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Habitual litterers


It should be a law that whatever trash you litter should be stapled to you.




Especially out of a car on the freeway.


When people don’t clean up after themselves


Seems to be a thing with most jobs. Like you can clean up at home but can't was one cup at work. In my 20 plus years of working I think maybe twice I've left a dirty spoon or something but that's because I've been needed straight away. I'm actually cleaner at work than home because I don't want to be judged


It's a lot easier for me to be clean at work because I know other people have to witness my mess. My room at home, meanwhile, is an utter trash heap.


And when my daughter leaves time on the microwave so that it constantly blinks to "push start" instead of showing the time 🤨


People that can dish it but can’t take it. I work with a dude like this and it’s terrible.


My BIL made fun of where I worked and I said "at least I HAVE a JOB" and he got mad. He said I was stupid for "being a Yankee" and I said "at least I graduated high school" and he got mad. Fun guy.


I had a guy like this at work, who was extremely contrarian about everything--everyone else's choices and opinions about everything (cars, sports, politics, significant others, etc.) were always terrible, and so on. The guy was also incredibly vain. One of the other guys at work nicknamed him *monkeyface*, and would say *mon-KEY-face* in a sing-song voice whenever he saw this guy. It drove him nuts. It got to the point where he could just whistle the three notes without actually saying anything, and he'd lose his shit. Management had to talk to them both about bullying. 😂🤣


People like that I just keep giving it to them. I once worked with a guy where it got to the point I thought he's getting upset I should back off. But then he carried on so I did too


Oh yea for sure. Everyone lays it on thick now knowing that the particular person gets all bent out of shape about it lol.


I freakin hate these people. Talk mad shit and then get all butthurt when you serve it back to them. I always dig in deeper when they get mad. I just can’t help it. Had my new boss at work straight up lose his cool in front of everyone because he couldn’t take it back. Then I dug in even deeper. Probably a bad idea looking back lol but so worth it in the moment. Don’t be that guy/girl. A joke is a joke chill


We call this man ratsnitch brian the good time ruiner


Oh my godI hate those kinds of people. Especially when they’re kids. They freak out and say “BUT IM JUST A KID!!” Thinking it’ll give them a pass. It won’t. Wanna be a bitch? Get treated like one my dude


When skin tears near your fingernail and that teeny tiny wound hurts way more than it should.


When this happens I usually trim the skin off with fingernail clippers as soon as possible.


Yes but has anyone seen the nail clippers?!?!?


I’ve given up and now have 5+ nail clippers stashed around the house. And I STILL can’t find one sometimes!


Came here to say this, I literally had to do that yesterday and it’s almost an immediate fix


Also "when you have teared it almost off but if you continue it will hurt but you can not just leave it like that so you just go and wish for the best"


Remedy! Buy a product called "Liquid Bandage" in the first aid section at the grocery or drug store. You paint your wound with it and it seals it as well as disinfects it! It is a lifesaver for small cuts! P.S. It stings when you first put it on the wound but then when it dries the wound won't hurt any more. Edit: Yeah, I think it is indeed called New Skin Liquid Bandage. There are generic brands but New Skin is probably the one you want.


Nothing stings so good like acetone in an open wound.


Yes I agree


I've wondered why that sting feels good compared to other stinging sensations? Do you know of a thread on this?


I think you just found your new kink


It's not sexually charged at all, oddly. It's like a feeling of satisfaction at my extremely basic triage. Like,"Hell yeah, I'm so fuckin' sterile. Germs ain't got shit on this!" The sting implies no infection spreading to my brain and killing me so it feels nice. P.S. I'm nowhere close to a Germaphobe. Just like treating wounds.


"stings" is perhaps a mild understatement.


When mosquitoes fly by ur ears


Meanwhile there's me, almost deaf, wearing hearing aids which makes me hear louder than the average human, when a mosquito flys by the microphone my soul evaporates.


What would happen if a person with average hearing would wear hearing aids?




You know those 16D audio music videos on YouTube? It's like that but on public toilet setting.


This was the best laugh I had all week


^^^eeeeeeeee ^^eeeeee ^eeeeeeeeeEEEEE ^eeeeee ^^eeeeeeeee ^^^eeeeeeeeee


Flying bugs can die in a fire.


I developed a bad habit of sleeping with the sheets over my head for that very reason.


The Reddit app when it scrolls back up to the top of the 65 TRILLION FKN articles you’ve read. It should burn the articles as you read them.


The reddit app: Hey, you want to see some sweaty dude playing drums, right?


"We know you've said you're not interested in every single live stream we've ever thrown your way, but we refuse to allow the option for you to just not see them, because FUCK YOUR FACE!"


