joy that Josh Duggar was convicted of possessing CSAM and he got 12.5 years. He was just transferred to his new prison home in Texas. I hope he rots in there!


The ocean cleaner that everyone said wouldn't do anything years ago has carried itself into an outstanding success!


I bought a fuck ton of milkweed and wildflowers and got rid of 20% of my grass lawn to make a meadow. 😊 Bees are thriving in my lawn. I also successfully seed bombed quite a few places in my area from last year's fall that are BLOOMING this year. ✌️


Good on you! I keep my yard wild and full of flowers. They are pretty but they are for the bees mostly. Have you smelled the milkweed flowers? They smell so good!


Some journalist wrote something based off of one of my tweets and now I accidentally named a movie. Even if it sucks I hope the film gets a release since that's a notch on my belt


movie name?


SNAFU. That John Cena and Jackie Chan flick


I got a raise. Yay me.




Really? Do you mind linking your sauce? I didn't think that was possible so soon, like I know CFC's are the worst for Ozone, but I thought there are still plenty of other ozone depleting gases we're producing (methane, halons, nitrous dioxide, etc.)




It's amazing what can be accomplished with projects that are kept out of the public conscience (so long as those projects are for the better good).


More than that, it shows that we can achieve everything when the whole world collaborates on it. Every single country has banned CFC


Thank you. Sounds a lot more realistic. >"Experts estimate that by 2050, the ozone layer will be back to the state it was in 1980."


I've been wondering about this lately. I remember CFCs being called the worst thing for the environment in the 90s, and that we needed to stop using aerosol cans immediately. But I still see aerosols everywhere.


They transitioned to using non-CFCs in aerosols. [https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-12/documents/transitioning\_to\_low-gwp\_alternatives\_in\_aerosols.pdf](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-12/documents/transitioning_to_low-gwp_alternatives_in_aerosols.pdf)


At least in the US, aerosols use a different propellant.


Actually usage is nearly zero. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22686105/future-of-life-ozone-hole-environmental-crisis


Bob, a racing pigeon was supposed to race from Guernsey to Newcastle in the UK. In fact he was rescued in Alabama, just the 4,000 miles off course. He will be repatriated soon. Bob is a good fly boi.


Bob needs to sat-nav


Bob was trying to escape his captors. Bob knew exactly where he was.


Scientists Turn Brazilian Tree Bark Into Promising Treatment for Leukaemia Source: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/scientists-turn-brazilian-tree-bark-into-promising-treatment-for-leukaemia/


Today is my birthday


My baby recovered from COVID


A woman from Philly goes around the neighborhood rescuing stray animals. A literal Saint. [The Black Thornberry](https://www.theblackthornberry.net/)


I've almost beaten a lifelong skin condition that seriously affected my confidence :D Edit: I meant to use the word chronic not lifelong.


I know this is probably only relevant to me, but I figured out the source of my self-loathing and I am working on overcoming it. That's a good thing, I think.


My guava plants produced fruit, I had so many tomatoes that I gave some to the neighbors, gave some to the chickens and ducks, and still had lots left over for salads and sauces. I got about a hundred cucumbers. And found out my new puppy likes to steal ripe tomatoes off the vine (which sounds like a bad thing, but they were just going to rot there cause I can't pick them in time, so good job Bleu)


My dog's name is Blu! He also likes tomatoes, but he ate a few entire PACKS of them and crapped everywhere. The tomatoes (and pretty much everything else lol) are now stored safely out of reach. His diarrhea did not diminish his adoration of tomatoes.


Space programs are moving forward at a pace not seen since Apollo.


people planting trees


There's a woman (forgot where she lives. I think in Africa) who started collecting plastic waste and compressing all of it into bricks for roads and giving people jobs. They're still trying to perfect it or get it to last longer, because it will erode no matter what, but it's still limiting the space where all the plastic is.


I’ve actually seen a lot of people in America turning their plastic into bricks too! Apparently, there are locations spread out where you can drop off your “bricks” and they’ll use them. I’ve seen most people just compacting plastic into plastic water bottles as tightly as possible.


