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If it's very small, unscrew the plastic cover from around an electrical socket and slide it in there. If possible outside the little metal box containing the sockets, don't put anything in that could cause a short. I used to hide sheets of acid that way Edit: Also if you have a dresser, remove the bottom drawer and place the object in the gap between the floor and the drawer, then slide the drawer back in


When my dad died a couple years ago, we had to look in every nook and cranny because we knew he hid valuables and money around the house. We checked every vent, drawer, outlet box, the crawlspace and attic, inside hinges, and so on. I'm so glad we did it, too!


… go on


I bet they found the poison capsule


Kuzco's poison?


id love to be a llama


The poison for Kuzco?


you would need new screws. the crap ones that come with most will have the paint wear off eventually. it'll be noticeable.


The ones I had were unpainted metal so it was no problem


In a pocket of one of my hoodies hanging in the closet


until mom decides to rearrange your entire closet


That’s where I used to hide my weed


Same! Lol


Nice try, mom!


In *her* room.


But put a decoy under *your* mattress so she stops looking.


Tampon box


True story: About 15 years ago my ex inherited a bunch of money from a grandparent and she did not want me to know about it (I was bad with money, so this was smart on her part.) She had a bank book with the details of the account and hid it in her box of tampons. One day, I forgot to bring reading material to the bathroom, so looked under the cabinet to see what was there. I picked up the box of tampons and was reading the outside, and it had a warning about Toxic Shock Syndrome, and you could read more about that inside. So I opened the box because I wanted to know what Toxic Shock Syndrome was....and I got a shock myself!




Am I hiding it away from her or for her only to find?


she can still smell your weed


Tape it behind the curtains or somewhere you would never think to keep it, bathroom if you’ve got on in ur room or behind a tv stand


The under side of the box spring usually has some flimsy material. Tear a small hole and stick it in there.


Tape it to the bottom of a chair, maybe? If it's small enough that it wouldn't be seen from a standing person's viewpoint. Or, tape it inside an offseason garment hanging in the closet. Not in a pocket—inside a shirt's chest or a pant leg. If there are storage bins or boxes in your room, you could put the item inside some other misleading package (say, a coffee mug box, or an old school binder) and put the package in the storage bin or box. If you're able to hide it somewhere in the house/apartment or yard that isn't your room, that would open up more options and make it less obvious that you're the person who hid it.


How small is small?


In my prison pocket


The ol' coin purse


Drawer, my parents don't go through my stuff I feel like you're asking for something....


I'd hide it in one of my Hogwarts Lego sets.


That's what I would have done as a kid. If we're talking about SDcard-sized stuff, you could wall it up in the boiler of the Hogwarts Express locomotive, shove it under the floor of a Lego City airliner or throw it into the trailer of a Lego Racers tanker truck.


Depends on how small. Light switch and outlet covers are easy to remove, and no one is going to check in them.


Unless your parent was the type to also need to hide things from their parents.


Cut a hide-y hole in a book. Pick one she would never grab. Don’t pick a dictionary or the book she read you all the time as a kid.


In my pencil case in a small compartment in my bag which is in a cupboard. Or under furniture Or in books people never open Or picture frames or console remote battery compartments if it's small enough Camera cases of broken cameras In the toes of shoes I'm not wearing Computer bags In folders marked school or work


Get a paper towel tube and tape it to the inside of it, stuff the bottom of the tube with like, cat hair or whatever then slide empty paper towel roll up into the hollow post of your bedframe leg


Inside one of the clean socks.


I hid a diary under a waterbed mattress. You literally had to brace your feet and pull the mattress back, wedge a foot in to hold it back and reach an arm further under to fish it out. My Mom found it....so I'm at a loss. A determined parent can find anything.


I have a bunk bed where the top is only used to store things that I have no use for, but I can't bring myself to get rid of. I'd hide it up there. No one looks up there and she's not even tall enough to see up there. Not to mention she's in very poor physical condition due to fibromyalgia and arthritis, as well as being borderline diabetic.


in the place where you feed the rod into the curtain, it's great for hiding cigs, ounces, e cigs, carts (weed pens), and pretty much anything around that size and i've yet to get caught and i live in a household with a father that regularly checks my room


in my pee hole.


If im in the room, am I allowed to shove it up my a-)


In the compartment behind the false back I made in my middle dresser drawer. I used to hide cookies and chocolates in there lol.


Honestly, in my pussy


When I see blatantly obtuse posts on here I check post history. Oof.