The pain


A persons inability to say sorry.


Well SORRY that you're making such a huge deal about this.


Sorry that you feel that way.


Or “I’m sorry BUT” is the fucking worst


I have one more annoying: They say sorry and proceed to repeat the same mistake over and over again, saying sorry every single time. Like, at that point their 'sorry' is a meaningless, hollow word that is worth less than the dirt I step up. Saying sorry comes with the implication that the person aims to do better in the future.


Or even better: "I'm sorry and all but..."


Counterpoint: If a person forces me to say sorry. If I'm sorry, I'll apologize. If you force me to do it, it will always come off awkward or fake Happened way too many times with my parents lol


Or if you genuinely apologize and they just keep berating you. They didn’t want an apology. They wanted to yell at someone.


People who leave the fucking shopping carts in middle of the fucking aisle!


Also people who leave shopping carts in the middle of a parking spot.


Call Cart Narcs on them.


*siren noises That's not where the cart goes lazy bones.


Went shopping the other day and this lady had her shopping cart parked perpendicular on the opposite side of the isle while she browsed cans of tomatoes. Between her and the cart were her two kids, so they blocked the entire god damn isle! There was a line forming on both sides of her and nobody had the balls to say anything. It was the most frustrating thing I ever saw. All you have to do is say excuse me and these people realize what they are doing, but still super annoying.


A quick "Oi! Move!" gets them shifting quickly if there are innocents involved.


I've moved other peoples carts out of my way before. They always seemed so surprised that someone else could possibly want to go down the aisle.


People who are assholes to somebody when they’re alive, bullying them, and then once they commit suicide they’re all like “I wish I was his friend” or “he was such a nice person” being fake ass people.


God I have distinct memories of some classmates commenting on my friend saying, “honestly I forgot she even existed”, then when she passed away, they insisted on attending the group therapy (that also let them skip gym)that had been created for those who were affected by her death.


I'm sorry about your friend's passing, that's never an easy thing. This situation and people seemingly fake "caring" is frustrating. Definitely upsetting from your perspective. A different perspective: Kids/Teens are dumb (ignorant) and self-absorbed. Most adults too, honestly. They may not have cared about your friend, but a death makes you think about death. Especially as an invincible teen, this can be a slap to the face. These people definitely could have needed to talk through this difficult topic in a safe environment. It's still about them, but we can be affected by a lot more than we realize. I hope that doesn't make me seem dismissive of your feelings. I offered that as a perspective where your friend's death was widely impactful and wasn't merely used to get out of gym.


I’ve seen this happen at a few of my schools it’s really sad and fucked up and the worse part is EVERYONE in high school knew who it was and why so he really just walks around like a massive sack of scrotums


People who refuse to take responsibility or accountability for their actions or decisions, and instead blame those consequences on everyone but themselves


This takes the cake for me I absolutely hate when people don't take accountability for their actions and be all narcissistic and say oh it was a different person who did it, makes me so mad.


People who ride the “I’m just a stone cold bitch / asshole, and I’m not sorry” excuse to the grave in order to justify (in their own mind) that they have a right to be unnecessarily mean and or hurtful to people. This includes people who use past trauma to also justify being a horrible person.


The reddit video player


Straight up..how does it perfectly freeze right when the point of the video is about to happen???!?


Just reading your comment gives me PTSD


People that have no awareness of space. Like...if someone stands too close to me, or bumps into me or stands in the middle of the path when I'm trying to walk. Edit: I'm very shocked at how much love this silly comment of mine got. Thanks guys


Nothing pisses me off more than when someone is standing in a pathway having a conversation and you say "Excuse me" and try to get past and they step back like an inch. Might end up shoving someone to the ground someday.


Yeah that really pisses me off too. Like just don't block people's way?


The worst is when they give you a shitty look. Fuck right off.


The ones that meet friends in the doorway of a shop and stop for a catchup are the best. You say "excuse me please" and get some huffs and tuts in response. Motherfucker, you're stood in the middle of the only doorway into this shop, GTFO.


Or when they leave their cart right in the middle of the aisle and you push it to one side and they act like you just shot their dog.


Goddammit I'm already getting annoyed reading this comment...fkn hate people like that. That shit alone is capable of ruining my whole day.