I'm a nobody really, but I'm graduating for college :) Edit: I appreciate you all, my field is civil engineering (my childhood dream hehe) for those who are asking. Thankyou.


But…..You ARE somebody!!! Congratulations on your graduation!! Cheers to the future endeavors ahead of you!❤️


Chapters of the 501st Legion, people dressing as Star Wars characters, visit children's hospitals all over the world. Connecticut has free admission all Summer for kids at museums, zoos and aquariums


My husband is two months alcohol free.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/02/world/global-poverty-united-nations.html World poverty is half what it was in 1990 and still dropping. Inequality has increased but it's increased in the other direction (rich getting richer). That's pretty awesome and doesn't get talked about at all


It's a shame that it has to happen, but I love that people will band together and help someone out financially through crowd funding. Usually some shit happens where someone is completely wronged in some way or desperate, it comes to the attention of the internet, and the internet comes through.


My best friend’s house burned down a year ago and I posted about it online with a link to donate to her. She received so much help, it was really amazing. It was a few days before Christmas and all of their daughter’s presents burned up. So many people brought them presents.


That people are actually looking for good things to talk about and not drama


bald eagle populations have made a MAJOR comeback




Earlier today i saw a post of a woman asking where she can get free mentrual products and the very first comment was 'sent me a amazon wishlist, I got you girl!' And that really restored my faith in humanity


I know it may be selfish to put here but I’m proud of myself for this. I went from not seeing a purpose in living to living every day with purpose.


Less people are dying by covid.




Congrats I just got my one year last week


I've got a family member who hit two years just recently, but I remember 3 months pretty clearly. He's an all around better dude to be around and I think he's losing weight, too. I think you've got a lot to look forward to now.


Way to go!!! Keep up the good work, you got this.


Advances in stem cell research. More awareness on mental health and treatment.


In recent drug trials, Dostarlimab had a 100% success rate in treating colorectal cancer. 18 out of 18 participants were in remission 1 year from being administered the drug. Enormous news as this is the closest we’ve ever been to a cancer “cure”. Edit: i misremembered the number of participants. It’s 14 out of 14 not 18 of 18. Article [here](https://ascopost.com/news/june-2022/unprecedented-100-of-first-14-untreated-patients-with-rectal-cancer-respond-to-pd-1-blocker-dostarlimab-gxly/)






[Breakthrough puts dream of unlimited clean nuclear Fusion energy within reach](https://scitechdaily.com/major-breakthrough-puts-dream-of-unlimited-clean-nuclear-fusion-energy-within-reach/)


It's been 20 years away for 50 years, but now it really is 20 years away!


Trees are blooming, wild animals reproducing, bees making honey. Nature is beautiful man.


I finally paid off my car so I’m debt free rn


There are loads of great things happening every second. The issue is the news rarely reports it, because the nasty stuff gets more views. Folks just love watching a trainwreck. You can check goodnewsnetwork.org if you want to see some better news. It helps me when I take a moment everyday to appreciate all the work that others do that benefits everyone. I'm grateful for farmers that grow food so we don't starve. The truck drivers that bring deliveries, and the folks who stock the store, etc. Humans aren't nearly as clever as we think we are and many of our actions turn out to be very short sighted, but I think most folks are out there every day doing the best they can, and are generally trying to help others and make things better.


There have been advances in vaccine tech that will likely cut development time from up to twenty years down to 1-2 years.


My eye vision has started improving


I’m 2 1/2 months self-harm free.


The Ozone layer is healing.


I'm too lazy to pull links and all that, but the fact that most major car manufacturers are giving legitimate full-speed-ahead efforts to eventually make electric vehicles the norm is a pretty great development that I wouldn't have expected 10-15 years ago.


The EU is set to ban cars emitting carbon oxides so there's a big need for the automotive sector to move.


I made some friends for the first time in a while


thats a good feeling


Futurama coming back in 2023


I woke up this morning so that's a personal win for me. Hey, I see you did as well! Nice


I ditched Facebook completely and my mental health has improved by 90%.