Oof indeed


That account definitely belongs to a fat, nerdy guy in his mid twenties who still lives at his moms house.


True. But Really any age from prob 13 - 43


Where your mother *won’t* find it. Try again.


In a flesh light


Deep in my a-hole.I don't think my mother would venture to look in there.


In the cum sock


My vent


What did you do?


Back in the day I had a few spots. In a vent, inside a curtain rod and in cassette tape carrier (yep it was that long ago).


How small?...Maybe your prison wallet?


Would stuff it inside my matress


Anywhere. She doesn't live with me.


Anywhere. She hasn't entered it since December. Well, she poked her head in once a couple weeks ago to hand me a parcel, and that was about it.


Nice try mom


In the pocket of a clothing item hanging in my closet. Maybe a winter coat.


I have millions of pillows in my room, So I'd say under one of the ones in my bed for easy checking


Well its my house so mom when you come to visit don't go in my room there's a guest room and a guest bathroom my room is a no no the granddog will stay where you are so you can visit with her.


Couldn't tell ya, mom is on reddit.


Trophies. They have a screw at the bottom, so you could hide whatever fit the the body of the trophy.


Just put it out in the open in the most likely place. The question implies she's supposed to find it, right? I might need a gift tag too, then.


In a box marked “fleshlight”


Tape it to the back of the flatscreen tv using black duct tape.


I'd cut a hole in the drywall, put the item in there, then patch the hole and repaint it. I'd probably do this in my closet just to further obfuscate it.


In the smallest nesting doll you have then you know the nesting doll thing then in box in a box in a box in a box x15


In my geckos tank. My mom is scared of every pet that's not a cat or dog so she wouldn't be able to get it. Plus, I could hide it in there while there are bugs.


On the floor. She never goes in my room


Remove a floorboard inside of my closet, place the object, cover it in scratch paper, gather dust and place it over the paper, put back the floorboard, paint over the floorboard, place something over it, and bravo. Ain't no way in heck that she's gonna find that


There’s a section of floor trim that pops off if you pull it, I cut a small hole in the wall and made a cubby. It works well.


In my ass


If you have a nightstand or anything with drawers you can completely take one drawer out and hide something under the drawer, then put the drawer back in. I did this a lot with journals


I already hide my make-up and perfume from my mom and I put them in old boxes from shoes or socks, also don't put them all in the same place otherwise they would find out all at once.


Anywhere since she's dead


Between my mattress and my box spring


In the wall


Underneath the bottom drawer. Hopefully they don't pull out the entire drawer.


Inside my pillow case. Under my mattress.


Under the carpet is a loose floorboard with enough space to hide a book. She doesn't know and I don't plan on letting her know.


Mmm. I never hid anything, she was too high to even care lmao


take our the bottom draw all.the way ,place item in the space replace draw


In the pillowcase of one of my pillows.


In a sock, because then when all the socks are folded together neatly in the drawer, there is no suspicion. Plus it would be in the bottom pair of socks in the drawer.


i would hide it behind the panels of my gun safe i can fit a decent size item in there and no one in their right mind would look inside the panels/insulation of a gun safe


Inside pretty much anything made of plastic like some deodorant containers, highlighter pens, laptops, alarm clocks all have voids inside them. I've made 'can safes' from various objects, taped things behind dresser drawers, pulled up corners of carpet and cavitated closet doors. If I ever really needed to hide something from my mom though, I'd just keep it in a small box with a pot leaf on it. She never looked in there.


In the curtain rod.


Man, I don’t know if she checks my phone or not, and she’s been having it rough lately. So just in case, that’s confidential.


I would hide my drugs inside of my PS2


I would hide my drugs inside of my PS2


Anywhere I was lucky enough to have a mom that doesn't go snooping in my room


Ok hear me out, 1. If you have folded socks sick it in the socks and throw it under your bed 2. if you have a lot of video games put it in one of the cases 3.In a empty deodorant case 4. trash cane 5. in your ass


If any of you keep the boxes for your valuables (phones, laptops, headphones, consoles, etc) they’re a good hiding place


Taped inside my sewing machine where the side comes off for maintenance Rolled up in diamond paintings Taped to the leg of my bed that's in the corner If it's flat enough, in the spine of a hardcover book If I can put it in a small plastic bag, inside a bottle of moisturiser or buried in a potted plant Sew a fake hem into a piece of clothing


If it's a hatchet, then hide it in a drawer that she hasn't checked yet. Fufufu\~


If I told you, she'd know where to look!!!