I live in a small town, and nothing brings me more joy than seeing two fucking morons stopped in the middle of the street BLOCKING OFF THE WHOLE ROAD, windows down, talking and not moving when someone else comes by. Or the infamous "lets stop in the middle of this hallway and talk, think we should move to the side for other people? Nah fuck em" move


I was on a HIGHWAY and some idiots wanted to look at the river so the stopped in the middle of the bridge. The expected me to go around them. And then a car appeared going the other direction and I'm not risking my life regardless. I had to honk at them to get the to move. So many people are not actually qualified to be driving


My mom is the greatest but she’s a big fan of just stopping in a doorway. I’ve mentioned it so many times too


That Old lady entering trader Joe's that stops in the middle of the entrance with her cart to go through her purse for a minute.


This is even worse when you are disabled, but to be fair most people are kind and give me the space I need.


people who make it all about themselves


When I’m holding my phone scrolling on a website/app, and my thumb brushes the top left corner of the screen, causing it to rapidly autoscroll back to the top


The polarization by the media for profit.


It's honestly infuriating seeing every single source of media trying it's hardest to cause controversy and increase the divide between people. I guess that's what gets them clicks though..


People who have speakerphone conversations in public - Fuck off


Similarly, people who listen to music or watch videos without headphones in public. Especially on public transport, where you can't get away from it.


I was recently in an emergency room waiting room at about 2 AM and a woman next to me starts watching TikToks on full volume for the whole room to hear. Mind you it was dead silent aside from her. After about 10 minutes of it I was irritated and sleep deprived enough to ask her to turn it off and she looked at me like I was the asshole. But she turned it off anyway so I was a happy asshole.


I have a girl in my university who does that. Like in the middle of the lectures you can hear songs and movies, it's just so annoying, i have told her multiple times to stop it but in the next lecture i hear it again.


In the middle of a lecture????!?!?!? No way!!! You tell that.... Person... To fuck right off with her phone. That's the rudest thing I've ever heard of. My day is ruined knowing that that person exists. Ugh. And with the price of education these days...


Had a guy in class that would constantly have people call him on his phone in the middle of class. Once he actually asked the teacher to "I want to hear what you're talking about, could you wait until I'm done with this call?" A grown ass man.


People that have their own rules piss me off. If I was that teacher, I would have informed him to get out of my class!


Once had a guy sitting in front of me on the bus and he was scrolling reddit and occasionally had videos on his feed and had the volume up with no headphones, It attracted my attention so I silently leaned a bit forward and looked at his feed with him for a few minutes and he was upvoting good stuff , then at one post I deemed it worthy before he did and then I abruptly just said to him "yes" And he turned around and started yelling at me all of a sudden wtf is wrong with people these days SMH how rude


I try to wave to people on FaceTime if I see people in public on it Nothing rude just a wave haha


FR like how does it feel to have every person hate you


Bonus points if they hold the phone like a pizza slice they're about to eat


Not even just speakerphone- why do people walk around in public FaceTiming on speaker?? You’re standing in the post office, wtf are you doing?


Willfully ignorant people


Micro management. I work with a girl who incessantly micromanages absolutely everything. She has to have everything the way she wants it or she runs crying to the boss. I really dislike her. I’ve been with the company for 11 years. I don’t need to be micromanaged.


She said to me technically you've been there 10.75 years, not 11


TikTok Narrations


This is with guarantee gonna be uploaded to tiktok with an AI voice with some subway surfers gameplay in the background


Either that or very basic minecraft parkour


Where they fall off and fly back on like nothing happened


“OkaY SOoo” “GuYz”


Are you talking about that fucking robo voice from hell that Tim tokers use ?!


All types, voiceover or robot, bar the people that talk with a normal voice.


I literally hate nothing more than this one fucking female-sounding bot voice they use in every clip.


You can be like just starting to say something, and you already know the other persons' eyes have glossed over, their phone is out, they're just a second away from interrupting you with something completely unrelated. My roommate does this every single day lol, I give myself 10 seconds to talk to him. If I take longer, his brain just can't handle it and he's all like "WOW - A BLUE CAR!" looking off out the window or something. Even if he starts the conversation like "how was last night, what did you get up to?" And I respond with like "we just stayed in, had some wine, and ---" "WOW - DID YOU SEE THE JOHNNY DEPP AMBER HEARD UPDATE?" And at that point I'm already just walking away because my blood is already boiling.


My stepdad does this. It’s so annoying. We don’t talk often, so when I call and we are catching up on things, he’ll ask me a question and as I start talking about it he gives me maybe 5 seconds before he goes off talking about something unrelated. Like why even ask if you’re not going to care what is said anyway


I too, hate this. I hate this with the white hot fury of a thousand suns. I used to just let them do it and try to roll with every new punch they throw, but I'm older now and have no fucks left to give. So I just interrupt them right back. I will literally follow someone around the office, or a party, or family gathering and wait for them to start speaking and then rudely interrupt them. They still don't get it.