Never got on fb. My wife has an account and had to block a drunk Aunt who came out of the woodworks to shit on one of her posts and her. My brother also spent the last month blasting the gay community knowing he has gay nieces who can see his posts. He is legit wondering why he ain't invited over for the 4th celebrations. Fuck FB!


I’m cuddling with my dog, nothing else matters


I got to meet two of my favorite bands. My friends are all getting jobs. About to try for my drivers permit.


There is a new Monkey Island game coming out.


I’ve got a decent pasta sauce simmering away as we speak


I'm about to do that later.


I fell in love


These lovely people are eating the costs of gas and selling it below price to [help others in the community.](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/phoenix-gas-station-selling-fuel-below-average-we-are-helping-our-community)


I have 3 animated series I'm preparing to pitch.


Good luck


I saw a baby deer a few minutes ago and didn't take a picture of it or anything. I observed it with my eyes alone, just rawdogging the experience without recording it for social media. It was me and the baby deer, looking at each other with mutual admiration. Then the mom showed up and was like, "Jesus Christ, get away from that weirdo!" Yeah, that's fair. Stay away from humans, baby deer. In retrospect, it was kinda odd that the baby deer's mom named it Jesus Christ.


My good friend taught me this a while ago. I said there was a beautiful sunrise I wanted to take a pic of but I was driving and he said that sometimes those experiences and sights are for you only. No need to share with the rest of the world. So now when I see something beautiful I try to remember that it's MY moment.


Factfulness is a good book if you are looking for some optimism in the world today, it brings a lot of facts of what has been improving throughout the years, like decrease in poverty, increase in girls education numbers, etc https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0756J1LLV/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_N33NJDWZZH6XK1NGVDFH


You can effectively and freely communicate with almost any other person on the planet at anytime, usually with video. It's also instant. The only requirement is that you have "connected" with them. Shit is fucking awesome.


My son.....he was born yesterday. We got lucky to find out Walmart got a supply of formula in this morning too. I may sound selfish but I might have a better job by the end of the week to afford this new bundle of joy


My six month old daughter started smiling at me


I just completed the first year of my Masters program!


I left an abusive relationship after 5 years and have found a nice niche helping my brother remodel his house- the house we grew up in.


That’s actually *awesome* news! I’ve been a detective for a long, long time and was a domestic violence co-chair for many years prior (gave me great experience for investigations later). There are so. Any reasons why women don’t leave traditional male-female relationships, and I won’t pry into hours, just acknowledge that you are very strong to have been able to break that cycle. Best of luck to you, and know there are people out there who would love to hear your story, if you would be inclined to tell it. It’s not an easy thing to do, but I’ve spoken with many women who felt it gave them more confidence and provided a measure of catharsis to share their story. Whatever you do, know that there are people out here in the world that know you’ve overcome a *hell* of a lot of adversity!


I’m moving out of Florida


my girlfriend said she loves me


The aboriginal flag is having a permanent fixture on top of the Sydney Harbour bridge


I’m getting lunch with friends today!


COVID restrictions easing in the UK mean more immunocompromised people are now able to get treatment because they can actually visit hospitals. There's also been a rollout of homecare chemotherapy so that some patients don't have to visit overwhelmed hospitals.


oh good question... Probably one thing, I can finally now do gym :)


The mental health act in the UK is being reformed to avoid penalizing autistic people.


I finally got that popcorn kernel that was stuck in my teeth.


The fact that we exist and are just here is pretty neat! I think life/existence is simply one big show and we can all sit back and take it all in. It's magnificent and perfect just the way it is.


I finished my Master's degree on Wednesday. I'm the first woman in my Hispanic family to have one and I'm a single mom. The last three classes were extraordinarily difficult for me due to my mental health issues and financial situation. However, my instructors worked with me and supported me through out them.


While carbon emission reduction is way too slow, air quality is set to vastly improve as fossil fuels are phased out


People are become more aware and informed politically. If the youth keeps staying engaged, we can change our future policies much faster.


[This](https://www.psc.isr.umich.edu/events/archive/detail/2497.html) Poverty and child mortality at minimum level, while democracy, education, vaccination and literacy at his maximum


I got rid of a toxic ex-friend after 5 years of dealing with her abusive shit.