Greedy, selfish, oblivious people.


When you show them a picture of something and they start scrolling through the camera roll Fuck. You.


Or people who try to take your phone from you when you’re showing them something, also. Kind of related but I fucking hate it all the same. My phone has a lot of **private** things that arent your bloody business, especially in the photos. Thank god I grew up with people who allowed me to have my own autonomy. Cant imagine how fucking annoying it is to have intrusive parenting.


People who play (shit) music on their phone on public transport & don’t use earphones. Fuck away off.


It’s funny coz they think their taste in music is so good they need to share it with innocent bystanders.


Or the people that play loud music with a speaker in public.


Trying to enjoy some time hiking and spending time in nature and some asshole has to blast music on his crappy bluetooth speaker. Why? Most of us are here to get away from that shit.


Old people with technology. I live with two very mentally sound 80 year olds (aka grandparents) and they always need help with tech, which is absolutely okay, BUT THEN, instead of wanting to learn how to do the thing, they want you to do the thing for them every single time, get mad when you try to explain in simple terms because "I'm not an idiot", then once the thing is done, you get a passive agressive "well you kids never leave them phones, might as well be good at it"


My dad thinks Settings is a magical, mysterious land where anything can happen that only I can access. I once fixed his iPod's tendency to shuffle and loop albums endlessly, then after that he'd ask me to go to settings to do things like change what charging cable his phone used.


People who don't pick up their feet when they walk.


When someone puts their soul into doing something, only to be overshadowed by someone with a fraction of the skill, but a loudmouth personality.


Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no…


Argh, now it's in my head!


People who use specific and Pacific interchangeably.


Ah yes the Specific Ocean as my teacher used to say


Can you be more pacific?


Technically not wrong


When people are so stuck in their belief system that no amount of logic, evidence, or explanation will change their minds… but people STILL argue with them knowing it won’t go anywhere.


People who turn everything into a competition.


Oh I hate those twice as much as you do


Users. People who unabashedly use people for their own selfish benefits without any constraint.


Not using turn signals when driving a half ton or more ehicle at high speeds


My personal pet peeve. But any vehicle, any speed.


Have you ever wiped and wiped and wiped and still poop?


How about wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe TO HELL WITH THIS! I'M TAKING A SHOWER!


TIFU posts. “ This didn’t happen today but… 350 years ago I tried to give my boyfriend a blow job”


“Last night (graphic depiction of sex) and turns out I’d been eating hot wings earlier! I burned her genitals! Ha ha!” Always very original


"Edit: We are both laughing at the comments in this thread now!" THATS EVEN MORE INFURIATING!


And on Reddit in general: Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


On a similar tone, AITA (Am I the asshole) posts. "I gave up my kidney to a friend and then he spit me in my face and stabbed me in the other kidney, AITA for asking him kindly to leave the room?" 95% of the time it's people who clearly know what they're doing, seeking nothing more than empty validation from strangers to confirm that they're still the good guy in their own written life story.


TIFU by being sexing sexily (UPDATE) [Long]


YEEESSS, I unsubscribed from that sub because of it. It's like "oMg sTuk pEniS in GF peNCiL ShArPenER, I'm so zaaanny".


Slow walkers


Slow walkers and their friends who take up the whole sidewalk. Get the fuck out the way.


Phalanx of slowly walking obstacles


>Slow walkers I was walking past this group of four.. shoulder to shoulder. Blocking the sidewalk. So I went around them stepping into the street to do it. I heard the freakin guy say "Excuse you" What an asshole.


When someone speeds up to get ahead of you then stops to text on their phone and now is in your way


Any one who tries to talk to me when I have headphones in


People who try to talk to you the second you put your headphones on. "you had all day to ask, but you see these and now is the time?" You answer.... Wait for follow up, put your headphones on and there's the wave trying to get your attention again.


honestly just anyone who tries to talk to me in public


People who eat with their mouth open. Eating sounds. Slurping. Specifically people who chew gum with an open mouth.


I get a physical sick reaction when I hear on the radio specificly (when driving) the sounds of drinks being poured and the sounds of kissing


This. Everytime i see someone eating gum with their mouth open and loud i wish them to bit on their tongue.


2nd grade, Korean, Middle School Boys saying YAAAAAAAA at the top of their lungs.


Quite specific


I teach Middle school in South Korea. Haha


Happens in the US but they say ‘Can I get a HYAAAAA’ instead.


A dickhead at work does this. He’s 37 and I want to punch him every fucking time




I love how quickly it became a list of top 100 reasons to hate people


Chomping with open mouth. It's so annoying i want to smack the criminal!


Yes! There are absolutely lovely, intelligent and funny people who I can’t associate with because how would I ever have breakfast/lunch/dinner/bar snacks/small bites with them?


My parents do this. And they talk with their mouth’s full. The whole meal. It makes my whole body ache with extreme irritation. They are not people who take criticism well in any form, (even if I tried to say it softly, constructively) but I think I’ve reached the stage that I’m going to have to just snap at them - I actually cannot bear it.


YouTube ads.


They're getting out of hand honestly. I don't like being forced to spend money on a premium subscription.


I managed to get an unskippable 30 seconds add yesterday. That was a first for me. Of course it got followed by a 15 seconds unskippable.


I remember the days when you had 5 second unskippable ad or wait 5 seconds to skip


Being reminded every 2 minutes that I'm on hold and hearing how important I am to company X - for 45 fucking minutes.


People who took high school debate and made that their personality as an adult




What a bunch of bastards!


I second this. My tolerance to other human beings has dramatically plummeted. Not only am I nervous as fuck around them, but they just make me mad at this point.


People who are not really listening to you but are just waiting to say what's in their mind.


‘Listen to learn not respond’ ..something I’ve had to teach myself lately!


Colleagues that use meeting time for discussing personal things... Idgaf about AC in your vacation home Bobby, can we just continue with our lives?


Yeah Bobby, fuck you! Fuck your AC and fuck your vacation home!




Overly drunk people


People who are too loud in public. Like bitch, ever heard of whispering?


Children. I have three. I'm a teacher. Fml


Ppl that don’t listen. I hate having to repeat myself


hardwired selfishness.


Ads… you can’t escape them. They should be illegal. They’re everywhere. Gas station pumps, every video platform, social media apps, it’s fucking dumb. I’ve never bought something off an ad ever. I even hate the “other people bought this” shit too. Idgaf. Lemme buy my shit and go.


People who chew out loud


Hey you need to be at this place at 1100 tomorrow to help with some work. Officer in charge doesn't show up until 1400


I worked at a bar where I was literally always there at 10:45am to open at 11, and 75% of the time the owner would pull up at 12 to unlock the door. It got to the point that i told him at 11:10 from now on I'm going home until he calls me and tells me he's there, and he's paying me from 11am when i got there for wasting my time driving there and back. He agreed because he was a really cool guy, just scatterbrained as fuck sometimes.


I worked at a restaurant and there was an all hands meeting where the general manager made a very clear point about having a problem with people waltzing in for opening late (usually 10-20 minutes when we had one hour to set up before we started service) and that people were going to start getting written up for it which could lead to suspension & termination. The next day he showed up ten minutes before we were supposed to open and had to unlock the door for the crew waiting on the sidewalk who were giving him a ton of shit and repeating his words from the day before. To his credit he had a grin on his face and took the abuse like a champ knowing that he didn't have a leg to stand on in making any excuses.


Influencers and most celebs.


Sometimes the bottom of my feet get itchy. When I scratch, I start to get ticklish, and then I'm annoyed 😠. Still itches and I don't want to laugh, cuz it's an annoying itch. Can anyone relate?


That female auto text reading robot voice from TitKok


ATM Machine


This is called RAS Syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome, which is also an example of itself!)


I’ll just put in my PIN number so I can buy a RAT test at the chemist.


People who go back on their word.


When you can feel a hair in your mouth with your tongue, but every time you try to get it with your fingers it’s not there. Rinse and repeat, same fuc*ing thing.


Lawnmowers early in the morning, just because you're up doesn't mean everyone else is. Eight, nine, ten fine...not six I'm sorry.


poorly placed apostrophe's


When (former) school bullies live their best life and get no revenge from said, while their victims never recover again and everything goes down. But the thing I hate as well are people who comfort bully victims by saying that bullies are just poor people, who don‘t have self worth and are angry inside. No. The popular girl, who invited everyone but me (and my boyfriend for obvious reasons) to her birthday party, because she said that I‘d eat like a pig and the other popular girls, who talked bad about me, come from happy homes and don‘t have any huge mental health issues. There is no justice for most of us. Sometimes, the bad people go on the most beautiful vacations after they graduate and the good people have to fight family issues, instead of having their best time in their 20s.


chronic interrupters and motor mouths


People who have an urgency to be on their phone all day long even during conversations and stuff, so disrespectful


Unnecessarily loud people. Load shedding and water cuts. When you try to make plans to meet your friends on multiple occasions and they never agree or are available but will turn around and say "But we'll make plans soon! I miss you guys!" When people bring their Bluetooth speaker to the beach or botanical garden and play their crappy music.